Why did the democrat party commit suicide?

Why did the democrats impeach Trump?

  • Reason 1

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Reason 2

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters
1. Because they rightfully see Trump as an existential threat to the People and their Republic and its Constitution

2. Because they value the preservation of the Republic as far more important than short-term political advantage


As to (2), well, if the Republicans had any sense of decency remaining to them, and the balls to act on it, they'd buy (2) as well.
Which explains why Pelosi won’t send the articles to the senate! Dummy!
they could spy on ANYONE!!!,
What have Republicans done to eliminate that threat? Oh, wait! Who gave us the Homeland Security Act and still fund it?
Who supports the CIA and FBI? Who keeps funding them? What alleged protected "right" in the Bill of Rights has been eviscerated by the above? You know, National Security and all that shit-
I think they went through with impeachment thinking they could flip some never-TRUMPers in the house and when that didn't happen I imagine enough democrats in the senate let Pelosi know they won't be dragged into the mess she created.

McConnell called Pelosi's bluff and now she is stuck in another lose-lose situation.
... by impeaching Trump.

Reason 1: Because they know they can not defeat Trump in 2020.

Reason 2: Because they want to divert attention away from the corruption Trump was investigating.

Which do you believe is the prominent reason they impeached Trump?
Let's take Nassau County as an example.
The Attorneys who own NC are a group of 6 people.
Everyone sucks up to them but the 6 can't believe what everyone tells them.
The 6 have no time for TV or news sites so they just keep doing what they believe they should be doing in order to make more money.
The 6 know how how the media lies because the 6, just like the media, are in it for the money.
Case closed.
When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality?
David Frum on the GOP’s Lost Sense of Reality -- New York Magazine - Nymag

"I’ve been a Republican all my adult life. I have worked on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, at Forbes magazine, at the Manhattan and American Enterprise Institutes, as a speechwriter in the George W. Bush administration. I believe in free markets, low taxes, reasonable regulation, and limited government. I voted for John McCain in 2008, and I have strongly criticized the major policy decisions of the Obama administration. But as I contemplate my party and my movement in 2011, I see things I simply cannot support."
... by impeaching Trump.

Reason 1: Because they know they can not defeat Trump in 2020.

Reason 2: Because they want to divert attention away from the corruption Trump was investigating.

Which do you believe is the prominent reason they impeached Trump?

QUOTE: "......Democrats have relied on President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s coalition to control the White House and Congress for much of the past eight decades, with black voters being the most reliable bloc in the alliance.

But three recent national polls may signal big changes ahead in America’s political balance of power.

Rasmussen Reports announced Nov. 22 that 34 percent of blacks in the latest survey said they now support President Donald Trump. Shortly thereafter, Emerson Polling said it found that 34.5 percent of blacks back the president.

Since only 8 percent of black voters supported Trump in the 2016 election, such a shift in the Democratic Party’s most loyal constituency quickly sparked glee among conservative commentators and derisive outrage among liberals.

Typical of the latter was CNN analyst Ana Navarro’s quip that the pollsters must have only interviewed prominent black Trump supporters Kanye West; his wife, Kim Kardashian; former Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke; and YouTube stars Diamond and Silk.

But then the latest Marist poll showed 33.5 percent of “non-whites,” including both blacks and Hispanics, were in favor of the president.

In fact, growing support among blacks for Trump is not a new thing. When Kanye West met with Trump in the Oval Office in 2018 and proclaimed his enthusiasm for the president, Hoover Institution professor Victor Davis Hanson described the potential for a shift in black electoral allegiance:

“Even 20 percent African American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. … A small drop in African American turnout or anything less than the usual 85 percent to 90 percent supermajority for a Democratic presidential candidate on Election Day can prove fatal.”

Polls Showing Third of Blacks Support Trump May Herald Huge Political Upheavals Ahead
Why did the democrats impeach Trump?

Because the pain , hatred and confusion among the Rats run deep.....they never thought she could lose ....they are totally flabbergasted to this very day..... they can not comprehend how their witch lost.

that reason above is Number 1 ^^^

And now, at this very late stage....the know in their hearts nobody can defeat Trump in 2020

The democrats had someone that could defeat Trump. But they're throwing her under the bus (Tulsi Gabbard) This is the latest problem with the democrats, IMO. They want their cake and eat it to. They have this ridiculous idea that they can run roughshod over anyone that gets in their way. Including the GOP, independents and libertarians.
The reasons Tulsi could win, I'll leave for another thread. Simply because I realize that Tulsi can't beat the establishment within her own party. And honestly I think she knows this.
None the less, I think the dems have won the battle. But they're going to lose the war (2020 election)

For the life of me, I thought Pelosi was smarter than to try to impeach Trump over such a stupid law. Now, I agree, Trump broke the law. But it was a stupid law. And not one that I agree would call for impeachment, unless one is one of those "But IT'S THE LAW" kind of folks. That be the case, then even republicans should've voted for impeachment.

One reason I bring Tulsi into this, is because she's the only one that voted present on the impeachment. And is trying to get Trump censured. Which is the correct punishment for what Trump did. Not a full blown partisan impeachment.

Trump broke NO law, that's where I disagree with your statement.

Trump is the best thing that ever happened to USA :2up:
Trump censured. Which is the correct punishment for what Trump did. Not a full blown partisan impeachment.

Trump broke NO law, that's where I disagree with your statement.

Trump is the best thing that ever happened to USA :2up:

Trump did break the law. It was in fact a stupid law. That should not have gotten him impeached for. Censured, yes. Impeached, no.
Trump should've known better than to ask a foreign government to help dig up dirt on a political opponent. There's people in our own government who's supposed to do the investigating and favor asking. Not Trump. At least not along these lines.

Personally, I think the whole impeachment thing was a partisan bag of crap. And the democrats will get what they've got coming to them in 2020. IMO, if the election were held today, the democrats would lose the house, and even more seats in the Senate. And of course, Trump get's re-elected.

But as a conservative, (not a republican) Trump getting re-elected doesn't excite me. Simply because he's spends too dayum much money. He's just too liberal for me. All of this "great" economy BS is just that. It's a product of borrowing from the Fed, pumping it into the economy, and making everything look good. It's a bubble. One that will burst.
Same as Reagans bubble. Tax cuts with spending increases gave us 4 tax increases and 17 debt ceiling increases. Then another new tax after HW was elected. All just to keep inflation from going back up to the Jimmy Carter levels.
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... by impeaching Trump.

Reason 1: Because they know they can not defeat Trump in 2020.

Reason 2: Because they want to divert attention away from the corruption Trump was investigating.

Which do you believe is the prominent reason they impeached Trump?
It is Gods will. They rejected Him, now the party must die
... by impeaching Trump.

Reason 1: Because they know they can not defeat Trump in 2020.

Reason 2: Because they want to divert attention away from the corruption Trump was investigating.

Which do you believe is the prominent reason they impeached Trump?

Lets hope they actually did commit suicide and that this ruins them in the next election
Reason Three: The Peter principle.
It's for the best for all of us to let the Democrats pass away. It's natures plan. Like lemmings jumping off cliffs or dear old uncle Bernie's nitroglycerin enemas.
Trump censured. Which is the correct punishment for what Trump did. Not a full blown partisan impeachment.

Trump broke NO law, that's where I disagree with your statement.

Trump is the best thing that ever happened to USA :2up:

Trump did break the law. ....

Prove it.

You've heard the evidence. And you still don't see it. So I doubt you'll take my word for it.

That’s not how it works. Prove it.
The Democrat Party committed suicide in the same manner as did so many others crossed Hillary's ambitions.


After all, the party couldn't engineer a win for in 2016 and there simply was a price tag they didn't read before wrapping up the goods and carrying them off.

Oh, BTW, they'll do it again in 2020 - in hope of proving that doing the same thing over and over with the same failure result is not insane.

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