Why did the left assume that Obama would do poorly?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The real question is why the left would concede that the Harvard educated former community activist would do poorly in the debate. Do lefties realize consciously or unconsciously that Obama is an empty suit who has been protected all his life and can't function alone without a little army of advisers and a teleprompter that puts words in his mouth? They were right anyway, 67% of viewers say that Romney won the debate.
The real question is why the left would concede that the Harvard educated former community activist would do poorly in the debate. Do lefties realize consciously or unconsciously that Obama is an empty suit who has been protected all his life and can't function alone without a little army of advisers and a teleprompter that puts words in his mouth? They were right anyway, 67% of viewers say that Romney won the debate.

Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.
The real question is why the left would concede that the Harvard educated former community activist would do poorly in the debate. Do lefties realize consciously or unconsciously that Obama is an empty suit who has been protected all his life and can't function alone without a little army of advisers and a teleprompter that puts words in his mouth? They were right anyway, 67% of viewers say that Romney won the debate.

Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.

You figure you can just say stupid shit like that and get away with it?

The real question is why the left would concede that the Harvard educated former community activist would do poorly in the debate. Do lefties realize consciously or unconsciously that Obama is an empty suit who has been protected all his life and can't function alone without a little army of advisers and a teleprompter that puts words in his mouth? They were right anyway, 67% of viewers say that Romney won the debate.

Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.

Of course you think he lost on substance, because you disagree with his positions.

Keep repeating the line though, if it makes you feel better.

Your guy lost round 1, and thats the overall perception.
The real question is why the left would concede that the Harvard educated former community activist would do poorly in the debate. Do lefties realize consciously or unconsciously that Obama is an empty suit who has been protected all his life and can't function alone without a little army of advisers and a teleprompter that puts words in his mouth? They were right anyway, 67% of viewers say that Romney won the debate.

Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.

Of course you think he lost on substance, because you disagree with his positions.

Keep repeating the line though, if it makes you feel better.

Your guy lost round 1, and thats the overall perception.

Auditor2007 admitted he wants other people to subsidize his health risk. Take his comments for what they worth. He is just another freeloader.
Both sides try to play down their candidate's performance so that expectations aren't so high that the candidate disappoints.

In this case, obama didn't exceed lowered expectations. He was obliterated. While it is true that debates seldom affect the election, it is also true that this kind of devastation seldom occurs. I don't know that I have ever seen it before. In the Reagan Carter debate the turn around was attributed to one line, this was more than one line. This wasn't a matter of arguing over who gave the better performance. It's not arguable.

Democrats can try to spin this any way they want but obama was destroyed.

Can he bring it next time when the topic is foreign policy? Romney is going to batter him with his foreign policy failures. Rather than manufacturing complaints how Romney deviated from the policies democrats said he has, when he clearly doesn't, obama should be boning up on his own failures and getting some rebuttals ready.
It boils down to the left wing media's nonstop defense of the administration. We don't even know what is in the 3,000 page law that democrats passed literally in the middle of the night and lefties instinctively know that Obama ain't got a clue either and he can't defend the law that is the center of his administration. When he is up there alone without whispers in his ear or a sentence on a screen Obama can't function and they know it.
The real question is why the left would concede that the Harvard educated former community activist would do poorly in the debate. Do lefties realize consciously or unconsciously that Obama is an empty suit who has been protected all his life and can't function alone without a little army of advisers and a teleprompter that puts words in his mouth? They were right anyway, 67% of viewers say that Romney won the debate.

Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.

You figure you can just say stupid shit like that and get away with it?


You can "LOL" all you want - the auditor is totally correct.
Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.

You figure you can just say stupid shit like that and get away with it?


You can "LOL" all you want - the auditor is totally correct.


Obama was defenseless against the onslaught of substance wrought by the much stronger leader.
Romney killed in this debate. This is because Obama has been surrounded by yes-men & a media pool that never ask him any tough questions during his presidency. Teleprompters can't help Obama in a real debate or Q&A.

Obama only does well when he has his cheering fans and no one talking back. His 'handlers' (some taxpayer paid and some campaign paid) will hit the news shows this weekend 'clarifying' what Obama said during the debate.

The best result of last nights debate was it exposed millions and millions of Democratic advertising as being totally false in the attempt to portray Romney as a Daddy Warbucks/Thurston Howell III kind of guy.

He destroyed Obama, but he did it intelligently, intensely and thoroughly. Romney gave one hell of an awesome performance, and I bet Axlerod and Co are sweating this morning.
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Both sides try to play down their candidate's performance so that expectations aren't so high that the candidate disappoints.

In this case, obama didn't exceed lowered expectations. He was obliterated. While it is true that debates seldom affect the election, it is also true that this kind of devastation seldom occurs. I don't know that I have ever seen it before. In the Reagan Carter debate the turn around was attributed to one line, this was more than one line. This wasn't a matter of arguing over who gave the better performance. It's not arguable.

Democrats can try to spin this any way they want but obama was destroyed.

Can he bring it next time when the topic is foreign policy? Romney is going to batter him with his foreign policy failures. Rather than manufacturing complaints how Romney deviated from the policies democrats said he has, when he clearly doesn't, obama should be boning up on his own failures and getting some rebuttals ready.

No kidding!! I can't wait for the next one to hear what Obama has to say! Lol! I just heard today that there had been 13 terrorist threats leading up to the Benghazi attack...ALL ignored! He's got some "splainin to do!
Both sides try to play down their candidate's performance so that expectations aren't so high that the candidate disappoints.

Yup, standard operating procedure, tamp down the expectations. The only high-profile Republican with the balls to predict a big win for Romney was Christie.

He called it. I wonder if he knew something.

Christie knew what the rest of the GOP knew... Obama is an empty suit, and without his teleprompter, was absolutely incapable of holding anything other than his johnson when debating Romney. That might have been why he kept looking down at the podium...
Both sides try to play down their candidate's performance so that expectations aren't so high that the candidate disappoints.

In this case, obama didn't exceed lowered expectations. He was obliterated. While it is true that debates seldom affect the election, it is also true that this kind of devastation seldom occurs. I don't know that I have ever seen it before. In the Reagan Carter debate the turn around was attributed to one line, this was more than one line. This wasn't a matter of arguing over who gave the better performance. It's not arguable.

Democrats can try to spin this any way they want but obama was destroyed.

Can he bring it next time when the topic is foreign policy? Romney is going to batter him with his foreign policy failures. Rather than manufacturing complaints how Romney deviated from the policies democrats said he has, when he clearly doesn't, obama should be boning up on his own failures and getting some rebuttals ready.

That's not true. Both sides do not "play down their candidate's performance". You can keep your head in the sand if you want to but the fact is that the left really did not expect Obama to do well. Why is that? They instinctively understand that he is an empty suit who has been protected all his life.
You gotta hand it to the true believers. They will put their heads in the sand for a couple of weeks and pretend the debate never happened and meanwhile the left wing media will focus on something other than Obama's empty suit.
Romney won the debate on style, but he lost it on substance. We shall see, but I think Republicans will not like the way this plays out over the next few weeks.

You figure you can just say stupid shit like that and get away with it?


You can "LOL" all you want - the auditor is totally correct.

okay define what substance is and how each had it or lack of it. than we'll see if hes totally correct.

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