Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.

I remember that day well. I was at the American Consulate in Berlin at the time. We Cheered. They released those souls because they were shit-faced TERRIFIED of that "Cowboy from California" and they didn't want to see their country go up in a mushroom cloud.

Now instead of fear - we are laughed at.

I was at Homestead AFB in a Tactical Control Squadron...Shortly after that I was on a Mountain top in Northern Greece...
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"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?
Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?



History is not a damn secret that needs "releasing". Nor is the post where I gave you a link directly to it back on April 5th. That's when both you goobers went silent. The memory is the second thing to go...

Nor is the New York Times, which says you're a liar in paragraph 5.

Revisionists.... SMH...
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Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.

Horseshit. They agreed to the release before Reagan was in office. Warren Christopher got it done.
Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.

Horseshit. They agreed to the release before Reagan was in office. Warren Christopher got it done.
So, there was no "secret deal" with Reagan, like the left keeps claiming?
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

And you're willing to admit you're dense enough to think that happens in a vacuum? :lmao:

>> On Jan. 20, 1981, the hostages were freed under an agreement called the Algiers Accords that was negotiated by President Jimmy Carter but not carried out until the day he left office. << (from the link posted above for Pennyante)

Again... revisionists. Y'all are masters at self-delusion.
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

"release them?" They're not held hostage, you know.

At any rate, here is a link from Reagan's inauguration... before Reagan is sworn in, Walter Kronkite is heard exuberantly announcing the hostages are free ...

9:23 - Kronkite: "Well it appears that President Carter will not be going directly to any such uh restful retreat as that. He is scheduled to be named by President Reagan as his delegate to the ... the United Press has uh sent a flash at 11:35 that the hostages are free! We do not yet know any details of that or whether it's official."

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Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.

I remember that day well. I was at the American Consulate in Berlin at the time. We Cheered. They released those souls because they were shit-faced TERRIFIED of that "Cowboy from California" and they didn't want to see their country go up in a mushroom cloud.

Now instead of fear - we are laughed at.

More horseshit.
Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

"release them?" They're not held hostage, you know.

At any rate, here is a link from Reagan's inauguration... before Reagan is sworn in, Walter Kronkite is heard exuberantly announcing the hostages are free ...

9:23 - Kronkite: "Well it appears that President Carter will not be going directly to any such uh restful retreat as that. He is scheduled to be named by President Reagan as his delegate to the ... the United Press has uh sent a flash at 11:35 that the hostages are free! We do not yet know any details of that or whether it's official."

-- And that was because the terms had been negotiated in the Algiers Accords January 19, by Warren Christopher. It wasn't announced because the Administration didn't want anything to go awry with it. It wasn't Reagan using a special 25-years-ahead-of-its-time smartphone to text Khomeni while he sat waiting to be sworn in, which is what these yahoos seem to believe.
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Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.

What did they fear? That he sometimes played a tough guy in the movies?
The north east academic elitist liberals of the Democratic party led by Tip O'Neill did JC in the second he was elected.
They ran Teddy "I M smashing empty Miller Lite cans off of my forehead and did not see any rape" against JC with an end around the second time the Democrats nominated JC and then undermined his Presidency during the Iranian hostage crisis before Ronnie took office.
The nation had never seen a sitting President demonized behind the closed doors of their own party running for a 2nd term.
Liberals and right wing religious kooks eat their own.
Let's Explore the Reagan Mythology

1. Tough on Terrorism? Feared by Iran? False. See Iran/Contra which revealed that Reagan formed an alliance with Iran as he poured weapons into the world's leading terrorist regime. He also helped Hussein consolidate power in Iraq, and went so far as to remove Iraq from the official list of Terrorist Nations so that he could supply money/weapons to that fucking monster.

2. Fiscally Responsible? False. See Reagan's deficits and debt. Reagan nearly tripled Carter's deficits and debt. But government debt is only half the story. Starting in 1980 Americans began taking on unprecedented levels of debt. American families were squeezed as jobs/manufacturing were shifted to freedom-hating dictatorships that offered our corporations ultra cheap labor costs. With the war on labor/wages/benefits/Middle Class Programs (all intended to incentivize investment), Americans required ever larger amounts of credit (debt) to keep pace and survive. This is why we all started receiving 3 credit card offers a week. Morning in America was brought to you by Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Now, after 30 years of debt based spending, the average American family is too strapped to consume at the needed levels to sustain economic growth. They are too indebted to borrow another dime. But don't take my word for it. Have the courage to google "consumer debt starting in 1980." The debt-to-disposable income ratio of American households more than doubled from 60% in 1980 to 133% in 2007.

3. Small Government? False. Reagan added more workers to the federal rolls than any president in the last 50 years by a staggering margin.

Reagan Grew Government More than Any President in My Lifetime

Non Military Government Employees by President

Ronald Reagan
- Started: 2,875,000
- Ended: 3,113,000

Reagan EXPANDED the Federal Workforce by 238,000

Bill Clinton
- Started: 3,083,000
- Ended: 2,703,000

Clinton REDUCED the Federal Workforce by 380,000

George W Bush
- Started: 2,703,000
- Ended: 2,756,000

Bush EXPANDED the Federal Workforce by 53,000

Obama's numbers cannot be tallied yet because he is still in office, but here are some interesting facts.

By the end of 2010, the United States had less employees than we did at the end of Reagan even though the population has grown from 226,545,805 to approximately 330,000,000 in 2010.

1988 &#8212; 3,113,000 &#8232;
2010&#8212; 2,840,000

In his 3rd year Reagan added 1.2 million government employees, which not only improved his employment stats, but it put more spenders/consumers in the economy which prevented main street layoffs.

By contrast Obama laid-off 250,000 government employees during his 3rd year.

(Do you understand the Reagan hoax?)

Reagan created the biggest government this country has ever had. He nearly tripled the size of the carter Government and Carter debt. And he made government bigger than any president in my lifetime.
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Let's Explore the Reagan Mythology

1. Tough on Terrorism? Feared by Iran? False. See Iran/Contra which revealed that Reagan formed an alliance with Iran as he poured weapons into the world's leading terrorist regime. He also helped Hussein consolidate power in Iraq, and went so far as to remove Iraq from the official list of Terrorist Nations so that he could supply money/weapons to that fucking monster.

2. Fiscally Responsible? False. See Reagan's deficits and debt. Reagan nearly tripled Carter's deficits and debt. But government debt is only half the story. Starting in 1980 Americans began taking on unprecedented levels of debt. American families were squeezed as jobs/manufacturing were shifted to freedom-hating dictatorships that offered our corporations ultra cheap labor costs. With the war on labor/wages/benefits/Middle Class Programs (all intended to incentivize investment), Americans required ever larger amounts of credit (debt) to keep pace and survive. This is why we all started receiving 3 credit card offers a week. Morning in America was brought to you by Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Now, after 30 years of debt based spending, the average American family is too strapped to consume at the needed levels to sustain economic growth. They are too indebted to borrow another dime. But don't take my word for it. Have the courage to google "consumer debt starting in 1980." The debt-to-disposable income ratio of American households more than doubled from 60% in 1980 to 133% in 2007.

3. Small Government? False. Reagan added more workers to the federal rolls than any president in the last 50 years by a staggering margin.

Reagan Grew Government More than Any President in My Lifetime

Non Military Government Employees by President

Ronald Reagan
- Started: 2,875,000
- Ended: 3,113,000

Reagan EXPANDED the Federal Workforce by 238,000

Bill Clinton
- Started: 3,083,000
- Ended: 2,703,000

Clinton REDUCED the Federal Workforce by 380,000

George W Bush
- Started: 2,703,000
- Ended: 2,756,000

Bush EXPANDED the Federal Workforce by 53,000

Obama's numbers cannot be tallied yet because he is still in office, but here are some interesting facts.

By the end of 2010, the United States had less employees than we did at the end of Reagan even though the population has grown from 226,545,805 to approximately 330,000,000 in 2010.

1988 &#8212; 3,113,000 &#8232;
2010&#8212; 2,840,000

In his 3rd year Reagan added 1.2 million government employees, which not only improved his employment stats, but it put more spenders/consumers in the economy which prevented main street layoffs.

By contrast Obama laid-off 250,000 government employees during his 3rd year.

(Do you understand the Reagan hoax?)

Reagan created the biggest government this country has ever had. He nearly tripled the size of the carter Government and Carter debt. And he made government bigger than any president in my lifetime.

Obama has not laid off one employee.
Congress allocates the budgets for all Federal workers and their constraints has led to all of the lay offs.
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HAHAHA, what happened in 1996 that forced Clinton to lay off workers?
And what was the price of all the bonuses given to get them to go?
Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?



History is not a damn secret that needs "releasing". Nor is the post where I gave you a link directly to it back on April 5th. That's when both you goobers went silent. The memory is the second thing to go...

Nor is the New York Times, which says you're a liar in paragraph 5.

Revisionists.... SMH...

Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

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