Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


just one question: would you have started this thread if the idiot was black? of course not, you are no better than Sharpton, stiring up racial trouble. You suck.

To be fair, what would have been the point if the man had been black since the OP's intention was to show the alleged difference in treatment between black and white

what I find more disgusting is the way every person ignored or dismissed the article and video I posted of a black armed suspect being taken alive by the police.

No. I read it and watched it. Make a thread out of it. Simple.

There's no need to have a thread about it, it is what is, it DIRECTLY disproves the notion that only white men are taken into custody, blacks are gunned down.
Since there seems to be such a big deal over how the police handled this situation what you have liked them to do different? Should they have shot the man, beat him, tazed him what?

He posed a threat; intoxicated and armed in public.

He should have been tazed.
What threat did he pose that required tazing?
Did the police in that jurisdiction even carry tasers?
How do you know he was drunk, for the fifth time? There is no evidence nor was he charged as such.
As usual you talk out of your ass.

On the point of tasers

Stupid liberals. Cops hardly carry them any more cuz liberals complained that using them was mean. Same as pepper spray . Guess liberals rather see dead black than see blacks being tazed.
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.

LOL first of all let's be clear , the Brown autopsy made it clear that he was not fleeing, There is no way to shoot a fleeing suspect in the front of the body when you are behind the suspect.

Be that as it may, on the subject of dash cams, they should be MANDATORY. Here's an odd fact in 2016 all civilian cars will be required by law to have back up cameras installed, yet cop cars don't have dash cams?

I'll go even further, every cop should have a camera on his person .

However, those are departmental decisions , and no individual cop should be punished for not having one.
I was actually amazed that didn't happen to this guy to be honest with you...I was waiting for him to get swarmed. That's almost a given in a situation like that regardless of the the color of your skin.

Which was EXACTLY the point of the OP. Why did this dude get a pass?

Thank you for supporting my opening statement (in the title).

Since I said that was almost a "given" in a situation like that regardless of the color of your skin...I hardly support your opening statement...which is basically a complaint that this man wasn't shot like Michael Brown.
I was actually amazed that didn't happen to this guy to be honest with you...I was waiting for him to get swarmed. That's almost a given in a situation like that regardless of the the color of your skin.

Which was EXACTLY the point of the OP. Why did this dude get a pass?

Thank you for supporting my opening statement (in the title).

Since I said that was almost a "given" in a situation like that regardless of the color of your skin...I hardly support your opening statement...which is basically a complaint that this man wasn't shot like Michael Brown.

No, it wasn't. But you wanted to interpret it that way.

White guy holding a gun in his pajamas. Automatically he's a Tea Party member looking to kill someone. He may have been an Obama supporter that wants to commit suicide because he realized just how badly he fucked up voting for that empty suit.

Or perhaps he was laid off by Bain Capital and his life is now in the shitter....
Guess he's not a 1%er like Obama anymore.
Or a 0.000000000000000001% like Governor Romney
Democrats can be rich as shit.
Republicans can't.

You went there first...I just bettered you...like always. It wasn't that hard either.
Enjoy your loss.
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.

LOL first of all let's be clear , the Brown autopsy made it clear that he was not fleeing, There is no way to shoot a fleeing suspect in the front of the body when you are behind the suspect.

Be that as it may, on the subject of dash cams, they should be MANDATORY. Here's an odd fact in 2016 all civilian cars will be required by law to have back up cameras installed, yet cop cars don't have dash cams?

I'll go even further, every cop should have a camera on his person .

However, those are departmental decisions , and no individual cop should be punished for not having one.
Supposedly Mike Brown punched the cop and that was the impetus for the killing. If he wasn't fleeing how did he get away from the car? Did the cop back up his car while the teen chased after him on foot? Did the cop crash his car into a tree or something?

Yeah I think the police need to have dash & first person cams.
I was actually amazed that didn't happen to this guy to be honest with you...I was waiting for him to get swarmed. That's almost a given in a situation like that regardless of the the color of your skin.

Which was EXACTLY the point of the OP. Why did this dude get a pass?

Thank you for supporting my opening statement (in the title).

Since I said that was almost a "given" in a situation like that regardless of the color of your skin...I hardly support your opening statement...which is basically a complaint that this man wasn't shot like Michael Brown.

No, it wasn't. But you wanted to interpret it that way.
Clearly we can add reading comprehension to the long list of things you know nothng about.
I was actually amazed that didn't happen to this guy to be honest with you...I was waiting for him to get swarmed. That's almost a given in a situation like that regardless of the the color of your skin.

Which was EXACTLY the point of the OP. Why did this dude get a pass?

Thank you for supporting my opening statement (in the title).

Since I said that was almost a "given" in a situation like that regardless of the color of your skin...I hardly support your opening statement...which is basically a complaint that this man wasn't shot like Michael Brown.

No, it wasn't. But you wanted to interpret it that way.
Clearly we can add reading comprehension to the long list of things you know nothng about.
Pot meet kettle.
I was actually amazed that didn't happen to this guy to be honest with you...I was waiting for him to get swarmed. That's almost a given in a situation like that regardless of the the color of your skin.

Which was EXACTLY the point of the OP. Why did this dude get a pass?

Thank you for supporting my opening statement (in the title).

Since I said that was almost a "given" in a situation like that regardless of the color of your skin...I hardly support your opening statement...which is basically a complaint that this man wasn't shot like Michael Brown.

No, it wasn't. But you wanted to interpret it that way.
Clearly we can add reading comprehension to the long list of things you know nothng about.
Pot meet kettle.
Butt hurt much?

White guy holding a gun in his pajamas. Automatically he's a Tea Party member looking to kill someone. He may have been an Obama supporter that wants to commit suicide because he realized just how badly he fucked up voting for that empty suit.

Or perhaps he was laid off by Bain Capital and his life is now in the shitter....
Guess he's not a 1%er like Obama anymore.
Or a 0.000000000000000001% like Governor Romney
Democrats can be rich as shit.
Republicans can't.

You went there first...I just bettered you...like always. It wasn't that hard either.
Enjoy your loss.
Pulling stuff out of your ass is easy when you have a big ass
Nope, it just proves that to you libs being wealthy and thus evil depends on your ideology.

Bush and Romney have money but they don't live like kings the way Obama has since he became president.

This only proves you believe in double-standards and that is about as dishonest as you can get
Last edited:
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.

LOL first of all let's be clear , the Brown autopsy made it clear that he was not fleeing, There is no way to shoot a fleeing suspect in the front of the body when you are behind the suspect.

Be that as it may, on the subject of dash cams, they should be MANDATORY. Here's an odd fact in 2016 all civilian cars will be required by law to have back up cameras installed, yet cop cars don't have dash cams?

I'll go even further, every cop should have a camera on his person .

However, those are departmental decisions , and no individual cop should be punished for not having one.
Supposedly Mike Brown punched the cop and that was the impetus for the killing. If he wasn't fleeing how did he get away from the car? Did the cop back up his car while the teen chased after him on foot? Did the cop crash his car into a tree or something?

Yeah I think the police need to have dash & first person cams.

One scenario COULD be that a 300' man hit a much smaller man sending him flying 10 or even 20 feet away. I've seen it happen.

I'm not saying that IS what happened mind you. Merely that it COULD have happened that way.

Absent any evidence to the contrary , the presumption is that the cop is innocent, yes?
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.

LOL first of all let's be clear , the Brown autopsy made it clear that he was not fleeing, There is no way to shoot a fleeing suspect in the front of the body when you are behind the suspect.

Be that as it may, on the subject of dash cams, they should be MANDATORY. Here's an odd fact in 2016 all civilian cars will be required by law to have back up cameras installed, yet cop cars don't have dash cams?

I'll go even further, every cop should have a camera on his person .

However, those are departmental decisions , and no individual cop should be punished for not having one.

Yes. I think that is a very good idea.
This whole thread is based on a false assumption that all blacks get shot for being black and all whites get nothing but a warm hug and lots of understanding.
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

Ok, I'm gonna work really hard to figure out what in the fuck that posting has to do with the OP. But since yer a cool guy and one of the nicer Righties, I will really give it my best, for the Gipper!
This whole thread is based on a false assumption that all blacks get shot for being black and all whites get nothing but a warm hug and lots of understanding.

No, it's not. You missed the point. But then again, I expected you would miss the point.

It's fun to watch Righties lurch.

Carry on.
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.

LOL first of all let's be clear , the Brown autopsy made it clear that he was not fleeing, There is no way to shoot a fleeing suspect in the front of the body when you are behind the suspect.

Be that as it may, on the subject of dash cams, they should be MANDATORY. Here's an odd fact in 2016 all civilian cars will be required by law to have back up cameras installed, yet cop cars don't have dash cams?

I'll go even further, every cop should have a camera on his person .

However, those are departmental decisions , and no individual cop should be punished for not having one.

Yes. I think that is a very good idea.

I think it's just good common sense, plus I really enjoy watching the videos LOL

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