Why Did The "Conservative" Bomb Suspect Strike On The Eve Of The Election?

The whole thing is too convenient for democrats even down to the Trump stickers. What if a friendly republican judge let this guy go like they did Bill Ayers years ago and blamed the FBI? Would their be a shit storm?

Total non sequitur ^^^; one can always tell when a member of the Crazy Right Wing is scared.

So, every single member of the Right Wing......is "Crazy" ?
Interesting POV, disturbing.....yet interesting
The whole thing is too convenient for democrats even down to the Trump stickers. What if a friendly republican judge let this guy go like they did Bill Ayers years ago and blamed the FBI? Would their be a shit storm?

Sorry but your assumption is that Trumpers are intelligent and strategic thinkers.

They are not. They're emotionally driven by Trump's violent rhetoric
I'm gonna stick to my guns here.....
This guy is no Conservative. This was a "dream come true" October surprise, and just as was with kavanaugh.....the radical Left is likely behind it.

Just give it time....it'll come out. But probably after the elections. Tin Foil territory? Of course they will declare it...but isn't that expected of them?
The Radical Left has a very radical policy.....it goes like this......'By ANY Means Necessary"

Cunning indeed.....but will it eventually lead to their total victory?

That said....IF....he worked alone and was a Trump supporter.......
He's certainly not representative of Conservatives or the right wing at all and should be evaluated mentally. Also if true, he did the Dems a great service with his ignorance.
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Sorry but your assumption is that Trumpers are intelligent and strategic thinkers.

They are not. They're emotionally driven by Trump's violent rhetoric

....conveniently....right on the eve of the election (but not for some reason after it)...while sending bombs to leading dems would garner sympathy voting.....driving a van very conveniently plastered with Trump/GOP support stickers, all oriented nicely to each other....giving a nice wrap-up soundbite and photo op for the liberal media.....

Weird, that. :popcorn:
People do realize it is a fake profile on Facebook, right? The person there posted 10 minutes ago.
The whole thing is too convenient for democrats even down to the Trump stickers. What if a friendly republican judge let this guy go like they did Bill Ayers years ago and blamed the FBI? Would their be a shit storm?

Total non sequitur ^^^; one can always tell when a member of the Crazy Right Wing is scared.

So, every single member of the Right Wing......is "Crazy" ?
Interesting POV, disturbing.....yet interesting

Q. How did you jump to "every single member of the Right Wing......is "Crazy"; from, "one can always tell when a member of the Crazy Right Wing is scared"
How many Dems have you heard say that the Radical Left went to far with Kavanaugh?
I'm not sure the radical left knows the meaning of compromise or decency.
Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

That's a lie and it's projection. Show us where Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. Don't you mean Democrats?
Well, appears like one of you guys went crazy and began a terrorist campaign for your cause.

Oh sure, one of "you guys". I called out a lie and this is the result. Progressives = intellectual dishonesty
Q. How did you jump to "every single member of the Right Wing......is "Crazy"; from, "one can always tell when a member of the Crazy Right Wing is scared"

If you read your own post, it does seem to infer that. Go ahead, read it a few more times

The "Crazy Right Wing" ?

I see your point also. It probably depends on one's perspective
Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

That's a lie and it's projection. Show us where Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. Don't you mean Democrats?

Fake Post ^^^. Trump's Rallies this Week have been broadcast on the MSM, maybe because you only watch FOX is why you posted such an ignorant comment.
I think he's just a mentally ill person

And most such mentally ill people remain harmless, until someone sets them off.

The right has been engaged in an extended campaign to set such people off. The left hasn't. The two sides are polar opposites in that regard, which is why there's been so much more violence from the right.

The "both sides do it!" argument is nonsense, as both sides don't do it. The right does it, the left doesn't, hence one should condemn the right.
Q. How did you jump to "every single member of the Right Wing......is "Crazy"; from, "one can always tell when a member of the Crazy Right Wing is scared"

If you read your own post, it does seem to infer that. Go ahead, read it a few more times

The "Crazy Right Wing" ?

I see your point also. It probably depends on one's perspective

The syntax is awkward, but can you deny there is no idiot fringe with members of both the left and right?
Running up to the elections, Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. That was what probably set this guy off.

Conservatives don't know specifically which on-the-edge conservatives will be set off by their escalating calls for more violence, but they know they'll be setting off some of them, and that's their intent. Stochastic terrorism.

That's a lie and it's projection. Show us where Trump and other Republicans were getting more hysterical with their calls for violence. Don't you mean Democrats?

Fake Post ^^^. Trump's Rallies this Week have been broadcast on the MSM, maybe because you only watch FOX is why you posted such an ignorant comment.

I asked a direct question and all you have is "because I say so".
Man, just as I predicted.

The tards came up with a horseshit theory about the bomber. In the TOTAL ABSENCE OF FACTS OR EVIDENCE, they created a fucking phantasm.

Then they began stating it as a fact.

This is a textbook example of MASS DELUSION.

And just as I predicted, if it turns out reality conflicts with their made up fucking BULLSHIT, the fucking idiot tard herd goes into full reality denial mode.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers

Because he's a full bore trumpanzee and they are simply not very bright.
It's a question that needs to be asked and asked and asked again.

Why now? Please discuss the possible motives you theorize as relates to the TIMING of the events added to the fact (not disputed) that all targets are high ranking democrats or their wealthy supporters.

The pivotal Congressional election is just days away. Maybe such a concerned and evidently-manifest "conservative Trump supporter" might have waited until after the election so it wouldn't hurt the Congressional lead the GOP has? I mean, look at his van. Clearly he is organized enough to display those stickers so perfectly aligned to each other. He shows signs of keep the van clean, the collage looks graphically-oriented like he did a good job organizing it. So he displays initial signs of understanding how things fit together. Like perhaps how spurring sympathy for democrats on the eve of an election might harm instead of help his cause?

And, as an added bonus theory question, please discuss the convenience that the suspect was clearly (as in, "there can be no doubt") labeled "a Trump supporter" by the stickers on his van. Does there leave any doubt at all that this van is like a walking billboard of most-certainty ever of a car owner "being a conservative Trump supporter!"? I have to admit, it seems to seal the case shut in the bag. No doubt whatsoever that this is in no way shape or form an democrat operative. Very nice for CNN too to have such a clean cut ending to the story. :popcorn: Bombing suspect’s van blanketed in pro-Trump bumper stickers

Trump sheep/domestic terrorists are among the dumbest human beings that have ever lived. Why did he commit a terrorist attack before the election? I don’t know. Hell, why did he think Mexico was going to pay for a border wall?
You are correct.....that's about the same level of stupidity.

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