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Why did Trump lose?

Yes, as noted, knowledge is good, and the more a transmissible disease can be studied, the more we know.
As if nothing was known about transmitting respiratory diseases before covid hit the public.
How stupid or willfully gullible are you?
We can make a huge difference in the death and destruction done by an air borne epidemic. In an epidemic such as coronavirus the damage it causes can be limited by blocking the transmission of the virus with barriers such as masks or distance. Both of these methods are detrimental to economic activity. Managing an epidemic means making decisions about the balance between the need for economic activity and the need to block virus transmission. The virus is a nationwide problem, not a state problem. Just as it would make no sense to make each state responsible for a war against the nation, it makes no sense for the states to manage an epidemic that is attacking the nation. The federal government must lead in fighting a nationwide airborne epidemic just as in fighting a war and coordinate activities with and between states.

The US was best prepared nation in the world to fight the virus yet it has had one of the worst if not the worst response of any nation. A big part of that failure is due to the failure of the central government to manage the epidemic and shifting that responsibility to the states and local communities who have far less resources and expertise in epidemic management. The CDC, the premier disease and epidemic control agency in the world was relegated to creating guidelines and counting bodies during most of the epidemic because they lost favor with Trump.

The United States is a country protected by the US Constitution. The Constitution was written so the federal government has limited authority while the state has much more authority. Under the Declaration or Independence, we are provided with the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness regardless of recessions, attacks on our country, or even a virus.

Next there is no guarantee that masks or distancing have any effect on the spread of this virus. You can look at cities and states that have draconian measures and those who are more lax on it, and find the mask mandates and distancing are not doing that much better than anybody else. The virus is not a nationwide or state problem, it's a worldwide problem. The US is not the worst in this pandemic. In fact we rank 8th in measuring deaths per capita, and our death rates are highly inaccurate. Yet outside of China, the US had the least GDP loss than all other G7 nations, and that's only if you trust reporting from Communist China.

Bottom line is our President is not responsible for a virus. He's done nearly everything within his authority to protect us, including buying the first 100 million doses of Moderna vaccines, with a rider of an additional 500 million if needed because he put our people first.

The ravages of the COVID-19 virus have forced nations all over the globe to curtail their citizens’ freedoms. The U.S. and its municipalities have been no exceptions. To combat the virus, people have been required to remain at home, to refrain from going to work or school, wear masks, and to engage in social distancing. The argument over curtailing personal liberties during epidemics is not new.

In the 19th century, we learned that curtailing contact between people in epidemic reduces transmission. Local goverment ordered involuntary quarantines and limited public gathers creating an outcry of violation of personal liberties. Mayors and governors argued that there were times when personal liberties must be curtailed in order to save lives. The public's right to life has to take precedent over the individuals right to engage in normal social discourse. Their argument was best expressed in an article that ran in the Chicago Tribune during a Cholera epidemic in 1873. “A man exposed to the deadly smallpox has the natural liberty to travel in a cab or an omnibus; but society has a right that overrides his natural liberty, and says he shall not.”

The effectiveness of masks limiting the spread of airborne diseases was proven in the 1880's. Today, masks are worn around the world whenever there is a high risk of infection from an airborne disease. There effeteness in practice and in labs have been proven over and over.

Putting distancing between people has been a primary method of reducing the spread of disease since at least the middle ages but it wasn't until the early part of the 20th century that scientist began to study it. The virus had not been discovered but studies did show distance between carrier and victim does influence transmission and it varies with disease. It wasn't till the 1940's that medical researchers were able to quantify the distance need to significantly reduce transmission of the common hold. That figure was 6 feet. Later studies were done with the measles virus. These studies show that this virus unlike the cold virus which was transmitted on droplets was transmitted as an aerosol which could travel great distances well over the size of a normal room which makes it very contagious. SARS2 which is in the coronavirus family and similar to one that causes Covid-19 was also transmitted, like the common cold by droplets. 4 to 7 feet was judged as the distance necessary to reduce transmission significantly.

Initially research showed a distance of 6 feet was the typical distance of transmission for the coronavirus which caused Covid-19. Later research showed that a small percent of the virus transmitted as an aerosol which increased the distance to about 12 feet. However since the viral load would be very small past 6 feet, the CDC decide to keep that distance as the distance for social distancing.

In short there is a huge amount of evidence and research that shows both social distancing and masks help reduce transmission of the virus. However, the degree that the public adheres to the guidelines is very significant. This is where government can make a huge difference, using gentle persuasion, enlisting the help of humanitarian organizations, employers, and local government a very high degree of support is certainly possible. It has been successful elsewhere and can be done in the US.
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I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
He lost because of election fraud with mail-in ballots and vote harvesting.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
He lost because of election fraud with mail-in ballots and vote harvesting.
It’s like a religion to you guys. Just state it and believe it.. no need for it to be true. It’s only important you worship it.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
He lost because of election fraud with mail-in ballots and vote harvesting.
It’s like a religion to you guys. Just state it and believe it.. no need for it to be true. It’s only important you worship it.
It's the truth. Cast an absentee ballot or show up and vote. No reason for people to stay away from polls because of China Virus. These same people went grocery shopping during that same time period. Mail-in ballots served only one purpose...to steal an election.
He lost because of election fraud with mail-in ballots and vote harvesting.
That's a good one, but being a sore loser demands a less pathetic, phony excuse - such as Dominion voting machines in 6 states actually being alien invaders that happened to bear an uncanny resemblance to Dominion voting machines, and the intergalactic Doppelgängers ate all the Trump votes, "Trump" being the name of a savory delicacy on their home planet.

When the Big Lie is "I won in a landslide!", after the voting public expressed relentlessly negative assessments in independent surveys throughout four years, all contrived excuses will inevitably be absurd, so one should try, at least , to make them interesting.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.

COVID!! I realized it by early fall, that COVID would take him down. He was a shoo-in for a second term until the pandemic. COVID will take down high-level politicians all over the world: people don't like governments doing what these people did, completely messing up the world.

Newsom of California and Cuomo of New York are already falling. I expect Boris Johnson to go eventually, and Macron of France. Italy's government already fell.

If it weren't for COVID, Trump would still be president and things wouldn't be so awful.
excuses will inevitably be absurd, so one should try, at least , to make them interesting.

And there it is, folks, satire......draped in insight and truth-telling.
Revealed to great applause.

I too have been aware of those Extra-Terrestrial Voting Machines (ETVM's) secretly controlled by George Soros and ANTIFA.

I am "aware" of them because, as you know, their technological superiority doesn't allow us to see them..... or hear them, or smell them.

And that's exactly why we know it is them.

Bank it!
It’s like a religion to you guys. Just state it and believe it.. no need for it to be true. It’s only important you worship it.
Cry Baby Loser's whining that he lost the popular vote in 2016 because 3-5 million invisible people had all cast bogus ballots against him was far more mirthful. Making seven million real people casting legitimate ballots against the Loser in 2020 demands an excuse that is, at least, as zany, not just pathetically whining "I won in a landslide!" with no contrived evidence outside of Giuliani's boxer shorts.

That type of absurdity may incite one's goons to attack the government of the United States, but is totally lacking in entertainment value for rational Americans.

Screen Shot 2021-03-16 at 8.13.24 AM.png

"Search me, Kayleigh!
The evidence is right under
Hunter's laptop from hell!"
Trump lost because his hubris was only going to be tolerated as long as the economy was strong. Once COVID struck he had nothing but polemics and finger pointing...
Trump lost because his hubris was only going to be tolerated as long as the economy was strong. Once COVID struck he had nothing but polemics and finger pointing...

He lost for one reason and one reason only: Mail-in ballots. The more stupid people that vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning. Mail-in got a huge amount of stupid voters, and that's how they won. It's why they want kids registering to vote at 16 years old, want ex-felons to vote, want prisoners who are nearing the end of their sentence to vote, mail-in across the country by Nazi law, and automatic voter registration. All designed to get the stupid and uninformed voter votes.
Trump lost because his hubris was only going to be tolerated as long as the economy was strong. Once COVID struck he had nothing but polemics and finger pointing...
His pathetic impotence in leading the nation was undoubtedly a major contributor to his defeat.

There is no denying that his record stinks:
Trump’s Statements About the Coronavirus
Ah, poster 'schmidlap'........ your pic of Rudy reveals the answer.

As we can all see in the Borat video.....Rudy was earnestly searching for votes with that left hand of his.
But, Rudy being Rudy, i.e., incompetence squared (see the presser staged between the dildo shop & the crematoria)........well, Rudy didn't find enough votes in those pants to swing the election.

Or, alternatively as some wag has suggested ---- Rudy wasn't searching for votes in there, at all. Rather.....he was just warming up the home-team.

So there is that.
All designed to get the stupid and uninformed voter votes.

Well, we are encouraged, poster Ray-From-Cleveland.
At least this time, you didn't pair up with Melissa Carone again to witness the cemeteries empty out as the residents shambled off to the polls.

ps.....I haven't ---yet ---seen either you or Melissa complain about the, ummm, ah,.......'smell factor' with some of those voters.

What's up with that?
He lost for one reason and one reason only: Mail-in ballots.
No doubt, if he had not been whining about this proven, secure methods for Americans to participate in self-governance (as demonstrated by Utah among other states) fewer of his worshippers would have been alienated from participating in the election in this manner, but it may not have been enough to overcome the prevailing public sentiment that he is a whiny failure.
Ah, poster 'schmidlap'........ your pic of Rudy reveals the answer.

As we can all see in the Borat video.....Rudy was earnestly searching for votes with that left hand of his.
But, Rudy being Rudy, i.e., incompetence squared (see the presser staged between the dildo shop & the crematoria)........well, Rudy didn't find enough votes in those pants to swing the election.

Or, alternatively as some wag has suggested ---- Rudy wasn't searching for votes in there, at all. Rather.....he was just warming up the home-team.

So there is that.
I wish some intrepid investigator would put on his hazmat suit - or deploy a robot - to get in there and finally retrieve Hunter's legendary laptop from hell.
He lost for one reason and one reason only: Mail-in ballots.
No doubt, if he had not been whining about this proven, secure methods for Americans to participate in self-governance (as demonstrated by Utah among other states) fewer of his worshippers would have been alienated from participating in the election in this manner, but it may not have been enough to overcome the prevailing public sentiment that he is a whiny failure.

Well there you go. Thanks for supporting my point. The stupid voters took out one of the best presidents of our time because he whines. See, that's why stupid people shouldn't vote. Take out the stupid people, Democrats lose every election.

We now elected a President that's in such bad shape, even his own party wants to disable him from having exclusive ability to launch nuclear weapons. Gee, I bet China is happy to see that. Iran too once they develop their nuclear arms to perfection.

So now gasoline went up 70 cents a gallon since his election, thousands of people lost their jobs, the Nazi's are working on a bill to disarm law abiding citizens, now there is talk about greatly increasing taxes on our job creators when we need them the most, but at least you don't have to put up with meanie Donald Trump's tweets. No, our country is not in serious trouble. :rolleyes:
Trump lost because his hubris was only going to be tolerated as long as the economy was strong. Once COVID struck he had nothing but polemics and finger pointing...
What does Biden have other than that exact same thing?

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