WHY did the Tennessee gunman feel that he had to blast away ?

Kuwaiti isnt he..........shoulda been grateful eh.......

Mr Abdulazeez's family is from Nablus , Palestine. Palestine has been terrorized by the zionuts since 1925. The US has been financing their terror since 1949.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews and 110 Arabs were killed, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]


The Hebron Massacre

(August 23, 1929)

The summer of 1929 was one of unrest in Palestine as Jewish immigrants were arriving in increasing numbers and the agitations of the mufti in Jerusalem spurred on Jewish-Arab tensions. Just one day prior to the start of the Hebron massacre, three Jews and three Arabs were killed in Jerusalem when fighting broke out after a Muslim prayer service on the Temple Mount. Arabs spread false rumors and libels throughout their communities, saying that Jews were carrying out "wholesale killings of Arabs."
SO................they killed them and drove them out..................You said it was the opposite.......in your other post............

An Interview with Benny Morris



Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, "The Catastrophe."
Mr Abdulazeez's family is from Nablus , Palestine. Palestine has been terrorized by the zionuts since 1925. The US has been financing their terror since 1949.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews and 110 Arabs were killed, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]


The Hebron Massacre

(August 23, 1929)

The summer of 1929 was one of unrest in Palestine as Jewish immigrants were arriving in increasing numbers and the agitations of the mufti in Jerusalem spurred on Jewish-Arab tensions. Just one day prior to the start of the Hebron massacre, three Jews and three Arabs were killed in Jerusalem when fighting broke out after a Muslim prayer service on the Temple Mount. Arabs spread false rumors and libels throughout their communities, saying that Jews were carrying out "wholesale killings of Arabs."
SO................they killed them and drove them out..................You said it was the opposite.......in your other post............

An Interview with Benny Morris



Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, "The Catastrophe."



The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine"

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places.[1] The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Many of the 435 Jews who survived were hidden by local Arab families.[2][3] Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews and 110 Arabs were killed, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]


The Hebron Massacre

(August 23, 1929)

The summer of 1929 was one of unrest in Palestine as Jewish immigrants were arriving in increasing numbers and the agitations of the mufti in Jerusalem spurred on Jewish-Arab tensions. Just one day prior to the start of the Hebron massacre, three Jews and three Arabs were killed in Jerusalem when fighting broke out after a Muslim prayer service on the Temple Mount. Arabs spread false rumors and libels throughout their communities, saying that Jews were carrying out "wholesale killings of Arabs."
SO................they killed them and drove them out..................You said it was the opposite.......in your other post............

An Interview with Benny Morris



Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, "The Catastrophe."



The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine"


You misinterpret the exodus of Pali's in 1948. The Arab League asked them to leave and they could come back after Israel was destroyed. Didn't work out for them.............They attacked not the Israelis....................They lost.

They invited them in................sold them land..............they made gardens out of the desert, and then wanted it for their own................They also gave an area for a Palestinian state but they refused and chose War..............

Jordan is a large portion of the Palestinian Mandate. Why did they take the land..............hmmm........

Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend itself from constant attacks................and this gunman is the Op not another blown up Israel Pali debate.

The Hebron Massacre

(August 23, 1929)

The summer of 1929 was one of unrest in Palestine as Jewish immigrants were arriving in increasing numbers and the agitations of the mufti in Jerusalem spurred on Jewish-Arab tensions. Just one day prior to the start of the Hebron massacre, three Jews and three Arabs were killed in Jerusalem when fighting broke out after a Muslim prayer service on the Temple Mount. Arabs spread false rumors and libels throughout their communities, saying that Jews were carrying out "wholesale killings of Arabs."
SO................they killed them and drove them out..................You said it was the opposite.......in your other post............

An Interview with Benny Morris



Note: Benny Morris is the dean of Israeli ‘new historians’, who have done so much to create a critical vision of Zionism–its expulsion and continuing oppression of the Palestinians, its pressing need for moral and political atonement. His 1987 book, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, chronicled the Zionist murders, terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove 600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948, thus refuting the myth that they fled under the orders of Arab leaders. A second edition of this book is due out this month, chronicling even more massacres, and a previously unsuspected number of rapes and murders of Palestinian women. Thus Morris continues to provide crucial documentation for Palestinians fighting the heritage of Al-Nakba, "The Catastrophe."



The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine"


You misinterpret the exodus of Pali's in 1948. The Arab League asked them to leave and they could come back after Israel was destroyed. Didn't work out for them.............They attacked not the Israelis....................They lost.

They invited them in................sold them land..............they made gardens out of the desert, and then wanted it for their own................They also gave an area for a Palestinian state but they refused and chose War..............

Jordan is a large portion of the Palestinian Mandate. Why did they take the land..............hmmm........

Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend itself from constant attacks................and this gunman is the Op not another blown up Israel Pali debate.



Chattanooga shooter changed after Mideast visit, friend says

Chattanooga, Tennessee (CNN)The man who killed four U.S. Marines and a Navy sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee, had changed after spending time in the Middle East and "distanced himself" for the first few months after returning, a friend says.

"Something happened over there," Abdulrazzak Brizada said of Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, adding that "he never became close to me like he was before he went overseas. ... I'm sure he had something that happened to him overseas."

The reason for his "radicalization" is clearly explain by Cindy Sheehan

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

The sleeper has awakened...
This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
There are plenty of examples of Radical Islam and what it does...................This is just another in a long line of those Radicalized by Islam.......................

Perhaps you can play with ISIS and a severed head ..........soccer..............plenty of them being put on pikes over there.
This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
There are plenty of examples of Radical Islam and what it does...................This is just another in a long line of those Radicalized by Islam.......................

Perhaps you can play with ISIS and a severed head ..........soccer..............plenty of them being put on pikes over there.

Radical Muslims are a response to zionist ethnic cleansing and the US support thereof.

This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
There are plenty of examples of Radical Islam and what it does...................This is just another in a long line of those Radicalized by Islam.......................

Perhaps you can play with ISIS and a severed head ..........soccer..............plenty of them being put on pikes over there.

Radical Muslims are a response to zionist ethnic cleansing and the US support thereof.

Radical Muslims have existed before we were even a country..........With Caliphate after Caliphate.............and before there was even oil.........................The first real encounter with them is old...................and known as the Barbary Pirates in the Med and Tripoli.............as they forced payments for the right of passage in their waters.................

The Ottomans were in a Caliphate with the young Turks before WWI as they slaughtered any who were not worthy of their Religion...........

They supported Hitler in Bosnia.............The Grand Mufti was the deal back then and he was all in favor of the extermination of Jews...........met with Hitler countless times and even visited the concentration camps in the Bosnian area.................Had he had HIS WAY after WWII all the JEWS in the Mandated areas would have been slaughtered....................and they tried to do so and LOST ON THE BATTLEFIELD...............

It is a battle of culture and Religion................as it has been for a very long time.............The very boundaries between India and Pakistan are a RELIGIOUS LINE................Hindu versus Islam................as the separate Religions moved to each side during Ghandi............

The Hindu Kursh Mountains...................means HINDU SLAUGHTER in Afghanistan............

Your posts of we are the problem and ignoring the History of the area is a complete JOKE.
Chattanooga shooter changed after Mideast visit, friend says

Chattanooga, Tennessee (CNN)The man who killed four U.S. Marines and a Navy sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee, had changed after spending time in the Middle East and "distanced himself" for the first few months after returning, a friend says.

"Something happened over there," Abdulrazzak Brizada said of Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, adding that "he never became close to me like he was before he went overseas. ... I'm sure he had something that happened to him overseas."

The reason for his "radicalization" is clearly explain by Cindy Sheehan

“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

He blasted away for the same reason ISIS beheads, Saddam executed, and Iran seeks nukes. He persisted in his beliefs. And he died. The rest need to die now.
This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
There are plenty of examples of Radical Islam and what it does...................This is just another in a long line of those Radicalized by Islam.......................

Perhaps you can play with ISIS and a severed head ..........soccer..............plenty of them being put on pikes over there.

Radical Muslims are a response to zionist ethnic cleansing and the US support thereof.

Radical Muslims have existed before we were even a country..........With Caliphate after Caliphate.............and before there was even oil.........................The first real encounter with them is old...................and known as the Barbary Pirates in the Med and Tripoli.............as they forced payments for the right of passage in their waters.................

The Ottomans were in a Caliphate with the young Turks before WWI as they slaughtered any who were not worthy of their Religion...........

They supported Hitler in Bosnia.............The Grand Mufti was the deal back then and he was all in favor of the extermination of Jews...........met with Hitler countless times and even visited the concentration camps in the Bosnian area.................Had he had HIS WAY after WWII all the JEWS in the Mandated areas would have been slaughtered....................and they tried to do so and LOST ON THE BATTLEFIELD...............

It is a battle of culture and Religion................as it has been for a very long time.............The very boundaries between India and Pakistan are a RELIGIOUS LINE................Hindu versus Islam................as the separate Religions moved to each side during Ghandi............

The Hindu Kursh Mountains...................means HINDU SLAUGHTER in Afghanistan............

Your posts of we are the problem and ignoring the History of the area is a complete JOKE.

I see so the fact that the ZIONUTS invaded Palestine in 1925 , murdered the natives , treats them as foreigners in their own land and retain the option to engage in mass extermination at any time has nothing to do with their radicalization

The fact that the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years has nothing to do with their radicalization.

The fact that the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis while parked in Iraq has nothing to do with their radicalization

The fact that the US believes that it can depose Iran's duly elected prime ministers and install murderous shah's has nothing to do with their radicalization

The fact that the US believes it has the right to shoot down their civilian aircraft has nothing to do with their radicalization.

The fact that the US insists in monitoring their nuclear power industry while exempting itself and Israhell from the requirement has nothing to do with their radicalization.

You are one gigantic stupid motherfucker..

This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
There are plenty of examples of Radical Islam and what it does...................This is just another in a long line of those Radicalized by Islam.......................

Perhaps you can play with ISIS and a severed head ..........soccer..............plenty of them being put on pikes over there.

Radical Muslims are a response to zionist ethnic cleansing and the US support thereof.

Radical Muslims have existed before we were even a country..........With Caliphate after Caliphate.............and before there was even oil.........................The first real encounter with them is old...................and known as the Barbary Pirates in the Med and Tripoli.............as they forced payments for the right of passage in their waters.................

The Ottomans were in a Caliphate with the young Turks before WWI as they slaughtered any who were not worthy of their Religion...........

They supported Hitler in Bosnia.............The Grand Mufti was the deal back then and he was all in favor of the extermination of Jews...........met with Hitler countless times and even visited the concentration camps in the Bosnian area.................Had he had HIS WAY after WWII all the JEWS in the Mandated areas would have been slaughtered....................and they tried to do so and LOST ON THE BATTLEFIELD...............

It is a battle of culture and Religion................as it has been for a very long time.............The very boundaries between India and Pakistan are a RELIGIOUS LINE................Hindu versus Islam................as the separate Religions moved to each side during Ghandi............

The Hindu Kursh Mountains...................means HINDU SLAUGHTER in Afghanistan............

Your posts of we are the problem and ignoring the History of the area is a complete JOKE.

I see so the fact that the ZIONUTS invaded Palestine in 1925 , murdered the natives , treats them as foreigners in their own land and retain the option to engage in mass extermination at any time has nothing to do with their radicalization

They invited Jews to come there and buy property there. And in many cases the land lords, who were Muslim, evicted the renters of their land to do so........They wanted their money and for them to bring farming tech to the region along with other tech. And they did. They planted and made the desert bloom, as they paid for the land.

Well before the magic dates you pick, as you ignore the other side of the equation. As I've already shown in Hebron...............After WWI both sides migrated there. Many left due to flee the War, as Britain, France, and allied troops ousted the Turks.............made great movies like the charge of the Light Horse Brigade in the battle for Gaza.

I've shown the UN map of population size before Israel became a nation. What have you shown..............Both sides got displaced in the deal........and they were ready to create the Palestinian State then too...........But the Arab League chose War instead.................and they told the Palestinian Muslims to leave while they destroyed the Jews...........and then they could come back................They lost.

The fact that the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years has nothing to do with their radicalization.

To remove Iraq from Kuwait at Middle Eastern countries requests.....As Iraqi troops were massed on the border with Saudi Arabia. And under a U.N. authorization to remove Iraq from Kuwait.

Again you cherry pick dates. And don't include the Islamic rule change of Iran in 1979........where it was not a Democracy, but a Religious Dictatorship with puppet leaders.............all ultimate decisions come from the Imam of the Revolutionary Council. And oppression and Sharia are the law of the land.

The fact that the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis while parked in Iraq has nothing to do with their radicalization

Most of the deaths were from Sunni versus Shiite fighting, not U.S. forces. Most via suicide bombs and IED's in the current struggle between the two versions of Islam. They were Radical before this War as well..

The fact that the US believes that it can depose Iran's duly elected prime ministers and install murderous shah's has nothing to do with their radicalization

As you again ignore what I posted. The Shah ruled for 40 years there. And he appointed the new Premier in 1951. Then fired him..........After riots put him back in place...............and then with our help we put down the change in power via the Islamist movement and put the Shah back in power.

Other wise the Islamic State would have begun then instead of 1979. Theocracy of the Islamist. Just as we have today.

The fact that the US believes it has the right to shoot down their civilian aircraft has nothing to do with their radicalization.
Flying attack vectors into the Persian Gulf with a fight going on was plain stupid.......and pretty much deliberate on Iran's part. We went to GQ for Iranian Jets back then and put missiles on the rails..........Finally someone fired and it was a Airliner, not a Mig...........to this day some believe they put a military transponder on that aircraft, to Martyr the people on that plane. So some ass hat like you can bitch about it today.

The fact that the US insists in monitoring their nuclear power industry while exempting itself and Israhell from the requirement has nothing to do with their radicalization.

They support terrorism. They are a radical element in the Middle East. And under this we have no reason to let them have them..........even if it means taking the sites out.................Which I would have done a long time ago............As a matter of fact.............we should have hit them in 1979 with the Hostages and ended it then. Instead we let it grow into what it is today.

Lesson learned...................it turned out better for us in 1953 by directly getting into it.

You are one gigantic stupid motherfucker..

Opinions are like assholes......................they all have an opinion and they all stink.
This is one of the many unfortunate consequences of incidents such as this: it inflames the rightwing bigots and delusional conservative loons who see ‘scary Muslims’ everywhere they look.
There are plenty of examples of Radical Islam and what it does...................This is just another in a long line of those Radicalized by Islam.......................

Perhaps you can play with ISIS and a severed head ..........soccer..............plenty of them being put on pikes over there.

Radical Muslims are a response to zionist ethnic cleansing and the US support thereof.

Radical Muslims have existed before we were even a country..........With Caliphate after Caliphate.............and before there was even oil.........................The first real encounter with them is old...................and known as the Barbary Pirates in the Med and Tripoli.............as they forced payments for the right of passage in their waters.................

The Ottomans were in a Caliphate with the young Turks before WWI as they slaughtered any who were not worthy of their Religion...........

They supported Hitler in Bosnia.............The Grand Mufti was the deal back then and he was all in favor of the extermination of Jews...........met with Hitler countless times and even visited the concentration camps in the Bosnian area.................Had he had HIS WAY after WWII all the JEWS in the Mandated areas would have been slaughtered....................and they tried to do so and LOST ON THE BATTLEFIELD...............

It is a battle of culture and Religion................as it has been for a very long time.............The very boundaries between India and Pakistan are a RELIGIOUS LINE................Hindu versus Islam................as the separate Religions moved to each side during Ghandi............

The Hindu Kursh Mountains...................means HINDU SLAUGHTER in Afghanistan............

Your posts of we are the problem and ignoring the History of the area is a complete JOKE.

I see so the fact that the ZIONUTS invaded Palestine in 1925 , murdered the natives , treats them as foreigners in their own land and retain the option to engage in mass extermination at any time has nothing to do with their radicalization

They invited Jews to come there and buy property there. And in many cases the land lords, who were Muslim, evicted the renters of their land to do so........They wanted their money and for them to bring farming tech to the region along with other tech. And they did. They planted and made the desert bloom, as they paid for the land.

Well before the magic dates you pick, as you ignore the other side of the equation. As I've already shown in Hebron...............After WWI both sides migrated there. Many left due to flee the War, as Britain, France, and allied troops ousted the Turks.............made great movies like the charge of the Light Horse Brigade in the battle for Gaza.

I've shown the UN map of population size before Israel became a nation. What have you shown..............Both sides got displaced in the deal........and they were ready to create the Palestinian State then too...........But the Arab League chose War instead.................and they told the Palestinian Muslims to leave while they destroyed the Jews...........and then they could come back................They lost.

The fact that the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years has nothing to do with their radicalization.

To remove Iraq from Kuwait at Middle Eastern countries requests.....As Iraqi troops were massed on the border with Saudi Arabia. And under a U.N. authorization to remove Iraq from Kuwait.

Again you cherry pick dates. And don't include the Islamic rule change of Iran in 1979........where it was not a Democracy, but a Religious Dictatorship with puppet leaders.............all ultimate decisions come from the Imam of the Revolutionary Council. And oppression and Sharia are the law of the land.

The fact that the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis while parked in Iraq has nothing to do with their radicalization

Most of the deaths were from Sunni versus Shiite fighting, not U.S. forces. Most via suicide bombs and IED's in the current struggle between the two versions of Islam. They were Radical before this War as well..

The fact that the US believes that it can depose Iran's duly elected prime ministers and install murderous shah's has nothing to do with their radicalization

As you again ignore what I posted. The Shah ruled for 40 years there. And he appointed the new Premier in 1951. Then fired him..........After riots put him back in place...............and then with our help we put down the change in power via the Islamist movement and put the Shah back in power.

Other wise the Islamic State would have begun then instead of 1979. Theocracy of the Islamist. Just as we have today.

The fact that the US believes it has the right to shoot down their civilian aircraft has nothing to do with their radicalization.
Flying attack vectors into the Persian Gulf with a fight going on was plain stupid.......and pretty much deliberate on Iran's part. We went to GQ for Iranian Jets back then and put missiles on the rails..........Finally someone fired and it was a Airliner, not a Mig...........to this day some believe they put a military transponder on that aircraft, to Martyr the people on that plane. So some ass hat like you can bitch about it today.

The fact that the US insists in monitoring their nuclear power industry while exempting itself and Israhell from the requirement has nothing to do with their radicalization.

They support terrorism. They are a radical element in the Middle East. And under this we have no reason to let them have them..........even if it means taking the sites out.................Which I would have done a long time ago............As a matter of fact.............we should have hit them in 1979 with the Hostages and ended it then. Instead we let it grow into what it is today.

Lesson learned...................it turned out better for us in 1953 by directly getting into it.

You are one gigantic stupid motherfucker..

Opinions are like assholes......................they all have an opinion and they all stink.

I see so the fact that the ZIONUTS invaded Palestine in 1925 , murdered the natives , treats them as foreigners in their own land and retain the option to engage in mass extermination at any time has nothing to do with their radicalization

They invited Jews to come there and buy property there

You miserable piece of shit.

Provide the link to one historical website which shows that the Palestinians invited the Zionuts over.


Say we slaughtered millions of Iraqis???

PLOS Medicine Violent Deaths of Iraqi Civilians 2003 2008 Analysis by Perpetrator Weapon Time and Location
According to data from the Iraq Body Count, more than 92,000 Iraqi civilians died because of armed violence during this period. Coalition forces (identified by uniforms) caused 12% of these deaths, anti-coalition forces (un-uniformed combatants identified by attacks on coalition targets) caused 11% of the deaths; and unknown perpetrators, who targeted civilians and were indistinguishable from their victims (for example, a suicide bomber in a market), were responsible for three-quarters of civilian deaths.

Really, you shouldn't be caught lying like that... Now it's obvious to everybody that you're just horseshit.....

Say we slaughtered millions of Iraqis???

PLOS Medicine Violent Deaths of Iraqi Civilians 2003 2008 Analysis by Perpetrator Weapon Time and Location
According to data from the Iraq Body Count, more than 92,000 Iraqi civilians died because of armed violence during this period. Coalition forces (identified by uniforms) caused 12% of these deaths, anti-coalition forces (un-uniformed combatants identified by attacks on coalition targets) caused 11% of the deaths; and unknown perpetrators, who targeted civilians and were indistinguishable from their victims (for example, a suicide bomber in a market), were responsible for three-quarters of civilian deaths.

Really, you shouldn't be caught lying like that... Now it's obvious to everybody that you're just horseshit.....

US Secretary Of State, Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it for Iraq's non existent WMD's


Face it... I gave you the official death toll and causes of death (with a credible link)...

You LIED and posted bullshit with NO credible evidence....

You have been exposed as a liar, and YOU LOSE.....

Face it... I gave you the official death toll and causes of death (with a credible link)...

You LIED and posted bullshit with NO credible evidence....

You have been exposed as a liar, and YOU LOSE.....






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