Why did the FBI led by Jim Comey allow a known terrorist to buy assault rifles

The dealer that turned him in was not the dealer that sold him the weapons. The second dealer turned him in because the was looking for law enforcement grade body armor and was acting suspiciously. Calling the FBI was useless because they didn't even get the guys name. Stay with the facts.
The gun dealer refused to sell him gear and he reported the terrorist. Thus the dealer was able to spot the killer underneath. Seriously, the FBI could use this dealers talent, as they can't spot squat.

The dealer evidently wasn't that talented, he didn't figure out a way to get the shooters name, he just refused the sale.
The gun dealer did a service to the USA. And I thank him for it

I agree, he was right in refusing the sale. If anyone screwed up it was the FBI, they could have gotten the surveillance photos and ran them through facial recognition software to identify him. But then again, hind sight is always 20/20, Monday morning quarterbacks have unblemished records.

So it's right, now, to defy the 2nd Amendment?

lol, Islamophobia derangement syndrome has some hilarious symptoms.
Yea the symptoms are DEATH for innocent Americans.
he looked like a muslim, the fbi didnt need any other reason to throw him in jail.

The gun dealer refused to sell him gear and he reported the terrorist. Thus the dealer was able to spot the killer underneath. Seriously, the FBI could use this dealers talent, as they can't spot squat.

The dealer evidently wasn't that talented, he didn't figure out a way to get the shooters name, he just refused the sale.
The gun dealer did a service to the USA. And I thank him for it

I agree, he was right in refusing the sale. If anyone screwed up it was the FBI, they could have gotten the surveillance photos and ran them through facial recognition software to identify him. But then again, hind sight is always 20/20, Monday morning quarterbacks have unblemished records.

So it's right, now, to defy the 2nd Amendment?

lol, Islamophobia derangement syndrome has some hilarious symptoms.
Yea the symptoms are DEATH for innocent Americans.

go to Disney and get your muzzie gator's opinion ..
he looked like a muslim, the fbi didnt need any other reason to throw him in jail.

If the FBI had heeded the pleas for help from the people that he scared the living shit out of, there would be 50 people alive today, including Omar Mateen the worst mass murderer in Us history. Seriously how can you defend this lowlife murdering scum who's claim to fame is sucking the life out of young Americans in or before their prime.
The dealer that turned him in was not the dealer that sold him the weapons. The second dealer turned him in because the was looking for law enforcement grade body armor and was acting suspiciously. Calling the FBI was useless because they didn't even get the guys name. Stay with the facts.
The gun dealer refused to sell him gear and he reported the terrorist. Thus the dealer was able to spot the killer underneath. Seriously, the FBI could use this dealers talent, as they can't spot squat.

The dealer evidently wasn't that talented, he didn't figure out a way to get the shooters name, he just refused the sale.
The gun dealer did a service to the USA. And I thank him for it

I agree, he was right in refusing the sale. If anyone screwed up it was the FBI, they could have gotten the surveillance photos and ran them through facial recognition software to identify him. But then again, hind sight is always 20/20, Monday morning quarterbacks have unblemished records.

So it's right, now, to defy the 2nd Amendment?

lol, Islamophobia derangement syndrome has some hilarious symptoms.

You are one clueless MF if you got that out of what I said. It's so far off the wall, that's about the best response I can muster.
This is all we need to know, once this which is the problem is known then and only then can the problem begin to be solved. In the same light why is Jim comeys FBI not acting on Hillary Clintons crimes?

We need to make America Great Again, first out the door are FBI agents that are ALLOWING TERRORISM. sen-rand-paul-asks-fbi-why-investigation-into-omar-mateen-was-closed

Was Mateen a secret undercover US agent gone rogue? Something is wrong here...........

because they let him off the watch list

they determined that he was A-OK

and that those who reported him

simply are racists

He was on the watchlist until the liberal purge of Muslims from the list.
The whole event seems to be a "gubermint" psy-op to me. The television footage of people being carried away with tourniquets on their leg, no bleeding and then they were put back on their feet after they thought they were out of the view of the camera....really shitty crisis actors that had more information than any average bystander would ever know. I have seen this too many times over the last 5 years like Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hoax...I mean Sandy Hook, Charleston, SC and the Virginia TV reporter....always the same fucking M.O and because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies, this "gubermint" can legally do these types of events legally. If you want to steer society in a certain direction, you can't wait for an event to make that happen...you have to create them. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic....cause, affect, solution. Cause the problem, wait for the angst and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that benefits you.
The whole event seems to be a "gubermint" psy-op to me. The television footage of people being carried away with tourniquets on their leg, no bleeding and then they were put back on their feet after they thought they were out of the view of the camera....really shitty crisis actors that had more information than any average bystander would ever know. I have seen this too many times over the last 5 years like Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hoax...I mean Sandy Hook, Charleston, SC and the Virginia TV reporter....always the same fucking M.O and because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies, this "gubermint" can legally do these types of events legally. If you want to steer society in a certain direction, you can't wait for an event to make that happen...you have to create them. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic....cause, affect, solution. Cause the problem, wait for the angst and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that benefits you.

Sigh... this crap is not helping. Do governments use acts of violence to push agendas? Of course. Did the government create this event? They contributed, but not in the way you believe they did.
The whole event seems to be a "gubermint" psy-op to me. The television footage of people being carried away with tourniquets on their leg, no bleeding and then they were put back on their feet after they thought they were out of the view of the camera....really shitty crisis actors that had more information than any average bystander would ever know. I have seen this too many times over the last 5 years like Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hoax...I mean Sandy Hook, Charleston, SC and the Virginia TV reporter....always the same fucking M.O and because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies, this "gubermint" can legally do these types of events legally. If you want to steer society in a certain direction, you can't wait for an event to make that happen...you have to create them. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic....cause, affect, solution. Cause the problem, wait for the angst and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that benefits you.
Anyone see Mateens body???? and now his wife is allowed to disappear after she exchanged text with Mateen during the attack?

If you exchange text messages with a bank robber during a robbery, do they convene a grand jury on you, or do they have enough evidence to arrest you? Jim Comey please answer

The whole event seems to be a "gubermint" psy-op to me. The television footage of people being carried away with tourniquets on their leg, no bleeding and then they were put back on their feet after they thought they were out of the view of the camera....really shitty crisis actors that had more information than any average bystander would ever know. I have seen this too many times over the last 5 years like Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hoax...I mean Sandy Hook, Charleston, SC and the Virginia TV reporter....always the same fucking M.O and because the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 no longer applies, this "gubermint" can legally do these types of events legally. If you want to steer society in a certain direction, you can't wait for an event to make that happen...you have to create them. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic....cause, affect, solution. Cause the problem, wait for the angst and then propose a solution to the very problem you caused that benefits you.
Anyone see Mateens body???? and now his wife is allowed to disappear after she exchanged text with Mateen during the attack?

If you exchange text messages with a bank robber during a robbery, do they convene a grand jury on you, or do they have enough evidence to arrest you? Jim Comey please answer


The whole event reeks from beginning to end and more and more information keeps coming out as to how Mateen and his family had ties to the demcrat party.

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