Why did the Moscow Mayor’s wife give Hunter Biden $3.5 millon?

Biden has been sucking China’s dick for a long time. No wonder he wont blame the KUNG FLU on China....his mouth is on Xi’s cock.
Great podcast clip on this.

Just like I said....imagine the media shitting themselves if this was Eric Trump.


How many dumb fucking liberals will vote to put this corrupt piece of shit Biden in the White House just because he has a (D) after his name? Shameless scumbags.
Wow. It seems to me that Hunter Biden was paid over and over by many foreign sources for ACCESS TO JOE BIDEN AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Isnt it odd that Rosemont Seneca was founded by Hunter Biden in 2009? The year his dad became VP?

Good old fashioned pay for play. Hillary loves that shit too.

Maybe he was a great lay?
He also gotz a stripper pregnant in Little Rock.
That guy sure got around, reminds me of me...

You mean the part where he got hauled into court for child support.

Wow. It seems to me that Hunter Biden was paid over and over by many foreign sources for ACCESS TO JOE BIDEN AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Isnt it odd that Rosemont Seneca was founded by Hunter Biden in 2009? The year his dad became VP?

Good old fashioned pay for play. Hillary loves that shit too.

Did you read the link you posted? It proves you are a damn liar:
Why did the Moscow Mayor’s wife give Hunter Biden $3.5 millon?

Your link did not verify Hunter Biden received the money you've used in the threads title; thus it was a loaded question, a disgusting attack on the former VP's son.

Of course you are a piece of inhuman excrement; you have been since you stank up this message board with you first comment. You're dishonest, disgusting, deplorable and dumb; you and your comments all belong in the rubber room.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to the news?
I read the article.

”Hunter Biden co-founded a firm called Rosemont Seneca in 2009”
Then you read this part also: "Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton bank account for a ‘Consultancy Agreement," a completely DIFFERENT company whose only connection to Biden is the company has a similar name.

Odd that Jolted Joe Biden didn't deny any of it.

Show us the paperwork!
Hunter was on the board of Amtrak when Joe was a Senator

Joe took the Amtrak from Delaware to DC every day

Joe Biden is a corrupt racist that started 4 illegal wars that have killed hundreds of thousands of brown people.

Perfect Dim candidate.....utter piece of shit.
Joe didnt deny it at the debate and then Wallace bailed him outl

Im sure the media will be all over Biden on this one. :rolleyes:
Why would anyone give a crackhead millions despite the fact he has no skills other than getting kicked out of the military for being a crackhead? Cuz they are buying his Daddy the VP.
Wow. It seems to me that Hunter Biden was paid over and over by many foreign sources for ACCESS TO JOE BIDEN AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Isnt it odd that Rosemont Seneca was founded by Hunter Biden in 2009? The year his dad became VP?

Good old fashioned pay for play. Hillary loves that shit too.

Maybe he was a great lay?
He also gotz a stripper pregnant in Little Rock.
That guy sure got around, reminds me of me...

You mean the part where he got hauled into court for child support.

Wow. It seems to me that Hunter Biden was paid over and over by many foreign sources for ACCESS TO JOE BIDEN AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Isnt it odd that Rosemont Seneca was founded by Hunter Biden in 2009? The year his dad became VP?

Good old fashioned pay for play. Hillary loves that shit too.

Did you read the link you posted? It proves you are a damn liar:
Why did the Moscow Mayor’s wife give Hunter Biden $3.5 millon?

Your link did not verify Hunter Biden received the money you've used in the threads title; thus it was a loaded question, a disgusting attack on the former VP's son.

Of course you are a piece of inhuman excrement; you have been since you stank up this message board with you first comment. You're dishonest, disgusting, deplorable and dumb; you and your comments all belong in the rubber room.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to the news?

The News? Isn't it all fake?

Sarcasm alert.
Wow. It seems to me that Hunter Biden was paid over and over by many foreign sources for ACCESS TO JOE BIDEN AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Isnt it odd that Rosemont Seneca was founded by Hunter Biden in 2009? The year his dad became VP?

Good old fashioned pay for play. Hillary loves that shit too.

Is Hunter Biden running for office? The Senate of the United States, just investigated Hunter Biden, and even using the same Russian propaganda that you're posting here, they couldn't find where Hunter had done anything improper or illegal.

Is the Trump Campaign going so badly that that Trump has to continue to push Russian propaganda and lies to try to discredit Hunter Biden.

Ivanka Trump has received 20 personal trade marks as "gifts" from Presiden Xi of China - WHILE SHE WAS WORKING IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

30 of Trump's staffers were refused top secret security clearances and Trump overrode those decisions. Jared and Ivanka Trump received security clearances despite meeting with foreign officials in the White House to negotiate a mortgage deal with the Saudi's for Jared's family property in New York.

Are the Saudi's getting nuclear technology and a pass on murdering Mr. Kashoggi BECAUSE they're financing Jared's building in Manhattan.

You keep trotting out Hunter Biden and his business relationships abroad as an indication of Joe Biden's international exposure, but you have genuine security threats getting favours from the Chinese and the Saudis WHILE WORKING IN THE WHITE HOUSE, and you say nothing.

Keep trying to spin the bullshit while the most corrupt President in history, and his family of con artists, scofflaws, and rich white boy criminals continue to pick the country clean.
Pretend this was Eric Trump. Now what do you think?

We already know from Eric that a lot of Trumpybears money came from Russia.

Trumpybear knows Putin butters his biscuits.

Whats the name of the slush fund set up by Eric for access to the President?
Why did the Moscow Mayor’s wife give Hunter Biden $3.5 millon?

Maybe he is some sort of sex superhero with special powers.
Pretend this was Eric Trump. Now what do you think?

We already know from Eric that a lot of Trumpybears money came from Russia.

Trumpybear knows Putin butters his biscuits.

Whats the name of the slush fund set up by Eric for access to the President?

Trumpybear University? Trumpybears Foundation?
Pretend this was Eric Trump. Now what do you think?

We already know from Eric that a lot of Trumpybears money came from Russia.

Trumpybear knows Putin butters his biscuits.

Whats the name of the slush fund set up by Eric for access to the President?

Eric is the child who ripped off St. Jude's Children Hospital by skimming $6 million of dollars off the $30 million he raised for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It was for "expenses" for his golf tournament. As someone who has done charity golf tournament planning with millionaire participants for Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, I can't imagine how it costs $6 million to run a golf tournament at a property you own. We took over Glen Abbey - one of the great golf courses in the world, for our tournament, and spent less than $500,000 on expenses. Total.

If indeed Hunter was running a "slush fund" for access to the President, he was a real piker compared to the slush fund run by Ivanka. Ivanka and Michael Cohen raised $100 million for Trump's "inauguration fund", and the Trump Campaign has NEVER given us the financial information on that fund. Obama's Inauguration featured A-list celebrities, and was the largest, glitziest inauguration in history and they only spent $40 million. Trump's inauguration was much small. Scott Baio was the biggest "name" performing, and they spent $100 million.

Then there's the "initiation fees" for Mar-a-lago and Bedminster - both of which were doubled when Trumpy Bear was elected. Talk about "pay for play".

Every time you try to smear the Bidens as corrupt or criminal, you are inviting comparison to the most corrupt and criminal administration in history - Donald J. Trump. Furthermore, you remind the American public that no member of the Obama Administration was every arrested, charged or convicted of a crime. Not one.

Your every attempt to smear Joe Biden, is a reminder that Donald J. Trump is the most corrupt, criminal, racist, serial sex predator ever elected to the office of President.

You need a better election strategy. One that doesn't make your own candidate look worse. This one isn't doing that.
Pretend this was Eric Trump. Now what do you think?

We already know from Eric that a lot of Trumpybears money came from Russia.

Trumpybear knows Putin butters his biscuits.

Whats the name of the slush fund set up by Eric for access to the President?

Trumpybear University? Trumpybears Foundation?

Foreign entities pay money to Trump University to get access to the President and preferential congressional rulings?

Pretend this was Eric Trump. Now what do you think?

We already know from Eric that a lot of Trumpybears money came from Russia.

Trumpybear knows Putin butters his biscuits.

Whats the name of the slush fund set up by Eric for access to the President?

Trumpybear University? Trumpybears Foundation?

Foreign entities pay money to Trump University to get access to the President and preferential congressional rulings?


No, they rent rooms and hold events at Trump Hotel Washington. The Saudi's rent entire floors of Trump Hotels in the US, and don't use them.

The Saudi's booked millions of dollars worth of rooms in Trump's failing hotels in Chicago and New York. Trump's tax returns revealed that he received millions of dollars in income from Turkey ($1 million), Saudi Arabia (more than $3 million), and other foreign entities.

Americans join Trump golf clubs on the East Coast to gain access. Initiation fees doubled after the election.
Liberals, you know this is true. Biden didn’t say it was a lie.

Why isnt Biden declaratively saying this is a lie?
Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report

2 Oct 2020 ~~ By Emily Jacobs

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.
Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.
“Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.
The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.
The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.
Nine of those 11 wire transfers were first sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners, the investment firm founded by Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, before being transferred to BAK USA.
All 11 transactions described the payments as “Loan Agreement” in the details section.
The report reads, “between May 6, 2015 and Dec. 8, 2015, Baturina sent 11 wires in the amount of $391,968.21 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA LLC (BAK USA). Nine of the 11 transactions, totaling $241,797.14 were sent from Baturina’s accounts to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton bank account, which then transferred to the money to BAK USA. The 11 transactions all listed ‘Loan Agreement’ in the payment details section.
The report adds, “The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.’”
The younger Biden had no material experience to serve on the board of the energy and gas company, but was given a high-paying seat regardless.
Joe Biden spokesman Andrew Bates slammed the probe in a statement to The Post on its findings.

The alledged debunked conspiracy theory hidden for months by the Quisling Corrupt Fifth Columnist Media has become a fact.
Robert Hunter Biden caught in criminal chicanery. the dishonorably discharged, corrupt drug addicted, adulter and dead beat dad has been exposed and son of the former Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden.
"The committees also said they obtained records from the US Treasury Department that “show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals.”"​
Hmm...., Did China Joe Xi recieve the $3.5mil bribe from Moscow laundered through his son Hunter? Follow the money ,see where it went - if that is possible.
According to the PMS/DSA Democrat Left, nothing to see here. Just the wife of a Russian Oligarch ex mayor paying an American for services rendered.
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