Why did Obama invite the Clintons and not the Bushs to lay the wreath?

A Texan anywhere near JFKs grave would be a desicration

A member of my family was murdered many years ago in a town in the Mid-West.

Should I feel anyone from that state who visits my family member's grave is desecrating it or my family member???

Islam is bent on establishing global dominance over every government and every religion.

There is a complete difference in the dynamics of the two situations.

Look.....19 Muslims hijacked four planes and killed 3000 Americans. Does that mean all 1.5 Billion Muslims are responsible?

Hell yes it does

Same goes for those fucking Texans killing Kennedy

wow.....you really are a "Right Winger"....
A member of my family was murdered many years ago in a town in the Mid-West.

Should I feel anyone from that state who visits my family member's grave is desecrating it or my family member???

Islam is bent on establishing global dominance over every government and every religion.

There is a complete difference in the dynamics of the two situations.

Look.....19 Muslims hijacked four planes and killed 3000 Americans. Does that mean all 1.5 Billion Muslims are responsible?

Hell yes it does

Same goes for those fucking Texans killing Kennedy

wow.....you really are a "Right Winger"....

You should see me when the discussion turns to Postmen
Who cares in regards to this...............

Only the leftist want to go somewhere with Obama anyway..............

Bush could have went wearing a shirt that says I'm with Stupid or something I guess............

Well said. He could have went. And if he had went wearing a shirt that says I'm with Stupid......the arrow might would have been pointinged at his wife the once former firsted lady, also known to be Barbara Bush who he is married to.

i can see that you appreciate prodigious engrish.

i appauld that.
I have suspected for sometime that Obama really doesn't like bush. :evil:

It's OK. Republicans didn't want him at their convention and most of the entire rest of the world hates his guts and wants to try him as a "war criminal".

You do realize it took the media over 4 years to get people t dislike bush? Now obama did it on his own. Silly liberal.

remember the inauguration of w? he was not liked then due to a very controversial election result. then something happened, and w got an above 90% approval rating by grandstanding and media support.

you are a retard.
I have looked at several new websites that are "trustworthy" and none of them mention why President Bush and his wife were not invited to attend the ceremony at President Kennedy's grave today.

Why did Obama invite the Clintons and not the Bushs?

Having a Texan at JFKs grave is like having a Muslim visit the WTC Memorial
Being a fiscal conservative, Kennedy had the potential to be a great leader if he had been able to keep his pants on.
I have looked at several new websites that are "trustworthy" and none of them mention why President Bush and his wife were not invited to attend the ceremony at President Kennedy's grave today.

Why did Obama invite the Clintons and not the Bushs?

Having a Texan at JFKs grave is like having a Muslim visit the WTC Memorial
Being a fiscal conservative, Kennedy had the potential to be a great leader if he had been able to keep his pants on.

It is just stunningly amazing how Conservatives lie right out their collective ass and re-write history. In 1960, Republicans were painting John F. Kennedy as a dangerous Liberal who would bring communism to the USA and ruin everything. Even in 1961, those idiots were screamining "we want our country back".

This is a REPUBLICAN placard that was used a lot in 1961:


Cons have not changed one ioto in 50 years.

Right-Wing Propaganda Hasn't Really Changed in 50 Years | The Daily Banter

"In it, you’ll notice familiar refrains: accusations of communism, leading from behind, anti-Christian behavior, fueling racial tensions and violations of states’ rights. The president’s successes distorted into failures and he’s accused of lying about his mysterious past, etc…"

And Conservative freaks from England helped:


Lord, sometimes, well, most of the time, Cons are really just pathetic.

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Does any nutter here think that John F Kennedy would be welcome in the GOP today? Of course there are. All great Historical figures were "conservative".
I have looked at several new websites that are "trustworthy" and none of them mention why President Bush and his wife were not invited to attend the ceremony at President Kennedy's grave today.

Why did Obama invite the Clintons and not the Bushs?

Maybe it's because he may have only invited students and worshippers of Saul Alinsky.

In honor of Saul Alinsky day, Hillary Clinton's dark Alinskyite past

Posted By Joshua Keating

Monday, January 30, 2012 - 5:39 PM

[...] But Obama isn't the first Democrat to be hit with the Alinskyite charge. In fact, the "Alinskyite" charge was basically invented to attack his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, while she was first lady -- a charge that centered around her 1969 Wellesley College thesis on Alinsky. It didn't really help that in 1993, under pressure from the White House, Wellesley adopted a rule under which "The senior thesis of every Wellesley alumna is available in the college archives for anyone to read -- except for those written by either a "president or first lady of the United States," a rule that in Wellesley's 140-year history would only apply to one person. As MSNBC.com's Bill Dedman wrote in 2007, the secrecy turned the thesis into something of a Holy Grail for Clinton's critics:

David Brock, in his 1996 biography, "The Seduction of Hillary Rodham," called her "Alinsky's daughter."

Barbara Olson, the conservative lawyer and commentator, used an Alinsky quote to open every chapter of her 1999 book, "Hell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton." Olson, who died in the Sept. 11 terror attacks, had charged in her book that the thesis was locked away because Clinton "does not want the American people to know the extent to which she internalized and assimilated the beliefs and methods of Saul Alinsky."​

Bill O'Reilly waved a few pages on Fox TV in 2003, chiding Wellesley for hiding Clinton's analysis of a "far left" activist.

Peggy Noonan, the former Reagan speechwriter writing in The Wall Street Journal in 2005, decried the continued suppression of "the Rosetta Stone of Hillary studies."

These days, Clinton's Alinsky thesis is available online. While it may not quite be consistent with the middle-of-the-road Democratic policies Clinton went on to adopt, it's bound to be a bit disappointing for anyone for evidence of Clinton's subversive views. As Dedman writes, while Clinton admired Alinsky for putting progressive principals into practice:

In the end, she judged that Alinsky's “power/conflict model is rendered inapplicable by existing social conflicts” — overriding national issues such as racial tension and segregation. Alinsky had no success in forming an effective national movement, she said, referring dismissively to “the anachronistic nature of small autonomous conflict.”

Clinton turned down a job offer from Alinsky after college, deciding instead to go to law school.

In honor of Saul Alinsky day, Hillary Clinton's dark Alinskyite past | FP Passport

Even though JFK would roll over in his grave if he knew Alinsky worshippers were standing there.

JFK has so little in common with today's Democrats.

Of course, Obama doesn't want to stand next to Bush. People will start longing for the old days if they compare the two. Even though I didn't always agree with Bush, I never feared him the way I do Obama.

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