Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


well you racist fucking low life

he didn't jaywalk and has the right to carry.

but a bunch of leftist pussies like you, got scared of the old man in pj's and called the cops.

How does it feel to be this fucking dumb?
How does it feel to be scared of the fact that people own guns?

You do not have the right to drive a car drunk, but you have the right to open carry???

Our Constitution doesn't mention cars, but it does the other.

Our Constitution also doesn't mention an Air Force with jets and drones and nuclear missiles at all, and yet, we have them and they are regulated per law. Of course the Constitution doesn't mention these things, or cars (which was your silly argument), BECAUSE THEY DID NOT EXIST YET.

Cherrypicking, what?

Moron. An Air Force is not a right. Nor is a nuclear missile. There is no issue of "rights" in relation to those things.
Firearms however do constitute a right, spelled out there in the 2A, interpreted by the Supreme Court. Dont like it? Amend the Constitution.

First, I was discussing this with IA and not with you.

Second, we we talking about what is included in the Constitution or not. Do try to keep up. It was not just about rights.

Third, when your logic, what little of it you possess, fails, all you have left are personal insults, what?

Poor you.

When the police came (after at least 3 9-1-1- calls), they found an elderly man in is pajamas at the edge of street, also walking onto the street, holding a large gun. The man is also an known person to them, they had already had run-ins with him before. He was walking AND talking as if he was drunk. He was insulting to the police officers and resisted their instructions. His reason for being such an ass: 'our rights are being taken away'.

Yepp, he's a Tea Party freak, to be sure. Probably a sovereigner, too. :thup:

These things generally do not end well for such freaks.

What a cool thread, Stats, started a pity thread and Rabbi and the crew seem to be kicking the shit out of them ...........literally!! I have seen more shit in this one thread than the law allows.

So this "response" you are so disappointed in that you did not get. That would be the one where the SWAT team dons Kevlar Body Armor, riot pads, assault batons, gas mask and Kevlar helmets?? They need those "assault rifles thingy's" the one's with those "massive oversize clips" and nifty lasers sights .............. Lets ride them all in, in one of those MRAD's with blaring sirens and let's not forget the team of sniper's we will need to ring the perimeter with...................

Wait wasn't there some kind of thread by you snot nosed liberal bastards about such excessive force??
There is that shit storm of hypocrisy that seems to follow your little liberal group ..............

By the way, I know it is over your pay grade, but police officers must take courses in psychology to join the force. While dealing primarily with interactions with others, they are taught to look for clues to such things as medical conditions, intoxication, mental illness and physical ques such as age. This man could be on the onset of dementia or Parkinson disease ................
While he posed no immediate danger to others, LEO had to evaluate / treat as if mentally deranged.

Excellent post.
Or Mike beat the cop in the head, took his gun and it went off, tried to run, was told to freeze , turned around, started talking shit and ran at the officer who then shot his punk ass.

You know it would give the liberal dopeys a lot less ammo if people like you didn't seem so joyful about the fact that a black kid got shot.

Did he leave the cop no other choice? I certainly believe that is the case. Does that make it a GOOD thing that he was killed? No.
Liberals don't need any help making stuff up to prove a point. I simply related eye-witness statements.

Except for the punk ass comment. I threw that in, not because it wasn't 100% true, but because I get fed up with all of the lying that's going on over this incident.

Once again, an incident that turned out to be pretty cut and dried turns into some strange contorted mess. All just to get out the black vote in the upcoming election.

White guy holding a gun in his pajamas. Automatically he's a Tea Party member looking to kill someone. He may have been an Obama supporter that wants to commit suicide because he realized just how badly he fucked up voting for that empty suit.

Or perhaps he was laid off by Bain Capital and his life is now in the shitter....
Guess he's not a 1%er like Obama anymore.
Or a 0.000000000000000001% like Governor Romney
Democrats can be rich as shit.
Republicans can't.

You went there first...I just bettered you...like always. It wasn't that hard either.
Enjoy your loss.
Pulling stuff out of your ass is easy when you have a big ass
Or even easier if you ARE a big ass; as you prove every day.

Bush and Romney have money but they don't live like kings the way Obama has since he became president.
Yeah the Bushes schlepped around the globe in a prop plane...I'm sure. Were you alive during the Bush years sonny?

This only proves you believe in double-standards and that is about as dishonest as you can get

You're the queen of double standards....somehow one President's travels are more opulent than another? Are you kidding me, boy?
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
dash cams... compiled / edited afterwards..

As the above said... when you know your on camera most people tend to act a bit nicer.

yes, but there is a VAST difference between acting nicer, and choosing whether or not to murder someone.Come on
I don't see anyone wanting to kill anyone in this video. As for the other non-related mike brown thing... there were no dash cams in the car that the cop got out of to get better shots at the fleeing black teenager.

LOL first of all let's be clear , the Brown autopsy made it clear that he was not fleeing, There is no way to shoot a fleeing suspect in the front of the body when you are behind the suspect.

Be that as it may, on the subject of dash cams, they should be MANDATORY. Here's an odd fact in 2016 all civilian cars will be required by law to have back up cameras installed, yet cop cars don't have dash cams?

I'll go even further, every cop should have a camera on his person .

However, those are departmental decisions , and no individual cop should be punished for not having one.
Supposedly Mike Brown punched the cop and that was the impetus for the killing. If he wasn't fleeing how did he get away from the car? Did the cop back up his car while the teen chased after him on foot? Did the cop crash his car into a tree or something?

Yeah I think the police need to have dash & first person cams.

One scenario COULD be that a 300' man hit a much smaller man sending him flying 10 or even 20 feet away. I've seen it happen.

I'm not saying that IS what happened mind you. Merely that it COULD have happened that way.

Absent any evidence to the contrary , the presumption is that the cop is innocent, yes?

I used to play baseball I don't think I could hit a grown man with a bat with sufficient force to launch him 10-20 feet :) He might reel back and stumble 10-20 feet while backing away, but that's different.

Yes, in our country there is a certain presumption of innocence. So you think maybe the cop got out chased then got punched and backed away.. shooting as he backed up and/or after he backed up? Hmm... Doesn't fit with the reports that the only touching occurred while the cop was still in the car. My hypothesis was based on the incident starting while the police officer was in the car. Hmm.. starts in the car, gets out gives chase gets punched falls back to the car, then start shooting as Mike approached. Hmm.. Yeah if that's what happened that's better for the officer than the officer grabbed the back of Mike's neck, Mike punched the officer to get away ran, the officer got out of the car and started shooting, Mike turned around with his hands up yelling you got me, and the officer continued to fire as Mike went to the ground.

IF Mike had his hands up and was surrendering , it was murder . IF any other scenario happened it was a legal shoot.

Remember MO law actually allows a cop to shoot a fleeing felon in the back. I don't think that's what happened here, but it would have been legal. That only changes once the suspect is no longer likely to get away . In other words if you chased a guy into an alley and him cornered. He isn't going anywhere. You can't just shoot him. Unless of course he attacks you.
Agree... so now comes the investigation. Did the fleeing suspect give up or not.
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.
Kudos to Kalamazoo PD for handling this properly. Very Well Done indeed!

I think none of us on this board would want this guy to be shot just for holding a machine gun...

Just like how none of us would like to see a kid get shot just for jay walking...

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


Did he attack the cops physically? Did he just rob a store? Did he try to escape after committing battery?


Tsk, tsk, all that RW anger. Again. Fun times.
The cops and Tea Party are on the same side. We know who the enemy is. Deal with it, you whiney faggots.
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.

How do YOU determine what anyone's fair share is??
Are you in charge today, or was that yesterday or maybe tomorrow??

Any way when you get to the point where you can not only accurately tell us what others do pay but what they should pay.let us all know ................. even your allies will be outraged.

By the way speaking of paying taxes, have you paid your fair share or do you pay any taxes at all??

White guy holding a gun in his pajamas. Automatically he's a Tea Party member looking to kill someone. He may have been an Obama supporter that wants to commit suicide because he realized just how badly he fucked up voting for that empty suit.

Or perhaps he was laid off by Bain Capital and his life is now in the shitter....
Guess he's not a 1%er like Obama anymore.
Or a 0.000000000000000001% like Governor Romney
Democrats can be rich as shit.
Republicans can't.

You went there first...I just bettered you...like always. It wasn't that hard either.
Enjoy your loss.
Pulling stuff out of your ass is easy when you have a big ass
Or even easier if you ARE a big ass; as you prove every day.

Bush and Romney have money but they don't live like kings the way Obama has since he became president.
Yeah the Bushes schlepped around the globe in a prop plane...I'm sure. Were you alive during the Bush years sonny?

This only proves you believe in double-standards and that is about as dishonest as you can get

You're the queen of double standards....somehow one President's travels are more opulent than another? Are you kidding me, boy?
Actually, yes.

I think we've clearly established that Obama feels money is no object. Over a billion a year to cater to his every whim when it only takes just under $60 million to do the same for the entire British royal family.
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.

How do YOU determine what anyone's fair share is??

He pays less % in taxes than I do. Than you do.

Thats how.

White guy holding a gun in his pajamas. Automatically he's a Tea Party member looking to kill someone. He may have been an Obama supporter that wants to commit suicide because he realized just how badly he fucked up voting for that empty suit.

Or perhaps he was laid off by Bain Capital and his life is now in the shitter....
Guess he's not a 1%er like Obama anymore.
Or a 0.000000000000000001% like Governor Romney
Democrats can be rich as shit.
Republicans can't.

You went there first...I just bettered you...like always. It wasn't that hard either.
Enjoy your loss.
Pulling stuff out of your ass is easy when you have a big ass
Or even easier if you ARE a big ass; as you prove every day.

Bush and Romney have money but they don't live like kings the way Obama has since he became president.
Yeah the Bushes schlepped around the globe in a prop plane...I'm sure. Were you alive during the Bush years sonny?

This only proves you believe in double-standards and that is about as dishonest as you can get

You're the queen of double standards....somehow one President's travels are more opulent than another? Are you kidding me, boy?
Actually, yes.

I think we've clearly established that Obama feels money is no object. Over a billion a year to cater to his every whim when it only takes just under $60 million to do the same for the entire British royal family.

Link from a credible source please?
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.

How do YOU determine what anyone's fair share is??

He pays less % in taxes than I do. Than you do.

Thats how.

Since you have no idea how much taxes I pay ............ then we know the rest of the statement is Bull Shit !!

Do you know how much he pays??

You dodged the question, Do you even pay taxes or are you a societal leech??

Link that I pay more than him or you are just another mouthy whore with an axe to grind!!

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