Devon Archer Testifies Joe Biden Met with Moscow Mayor’s Wife in Georgetown – She Then Wired $3.5 Million to Hunter – Kept Her off Sanctions List

"The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,”

That is not what any prosecutor does, ever.
So, this means literally nothing.
That was explained accurately at the time.
I'm sorry that your level of understanding is so low, but -
I never said the president was exculpated. I said he lied about communications with Russians and there was collision in Manaforts case. As far as Trump is concerned, Mueller pointed to several instances of communications that trump lied about but said he didn’t see anything that rose to criminal conspiracy.

Those are the simple facts
It is not collusion -
No rational person claimed that it was collusion.
Of course it’s collusion. Look up the definition of the word. Manafort was arrested for not filing as a foreign agent. He gave Russians polling information which they in turned used for their election interference campaign. Wake up, this is what actually happened. Trump lied and said they had nothing to do with Russia. Well Manafort did, to a degree that got him charged by Trumps own DOJ. That’s collusion
I never said the president was exculpated. I said he lied about communications with Russians and there was collision in Manaforts case. As far as Trump is concerned, Mueller pointed to several instances of communications that trump lied about but said he didn’t see anything that rose to criminal conspiracy.

Those are the simple facts

They aren't.
I literally don't even have to research anything with you.
I know if words are written by you - they convey an inaccurate message.
Either through ignorance or deception.
They aren't.
I literally don't even have to research anything with you.
I know if words are written by you - they convey an inaccurate message.
Either through ignorance or deception.
No, I posted a link with actual quotes from Mueller and you haven’t provided one counter except for empty insults.
Given that the story of the mayor of Moscow’s wife, giving Hunter, Biden money has already been completely debunked and proven to be a lie, you’re now proven to be gullible and stupid.

You are insane.
Manafort wasn’t charged with election interference because election interference isn’t illegal. Conspiracy is illegal. He conspired with a Russian agent and gave the Russian agent Republican polling data. Then he pled guilty to doing so.

Clearly, you have a reading comprehension problem or you’re being deliberately obtuse and feigning stupidity.

I realize it’s difficult for you cult members to accept facts and reality, but we will continue to try to make you understand what really happened n 2016.

In pleading guilty, Manafort claimed Trump knew nothing about what he was doing.

I take it you can't find where Manafort was charged with conspiracy. Once again Hunter is guilty of the same things Manafort went to prison over.
Look at this way - Obama had already thrown Biden under the bus and backed Hillary for 2016. Joe knew his days were numbered and he figured he better cash out while he still could.

COVID came along and it looked like the socialist was going to win their nomination, so they dragged Biden out of the home.

None of this bribery, money laundering and corruption was ever supposed to see the light of day

Yes, Lest we forget they pumped Biden full of caffeine and made him run to beat Bernie Sanders. And he did, so now look what we're left with.

But the original source is the NY Post.

Ya know, the same outlet the broke the Hunter laptop story that the Let tried to convince us was "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION" so they could drag their compromised corpse over the finish line.

Talk about Russia Collusion.

Who targeted Elena Baturina for sanctions? She doesn't even live in Russia, but London. She's never been sanctioned under Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden, nor been targeted for sanctions.


So what's the conspiracy? A woman who was *never* the target of sanctions wasn't sanctioned?

That's it?
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