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Why did the Jewish God slaughter innocent babies?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Kansas City
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???

Why did the polish 'god' love adolf hitler?
The Egyptian first born died of sickness.
In those days death by sickness was considered DIVINELY mediated. I doubt that the word used was the equivalent of
"SLAUGHTER" in the bible-----it was probably the equivalent of "kill" Such nuances in language exist in both English
and in Hebrew. In the language of the bible----when a person dies prematurely of sickness, the equivalent of the word "slaughter" is not used even if the event is
"divinely" mediated. Sorry-----I used to tutor English comp.----a little----long ago.
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???
I follow him because he is my God.
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?

He was the God of the Jews, not the Egyptians. Jewish racism was even more restrictive than even the modern era Nazi version. Besides, much of the religious writings and the oral traditions the writings derive from use a lot of allegory and parables.

One irony of taking these verses and using them to disparage religion is that many of those who pretend to be morally superior think nothing of the 55 million or so babies killed so far under legalized abortion for the horrible crime of being merely inconvenient as somehow 'different', but such is the cognitive dissonance of modern 'progress' and 'rationalism'.

Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?

The verse is allegorical, intended to make a greater point. Your attempt here is incredibly transparent. Are you against abortion?

Why not just kill the Pharoah?

Wouldn't have been as effective on the Egyptians as a whole.

Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???

Why not? They lived in an aggressive and bloody region of the world. They were less 'bloody' than most; they did away with human sacrifices so wildly popular with the 'pagans' of the era; coincidentally, many of whom practiced child sacrifices routinely. Any guesses on how that ties in with this story, and how it separates Judaism from the usual run of cults in that era? ....
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???

Do you really think that just killing off the Pharaoh would have made Egypt release thousands of slaves? I think the Pharaoh's successor would have continued the bondage. God had already brought many plagues upon Egypt but they hardened their hearts and resisted. This one last plague would really hit home and make the Pharaoh release them. This last plague would not only bring the Pharaoh to release them but was a similitude of the death of the firstborn bringing salvation to God's people. This is a likeness of Christ. The problem with this judgment against God is that it is not taken from an eternal perspective and without respect for God's role as the overseer of this mortal life. God knew that those children would grow up to be idol worshipping and sinful under Egyptian upbringing. From an eternal perspective, where we live forever, their resurrection would be more glorious. For all little children who die before the age of accountability are saved and have no need of repentance or baptism. Thus the Egyptian children who died were saved through Christ's atonement. And I would bet that their deaths were quite painless being put to sleep by God himself. The real pain was upon the Egyptians who remained who would not let the children of Israel go free from their bondage. God works in mysterious ways but he is God. It is just for him to bring death upon man when He sees fit. For man it is unjust. But for God, it is his right and he knows best. In the end we all must die. We must trust that God is good and knows what is best. The children of the Egyptians were likely better off eternally to die without sin than to be raised under a wicked and idolatrous people.
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The nation that is wicked can expect to be judged?
I got this far before deciding...noo...no thank you.
Enjoy your very poor rationalizing god's evil.
OP asked a good question indeed. Why did we really lose him?
God's laws are binding on us, not on him. Otherwise every tornado, earthquake, hurricane etc., is murder.
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???
The same reasons that Christians and Muslims follow the Jewish God.
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God's laws are binding on us, not on him. Otherwise every tornado, earthquake, hurricane etc., is murder.

so true ROOK------but the BIG issue that the OP went for is in the case of the death of first born in Egypt -----DA JOOOOOISH 'god' did it----da joooooish 'god' da joooooish 'god' and
da joooooish mossad and da joooooish bankers ----da jooooos da joooooo da
Maybe such a brutal God of them may justify any crime of His followers. Jews are not innocent lambs of God. How many Arab children did they actually kill? I suppose we should be afraid of this nation which obey the God who committed such a crime.
The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?
Was there no better punishment? In all of his grace and wisdom, baby murder was the most appropriate punishment?
Why not just kill the Pharoah?
Why do Jews follow such a bloody and aggressive God???

First let me say that you are a shame for Poland if you should really have to do anything with Poland, Nazi. Then let me tell you that you don't understand what's the story really about. He gave the angels of death of a terrible sickness the order not to ... shorter: He saved his people out of the slavery of a civilisation of death - what doesn't mean he killed anyone.
Your question is maybe why he saved not many Jews from Nazis like you in the dark middle of the 20th century. As far as I know no one knows really. What do you think? Why is god not killing you now immediatelly because you attack his jewish and polish friends?

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The Jewish God killed all of the first born of Egypt to punish the Pharoah for enslaving the Israelites.
Some of these were innocent babies, no more than a year old.
How can a loving God do this?

He was the God of the Jews, not the Egyptians. ...

Could be interesting to know how many mistakes are existing in only this little sentence. I'm quite sure everyone had a chance - before the own intentional ignorance killed him and/or others. God gave them lots of chances and people inspired from his world warned and warned and warned ...

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Donald, very simple answer to your OP.
1) God is not a man nor form, you are anthropromorphizing an Essence and thus making the first great mistake in understanding thus have those questionsn
2) If the Hebrews describe God as that Essence to be complete and whole as you see creation to EVOLVE. THEN
understandcyour question using that orecept of God=progression to be what should and could be.
3)1st born died says the history channel through a disease that did not affect the younger children only the older first born or something about famine or contaminated grains, if they had progressed and done cleanliness standards like the Hebrews then the disease or tainted grain would not have killed them off, just as in the era of the black plague the cleanliness laws helped save the Jewish population from disease.
How they word it to bring fear to their enemies is typical survival techniques. How you read it is affected by how other groups perverted the precepts and went against simple rules not to make a figure or form for the Creator/Creation. In other words you can reject the church and Christianity but you are just as much a victim as their followers because you use their mistakes and lies in conveying how you view Judaic concepts.
God can do whatever he wants. His flock will figure out a way to justify it.

Because he is logos and love so it makes sense what he's doing. That's why. Example: The natural powers what causes sometimes catastrophes are also necessary for our existance. It needs the whole gigantic universe for our existacne - but on the other sides even complete suns can be destroyed without any effect on us, while some little wrong words are able to cause a lot of trouble. We start just simple to learn. But we know for sure god loves it if everyone takes the own responsibility and we all take care not only in the big things but also on the little things of life.

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Maybe such a brutal God of them may justify any crime of His followers. Jews are not innocent lambs of God. How many Arab children did they actually kill? I suppose we should be afraid of this nation which obey the God who committed such a crime.

To be honest: I would not be unhappy if a jewish-catholic Mafia would protect me - but unfortuntalely I have to live without such a protection. On the other side: no reason to be be sad about since someone had the idea to make manhole covers on the streets. Life could be more worse.

Your political propaganda fails completly because no Jew catches arabian children on religious reasons and sacrifices this children as a gift to god. The reality is much more stupid. In 1864 existed in the area about 250000 Palestinians (called Arabs in those days while the Jews were called Palestinians in those days).

Question: Because the Jews slaughtered all Palestinians how many Palestinians live today in the world? Answer: About 10 millions. The Palestinians are the group of people with the highest population growth worldwide. So how many Palestinians will exist in 150 years? 150 years ago it were 40 times less so in 150 years it will be 40 times more: in total about 400 million people! What is the size of this area? Where like this people to live?

Whatever the Jews are doing has nothing to do with this problem. Jews are not able to solve the problems of the Palestinians. And as far as I can see they also don't have any chance to survive in this area - except god helps them.

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