Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Your silly headlines have zero to do with the Algiers Accords. Which were reached January 19. Negotiations which took three months. Oh wait, you won't be able to figure that out, so that would be October 1980.

If you're actually suggesting that Ronald Reagan was some kind of ventriloquist using those 25 minutes to negotiate his own treaty -- apparently disguising his voice as that of Warren Christopher -- then Nurse Ratchet has some special pills for you. :cuckoo:

I'll put this into the small words you apparently need:
What time the freaking plane took off is irrelevant to anything.

OCD Boy, when did Christopher START the talks with the Iranians...LINK PLEASE!

And of course it mean EVERYTHING, as they were NOT RELEASED until they left Iranian soil, and I'll ask you the same question, I asked Fraud Faun, why not have them released at 9:35 AM or 10:35 AM instead UNTIL AFTER Reagan was inaugurated? Now, I'm being nice to you, for now, I'll start with the name bullshit when and if you can give us some logical and truthful answers...for a change! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Jesiss Christ on a cracker, are you incapable of Googling?

Here's the NY Times reporting the end of the crisis upon the agreement in Algiers. Dated January 19th.

Now go pound sand, Revisionista Boy.

(smile) You've been a **** on every website I've seen you on piglet.

Jimmy didn't get them released, Jimmy is a bigger pussy than you are.

Jimmy failed for 444ndays...and he is still a failure today.
OCD Boy, when did Christopher START the talks with the Iranians...LINK PLEASE!

And of course it mean EVERYTHING, as they were NOT RELEASED until they left Iranian soil, and I'll ask you the same question, I asked Fraud Faun, why not have them released at 9:35 AM or 10:35 AM instead UNTIL AFTER Reagan was inaugurated? Now, I'm being nice to you, for now, I'll start with the name bullshit when and if you can give us some logical and truthful answers...for a change! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Jesiss Christ on a cracker, are you incapable of Googling?

Here's the NY Times reporting the end of the crisis upon the agreement in Algiers. Dated January 19th.

Now go pound sand, Revisionista Boy.

(smile) You've been a **** on every website I've seen you on piglet.

Jimmy didn't get them released, Jimmy is a bigger pussy than you are.

Jimmy failed for 444ndays...and he is still a failure today.

So you're gonna sit there and claim the link, and the rest of history, doesn't say what it says?

Alllllllllllrighty then....
Jesiss Christ on a cracker, are you incapable of Googling?

Here's the NY Times reporting the end of the crisis upon the agreement in Algiers. Dated January 19th.

Now go pound sand, Revisionista Boy.

(smile) You've been a **** on every website I've seen you on piglet.

Jimmy didn't get them released, Jimmy is a bigger pussy than you are.

Jimmy failed for 444ndays...and he is still a failure today.

So you're gonna sit there and claim the link, and the rest of history, doesn't say what it says?

Alllllllllllrighty then....

I am going to point out what a dumb fuck you are.

In your "eagerness" to prove you have the biggest dick you have embraced sheer stupidity.

Jimmy didn't get anyone released, Jimmy just (much like Barak) made a lot of noise and let the world go on around him without him making any real dent in anything.

Jimmy is still seeking relevance and not finding it.
So you would also agree that the economic turn around of the 80's was due in whole to Reagan efforts, correct?
(smile) You've been a **** on every website I've seen you on piglet.

Jimmy didn't get them released, Jimmy is a bigger pussy than you are.

Jimmy failed for 444ndays...and he is still a failure today.

So you're gonna sit there and claim the link, and the rest of history, doesn't say what it says?

Alllllllllllrighty then....

I am going to point out what a dumb fuck you are.

In your "eagerness" to prove you have the biggest dick you have embraced sheer stupidity.

Jimmy didn't get anyone released, Jimmy just (much like Barak) made a lot of noise and let the world go on around him without him making any real dent in anything.

Jimmy is still seeking relevance and not finding it.

Jimmy's employee Warren did. That's what that link, and all the others, are telling you. Like it or lump it. If you prefer to continue wallowing in self-imposed ignorance in spite of historical fact, well color me surprised.

>> WASHINGTON, Monday, Jan. 19— The United States and Iran reached formal agreement early this morning on the terms for releasing the 52 American hostages and returning to Iran billions of dollars of its assets frozen by American authorities.

The agreement was signed in Algiers by Deputy Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher on behalf of the United States. Behzad Nabavi, the chief Iranian negotiator, had signed it earlier in Teheran. <<​

Thanks for playin'. :bye1:
Last edited:
(smile) You've been a **** on every website I've seen you on piglet.

Jimmy didn't get them released, Jimmy is a bigger pussy than you are.

Jimmy failed for 444ndays...and he is still a failure today.

So you're gonna sit there and claim the link, and the rest of history, doesn't say what it says?

Alllllllllllrighty then....

I am going to point out what a dumb fuck you are.

In your "eagerness" to prove you have the biggest dick you have embraced sheer stupidity.

Jimmy didn't get anyone released, Jimmy just (much like Barak) made a lot of noise and let the world go on around him without him making any real dent in anything.

Jimmy is still seeking relevance and not finding it.

Watch out Antares, he'll NEG REP you when you bitch slap him, just like he NEGGED REP me for putting OCD Boy back in his box.... Like I could give a shit!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You're saying the hostages were NOT released then?


Listen Jerkoff, as stated in the N.Y. TIMES, they did NOT leave Iranian soil until 12:25 PM, 28 minutes AFTER Reagan was inaugurated! IF the Iranian's wanted to, they could have stopped the planes from leaving as long as they were on the ground! They still had CONTROL of the hostages....

The "Iranian is wanted to"? What's the apostrophe doing, spelling boy?

No, they didn't have control -- they had agreed to relinquish it the day before.

Is this more of your OCD shit like the KKK wasn't started by Democrats. You looked like an asshole in that one, You'll look like a BIGGER asshole in this one!

I corrected you with ten different sources on that one, and you're still butthurt. Nor did you ever present any evidence to make your case. Again, history is written in ink. You don't get your own eraser.

OWWWW, did I misplace a apostrophe?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

They agreed to lots of shit that they didn't do!

You're 10 sources are WORTHLESS BS, the TIMES has it spot on FROM THE ORIGINAL DATE IT HAPPENED, and not revisionist history!...and my case has been proven, over and over again with the timeline which OCD Boy refuses to interpret correctly. Unfortunately, you know as much about erasers, as you know about history! Want to revisit the KKK? That was only a PBS website stating you were WRONG, this is the BIG TIME N.Y. TIMES, that corrects you! Gosh, this is fun, and PLEASE Neg REP me again in 48 hours, just because I stuck a knife in you and found out you were DONE! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
So you're gonna sit there and claim the link, and the rest of history, doesn't say what it says?

Alllllllllllrighty then....

I am going to point out what a dumb fuck you are.

In your "eagerness" to prove you have the biggest dick you have embraced sheer stupidity.

Jimmy didn't get anyone released, Jimmy just (much like Barak) made a lot of noise and let the world go on around him without him making any real dent in anything.

Jimmy is still seeking relevance and not finding it.

Jimmy's employee Warren did. That's what that link, and all the others, are telling you. Like it or lump it. If you prefer to continue wallowing in self-imposed ignorance in spite of historical fact, well color me surprised.
>> WASHINGTON, Monday, Jan. 19— The United States and Iran reached formal agreement early this morning on the terms for releasing the 52 American hostages and returning to Iran billions of dollars of its assets frozen by American authorities.

The agreement was signed in Algiers by Deputy Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher on behalf of the United States. Behzad Nabavi, the chief Iranian negotiator, had signed it earlier in Teheran. <<​
Thanks for playin'. :bye1:

When did Christopher START THE TALKS, OCD Boy? Link PLEASE!:eusa_boohoo:
So you're gonna sit there and claim the link, and the rest of history, doesn't say what it says?

Alllllllllllrighty then....

I am going to point out what a dumb fuck you are.

In your "eagerness" to prove you have the biggest dick you have embraced sheer stupidity.

Jimmy didn't get anyone released, Jimmy just (much like Barak) made a lot of noise and let the world go on around him without him making any real dent in anything.

Jimmy is still seeking relevance and not finding it.

Jimmy's employee Warren did. That's what that link, and all the others, are telling you. Like it or lump it. If you prefer to continue wallowing in self-imposed ignorance in spite of historical fact, well color me surprised.

>> WASHINGTON, Monday, Jan. 19— The United States and Iran reached formal agreement early this morning on the terms for releasing the 52 American hostages and returning to Iran billions of dollars of its assets frozen by American authorities.

The agreement was signed in Algiers by Deputy Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher on behalf of the United States. Behzad Nabavi, the chief Iranian negotiator, had signed it earlier in Teheran. <<​

Thanks for playin'. :bye1:

LOL, you dumb ****.

444 days.......WHY the last day?

Because Jimmy was so persuasive?

Fuck off and die kid...you ain't up to this.
I didn't suggest there was a secret deal. You did.
No I didn't, your leftist buddies did. Go back and read the posts.

I don't need to. I know what I've posted.

Tellya what -- you go back and find where I posted that and we'll talk turkey. Until then, bullshit walks.
I didn't say you did. What part of "your leftist buddies" is confusing to you, moron? Can't you read?
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?

But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're an ASSHOLE without a doubt. Assassinating the Character of those long deceased makes you the scum of the earth. Maybe you're too young or too dishonest to remember WC but let me point out he was honest, he was respected and he was a professional journalist - something very rare today.

For those who are not assholes or willfully ignorant, or stupid (and I know that covers plenty of you right wingers) I recommend "A Reporter's Life" [Alfred A. Knopf, NY 1997].
Why take the word of an ASSHOLE without reading Mr. Cronkite's life story.
I am going to point out what a dumb fuck you are.

In your "eagerness" to prove you have the biggest dick you have embraced sheer stupidity.

Jimmy didn't get anyone released, Jimmy just (much like Barak) made a lot of noise and let the world go on around him without him making any real dent in anything.

Jimmy is still seeking relevance and not finding it.

Jimmy's employee Warren did. That's what that link, and all the others, are telling you. Like it or lump it. If you prefer to continue wallowing in self-imposed ignorance in spite of historical fact, well color me surprised.

>> WASHINGTON, Monday, Jan. 19— The United States and Iran reached formal agreement early this morning on the terms for releasing the 52 American hostages and returning to Iran billions of dollars of its assets frozen by American authorities.

The agreement was signed in Algiers by Deputy Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher on behalf of the United States. Behzad Nabavi, the chief Iranian negotiator, had signed it earlier in Teheran. <<​

Thanks for playin'. :bye1:

LOL, you dumb ****.

444 days.......WHY the last day?

Because Jimmy was so persuasive?

Fuck off and die kid...you ain't up to this.

You lost. Get over it.

See you in a week and a half when the butthurt subsides and y'all come back to rewrite history yet again. It's been fun and it's been real but it hasn't been real fun.
No I didn't, your leftist buddies did. Go back and read the posts.

I don't need to. I know what I've posted.

Tellya what -- you go back and find where I posted that and we'll talk turkey. Until then, bullshit walks.
I didn't say you did. What part of "your leftist buddies" is confusing to you, moron? Can't you read?

Ah but you did. Need a reminder already?

So, there was no "secret deal" with Reagan, like the left keeps claiming?

:dunno: If there was, it fell through.
You can't have it both ways.

Know what the word "you" means? I know it's an exotic word and shit but there it is.
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?

But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're an ASSHOLE without a doubt. Assassinating the Character of those long deceased makes you the scum of the earth. Maybe you're too young or too dishonest to remember WC but let me point out he was honest, he was respected and he was a professional journalist - something very rare today.

For those who are not assholes or willfully ignorant, or stupid (and I know that covers plenty of you right wingers) I recommend "A Reporter's Life" [Alfred A. Knopf, NY 1997].
Why take the word of an ASSHOLE without reading Mr. Cronkite's life story.

Ah, another subversive moron heard from that undoubtedly wasn't there and knows nothing! Child, YOU truly are am ASSHOLE. You can denigrate President Nixon, who's DEAD, by the way, but we can't denigrate, a scumbag Liberal that even your president LBJ is rumored to have said, “If I’ve lost "Kronkite", (in honor of Fraud Faun) I’ve lost middle America.”

Even well known Liberal subversive pundit, Craig Crawford has said....(video)

Watch "Fox guest: Walter Cronkite&#39;s Vietnam epiphany was &#39;liberal bias&#39;" Video at rawstory
The precise timing of when the hostage actually were freed is of no consequence. Once Reagan was voted into office the ragheads knew the jig was up. They didn't rush things but they also didn't drag their sandals. They knew that Reagan couldn't push any big red button until he had been sworn in.

They may have been zealots.

They may have been zealots.

They may even have been closet Democrats....

But they were not entirely stupid.

Now shall we discuss Carter?

But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're an ASSHOLE without a doubt. Assassinating the Character of those long deceased makes you the scum of the earth. Maybe you're too young or too dishonest to remember WC but let me point out he was honest, he was respected and he was a professional journalist - something very rare today.

For those who are not assholes or willfully ignorant, or stupid (and I know that covers plenty of you right wingers) I recommend "A Reporter's Life" [Alfred A. Knopf, NY 1997].
Why take the word of an ASSHOLE without reading Mr. Cronkite's life story.

Why can't he be all three? I mean give the dweeb credit. He mutlitasks.
But Henry, the precise time is EVERYTHING to these OCD fools. I simply point out the correct timeline, according to THEIR NEWSPAPER OF RECORD, the N.Y. Times, and now they have to EAT IT, or continue to look like the utter jackasses they are!

Cronkite was known to be a liar, and a left wing radical, no sane person, after his fucking America over with his Vietnam outrage, would believe anything he said!

You're an ASSHOLE without a doubt. Assassinating the Character of those long deceased makes you the scum of the earth. Maybe you're too young or too dishonest to remember WC but let me point out he was honest, he was respected and he was a professional journalist - something very rare today.

For those who are not assholes or willfully ignorant, or stupid (and I know that covers plenty of you right wingers) I recommend "A Reporter's Life" [Alfred A. Knopf, NY 1997].
Why take the word of an ASSHOLE without reading Mr. Cronkite's life story.

Why can't he be all three? I mean give the dweeb credit. He mutlitasks.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Living RENT FREE in OCD Boy's head.... But damn, it has a FOUL SMELL in here, like FIRE and BRIMSTONE!... Oh damn, you don't suppose Old Pogo Stick here is really....do I dare say it....SATAN??? :dev3::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Jimmy's employee Warren did. That's what that link, and all the others, are telling you. Like it or lump it. If you prefer to continue wallowing in self-imposed ignorance in spite of historical fact, well color me surprised.

>> WASHINGTON, Monday, Jan. 19— The United States and Iran reached formal agreement early this morning on the terms for releasing the 52 American hostages and returning to Iran billions of dollars of its assets frozen by American authorities.

The agreement was signed in Algiers by Deputy Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher on behalf of the United States. Behzad Nabavi, the chief Iranian negotiator, had signed it earlier in Teheran. <<​

Thanks for playin'. :bye1:

LOL, you dumb ****.

444 days.......WHY the last day?

Because Jimmy was so persuasive?

Fuck off and die kid...you ain't up to this.

You lost. Get over it.

See you in a week and a half when the butthurt subsides and y'all come back to rewrite history yet again. It's been fun and it's been real but it hasn't been real fun.


I lost because a **** like you claims victory?

Once again fuck off and die boy.
I don't need to. I know what I've posted.

Tellya what -- you go back and find where I posted that and we'll talk turkey. Until then, bullshit walks.
I didn't say you did. What part of "your leftist buddies" is confusing to you, moron? Can't you read?

Ah but you did. Need a reminder already?

:dunno: If there was, it fell through.
You can't have it both ways.

Know what the word "you" means? I know it's an exotic word and shit but there it is.
Sure I do. "YOU" can be all encompassing, as in "all of you", or "you people on the right", or "you communist lefties who support Obama". Is this too difficult for Pogo?
I didn't say you did. What part of "your leftist buddies" is confusing to you, moron? Can't you read?

Ah but you did. Need a reminder already?

You can't have it both ways.

Know what the word "you" means? I know it's an exotic word and shit but there it is.
Sure I do. "YOU" can be all encompassing, as in "all of you", or "you people on the right", or "you communist lefties who support Obama". Is this too difficult for Pogo?

You were addressing me. I see you scoured back and found out I didn't post anything that fit your blanket bullshit and now you're (you singular) trying to parse your way out of it. Sad really. You actually can't tell people apart. "They all look alike to me".

Grow up dood. No one speaks for me but me.

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