Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

There is also no evidence the man in the OP was drunk. This has been assumed.
Different town, different cops, different situation. It is a good encounter that doesn't end in bloodshed. Why are you complaining? Would you rather this man was killed?
Apparently that is exactly what they want. Methinks the OP was inspired by a Daily Kos email.
Another white guy with a gun threatening people and he's still breathing. Amazing....ly predictable

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit. Who was he threatening? The gun never left his shoulder.

Open carry is legal where he lives.


You're right, why cant an old drunk white guy with an assault rifle be left alone?

Hell its not like the police told him to get out of the street....Oh wait

Well, its not like that guy gave the police attitude because attitude gets people killed....oh wait...

He was drunk in public...thats a crime and you are saying give him a pass from being drunk in public because he has a firearm.

What the fuck is this? Bizzaro world

What the fuck this is is you shifting goalposts.

You said he was "threatening people" and are mystified as to why he was still breathing.

Pure, unadulterated bullshit. He was not threatening anyone, dickweed.

Only in bizzaro world would jaywalking be grounds for the use of lethal force.


Tell me about it but I've been told for 2 weeks that people who dont listen to police get shot. Now those same people suddenly dont feel that way anymore.

Must be the 2 weeks huh? lol
Backpedaling noted. Your claim that he was "threatening people" is bullshit.

So the police saying several times that they felt threatened and he was aggressive should be ignored because only taking the gun off his shoulder is aggressive?

Wait...wait...So the police blocking off the street doesnt mean anything either?

Wait wait wait...the people who called the police shouldnt feel threatened because what again?

Fuck outta here. The guy is aggressive with the police, jaywalking, didnt ID himself while carrying a gun and he goes home at night.
Another white guy with a gun threatening people and he's still breathing. Amazing....ly predictable

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit. Who was he threatening? The gun never left his shoulder.

Open carry is legal where he lives.


You're right, why cant an old drunk white guy with an assault rifle be left alone?

Hell its not like the police told him to get out of the street....Oh wait

Well, its not like that guy gave the police attitude because attitude gets people killed....oh wait...

He was drunk in public...thats a crime and you are saying give him a pass from being drunk in public because he has a firearm.

What the fuck is this? Bizzaro world

CC give it a moron break, yes he was drunk in public. Yes he had a firearm. Yes he was told to get out of the street.

I ask you the same questions as your other moronic friends, the multitude of "available responses" was thrust upon this forum time after time by race baiter's such as you. You would be the first to suggest the use of a taser or other non lethal force alternative had the man been black, regardless of whether he had just allegedly committed a strong-arm-robbery and then when confronted by the police .....................

Say, CC you are just the moron to answer this question .........

Say things had went differently and MB did beat the cop unconsciousness, how does that story end??

I mean, does MB, back out of the police car while carefully pulling the unconscious officer up and sitting him neatly in his seat. Taking time to straighten out his uniform, place his hat correctly on his head and then just gently leave, while him and DJ laughed and mad jokes ......................... just like in the movies.

What if he had knocked him out then took his weapon and shot him, what then??

How was that supposed to end??

Oh yeah, your point, you are right, the man was drunk in public shoot him .........
Say things had went differently and MB did beat the cop unconsciousness, how does that story end??

I mean, does MB, back out of the police car while carefully pulling the unconscious officer up and sitting him neatly in his seat. Taking time to straighten out his uniform, place his hat correctly on his head and then just gently leave, while him and DJ laughed and mad jokes ......................... just like in the movies.

What if he had knocked him out then took his weapon and shot him, what then??

How was that supposed to end??

I think going by a fictional "what if" is a what they call a straw man.
Another white guy with a gun threatening people and he's still breathing. Amazing....ly predictable

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit. Who was he threatening? The gun never left his shoulder.

Open carry is legal where he lives.


You're right, why cant an old drunk white guy with an assault rifle be left alone?

Hell its not like the police told him to get out of the street....Oh wait

Well, its not like that guy gave the police attitude because attitude gets people killed....oh wait...

He was drunk in public...thats a crime and you are saying give him a pass from being drunk in public because he has a firearm.

What the fuck is this? Bizzaro world

CC give it a moron break, yes he was drunk in public. Yes he had a firearm. Yes he was told to get out of the street.

I ask you the same questions as your other moronic friends, the multitude of "available responses" was thrust upon this forum time after time by race baiter's such as you. You would be the first to suggest the use of a taser or other non lethal force alternative had the man been black, regardless of whether he had just allegedly committed a strong-arm-robbery and then when confronted by the police .....................

Say, CC you are just the moron to answer this question .........

This guy is allegedly a serial killer. I mean if we are using allegedly as a jumping off point.

Sure lets go kiddo

Say things had went differently and MB did beat the cop unconsciousness, how does that story end??

Thats a hypothetical. What if the cop just beat Brown instead of taking his life? What if he shot only once instead of 6 times? See? Thats not a real question, thats Republican story time

I mean, does MB, back out of the police car while carefully pulling the unconscious officer up and sitting him neatly in his seat. Taking time to straighten out his uniform, place his hat correctly on his head and then just gently leave, while him and DJ laughed and mad jokes ......................... just like in the movies.

What if he had knocked him out then took his weapon and shot him, what then??

How was that supposed to end??

What if you drank Clorox? What if you took a right then went a half a block and took another left and got outta my face with that bullshit?
Another white guy with a gun threatening people and he's still breathing. Amazing....ly predictable

Pure, unadulterated manufactured bullshit. Who was he threatening? The gun never left his shoulder.

Open carry is legal where he lives.


You're right, why cant an old drunk white guy with an assault rifle be left alone?

Hell its not like the police told him to get out of the street....Oh wait

Well, its not like that guy gave the police attitude because attitude gets people killed....oh wait...

He was drunk in public...thats a crime and you are saying give him a pass from being drunk in public because he has a firearm.

What the fuck is this? Bizzaro world

What the fuck this is is you shifting goalposts.

You said he was "threatening people" and are mystified as to why he was still breathing.

Pure, unadulterated bullshit. He was not threatening anyone, dickweed.

Only in bizzaro world would jaywalking be grounds for the use of lethal force.


Tell me about it but I've been told for 2 weeks that people who dont listen to police get shot. Now those same people suddenly dont feel that way anymore.

Must be the 2 weeks huh? lol
Backpedaling noted. Your claim that he was "threatening people" is bullshit.

So the police saying several times that they felt threatened and he was aggressive should be ignored because only taking the gun off his shoulder is aggressive?

Wait...wait...So the police blocking off the street doesnt mean anything either?

Wait wait wait...the people who called the police shouldnt feel threatened because what again?

Fuck outta here. The guy is aggressive with the police, jaywalking, didnt ID himself while carrying a gun and he goes home at night.

Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.
Tell me about it but I've been told for 2 weeks that people who dont listen to police get shot. Now those same people suddenly dont feel that way anymore.

Must be the 2 weeks huh? lol

Funny, because I've also been told that a guy 15-20 feet away is an immediate threat, because he can travel a certain distance per second. But apparently, it would take this man much longer to point his weapon and shoot.

Weird huh? You heard the same thing?
Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.

I asked you a question:

I keep asking you where you are getting this "charging" bullshit from but I guess you didnt hear me the first 4 times lol
Say things had went differently and MB did beat the cop unconsciousness, how does that story end??

I mean, does MB, back out of the police car while carefully pulling the unconscious officer up and sitting him neatly in his seat. Taking time to straighten out his uniform, place his hat correctly on his head and then just gently leave, while him and DJ laughed and mad jokes ......................... just like in the movies.

What if he had knocked him out then took his weapon and shot him, what then??

How was that supposed to end??

I think going by a fictional "what if" is a what they call a straw man.

You can call it whatever, I just asked CC what he could see in his head ......................

No, one seems to like the way it ended, how was it "supposed to end"??

Things are the way they are for a reason, your talking point agenda in this thread was that "The White man who was dressed in Blue was abusing the Black man............"
To support your thesis you state two cases and act as if without any context at all the two should be equal and have the same merits and values.

I simply asked how in the mind of the black, ignorant, uneducated, whatever what type of conclusions were also possible?? By your answers, I am taking that as none, it does not fit your speaking points and therefore should not even be in consideration, but only by framing the irrational actions of what could have happen does one begin to accept what did happen.
Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.

I asked you a question:

I keep asking you where you are getting this "charging" bullshit from but I guess you didnt hear me the first 4 times lol

No, I'm sorry I didn't see that. too any off topic tax posts and such.

I have been clear on that. IF the evidence points to him charging the cop. Most reasonable people are going to agree that a man gets shot on top of the head from 20 feet away because he has his head lowered like he's Mike Ditka ready to charge a QB.

I certainly leave room for other explanations as more evidence comes to light.
No, I'm sorry I didn't see that. too any off topic tax posts and such.

I have been clear on that. IF the evidence points to him charging the cop. Most reasonable people are going to agree that a man gets shot on top of the head from 20 feet away because he has his head lowered like he's Mike Ditka ready to charge a QB.

I certainly leave room for other explanations as more evidence comes to light.

Or he's looking down at his arm that just got shot. :question:
Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.

I asked you a question:

I keep asking you where you are getting this "charging" bullshit from but I guess you didnt hear me the first 4 times lol

No, I'm sorry I didn't see that. too any off topic tax posts and such.

I have been clear on that. IF the evidence points to him charging the cop. Most reasonable people are going to agree that a man gets shot on top of the head from 20 feet away because he has his head lowered like he's Mike Ditka ready to charge a QB.

I certainly leave room for other explanations as more evidence comes to light.
He retrieved his rifle the next day. No charges were filed. Open carry advocates demonstrate often across the country, just not like a buffoon.
Seems you really cannot defend your bigoted hatred in this so keep looking for an excuse.

This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Typical idiot argument. Pick one small detail and harp on that.
The guy never really presented a threat. He really wasnt doing anything illegal anyway. He hadnt strongarmed a store owner. He hadnt acted aggressively. The cops didnt need to shoot him and it would have been a bad shoot.
You're digging yourself deeper and deeper on this one.
Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.

I asked you a question:

I keep asking you where you are getting this "charging" bullshit from but I guess you didnt hear me the first 4 times lol

No, I'm sorry I didn't see that. too any off topic tax posts and such.

I have been clear on that. IF the evidence points to him charging the cop. Most reasonable people are going to agree that a man gets shot on top of the head from 20 feet away because he has his head lowered like he's Mike Ditka ready to charge a QB.

I certainly leave room for other explanations as more evidence comes to light.
He retrieved his rifle the next day. No charges were filed. Open carry advocates demonstrate often across the country, just not like a buffoon.

Hey personally I believe people who open carry in town should be charged with terroristic threatening.There's no good reason to carry guns openly into a city when you know in light of recent events that's going to upset and scare people.

But we don't shoot people for terroristic threatening even. They only get shot if they directly threaten another persons' life.

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


Idk, ask the cops. If it didn't happen in Fergusson then there really is no comparison.
Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.

I asked you a question:

I keep asking you where you are getting this "charging" bullshit from but I guess you didnt hear me the first 4 times lol

No, I'm sorry I didn't see that. too any off topic tax posts and such.

I have been clear on that. IF the evidence points to him charging the cop. Most reasonable people are going to agree that a man gets shot on top of the head from 20 feet away because he has his head lowered like he's Mike Ditka ready to charge a QB.

I certainly leave room for other explanations as more evidence comes to light.

But you kept saying thats what happened and FINALLY you admit you just threw it in there as a excuse. Thanks for playing.
Learn the difference between threatening and life threatening. When you do come back and we'll talk.

Was this old asshole a threat? Yes, I'm quite sure many people felt threatened by him. Was he a reasonable threat to anyones' lives? No. case closed. tough shit if you dont like it.

I asked you a question:

I keep asking you where you are getting this "charging" bullshit from but I guess you didnt hear me the first 4 times lol

No, I'm sorry I didn't see that. too any off topic tax posts and such.

I have been clear on that. IF the evidence points to him charging the cop. Most reasonable people are going to agree that a man gets shot on top of the head from 20 feet away because he has his head lowered like he's Mike Ditka ready to charge a QB.

I certainly leave room for other explanations as more evidence comes to light.

But you kept saying thats what happened and FINALLY you admit you just threw it in there as a excuse. Thanks for playing.
Nah he's just playing devil's advocate like we all are. No one knows the facts yet.

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