Why Did They Try To Stop Us From Growing Our Own Food During The Pandemic?

My neighbor planted different kinds of peppers and had plenty to share.

Maybe they are after you because you voted for Trump.
We always, with no doubt every year, have a tremendous pepper crop! They grow great up here and produce peppers from August through October.....And would produce longer if we didn't get a frost! My neighbors get supplied by me every year!

green beans do really well too, along with tomatoes, one brand, called Early Girl does really well here.
We always, with no doubt every year, have a tremendous pepper crop! They grow great up here and produce peppers from August through October.....And would produce longer if we didn't get a frost! My neighbors get supplied by me every year!

green beans do really well too, along with tomatoes, one brand, called Early Girl does really well here.
I don't have a big garden anymore.
I don't have a big garden anymore.
We only have a few things actually in the garden ground. The garden area with rich black soil is huge, maybe 25 x 35 ft. Whomever owned the land before us, put it in and did all the hard work removing all rocks from the soil and composting and nurturing it.

17 years ago, when we bought the land and new home built on it, we got on our knees and tilled and planted some of it.....

Now that we are older, bending and kneeling ain't so much fun.... :)

So we now grow most everything in planters....but the potatoes and onions.
We only have a few things actually in the garden ground. The garden area with rich black soil is huge, maybe 25 x 35 ft. Whomever owned the land before us, put it in and did all the hard work removing all rocks from the soil and composting and nurturing it.

17 years ago, when we bought the land and new home built on it, we got on our knees and filled and planted some of it.....

Now that we are older, bending and kneeling ain't so much fun.... :)

So we now grow most everything in planters....but the potatoes and onions.

My balance is poor so bending and kneeling is difficult for me too.
The government only has your best interest in mind

For example, growing an unregulated tomato may end up poisoning you.

It's what happened to my grandpap.


Of course, another thing to consider is how cozy woke corporations are with Leftists around the world. They want a true monopoly over your entire person.
Lol, so your retarded ass could not buy seeds? Hilarious. Lol, amazing how full of shit yall are.
The Wife has a girl that works for Her who has land near Brenham Tx..
They went to tractor supply and bought a shitload of garden equipment for a few acre plot of veggies and fruits.
A few weeks went by and they received a letter from the Gov asking them what they were planning on growing and how much.
Her husband is a lawyer and he just tossed it in the trash.
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The government only has your best interest in mind

For example, growing an unregulated tomato may end up poisoning you.

It's what happened to my grandpap.


Of course, another thing to consider is how cozy woke corporations are with Leftists around the world. They want a true monopoly over your entire person.
"Unregulated Tomato"?

Did your grandpap need someone to tell him to wash his vegetables before processing them, and throw away rotten produce when it goes bad.
Did he also need the government to chew his food for him as well?

The government wants us dependent on them.
They want us to forget about how to properly preserve produce so it will last thru the Winter.
They want us to order our food online and forget about how to cook for ourselves.
The best way communists discovered to control the population is thru starvation.

The WEF says that China is a model society.
They were using COVID as an excuse to starve their own people to harvest their organs.


I kept wondering why they were putting seeds off-limits during the pandemic.
At first I thought they were just trying to starve us.
But what seems to be going on is they're slowly poisoning us to death.

Ever notice all of the people that are coming down with cancer?
Part of the reason is diet.
It's almost impossible to find really nutritious food these days.

But now it appears they're putting Graphene Oxide in so many things we put in our bodies. If you buy Smart Water you'll discover that there's a lot of it in it. Same with Coke and it's also used to put writing on pills.

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How come all of your threads are in the conspiracy theory forum or end up there eventually?
How come all of your threads are in the conspiracy theory forum or end up there eventually?

The answer is obvious.

Mudwhistle has let his obsession with conspiracy theories drive him quite mad. Its not uncommon. Once you untether yourself from reality and accept any story or accusation as evidence.....its just a toboggan ride to batshit
How come all of your threads are in the conspiracy theory forum or end up there eventually?
The lib mods put them there because they don't like topics that go against their agenda.

Russian Collusion was fake news.
So was the lies about Hunter Biden's laptop, but neither is considered a conspiracy theory because the mainstream declared that they were the truth.

Many times I just put them in conspiracy theory to save the lib mods the trouble.
You can read these people like a book.
I posted a legitimate story the other day and it was put in the Rubber Room within minutes.
Heck....the only place you can get genuine news is on Twitter these days, because the FBI is using social media and Google search engines to hide stories.
It's next to impossible to get content that is honest without paying thru the nose for it.
What the wicked witch of MI did was to have stores block off "nonessential" areas in their stores and gardening/landscaping was deemed nonessential......If you wanted seeds you could order them online.
You can always order things online.
Course there's some things you can't if you live in California.
The lib mods put them there because they don't like topics that go against their agenda.

Russian Collusion was fake news.
So was the lies about Hunter Biden's laptop, but neither is considered a conspiracy theory because the mainstream declared that they were the truth.

Many times I just put them in conspiracy theory to save the lib mods the trouble.
You can read these people like a book.
I posted a legitimate story the other day and it was put in the Rubber Room within minutes.
Heck....the only place you can get genuine news is on Twitter these days, because the FBI is using social media and Google search engines to hide stories.
It's next to impossible to get content that is honest without paying thru the nose for it.
Get some help
How did "they" know you're a gardener?
Read the OP. If they can manipulate the seeds (genetic engineering) they don't need to know if you grow them or not. The fact that you buy them and grow them is all that is required. Critical thinking isn't real high on your list of priorities I see.
Read the OP. If they can manipulate the seeds (genetic engineering) they don't need to know if you grow them or not. The fact that you buy them and grow them is all that is required. Critical thinking isn't real high on your list of priorities I see.
Read the OP. If they can manipulate the seeds (genetic engineering) they don't need to know if you grow them or not. The fact that you buy them and grow them is all that is required. Critical thinking isn't real high on your list of priorities I see.
Watch your paranoia. It's getting worse for all you Trumpies.
Who tried to stop you from growing food during the pandemic? :dunno:

Matt and I had the best gardens ever, during the pandemic!!!!!!
It had nothing to do with the pandemic, of course, but Monsanto has been trying to stop you from re-seeding from plants (thus forcing you to buy new seeds) for decades.


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