Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

He didn't empty cartridges out of it. All he did was hit the mag eject button and pull back the slide to make sure there wasn't a round in the chamber. He hit the bolt assist out of habit because he probably owns a AR-15 or a M16 himself or used one in the military. I saw no evidence that the gun was even loaded.

That point was cleared up later in the thread.
Folks like Rabbi can pretend there isn't a problem, but a black guy buying a pellet rifle for his kid gets gunned down at Walmart and this guy gets "talked to".

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


We all know he is a Tea Party member because the Tea Party is full of terrorists.
clingers in this thread, all of them white BTW :eusa_shhh:, are like a fat lady in a malt shop-- :up: grasping at straws
Folks like Rabbi can pretend there isn't a problem, but a black guy buying a pellet rifle for his kid gets gunned down at Walmart and this guy gets "talked to".
I challenged you earlier as to whether you had seen the video of the guy in WM. Of course you didnt answer because you hadnt because the video hasnt been released. I already stated I dont know enough about that incident to comment on it. Of course lack of information never stopped you from expressing a thoroughly stupid and worthless opinion before.
So I dont know whether the shoot was good or not. Neither do you. So you can't say there is a problem. Unless you have a problem with police not gunning down white people posing no threat.
The cops did their job properly and people are upset with them they screw up and people are upset with them there is just no fucking pleasing some people.

Well, actually, no, they didn't do their job properly, because they didn't press charges on at least two counts:

Open carry without identification

I mean, if that's what they stopped the old dude for, why did they not bring their job to completion?
Public Intoxication....
I was wondering who was shooting this video. Seemed sort of staged to me. With 911 calls in the background and all. Almost like a scene in Sons Of Anarchy or Cops.
The cops did their job properly and people are upset with them they screw up and people are upset with them there is just no fucking pleasing some people.

Well, actually, no, they didn't do their job properly, because they didn't press charges on at least two counts:

Open carry without identification

I mean, if that's what they stopped the old dude for, why did they not bring their job to completion?
Public Intoxication....
No evidence he was drunk. No charge of same.
As usual you talk out of your ass.
Bad boys, bad boys,...what cha gonna do, what cha gonna do if they come for you....:nono:
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Typical idiot argument. Pick one small detail and harp on that.
The guy never really presented a threat. He really wasnt doing anything illegal anyway. He hadnt strongarmed a store owner. He hadnt acted aggressively. The cops didnt need to shoot him and it would have been a bad shoot.
You're digging yourself deeper and deeper on this one.

LOL. Your ignorance is fun to watch.

One exposes you for a lie - or just plain old ignorance, and then you write shit like that.


Bullets being in the gun is a small detail?
But they werent . The gun wasnt loaded at all. Ergo he didnt present a threat. Now, cops didnt know that at the time. BUt Statistheilhitler swore the gun was loaded. Even called me a liar because I doubted it. Now we know the truth.

You treat every gun as if it's loaded until you know for sure...right? Amazingly, the co
Michael Brown was a danger to the public, committed 3 Felonies, & Jay-Walked. This white dude did nothing wrong, police were making false accusations & could not file charges.

Michael Brown Robbed a store, assaulted & intimidated the clerk, assaulted police officer & attempted to take his weapon. The law says shoot that thug.

Quote the law that says "shoot that thug".

Missouri 563.046 Law enforcement officer's use of force in making an arrest.

1. A law enforcement officer need not retreat or desist from efforts to effect the arrest, or from efforts to prevent the escape from custody, of a person he reasonably believes to have committed an offense because of resistance or threatened resistance of the arrestee. In addition to the use of physical force authorized under other sections of this chapter, he is, subject to the provisions of subsections 2 and 3, justified in the use of such physical force as he reasonably believes is immediately necessary to effect the arrest or to prevent the escape from custody.

2. The use of any physical force in making an arrest is not justified under this section unless the arrest is lawful or the law enforcement officer reasonably believes the arrest is lawful.

3. A law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest or in preventing an escape from custody is justified in using deadly force only

(1) When such is authorized under other sections of this chapter; or

(2) When he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested

(a) Has committed or attempted to commit a felony; or

[Robbery, assaulting a police officer, and going for their weapon are all felonies]

(b) Is attempting to escape by use of a deadly weapon; or

(c) May otherwise endanger life or inflict serious physical injury unless arrested without delay.

4. The defendant shall have the burden of injecting the issue of justification under this section.

Nice try....

Nothing that you wrote mentions being the judge, jury, and executioner.

Wasn't Michael Brown innocent until proven guilty...in a court of law? Isn't that the standard or did the cop just know he was guilty right off the bat?

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


Had it been a black guy, he would be on a trip to 6 feet under....

If the big black man had aimed the weapon at anyone, probably so.

Look here, took me LESS than 2 minutes to find this

Gunman Surrenders After SWAT Standoff High-Speed Pursuit Manhunt NBC Southern California

Armed black man taken into custody ALIVE after a stand off


Thanks for the quick reply.

Okay...ask yourself why the cops didn't gun him down.

I'm compelled to call the cases listed in the OP and the one you highlighted equal in one sense of the word.

The cameras were on.

When cameras are on, everyone acts more in accordance of the official policies of their entity. Did you see the Little League World Series last month? Do you think that every coach talks to his players the way THOSE coaches who were miked-up and on camera do? When the manager is around, the sales clerks are much more polite than they are otherwise. When the principal is evaluating teachers in the back of the class, the teachers are much more formal.

Light is the best disinfectant.

Guarantee you that if the camera was on the gentleman shot in St. Louis this past month, he would still be alive.

And I guarantee that you don't have a clue about what you are talking about.

How many arrests have you made in your life? I've made thousands ( Military Police) and one thing I can tell you is that they all go down different and they are each unique, and each officer must handle them in the way he sees best.

The Brown situation went down in FOUR minutes. That cop didn't have time to think "oh no cameras, I'm gonna kill this nigga" I mean come on....

Thousands of arrests...how many robbery suspects did you have to kill?
Since there seems to be such a big deal over how the police handled this situation what you have liked them to do different? Should they have shot the man, beat him, tazed him what?

He posed a threat; intoxicated and armed in public.

He should have been tazed.

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