Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

One guy I believe that surely doesn't get his just due in knocking the Soviets off their thrown is Poland's Lech Walesa.
Solidarity was a movement which did help re-evaluate the morals of the man..But Gorbachev was the catalyst of the revolution in the USSR.
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
No it didn't...It was amoral revolution from the top down..........The USSR had a 5 million man military, much larger than the USA..The USSR was not suffering my any great economic malady...
Here's how little Carter accomplished:

"We kept our country at peace. We never went to war. We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a bullet."​

Only President in the last 83 years who can make that statement.

What a "failure"....
I doubt if those 52 hostages in Iran felt at peace for 444 days.

How many of 'em died?
None, because Reagan was elected and they were released because the Iranians were afraid of him.
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
No it didn't...It was amoral revolution from the top down..........The USSR had a 5 million man military, much larger than the USA..The USSR was not suffering my any great economic malady...
You idiot, their economy had been teetering for years. Reagan made the SDI speech in 1983 and we began building missile defense systems (against the will of the Democrats) and the Russians couldn't keep up with us. Damn, you're stupid. Only after Reagan was reelected (overwhelmingly) did the Soviets come to terms with the fact that they could not keep up and were NOT gonna get a nuclear freeze that would have bailed them out. The USSR didn't fall, it was pushed.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
The GOP pulled an October surprise with the Iran hostage crisis. Hw bush was head of CIA. He made it happen and why he was picked to be the VP. Then later the Iran contra was the payback to the Iranians who held the hostages till after the election.
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
No it didn't...It was amoral revolution from the top down..........The USSR had a 5 million man military, much larger than the USA..The USSR was not suffering my any great economic malady...
You idiot, their economy had been teetering for years. Reagan made the SDI speech in 1983 and we began building missile defense systems (against the will of the Democrats) and the Russians couldn't keep up with us. Damn, you're stupid. Only after Reagan was reelected (overwhelmingly) did the Soviets come to terms with the fact that they could not keep up and were NOT gonna get a nuclear freeze that would have bailed them out. The USSR didn't fall, it was pushed.

And today Russia is our most dangerous adversary. What did Reagan win again? Who did Reagan defeat?
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.

President's don't control inflation. Unless you want to count Carter's appointment of Paul Volcker to the Fed. HE initiated the policies that killed the inflation cycle.
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
No it didn't...It was amoral revolution from the top down..........The USSR had a 5 million man military, much larger than the USA..The USSR was not suffering my any great economic malady...
You idiot, their economy had been teetering for years. Reagan made the SDI speech in 1983 and we began building missile defense systems (against the will of the Democrats) and the Russians couldn't keep up with us. Damn, you're stupid. Only after Reagan was reelected (overwhelmingly) did the Soviets come to terms with the fact that they could not keep up and were NOT gonna get a nuclear freeze that would have bailed them out. The USSR didn't fall, it was pushed.

Do you always have to be a dick head?

Nor did any key parameter of economic performance prior to 1985 point to a rapidly advancing disaster. From 1981 to 1985 the growth of the country’s GDP, though slowing down compared with the 1960s and 1970s, averaged 1.9 percent a year. The same lackadaisical but hardly catastrophic pattern continued through 1989. Budget deficits, which since the French Revolution have been considered among the prominent portents of a coming revolutionary crisis, equaled less than 2 percent of GDP in 1985. Although growing rapidly, the gap remained under 9 percent through 1989 — a size most economists would find quite manageable.

The sharp drop in oil prices, from $66 a barrel in 1980 to $20 a barrel in 1986 (in 2000 prices) certainly was a heavy blow to Soviet finances. Still, adjusted for inflation, oil was more expensive in the world markets in 1985 than in 1972, and only one-third lower than throughout the 1970s. And at the same time, Soviet incomes increased more than 2 percent in 1985, and inflation-adjusted wages continued to rise in the next five years through 1990 at an average of over 7 percent.
Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong
"A new moral atmosphere is taking shape in the country," Gorbachev told the Central Committee at the January 1987 meeting where he declared glasnost — openness — and democratization to be the foundation of his perestroika, or restructuring, of Soviet society. "A reappraisal of values and their creative rethinking is under way." Later, recalling his feeling that "we couldn’t go on like that any longer, and we had to change life radically, break away from the past malpractices," he called it his "moralposition."
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
No it didn't...It was amoral revolution from the top down..........The USSR had a 5 million man military, much larger than the USA..The USSR was not suffering my any great economic malady...
You idiot, their economy had been teetering for years. Reagan made the SDI speech in 1983 and we began building missile defense systems (against the will of the Democrats) and the Russians couldn't keep up with us. Damn, you're stupid. Only after Reagan was reelected (overwhelmingly) did the Soviets come to terms with the fact that they could not keep up and were NOT gonna get a nuclear freeze that would have bailed them out. The USSR didn't fall, it was pushed.
The only customer for missile defense companies is the US government. So this kind of economy drives up the debt because no profit comes in a bomb.
Double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, record high gas prices, Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (shortly after the signing of the Salt ll Treaty, which showed Carter's stupidity), Iranian Hostage Crisis. Yeah, a raging success. :lol:

About the most ignorant comment I've read in quite awhile. Inflation was rampant throughout the 70's. Nixon's wage and price controls didn't stop it. Ford's silly WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now) surprisingly didn't do the trick. Carter's selection of Paul Volcker and his policy of putting the economy on ice was the best action by a Fed chairman we've had in quite a while. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was their Vietnam which ended up bankrupting them. Yes, the Iranian Hostages Crisis costs 6 American lives but that was a hell of a lot less than the lives lost during the crisis-upon-crisis Reagan years.
Inflation was under 6% when Carter won the election in 1976. It was 12.4% when he left (and he had a Democratic Congress). Afghanistan didn't bankrupt the Soviet Union, the arms race did.
No it didn't...It was amoral revolution from the top down..........The USSR had a 5 million man military, much larger than the USA..The USSR was not suffering my any great economic malady...
You idiot, their economy had been teetering for years. Reagan made the SDI speech in 1983 and we began building missile defense systems (against the will of the Democrats) and the Russians couldn't keep up with us. Damn, you're stupid. Only after Reagan was reelected (overwhelmingly) did the Soviets come to terms with the fact that they could not keep up and were NOT gonna get a nuclear freeze that would have bailed them out. The USSR didn't fall, it was pushed.
The only customer for missile defense companies is the US government. So this kind of economy drives up the debt because no profit comes in a bomb.
It is like burning money....
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
The GOP pulled an October surprise with the Iran hostage crisis. Hw bush was head of CIA. He made it happen and why he was picked to be the VP. Then later the Iran contra was the payback to the Iranians who held the hostages till after the election.
Oh boy, another conspiracy theorist. Maybe you could team up with Pogo. The two of you could break out the bong and talk about it all night.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
The GOP pulled an October surprise with the Iran hostage crisis. Hw bush was head of CIA. He made it happen and why he was picked to be the VP. Then later the Iran contra was the payback to the Iranians who held the hostages till after the election.
Oh boy, another conspiracy theorist. Maybe you could team up with Pogo. The two of you could break out the bong and talk about it all night.
Bush family also friends with the bin ladin. It's why he let him get away in tora bora.

All coincidences?

Then the bank bailout right on Bush's way out? You stupid
Here's how little Carter accomplished:

"We kept our country at peace. We never went to war. We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a bullet."​

Only President in the last 83 years who can make that statement.

What a "failure"....
I doubt if those 52 hostages in Iran felt at peace for 444 days.

How many of 'em died?
None, because Reagan was elected and they were released because the Iranians were afraid of him.
Stupid, righty. Reagan had nothing to do with their release.
Here's how little Carter accomplished:

"We kept our country at peace. We never went to war. We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a bullet."​

Only President in the last 83 years who can make that statement.

What a "failure"....
I doubt if those 52 hostages in Iran felt at peace for 444 days.

How many of 'em died?
None, because Reagan was elected and they were released because the Iranians were afraid of him.
Stupid, righty. Reagan had nothing to do with their release.
Sure, that's why they let them go while Carter was still president, right? :lol:
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
The GOP pulled an October surprise with the Iran hostage crisis. Hw bush was head of CIA. He made it happen and why he was picked to be the VP. Then later the Iran contra was the payback to the Iranians who held the hostages till after the election.
Oh boy, another conspiracy theorist. Maybe you could team up with Pogo. The two of you could break out the bong and talk about it all night.
Bush family also friends with the bin ladin. It's why he let him get away in tora bora.

All coincidences?

Then the bank bailout right on Bush's way out? You stupid
Go back to your bong, you can't even type straight.
Here's how little Carter accomplished:

"We kept our country at peace. We never went to war. We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a bullet."​

Only President in the last 83 years who can make that statement.

What a "failure"....
I doubt if those 52 hostages in Iran felt at peace for 444 days.

How many of 'em died?
None, because Reagan was elected and they were released because the Iranians were afraid of him.
Stupid, righty. Reagan had nothing to do with their release.
Sure, that's why they let them go while Carter was still president, right? :lol:
They did. That's why Reagan had nothing to do with it.

Here, Cronkite announces Carter struck a deal, during the very end of his term, with the Iranians to release the hostages...

And here (near the end), Cronkite announces the plane with the hostages had taken off. This was before Reagan was sworn in.

I doubt if those 52 hostages in Iran felt at peace for 444 days.

How many of 'em died?
None, because Reagan was elected and they were released because the Iranians were afraid of him.
Stupid, righty. Reagan had nothing to do with their release.
Sure, that's why they let them go while Carter was still president, right? :lol:
They did. That's why Reagan had nothing to do with it.

Here, Cronkite announces Carter struck a deal, during the very end of his term, with the Iranians to release the hostages...

And here (near the end), Cronkite announces the plane with the hostages had taken off. This was before Reagan was sworn in.

Well, I guess you're gonna have to duke it out with pogo and sillybooboo because they're quite certain that Reagan and Bush made a deal with the Iranians to keep the hostages until inauguration day to make sure Carter lost (like he wouldn't have anyway). You libs need to get on the same page. Incidentally, exactly what was the deal that Carter made with the Iranians?
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
Because both the republicans and democrats in congress didn't like him.

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