Why Did Strzok Refuse to Answer Questions?

Yet you cannot point to even one official act of bias. So retarded.

Having seen the vile nature of his texts to and from his lover. If you or a loved one was being investigated by Strozk and he had said these things about you or your loved one, how confident would you be that his judgment would be totally unbiased?

Completely. Especially given the conclusions of the IG and his own testimony under oath.

The better question is still, what evidence do you have that he acted in an official capacity with bias?

The answer, none of course.

Your bias is showing.
He was fired by Mueller from the investigation.

He was reassigned. Mueller knew the perception of these texts would cause a shitstorm. They have indeed and Mueller was smart to remove him immediately in order to protect the investigation. There is no official finding of bias in his professional conduct.

Stop lying.
Yes, he was "reassigned" because of the appearance of BIAS. Stop lying.
Trumpanzees have issues with intellecTuals.
pseudo intellectuals, see you guys take everything out of context.....thanks for proving my point.

Your point that you are just another gullible Trumpkin defending Don the Con?

Yep- we keep proving that.
Again my candidate won, I'm getting judges on the SC that I like, I got my tax cut, I got regulations reduced. I'll get a republican majority this fall and then a border wall. I really don't give a fuck what you think.

Of course you don't.

Don the Con suckered you right in.

Imagine- finally getting a Republican majority in Congress this fall.....

I didn't say finally....we'll get another one and you'll scream at the sky.
and I don't give a fuck what you think, Donny is doing what I voted for him to do.

Of course Don the Con is doing what you voted for him to do- if he blows Putin next week he will still be doing what you voted for him to do.
Yet you cannot point to even one official act of bias. So retarded.

Having seen the vile nature of his texts to and from his lover. If you or a loved one was being investigated by Strozk and he had said these things about you or your loved one, how confident would you be that his judgment would be totally unbiased?

Completely. Especially given the conclusions of the IG and his own testimony under oath.

The better question is still, what evidence do you have that he acted in an official capacity with bias?

The answer, none of course.

Your bias is showing.
He was fired by Mueller from the investigation.

He was reassigned. Mueller knew the perception of these texts would cause a shitstorm. They have indeed and Mueller was smart to remove him immediately in order to protect the investigation. There is no official finding of bias in his professional conduct.

Stop lying.
Yes, he was "reassigned" because of the appearance of BIAS. Stop lying.

What lie? Everything he said is factually correct.

I find it fascinating to watch out the contards are willing to destroy the FBI in order to protect Don the Con.
Yet you cannot point to even one official act of bias. So retarded.

Having seen the vile nature of his texts to and from his lover. If you or a loved one was being investigated by Strozk and he had said these things about you or your loved one, how confident would you be that his judgment would be totally unbiased?

Oh you want us to judge based upon our 'feelings' rather than the actual evidence.

I realize you love Don the Con- but as has been pointed out- there is no evidence that Strzok let his own personal disgust with Don the Con to interfere with his investigation.

Remember- nothing in the investigation has rested on Strzok 'judgement'- he was part of a team that investigated the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russia- which is still ongoing.
What difference would evidence make?

There were a confession and admission of wrongdoing by Lois Lerner concerning the denial and delay of non-profit status approval by the IRS. Did anything happen? No, a couple of people were moved from one job to another. Lois Lerner's punishment? She retired with full benefits for life. Wow, how harsh!
What difference would evidence make?!

Thank for admitting you don't care about evidence- just 'feelings'

That, as you know is a trait of Democrats and Progressives.

I was, as you know, pointing out that even with evidence, it makes no difference to Democrats and Progressives. Everything just gets swept aside.

Yes- we Democrats actually demand evidence.

Unlike you contards who have have the lynching and proudly proclaim you don't need any evidence.
There are no freaking secrets that haven't been leaked to the MSM. The excuse that the information is "classified" doesn't fly and the redacted stuff is just an exercise in CYA. The sad thing is that a lot of this stuff comes down to Sessions inability or unwillingness to deal with a freaking attempted coup on the President of the United States.
All that I can wonder about is Trump and Sessons playing a inside game to bring the Rats out of the hole to be shot. They could have a inside game. If not I have no ideas what is going to happen. I do know the mid term is going to be interesting.

I think it is interesting to see what how this is bringing out the Rats of the Republican party to defend Don the Con and destroy the FBI.
After all the months of investigation, the only wrongdoing exposed was that of the Democrats. The rigged investigation of the Clinton e-mail scandal and the phony "dossier," which led to the Russian Collusion witch hunt. Anyone who still believes there's evidence against Trump is delusional.

The FBI isn't being destroyed by exposing their bias and complete disregard for equality under the law; just the opposite.
leaked what?

The existence of the investigation, fool.
ok, but what are they leaking, what information?

I just told you, dope.
Based on what? a golden showers Hilary Clinton document?
No, dope.
Based on a Russian intelligence operation which actively worked to interfere with our election.

Strzok and the FBI started their counterintelligence investigation in July of 16.
So what caused them to intervene?
And why didn't Obama mention it before the election?
ah I hate to interrupt the circle jerk of pseudo intellecuals, but what evidence is he talking about? Or is this one of those we'll see in the report kinda deals?
Trumpanzees have issues with intellecTuals.
pseudo intellectuals, see you guys take everything out of context.....thanks for proving my point.

Your point that you are just another gullible Trumpkin defending Don the Con?

Yep- we keep proving that.
Again my candidate won, I'm getting judges on the SC that I like, I got my tax cut, I got regulations reduced. I'll get a republican majority this fall and then a border wall. I really don't give a fuck what you think.


& mexico will pay for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strzok's attack on the distinguished gentleman from Texas, Mr. Gohmert, was despicable.

Why didn't the agent just tell the truth.

Gohmert is a despicable retard.

Rep. Gohmert is a distinguished gentleman and a decorated officer in the US Army. Just like Eisenhower.

Distinguished gentlemen don't make personal attacks against witnesses testifying under oath. His behavior was despicable.
Gohmert was merely impeaching the credibility of the witness. If the witness was unable to uphold the promises he made to his wife, the possible is that he is not upholding the promise to tell the truth here.

Does the same go for the lounge lizard who is POTUS?
Sure, but POTUS is upholding his......so you lose.
He's the President, you fucking bonehead. He's not an employee of the FBI.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's an employee of the american people that has the highest security level there is... & a prime target of blackmail.... should there be any thing incriminating like......say............................a pee pee tape. :eusa_whistle:
There is no pee pee tape, shit-for-brains. There are no rules for what is required to be president other than the ones specified in the Constitution. It's pathetic that this has to be explained to you.

whether there is a tape or not is besides the point...

Hardly, douchebag. You've been implying that Trump should be impeached over it.

the POINT is- a president is open to all kinds of blackmail, if there is anything that can be dredged up; however a security clearance is not a pre-req for a candidate to run & then get 'hired' as leader of the country.. an FBI agent has to go thru an extensive background check & gets re-visited every 3-5 years. strzok has been in the FBI for 22 years & has passed his clearances several times.

ROFL! So the fact that Strozk broke the rules and should have lost his security clearance and his job according to those rules doesn't matter, but the fact that those rules don't apply to Trump does matter? Strozk would does not now qualify for a securit clearance. End of story.

You're a major fucking imbecile. Why do you even bother to post? You embarass yourself amost every time you do.

I'll repeat it several times so perhaps it will penetrate:

Strozk is subject to the regulations on security clearances. Trump isn't.
Strozk is subject to the regulations on security clearances. Trump isn't.
Strozk is subject to the regulations on security clearances. Trump isn't.
Strozk is subject to the regulations on security clearances. Trump isn't.

ho-hum. got that out of your system?

Sometimes you have to get it through your thick skull
pseudo intellectuals, see you guys take everything out of context.....thanks for proving my point.

Your point that you are just another gullible Trumpkin defending Don the Con?

Yep- we keep proving that.
Again my candidate won, I'm getting judges on the SC that I like, I got my tax cut, I got regulations reduced. I'll get a republican majority this fall and then a border wall. I really don't give a fuck what you think.

Of course you don't.

Don the Con suckered you right in.

Imagine- finally getting a Republican majority in Congress this fall.....

I didn't say finally....we'll get another one and you'll scream at the sky.
and I don't give a fuck what you think, Donny is doing what I voted for him to do.

Of course Don the Con is doing what you voted for him to do- if he blows Putin next week he will still be doing what you voted for him to do.
Nah, that would be an unexpected bonus. But since your side has most of the peter puffers, I doubt it, now he may give Putin's wife a good time.
And Donny is doing what I want, and your reaction is what I was hoping for, but it's so much better.....you lefties are deranged....
What I want to know about that piece of shit is what is with that fucking expression on his fucking arrogant face? Why, when he talks, does his entire upper row of his teeth show.

Good Lord I want them knocked the fuck out.

why won't the release of the full transcript of his 11 hour grilling that the public hasn't seen or heard be granted by the (R)s? strzok is welcoming that. but not the obstructionists on the right.
Because were not as stupid as democrats..

Every word from that liar is being verified... Its called investigating criminal behavior.... and once they have him lying to congress, off to jail that bastard goes....
What I want to know about that piece of shit is what is with that fucking expression on his fucking arrogant face? Why, when he talks, does his entire upper row of his teeth show.

Good Lord I want them knocked the fuck out.

He obviously thinks he is above the law... Fucker needs a long term jail cell..

If Paige's testimony is accurate, this is the pervasive attitude among many in Mueller's group and others still in the DOJ...

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