Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?



History is not a damn secret that needs "releasing". Nor is the post where I gave you a link directly to it back on April 5th. That's when both you goobers went silent. The memory is the second thing to go...

Nor is the New York Times, which says you're a liar in paragraph 5.

Revisionists.... SMH...

Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

At 11:35am EST. Kronkite announced they were freed. Carter was still president.
Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

"release them?" They're not held hostage, you know.

At any rate, here is a link from Reagan's inauguration... before Reagan is sworn in, Walter Kronkite is heard exuberantly announcing the hostages are free ...

9:23 - Kronkite: "Well it appears that President Carter will not be going directly to any such uh restful retreat as that. He is scheduled to be named by President Reagan as his delegate to the ... the United Press has uh sent a flash at 11:35 that the hostages are free! We do not yet know any details of that or whether it's official."

Oh, I just couldn't resist, after chuckling to myself for almost an hour.

First, the asshole who you QUOTE as KRONKITE is spelled CRONKITE!

Secondly, who in the world, except you left wing sycophant's, would BELIEVE this scumbag, from a YAHOO NEWS STORY, and certainly NOT a right wing site... "Walter Cronkite Helped Lose the Vietnam War 44 Years Ago""

"COMMENTARY | It has been a truism among some people that back in the good old days of broadcast journalism before the rise of cable news, the big three networks did not interject their personal politics into their reporting. Like many truisms, this is not true.
Forty-four years ago, on Feb 27, 1968, Walter Cronkite, once called the most trusted man in America, ended his half-hour broadcast on the "CBS Evening News" with the observation the Vietnam War was in stalemate and negotiations offered the only way out. This was not reporting news but offering an opinion, one that later turned out to be, while wide of reality, self fulfilling.
The story sets up a legend that upon hearing Cronkite opine, then President Lyndon Johnson concluded that if he had lost Cronkite he had lost the country and thus the war. But W. Joseph Campbell, author of "Getting it Wrong," suggests this part of the story is more legend than reality.
Whether Cronkite's observation eventually affected American policy in Vietnam or not, it was one of the first overt cases of liberal bias in TV media. And despite the initial shock of the Tet Offensive, which led to Cronkite concluding that victory in Vietnam was impossible, the most trusted man in America got it wrong."

More of this story, for those who would like an education, that would be YOU Fraud Faun, and OCD Boy, ...others if you don't know it at...

How Walter Cronkite Helped Lose the Vietnam War 44 Years Ago

Sorry, I just couldn't let it go...and I tried! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Last edited by a moderator:


History is not a damn secret that needs "releasing". Nor is the post where I gave you a link directly to it back on April 5th. That's when both you goobers went silent. The memory is the second thing to go...

Nor is the New York Times, which says you're a liar in paragraph 5.

Revisionists.... SMH...

Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

At 11:35am EST. Kronkite announced they were freed. Carter was still president.

It's Cronkite, and undoubtedly he was referring to them leaving their imprisonment building and headed for the airport, WHILE STILL UNDER IRANIAN CONTROL until they PHYSICALLY were NO LONGER on Iranian soil!

Question to you Fraud, why weren't they released at 9:35 AM, or 10:35 AM when Carter still would have been president? What difference would 1-2 hours EARLY RELEASE make while Carter was still president?
Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

At 11:35am EST. Kronkite announced they were freed. Carter was still president.

It's Cronkite, and undoubtedly he was referring to them leaving their imprisonment building and headed for the airport, WHILE STILL UNDER IRANIAN CONTROL until they PHYSICALLY were NO LONGER on Iranian soil!

Question to you Fraud, why weren't they released at 9:35 AM, or 10:35 AM when Carter still would have been president? What difference would 1-2 hours EARLY RELEASE make while Carter was still president?

Poor rightie. All you can do is speculate what Cronkite was referring to. Still, at 11:35, while Carter was still president, the hostages were free.
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?
At 11:35am EST. Kronkite announced they were freed. Carter was still president.

It's Cronkite, and undoubtedly he was referring to them leaving their imprisonment building and headed for the airport, WHILE STILL UNDER IRANIAN CONTROL until they PHYSICALLY were NO LONGER on Iranian soil!

Question to you Fraud, why weren't they released at 9:35 AM, or 10:35 AM when Carter still would have been president? What difference would 1-2 hours EARLY RELEASE make while Carter was still president?

Poor rightie. All you can do is speculate what Cronkite was referring to. Still, at 11:35, while Carter was still president, the hostages were free.

No, they weren't, they weren't off Iranian soil, and finally OUT OF IRANIAN CONTROL until 12:25, 28 minutes AFTER Reagan was sworn in. Another swing and a miss for poor Fraud Faun! But try again, it's FUN to continue to watch YOU make a fucking ass out of yourself, the way OCD Boy Pogo did with his KKK bullshit!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

High entertainment from the deranged left! :eusa_boohoo:

BTW, Fraud, you NEVER did answer why the hostages weren't let go 1-2 hours BEFORE they actually were, when OFFICIALLY the incompetent Carter was still president....PLEASE try to do that in your next RANT!!!
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I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.

Carter was stuck with the Nixon/Ford Stagflation, the Iranian take over of our embassy, the OPEC Oil Embargo, and the Russian Invasion/Occupation of Afghanistan.
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?

But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!
STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?



History is not a damn secret that needs "releasing". Nor is the post where I gave you a link directly to it back on April 5th. That's when both you goobers went silent. The memory is the second thing to go...

Nor is the New York Times, which says you're a liar in paragraph 5.

Revisionists.... SMH...

Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

Your silly headlines have zero to do with the Algiers Accords. Which were reached January 19.

If you're actually suggesting that Ronald Reagan was some kind of ventriloquist using those 25 minutes to negotiate his own treaty -- apparently disguising his voice as that of Warren Christopher -- then Nurse Ratchet has some special pills for you. :cuckoo:

I'll put this into the small words you apparently need:
What time the freaking plane took off is irrelevant to anything.
Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

It might have something to do with the fact that he was an unimpressive not very smart hack liberal bloviating bitch. Peanuts was in WAY the fuck over his head from jump street.

And as bad as he was (horrid) he was still better than Barry Obumbler.
Please release those links, I would be interested in seeing the source, and the statements about that release!

"release them?" They're not held hostage, you know.

At any rate, here is a link from Reagan's inauguration... before Reagan is sworn in, Walter Kronkite is heard exuberantly announcing the hostages are free ...

9:23 - Kronkite: "Well it appears that President Carter will not be going directly to any such uh restful retreat as that. He is scheduled to be named by President Reagan as his delegate to the ... the United Press has uh sent a flash at 11:35 that the hostages are free! We do not yet know any details of that or whether it's official."

Oh, I just couldn't resist, after chuckling to myself for almost an hour.

First, the asshole who you QUOTE as KRONKITE is spelled CRONKITE!

Secondly, who in the world, except you left wing sycophant's, would BELIEVE this scumbag, from a YAHOO NEWS STORY, and certainly NOT a right wing site... "Walter Cronkite Helped Lose the Vietnam War 44 Years Ago""

"COMMENTARY | <deleted as irrelevant>

"Cronkite" is an Anglicization of "Krankheit", which is German for "sickness". So Faun's spelling is actually more true to the original.

And reporting an event has nothing to do with any opinion, nor does it have anything to do with Vietnam. Nor does your bush league commentary hold any water, since Krankheit was right. See if your mommy's available to help you stay on topic. Reporting an event that happened is a statement of fact; it's either true or not true. Has nothing to do with anyone's opinion of anything. And again, what time the release came, what time the plane took off, what time KRANKHEIT or anyone else announced it, are all completely irrelevant. The Algiers Accords came to an agreement on January 19th, and were accomplished by Warren Christopher, who was working for the Carter Administration. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Last edited by a moderator:
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?

But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're saying the hostages were NOT released then?



History is not a damn secret that needs "releasing". Nor is the post where I gave you a link directly to it back on April 5th. That's when both you goobers went silent. The memory is the second thing to go...

Nor is the New York Times, which says you're a liar in paragraph 5.

Revisionists.... SMH...

Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

STILL waiting for those LINKS to your SUPPOSED FACT that the hostages were freed while Carter was still president...The N.Y. TIMES, says they weren't, and don't you subversives live and die by what the N.Y. Times says?

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

Your silly headlines have zero to do with the Algiers Accords. Which were reached January 19.

If you're actually suggesting that Ronald Reagan was some kind of ventriloquist using those 25 minutes to negotiate his own treaty -- apparently disguising his voice as that of Warren Christopher -- then Nurse Ratchet has some special pills for you. :cuckoo:

I'll put this into the small words you apparently need:
What time the freaking plane took off is irrelevant to anything.

OCD Boy, when did Christopher START the talks with the Iranians...LINK PLEASE!

And of course it mean EVERYTHING, as they were NOT RELEASED until they left Iranian soil, and I'll ask you the same question, I asked Fraud Faun, why not have them released at 9:35 AM or 10:35 AM instead UNTIL AFTER Reagan was inaugurated? Now, I'm being nice to you, for now, I'll start with the name bullshit when and if you can give us some logical and truthful answers...for a change! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The pussies announced the end of the hostage taking BEFORE Reagan took office, so that they would not have to deal with HIM as Prseident at ANY time when THEY were still committing that crime.

So they HAD to make the announcement before Ronald Reagan took office.

And, as a bonus for the newly minted incumbent, the ACTUAL release then took place on REAGAN's watch.

Jimmy had NOTHING AT ALL to do with the release of those hostages.
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?

But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're saying the hostages were NOT released then?


Listen Jerkoff, as stated in the N.Y. TIMES, they did NOT leave Iranian soil until 12:25 PM, 28 minutes AFTER Reagan was inaugurated! IF the Iranian's wanted to, they could have stopped the planes from leaving as long as they were on the ground! They still had CONTROL of the hostages.... Is this more of your OCD shit like the KKK wasn't started by Democrats. You looked like an asshole in that one, You'll look like a BIGGER asshole in this one!
"release them?" They're not held hostage, you know.

At any rate, here is a link from Reagan's inauguration... before Reagan is sworn in, Walter Kronkite is heard exuberantly announcing the hostages are free ...

9:23 - Kronkite: "Well it appears that President Carter will not be going directly to any such uh restful retreat as that. He is scheduled to be named by President Reagan as his delegate to the ... the United Press has uh sent a flash at 11:35 that the hostages are free! We do not yet know any details of that or whether it's official."


Oh, I just couldn't resist, after chuckling to myself for almost an hour.

First, the asshole who you QUOTE as KRONKITE is spelled CRONKITE!

Secondly, who in the world, except you left wing sycophant's, would BELIEVE this scumbag, from a YAHOO NEWS STORY, and certainly NOT a right wing site... "Walter Cronkite Helped Lose the Vietnam War 44 Years Ago""

"COMMENTARY | <deleted as irrelevant>

"Cronkite" is an Anglicization of "Krankheit", which is German for "sickness". So Faun's spelling is actually more true to the original.

And reporting an event has nothing to do with any opinion, nor does it have anything to do with Vietnam. Nor does your bush league commentary hold any water, since Krankheit was right. See if your mommy's available to help you stay on topic. Reporting an event that happened is a statement of fact; it's either true or not true. Has nothing to do with anyone's opinion of anything. And again, what time the release came, what time the plane took off, what time KRANKHEIT or anyone else announced it, are all completely irrelevant. The Algiers Accords came to an agreement on January 19th, and were accomplished by Warren Christopher, who was working for the Carter Administration. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

The man SPELLED his name with a "C" you dumbfuck!:cuckoo:

Your OCD has kicked in OVERTIME this post! When did Christopher START the talks? How long did it take them to come to an agreement? Why not release the hostages at 9:35 or 10:35 instead of 12:25.... You are one of the biggest asses on the forum, as you REFUSE to be wrong, even when everyone can see that you are! But HIGH ENTERTAINMENT...again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Oh, OCD Boy, you do need another lesson in humility!

At 5:51 PM yesterday I wrote....

At a follow up post at 8:45 PM yesterday, almost 3 hours after the first post I wrote again....

Now, OCD Boy, here is the front page of the N.Y. Times about Reagan and the hostage release....


Just to highlight the headline for you

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Minutes LATER 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly To Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal

And from the link to this article at

Reagan Takes Oath As 40th President; Promises An 'Era Of National Renewal'

Paragraph TWO (2) of that article states....

The hostages, whose 14 months of captivity had been a central focus of the Presidential contest last year took off from Teheran in two Boeing 727 airplanes at 12:25 P.M., Eastern standard time, the very moment that Mr. Reagan was concluding his solemn Inaugural Address at the United States Capitol.

Paragraph FIVE (5) of that article states....

Wearing a charcoal gray club coat, striped trousers and dove gray vest and tie, Mr. Reagan took his oath of office at 11:57 A. M. in the first inaugural ceremony ever enacted on the western front of the United States Capitol. The site was chosen to stress the symbolism of Mr. Reagan's addressing his words to the West, the region that served as his base in his three Presidential campaigns in 1968, 1976, and1980.

Now, don't let a little thing such as the hostages were STILL IN IRAN at 11:57 PM, and STILL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS AT THAT TIME, upset you, and FRAUD FAUN over such details!

As anyone with a an IQ in the LOW 3 digits recognizes, and by the EXACT TIMELINE in the LEFT LEANING (to say the least) N.Y. TIMES. The hostages were released from Iran, MEANING THEY WERE NO LONGER IN IRAN, at 12:25 PM exactly 28 MINUTES after President Reagan was sworn in!... If Reagan started the ceremony at 11:57, it only takes perhaps 3 minutes to pledge the oath and OFFICIALLY become President, still leaving 25 minutes AFTER he was sworn in, for the hostages STILL IN IRAN AND UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE IRANIANS to LEAVE IRAN.

This will be of interest to see how these two (2) mental midgets try to SPIN, DIVERT, and ASSERT, that being still IN IRAN, they were no longer hostages!

Take your best shots, It's Saturday, and we're all up for the PURE ENTERTAINMENT of this endeavor!

Your silly headlines have zero to do with the Algiers Accords. Which were reached January 19. Negotiations which took three months. Oh wait, you won't be able to figure that out, so that would be October 1980.

If you're actually suggesting that Ronald Reagan was some kind of ventriloquist using those 25 minutes to negotiate his own treaty -- apparently disguising his voice as that of Warren Christopher -- then Nurse Ratchet has some special pills for you. :cuckoo:

I'll put this into the small words you apparently need:
What time the freaking plane took off is irrelevant to anything.

OCD Boy, when did Christopher START the talks with the Iranians...LINK PLEASE!

And of course it mean EVERYTHING, as they were NOT RELEASED until they left Iranian soil, and I'll ask you the same question, I asked Fraud Faun, why not have them released at 9:35 AM or 10:35 AM instead UNTIL AFTER Reagan was inaugurated? Now, I'm being nice to you, for now, I'll start with the name bullshit when and if you can give us some logical and truthful answers...for a change! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Jesiss Christ on a cracker, are you incapable of Googling?

Here's the NY Times reporting the end of the crisis upon the agreement in Algiers. Dated January 19th.

Now go pound sand, Revisionista Boy.
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The pussies announced the end of the hostage taking BEFORE Reagan took office, so that they would not have to deal with HIM as Prseident at ANY time when THEY were still committing that crime.

So they HAD to make the announcement before Ronald Reagan took office.

And, as a bonus for the newly minted incumbent, the ACTUAL release then took place on REAGAN's watch.

Jimmy had NOTHING AT ALL to do with the release of those hostages.

Horseshit. Go look up the Algiers Accords I linked April 5th here. Three months of work by Warren Christopher -- Carter's Deputy Secretary of State. Sorry, you don't get to rewrite history just because you don't like the storyline.
But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're saying the hostages were NOT released then?


Listen Jerkoff, as stated in the N.Y. TIMES, they did NOT leave Iranian soil until 12:25 PM, 28 minutes AFTER Reagan was inaugurated! IF the Iranian's wanted to, they could have stopped the planes from leaving as long as they were on the ground! They still had CONTROL of the hostages....

The "Iranian is wanted to"? What's the apostrophe doing, spelling boy?

No, they didn't have control -- they had agreed to relinquish it the day before.

Is this more of your OCD shit like the KKK wasn't started by Democrats. You looked like an asshole in that one, You'll look like a BIGGER asshole in this one!

I corrected you with ten different sources on that one, and you're still butthurt. Nor did you ever present any evidence to make your case. Again, history is written in ink. You don't get your own eraser.

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