Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

meh... Carter is easy recent-memory low-hanging fruit...

if you seriously want to get into the subject of presidents who royally fucked up the country, go back and read up about LBJ... and Wilson... and Buchanan...

and while you're at it, Lincoln... (putting on the hard hat and flak jacket for responses to this one...)

LBJ was a great president. So was Wilson. Buchanan sucked: literally - he is thought to have been a queer.

Ah, the REAL tolerant libtard rears it's ugly head! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
What's intolerant?
That fucking scumbag FDR acted all too similarly to the Nazis and was all too cozy with the Communists. He was a grave threat to our nation.

Obviously he wasn't, since he's consistently ranked in the top 3 POTUS ever.

We need another FDR!

You need to learn the first thing about logic, moron.

As in "it's not logical of me to try to have an intelligent conversation with the dumbass Unkotare"?
The reason that Carter crashed and burned while holding significant majorities in both houses is because he went after pork spending. His own party wasn't about to go along with that and he sure didn't get any backup from Republicans who claimed to be anti-pork because he had the wrong letter of the alphabet behind his name.

It wasn't a time that either party can brag about too much.
You need to learn the first thing about logic, moron.

As in "it's not logical of me to try to have an intelligent conversation with the dumbass Unkotare"?

As in an appeal to popularity is a logical fallacy.

Here's why that doesn't work. The original string started with:
obama [sic] has pushed Carter up to 3rd worst. That fucking scumbag FDR still holds the record as worst of the worst.

-- which of course is unsubstantiated (for the moment) opinion, which begat:

Your opinion is noted, but in poll after poll after poll, FDR always ranks among the top 3 of all time.

Holding that up as 'proof' of anything is a logical fallacy.

-- which is a strawman fallacy that you've already been schooled on... thence followed:

Despite doing that, FDR still remains in the top 3 according to polls. But again, your opinion is noted.

Thanks for highlighting the inherent fallacy in your position, but it wasn't necessary (well, maybe for someone like our 'challenged' poster Pogo there...).

-- introducing a second fallacy of ad hominem (not to mention Danth's Law), leading to:
That fucking scumbag FDR acted all too similarly to the Nazis and was all too cozy with the Communists. He was a grave threat to our nation.

Obviously he wasn't, since he's consistently ranked in the top 3 POTUS ever.

We need another FDR!

You need to learn the first thing about logic, moron.

A reprise of ad hominem but at least you've avoided being shut out here; you indeed caught a fallacy of argumentum ad populum. Although the challenge itself was again opinion, and arguably only true if "our country" refers to the Third Reich or the Japanese Empire. But at least you avoided the shutout. That's progress. :eusa_clap:

I make it Bunko Blindsquirrel 1, the human race 5. Good thing it's not tennis.

Let me know if you need more help navigating these myriad fallacies of yours. I'll be online until roughly 16:00 ET.
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"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

I already did that -- that's why he went silent. It's his M.O. to deny what's sitting on the page and go :lalala: You can put links directly from news souces, history books and God, and he'll claim they're not there. Interesting approach, and so effective. (/sarc)
As in "it's not logical of me to try to have an intelligent conversation with the dumbass Unkotare"?

As in an appeal to popularity is a logical fallacy.

Here's why that doesn't work. The original string started with:

-- which of course is unsubstantiated (for the moment) opinion, which begat:

-- which is a strawman fallacy

It is not a straw man. Maybe if you stuck to terms you understand you wouldn't embarrass yourself like this.
As in an appeal to popularity is a logical fallacy.

Here's why that doesn't work. The original string started with:

-- which of course is unsubstantiated (for the moment) opinion, which begat:

-- which is a strawman fallacy

It is not a straw man. Maybe if you stuck to terms you understand you wouldn't embarrass yourself like this.

Obviously it's not a strawman if it's not even visible. If you need assistance the first thing you'll have to learn is to stop editing content out of other people's posts. I see this simple lesson continues to be lost on you. Consider that your homework.

Incidentally, simple gainsaying is not an argument. Make it 6 to 1.
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Here's why that doesn't work. The original string started with:

-- which of course is unsubstantiated (for the moment) opinion, which begat:

-- which is a strawman fallacy

It is not a straw man. Maybe if you stuck to terms you understand you wouldn't embarrass yourself like this.

If you need assistance ...

I don't, thanks. If I did, you would be just about the least qualified person on this site to whom I could turn.
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

I already did that -- that's why he went silent. It's his M.O. to deny what's sitting on the page and go :lalala: You can put links directly from news souces, history books and God, and he'll claim they're not there. Interesting approach, and so effective. (/sarc)

On Jan. 20, 1981, Iran released 52 Americans who had been held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan. The hostages were placed on a plane in Tehran as Reagan delivered his inaugural address


Now fuck off and die.
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.
Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "links"....let me guess....Salon, The Huffington Post, Liberal daily...

The Hostages were released January 20, 1981 - twenty minutes AFTER Reagan finished his inaugural address.

Indeed. They FEARED Reagan...they laughed at Carter.

I remember that day well. I was at the American Consulate in Berlin at the time. We Cheered. They released those souls because they were shit-faced TERRIFIED of that "Cowboy from California" and they didn't want to see their country go up in a mushroom cloud.

Now instead of fear - we are laughed at.
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Jan. 20, 1981 | Iran Releases American Hostages as Reagan Takes Office

On Jan. 20, 1981, Iran released 52 Americans who had been held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan. The hostages were placed on a plane in Tehran as Reagan delivered his inaugural address.

The New York Times said that Reagan’s address “made no reference at all to the long-awaited release of the hostages” as he was “apparently following a self-imposed restraint of not saying anything until the Americans had left Iranian air space.”

Reagan announced the release of the hostages later in the afternoon at a Congressional luncheon. “The news seemed to turn the inauguration celebration, normally a highly festive occasion, into an event of unbridled joy for Mr. Reagan and his supporters,” The Times wrote.
Now...SHUT THE FUCK UP Scuzzball.:eusa_hand:
"Strangely silent"


Gave up in disgust.

Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Jan. 20, 1981 | Iran Releases American Hostages as Reagan Takes Office

On Jan. 20, 1981, Iran released 52 Americans who had been held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan. The hostages were placed on a plane in Tehran as Reagan delivered his inaugural address.

The New York Times said that Reagan’s address “made no reference at all to the long-awaited release of the hostages” as he was “apparently following a self-imposed restraint of not saying anything until the Americans had left Iranian air space.”

Reagan announced the release of the hostages later in the afternoon at a Congressional luncheon. “The news seemed to turn the inauguration celebration, normally a highly festive occasion, into an event of unbridled joy for Mr. Reagan and his supporters,” The Times wrote.
Now...SHUT THE FUCK UP Scuzzball.:eusa_hand:

Actually, I was looking forward to seeing these supposed "links" that this limp-wrist was going to provide.
Do you deny the hostages were freed while Carter was president?? I'd be happy to prove it with links if you're in denial.

Jan. 20, 1981 | Iran Releases American Hostages as Reagan Takes Office

On Jan. 20, 1981, Iran released 52 Americans who had been held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan. The hostages were placed on a plane in Tehran as Reagan delivered his inaugural address.

The New York Times said that Reagan’s address “made no reference at all to the long-awaited release of the hostages” as he was “apparently following a self-imposed restraint of not saying anything until the Americans had left Iranian air space.”

Reagan announced the release of the hostages later in the afternoon at a Congressional luncheon. “The news seemed to turn the inauguration celebration, normally a highly festive occasion, into an event of unbridled joy for Mr. Reagan and his supporters,” The Times wrote.
Now...SHUT THE FUCK UP Scuzzball.:eusa_hand:

Actually, I was looking forward to seeing these supposed "links" that this limp-wrist was going to provide.
My apologies for bursting that bubble 'Bro...Maybe IT still will try to contest what I posted...so there's hope... ;)

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