Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Should I come back and say you wouldn't know the truth if It was a 2X4 smacking you between your eyes? Naw, you are too stupid to get the connection. :eusa_clap:

No, you don't need to come back at all, but since you post more than 47 times a day I guess you'll continue to spread sordid hate for anyone whose opinion won't satisfy your pathological need. There have been many fucked up - yep, that's a clinical assessment for people like you who post here; thus I my interest in you is limited to one question, and do consider it rhetorical: Who are what caused you to become the piece of human excrement you have become?

You wrote me this in a PM, and I answered you, to repeat it...

Why, subversive scum, such as yourself...Wasn't that self evident?...I guess not, you "people" of the low IQ variety, and easily programmed by adversaries of freedom, never understand what this country was supposed to be. The Founders would have shot you traitors. Have a fun day, child.

Thanks for Sharing
No, you don't need to come back at all, but since you post more than 47 times a day I guess you'll continue to spread sordid hate for anyone whose opinion won't satisfy your pathological need. There have been many fucked up - yep, that's a clinical assessment for people like you who post here; thus I my interest in you is limited to one question, and do consider it rhetorical: Who are what caused you to become the piece of human excrement you have become?

You wrote me this in a PM, and I answered you, to repeat it...

Why, subversive scum, such as yourself...Wasn't that self evident?...I guess not, you "people" of the low IQ variety, and easily programmed by adversaries of freedom, never understand what this country was supposed to be. The Founders would have shot you traitors. Have a fun day, child.

Thanks for Sharing

Who are what caused you to become the piece of human excrement you have become?

Well...to repeat, YOU, and the other subversive scum are! I wear the title of human excrement that you've titled me with as a BADGE OF HONOR, knowing that I'm also now LIVING RENT FREE in your tiny cranium! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
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Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?
Because he didn't add trillion$ to the national debt, like Raygun and the Shrubs.

I agree. Carter was a cheapskate and that's a good thing. I suspect most businessmen are like that and i'd like to see another in the WH. BTW - trump is NOT a businessman. More of a useless speculator.
Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?
Because he didn't add trillion$ to the national debt, like Raygun and the Shrubs.

I agree. Carter was a cheapskate and that's a good thing. I suspect most businessmen are like that and i'd like to see another in the WH. BTW - trump is NOT a businessman. More of a useless speculator.

For a cheapskate, he sure has contributed much labor of love, building homes for people. Hardly useless.
Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

I wish Obama would do even less than Carter. We can't afford anymore help from this bunch. It's killing us.

What's killing U and Ur ilk is Ur own ignorance...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

hummmmm!!! interesting, very interesting....., someone ranting about a persons ignorance, yet types like an idiotic moron :lmao:
Once again the far left destroyed their own in order to destroy this country, anyone voting far left should be ashamed that they allowed this to happen.

This also adds more proof that the far left is far more dangerous than the Taliban.
How the fuck would I know? It wasn't my point. Get it yet?
Btw individuality doesn't mean deflection. Better stay with the three-letter words at this stage.
You mean suddenly you have no opinion, or is it that you're afraid to disagree with your left wing conspiracy theorist friends?

Are you literally that stupid, that you don't know the difference between singular and plural?

Once again, I don't know how it works on your planet but I post my own stuff, by myself. Nobody consults, approves, screens, edits, reworks, debates, negotiates or cohabitates with my thinking. Nor do I do any of that for anybody else. You have a question on what somebody else posted, you take it up with them.

I get that your species is comprised of drones who take orders and speak in lockstep. That's cute and all but it's not part of my world.

in red above, has got to be the biggest line of bullshit this liberfool asshole has spewed since his last one, all one can do at this point is :lmao: .... :lmao: ..... :up:
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
With the exception of Bob Dole and Bob Michaels, Carter had very little help on the hill....from either party. Domestically he was done in by Democrats in Congress that resented the rube. Many of them thought they deserved to be in the White House instead of him.

Yup! - Congress held up raising the debt limit to $830 billion in first part of 1979 forcing Treasury to miss payments on about $120 million worth of T-bills. That spiked interest rates & caused "Stagflation". Bondholders filed a class action lawsuit against the US Treasury to get their money.
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah

How, exactly?

How's 444 days of holding 52 American diplomats, and parading them around blindfolded and shackled for starters? Or how about his planned RESCUE MISSION that ended in disaster:

Carter bitch slapped the Ayatollah when he had Iraq attack & kill a million of his people for taking hostages.

Compare that to giving them arms that Reagan did or letting them proceed with nuclear weapons as Bush & Condi Rice agreed to do.
If Carter were still posing as a president there would still be American hostages in Iran.

Yeah ummm... it was the Carter Administration that got them out of there, history-man.

they were released the day Reagan was sworn in. history man

Carter had the hostages to the airport 2 hours before he left office. They were in the plane, on the runway waiting to take off. The plane took off 20 seconds after Reagan was sworn in.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.

Why? He was a democrat after all. What else is there to ponder?

Sorry, but Carter was one of the weakest and most ineffective presidents in U.S. history. Obama, however, will go down as the worst.

Jimmy Carter was well known as an intellectual egghead, I believe his I.Q was thru the roof. I just started a business during his first term, and it was very bad. Carter just couldn't move on any issue. 10 percent unemployment, 22 percent interest rates. Iran kicked him around for a year and a half, 50 hostages being held. He really was just a lousy President. The worst until now.

The 22% interest rates were Regean's, and massive debt got us out a recession, same as FDR. Carter was too instrospective at a time Americans wanted inspiration, the vote in 1976 was against Nixon, in particular the pardon*. I always believed Ford would have been better, not an intellectual heavyweight, but a stabilizing force.

*Ford did what was best for the nation, paid for it, and will be remembered as a good and honorable man.
Tried to micromanage the executive branch and during his first two years in office never had a Chief of Staff.
Yeah ummm... it was the Carter Administration that got them out of there, history-man.

they were released the day Reagan was sworn in. history man

Carter had the hostages to the airport 2 hours before he left office. They were in the plane, on the runway waiting to take off. The plane took off 20 seconds after Reagan was sworn in.

Some say Reagan's threats caused that. Reagan joked about nukes, remember? Carter wasn't the man for the times; many wanted sunny, feel good homilies, not depressing reality.
The north eastern liberal Ted Kennedy slobering loving elite despised and hated Jimmy Carter.
They fucked him and planned his demise November 3, 1976 day after the election.


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