Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Poor simpleton...

You can hurl meaningless insults all night long .... that's still not going to alter the fact that your opinion remains in complete diametric oppostion with consistant scientific polling.
Poor simpleton...

You can hurl meaningless insults all night long .... that's still not going to alter the fact that your opinion remains in complete diametric oppostion [sic] with consistant [sic] scientific polling.


You don't even realize what you're doing.


Bunko, exactly what part of "do not edit other people's posts" do you need help with? Does it need to be in Swahili? Is that it?
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Then stop doing it. As you did in five of your last six quotes. Lying asshole.
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Then stop doing it.

I have not done it at all. Responding to the part of a post I wish to address does not equate to "editing" that post. Unbunch and move on. Now, about that offer to help...just let me know if you still need it.
Would you like to discuss the topic of the thread, or is it your intention to go on trolling this way? You'd think that after all my offers to help you might be a little less of a spammer asshole, but I guess some people just can't help themselves.
C'mon, I got a bet goin' here, control freako. Edit this.

Frustrates the fuck out of you when your manipulative bullshit falls flat, donut? :rofl:
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Would you like to discuss the topic of the thread, troll? Come on, it might be more interesting to you than this blatant spamming. We could also discuss your confusion regarding language if you like. My offer to help still stands.
Being a good leader is not something that can be determined by SAT scores. Carter may have been the smartest peanut farmer in the country but he was completely unsuited to the office of President. He lacked the temperament and the character for the job.
Being a good leader is not something that can be determined by SAT scores. Carter may have been the smartest peanut farmer in the country but he was completely unsuited to the office of President. He lacked the temperament and the character for the job.

Temperament, perhaps. Connections, certainly. But character --- not so much. Back when this thread was actually on topic we established that in several area, including but not limited to the Torrijos-Carter treaty and as some wag put it, "giving away Iran". Carter had more moral character than any of the malleable puppets who have occupied the office since. By plenty.

Disclaimer: this post not subject to editing.
The President of Iran, The Prime Minister of Israel, The Reagan/Bush staff member, The Portuguese Prime Minister who was assassinated by the CIA who said he had documents about the October Surprise....

It doesn't take a genius to make the connection between Iranians who demanded weapons from Carter for the Hostages to Reagan who gave weapons to Iran. And those are facts.
In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

There will never be enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.

Meaning you don't have Jack but you dislike Reagan so much you'll believe a completely unsubstantiated story, we get it.
Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.

LOL, he sanctioned the Iranian election where they claimed they HAND counted 41 million ballots in just a few hours, sorry Jimmy is a moron.
In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

There will never be enough proof to Reagan supporters and there was never a serious investigation.

Meaning you don't have Jack but you dislike Reagan so much you'll believe a completely unsubstantiated story, we get it.

No it means we could have Reagan on tape(which we do) admitting he traded weapons for hostages and dupes will tell us he meant mythical hostages in Lebanon by mythical pro Iranian groups that Reagan felt compelled to send billions in weapons to get released.
Despite doing that, FDR still remains in the top 3 according to polls. But again, your opinion is noted.

Polls? HAHAHA. FDR was a mass murderer as proved by his policy of urban bombing IN ww2. He killed MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

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