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Why did Trump lose?

Several people who signed a sworn affidavit stated they witnessed machines hooked up to the internet. Col. Waldron pointed out that the software is designed so it could trigger a switch of votes at a certain time since they would have to be done in batches. Also, Dominion had techs over there messing around with the machines. They were supposed to be there for malfunctioning machines only.
Diehard Trumpers uncritically swallow the lies that Trump and the Trumpy "media" spread because they are what Trump and Trumpers want to believe.

Reality imposes more rigorous standards than magic thinking in which wishing makes it so.

In the real world, all the Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county commissioners, and other Republican election officials, in their certification processes, have been upheld by dozens of judges, Republicans and Trump appointees included. For them, it is not a matter of what they want to believe, but of what they objectively determine to be the truth.

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“We have proof that I can’t disclose yet of the corrupt machines!”
(Giuliani's lie was debunked by the Associated Press and the New York Times. He never "disclosed" his imaginary "proof."​

Trump losing by nearly seven million votes is entirely consistent with his having been consistently disapproved of in numerous public surveys throughout his tenure beginning when nearly 3 million more voted against him than for him in 2016.

The choice Trump confronted on November 3 after Americans had participated in democracy was whether he would be a loser or a sore loser.

He opted for the latter:

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"Oooo! I'm just so, so pissy!"

Just imagine the extent the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer might have achieved a modicum of public redemption in his final days by belatedly assuming a position of leadership and evidencing genuine compassion for the victims of the pandemic he had largely dismissed, Americans who are suffering and dying even as he is forced to go away, consumed by self pity and spewing his lies.
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Unfortunately, that's only one state and not enough to change anything even if the fraud is uncovered and Trump takes the state.
With all the fake claims of fraud shot down in every venue where credible evidence is demanded, it looks as if one last super-spreader jamboree is in order:

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"SO LONG, SUCKERS!"..................
With all the fake claims of fraud shot down in every venue where credible evidence is demanded, it looks as if one last super-spreader jamboree is in order:

You don't know if there was fraud or not unless there is a thorough investigation into it. Before you respond with your repetitive reply, the deep state goes well beyond the Democrat party. Yes, the Republicans and Democrats go back and forth with arguments, but in the long run, they are all part of the same club. All Democrats and some Republicans didn't like the idea of Donald Trump. He didn't work his way up like those career people. He busted his way through the front door and stole the most cherished seat in the club.

Judges do not (or are not supposed to) take sides with anybody regardless who appoints them or what party they belong to. Judges don't like to get in the middle of pissing contests between politicians at election time. A judges job is to determine if law and constitution were properly followed. The Bush/ Gore election was an exception because it was clear the state courts violated the law. Outside of that, they would have probably never heard the case.
With all the fake claims of fraud shot down in every venue where credible evidence is demanded, it looks as if one last super-spreader jamboree is in order:

You don't know if there was fraud or not unless there is a thorough investigation into it. Before you respond with your repetitive reply, the deep state goes well beyond the Democrat party. Yes, the Republicans and Democrats go back and forth with arguments, but in the long run, they are all part of the same club. All Democrats and some Republicans didn't like the idea of Donald Trump. He didn't work his way up like those career people. He busted his way through the front door and stole the most cherished seat in the club.

Judges do not (or are not supposed to) take sides with anybody regardless who appoints them or what party they belong to. Judges don't like to get in the middle of pissing contests between politicians at election time. A judges job is to determine if law and constitution were properly followed. The Bush/ Gore election was an exception because it was clear the state courts violated the law. Outside of that, they would have probably never heard the case.
Cite any investigative agency or any judicial finding that confirms Trump's baseless ravings about fraud.

Ideologically-induced paranoia discovers fraud wherever it serves the paranoidal ideologue's agenda.

Government agencies and courts must apply far more rigorous standards.

Those institutions in America are where self-serving, crackpot fantasies sputter, fizzle, and fail.

Americans voted as any reasonable person would expect, given the consistent public disapproval of Trump for four years. Had that suddenly changed radically in the election, reasonable questions would then arise.

Cry Baby Loser threatening a Secretary of State and begging him for votes was particularly distasteful.

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Did even the most devout of mindless, Trump-worshipping idolaters, in their zeal for federal abuse of state autonomy, actually expect this?

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"Right away, Bunky!
Would you like fries with that!"

Cite any investigative agency or any judicial finding that confirms Trump's baseless ravings about fraud.

Ideologically-induced paranoia discovers fraud wherever it serves the paranoidal ideologue's agenda.

Government agencies and courts must apply far more rigorous standards.

Those institutions in America are where self-serving, crackpot fantasies sputter, fizzle, and fail.

Americans voted as any reasonable person would expect, given the consistent public disapproval of Trump for four years. Had that suddenly changed radically in the election, reasonable questions would then arise.

Cry Baby Loser threatening a Secretary of State and begging him for votes was particularly distasteful.

I agree that voting policies are far too weak and courts don't like to get involved in elections, but that's what Democrats are pushing for, weaker elections. The weaker the election regulations, the easier it is to cheat. That's why in coming elections long after (hopefully) Covid is behind us, the Communists will continue pushing just as hard for mail-in voting. They will continue fighting against Voter-ID, and continue fighting against voter roll purges. More may adopt Motor Voter because that coupled with giving illegals licenses can make illegal voters legal.

There is nothing reasonable about voting for Socialism/ Communism vs a free country. There is nothing reasonable about voting for much higher fuel prices, higher taxes, and inflation. Anybody who votes for that is not a reasonable voter.
I agree that voting policies are far too weak and courts don't like to get involved in elections, but that's what Democrats are pushing for, weaker elections. The weaker the election regulations, the easier it is to cheat. That's why in coming elections long after (hopefully) Covid is behind us, the Communists will continue pushing just as hard for mail-in voting. They will continue fighting against Voter-ID, and continue fighting against voter roll purges. More may adopt Motor Voter because that coupled with giving illegals licenses can make illegal voters legal.

There is nothing reasonable about voting for Socialism/ Communism vs a free country. There is nothing reasonable about voting for much higher fuel prices, higher taxes, and inflation. Anybody who votes for that is not a reasonable voter.
You can tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to suit your ideological agenda.

The reality is that the United States just had a remarkably security election, recounts of paper ballots confirming the results, repeatedly certified by Republican state officials, and in which a surfeit of hyper-partisan, self-serving challenges were summarily rejected by Republican judges across the land, and in which no agency in the Trump regime found any reason to initiate any investigations.

Diehard Trumpers put me in mind of the story about the paranoid old woman who was frightened by a movie matinee of The Invisible Man. Afterwards, she was convinced that horrible, nude dastards were continually cavorting throughout her house. And who could prove otherwise?

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"I'm sure that they're there!
I didn't see them again!"
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.

I think it's more better to describe the reasons why in chronological order:

1. Beginning in the 90s we pushed for Chinese goods, and sold through the internet. With that & 24/7 "news" we've been fucked over good. But people got rich, such as Gates, Bezos and that. More than that they realized what a great tool misinformation sold through the web would be. Soon after the left took control of the State of California, which was a giant step toward their manipulation of the country.

2. Under Obama Americans were split into two, racists by suggestion (aka the "deplorables") Vs those who play racism (PROGS). The left had always promoted victimhood, but they upped their game with that, "Me Too" etc. Me too is code for PROGS being the culprits and accusers, BTW. If PROGS say it they're lying and/or doing worse, in this manner they're informative.

3. Trump comes in and he's a complete threat to the establishment, China and one world order. Boy did that fuck up their shit, so.......

4. The left made up a story how Trump was a traitor honoring Russia, how he stole the election, blah blah blah "oh our democracy", they sounded pathetic & ignorant, but snowflakes will be snowflakes. It didn't matter this was a fabrication and in fact it was the Democrats who were guilty. Long before, especially under Obama it was established that PROG news would dictate how the parties would be defined. They became the oversite committee and redefined the nature for corruption based on misinformation, no information and who their bosses happened to support politically Once upon a time reporting was ethical, they kept things in check. Today they've sold their souls for PROG-favor and everyone with half a brain knows it too.

5. Then the left made up a story how Trump is racist. By this time most PROGS are approaching braindead due to 24/7 misinformation. Americans were prime targets, primarily because we had becomes such pussies with little to complain about. Our country had become high on indoctrination, mis-education etc. Course it didn't matter it's actually Biden who has that racist history. We're not talking a rational people here, and it took. Trump would become the most racist man in history, I suppose because he's orange.

6. With Trump a high risk to the establishment, and he'd already fucked up Clinton and Obama's shit as well as many one-world order, China BS, the left went onto exploit COVID and were possible involved in it's development of it, with China of course. Ironically this struck almost immediate after China's I mean Democrat's attempt to remove Trump for what was it again? Oh that's right, less than what Biden had done past, go figure. The left would use COVID toward quite a number of interests, including Trump's removal.

7. Well shit wasn't going as planned, so the left fabricated stories built on racism ensuring that under the light of COVID and a dumbed down American public cities would riot and continue their dismantling of the USA. This went on for months, the left understood their doing would be blamed on Trump no matter what the circumstances.

8. Under the wing of COVID the left cried mail-in ballots knowing full well the laziest among us both physically and mentally tend to support Democrats. That's no assumption, it's as sure as the sun rises tomorrow. They also knew this allowed for ballot harvesting, and for the mishandling of ballots.

In summary, Trump was beat by:
Global one-world order under a few
24/7 misinformation & dumbed-down country
Establishment, corruption and a corrupted society
Riots & racism
Mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting & devious election ploys.

End of the day we replaced the most accomplished POTUS our history with a guy who's no more than a puppet POTUS, though really they replaced him with deep-state appointed commie Kamala, who is a puppet as well. I don't know if the left is just that dumb or just that corrupt, I suspect the laterr. Misery loves company they say, and some people aren't happy unless there's chaos. All I know is we fucked up royally and Idiocracy has arrived by some level. "1984" sure has become evident and the left has managed to institute all or most of the communist declared goals for destroying our country.

A wonderful fairy tale. Let me tell you the end of your "once in a time, when wishes had helped ..." story. Donald Trump will stay to be unelected president of the USA. Suddenly some alien terrorists from the organisation "free western world" will land with a flying saucer in Washington and arrest Donald Trump because of high treason on the values of the western world. They will bring him to the witch, who lives in the gingerbread house. There he will get every day a golden golf ball. And if he will not die, then he will live forever there and betray whomever he likes to betray.

I'd rather stay in context, how about pick a number that's wrong and explain why?

No. I don't discuss any longer the absurde super-bullshit Trump produces like a tyrannosaurus octopussy produces ink. This man wastes everyones time with nonsense. What's the reality in the background of this nonsense we will see when he will be gone. Seems to me this man has a lot to hide - and always had a lot to hide - while he played to be the worst idiot the world ever had seen since the USA and the world are the same.

I'd rather stay in context and you've already engaged, so really, I think you're full of shit.
There you guys go again, comparing Covid to the Flu. Deaths from the Flu in US run 12,000 to 61,000 a year. Covid hasn't been here quite a year and we have 360,000 dead and we are adding thousand more each day. The infection rate of Covid is about 5 times greater than the Flu and when you get sick, symptoms tend to be more serve and last longer.

So what do how many deaths have to do with it? Let me see if I can follow your logic here: I microorganism, a virus, a germ cannot be controlled by a US President if it only kills between 12K and 60K a year, but a virus that kills 350,000 people can be controlled? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Do you see why I'm having a problem with you and others who lie about this President?

You are too blind to see what I'm doing here, but I am demonstrating absurdity by being absurd. You are a liar, because even you know a virus is not in control of a US President, but using lies to try and blame Trump for something he has no control of. Now if you were honest and actually believed the BS you spew, you would say yes, DumBama was also responsible for every flu death because a US President can do that, just like Trump could have.

We have flu shots that many people decide not to get every year. We have masks that some people decide not to wear. However no President can instruct people to do either. It's a personal choice. As for the numbers, the Wuhan virus is ten times more contagious than the flu. Even during H1N1, DumBama's own people said the administration screwed it all up, and they just got lucky millions didn't die because it was not all that contagious.

Your people did the same exact thing with Bush and Trump by blaming them for hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires and such. You just don't understand how ridiculous you sound unless somebody turns the tables on you.

You purposely miss my points. No one likes to wear masks. They are uncomfortable, fog up your glasses, and no retail establishment will let you in without one. Like most Americans, I hate the damn things and when this is over I will have a mask burning party. The economic chaos due to the virus has effected damn near everyone and they want see things back to normal but most of us know that this is just not possible yet.

What Trump has been doing is encouraging his people to do what they want do, screw the mask wearing, abandon social distancing, and open up businesses and schools with no regard to how that will effect the spread of the virus simply because he saw that as a way to get elected, give his people what they want even thou it will kill hundreds thousands of innocent people. Thankfully, most American saw through this and have given the Trump his walking papers.

After this became a real problem, please show me where Trump instructed people to not social distance, not to wear masks. Show me how Communist cities and states did so much better with masks than American cities and states that didn't enforce them as heavily. Kids are very unlikely to get Covid yet alone spread it which is why Trump told Governors to please open up their schools. F the kids committing suicide, F the kids who are getting much less of an education, F the kids who are in deep depression. The teachers union wants their members to get paid sitting home over the internet, and that's all that matters because all unions donate big bucks to the Democrat party come election time.
There you guys go again, comparing Covid to the Flu. Deaths from the Flu in US run 12,000 to 61,000 a year. Covid hasn't been here quite a year and we have 360,000 dead and we are adding thousand more each day. The infection rate of Covid is about 5 times greater than the Flu and when you get sick, symptoms tend to be more serve and last longer.

So what do how many deaths have to do with it? Let me see if I can follow your logic here: I microorganism, a virus, a germ cannot be controlled by a US President if it only kills between 12K and 60K a year, but a virus that kills 350,000 people can be controlled? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Do you see why I'm having a problem with you and others who lie about this President?

You are too blind to see what I'm doing here, but I am demonstrating absurdity by being absurd. You are a liar, because even you know a virus is not in control of a US President, but using lies to try and blame Trump for something he has no control of. Now if you were honest and actually believed the BS you spew, you would say yes, DumBama was also responsible for every flu death because a US President can do that, just like Trump could have.

We have flu shots that many people decide not to get every year. We have masks that some people decide not to wear. However no President can instruct people to do either. It's a personal choice. As for the numbers, the Wuhan virus is ten times more contagious than the flu. Even during H1N1, DumBama's own people said the administration screwed it all up, and they just got lucky millions didn't die because it was not all that contagious.

Your people did the same exact thing with Bush and Trump by blaming them for hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires and such. You just don't understand how ridiculous you sound unless somebody turns the tables on you.

You purposely miss my points. No one likes to wear masks. They are uncomfortable, fog up your glasses, and no retail establishment will let you in without one. Like most Americans, I hate the damn things and when this is over I will have a mask burning party. The economic chaos due to the virus has effected damn near everyone and they want see things back to normal but most of us know that this is just not possible yet.

What Trump has been doing is encouraging his people to do what they want do, screw the mask wearing, abandon social distancing, and open up businesses and schools with no regard to how that will effect the spread of the virus simply because he saw that as a way to get elected, give his people what they want even thou it will kill hundreds thousands of innocent people. Thankfully, most American saw through this and have given the Trump his walking papers.

After this became a real problem, please show me where Trump instructed people to not social distance, not to wear masks. Show me how Communist cities and states did so much better with masks than American cities and states that didn't enforce them as heavily. Kids are very unlikely to get Covid yet alone spread it which is why Trump told Governors to please open up their schools. F the kids committing suicide, F the kids who are getting much less of an education, F the kids who are in deep depression. The teachers union wants their members to get paid sitting home over the internet, and that's all that matters because all unions donate big bucks to the Democrat party come election time.
I didn't say we could control the virus. That won't happen till we get most of the country vaccinated. However we can use masks, social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings to limit the spread and thus save lives. That can't happen without leadership from the top by setting the example, encouraging the public to follow the guidelines, and supporting state and local government in that effort. When the president holds superspreading events at the White House and large rallies with not a mask to be seen and little or no social distancing what kind of message do you think that sends?
I didn't say we could control the virus. That won't happen till we get most of the country vaccinated. However we can use masks, social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings to limit the spread and thus save lives. That can't happen without leadership from the top by setting the example, encouraging the public to follow the guidelines, and supporting state and local government in that effort. When the president holds superspreading events at the White House and large rallies with not a mask to be seen and little or no social distancing what kind of message do you think that sends?

What kind of message? Freedom perhaps?

Like I said, the President is not our father, he's the person leading the government. What people do has nothing to do with the leadership on the top. Trump has promoted masks, promoted social distancing, allowed Drs. Fauci and Birx more than enough time to address the public repeatedly with their repeated recommendations. I know people who never wear masks, and they are not political at all. Wearing a mask isn't political, it's personal.
With all the fake claims of fraud shot down in every venue where credible evidence is demanded, it looks as if one last super-spreader jamboree is in order:

You don't know if there was fraud or not unless there is a thorough investigation into it. Before you respond with your repetitive reply, the deep state goes well beyond the Democrat party. Yes, the Republicans and Democrats go back and forth with arguments, but in the long run, they are all part of the same club. All Democrats and some Republicans didn't like the idea of Donald Trump. He didn't work his way up like those career people. He busted his way through the front door and stole the most cherished seat in the club.

Judges do not (or are not supposed to) take sides with anybody regardless who appoints them or what party they belong to. Judges don't like to get in the middle of pissing contests between politicians at election time. A judges job is to determine if law and constitution were properly followed. The Bush/ Gore election was an exception because it was clear the state courts violated the law. Outside of that, they would have probably never heard the case.
Investigation and prosecution of election fraud is a criminal case and is handled as such. It is about finding and prosecuting those guilty of criminal violations of election law.. It is never about changing election results.

Although a civil lawsuit can change election results it is extremely rare because there is a very heavy burden of proof on the plaintiff and the time frame is at best only a few weeks to a few months. In short, courts are far more concerned with protecting the right to vote than seeing the right candidate wins an election. So to change an election result, the plaintiff must show beyond any doubt exactly how the law was violated and also show that the violation resulted in a change of the election result. For example an election result will never be overturned by the courts because independent overserves were not allow to witness the voting or the count or an eye witness saw some double voting, or some ballots were lost or purposely destroyed or that there were attempts to corrupt the election process. There has to be proof that these acts resulted in the wrong person being declared the winner. Just showing it could happen or likely did happen is not good enough.
I didn't say we could control the virus. That won't happen till we get most of the country vaccinated. However we can use masks, social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings to limit the spread and thus save lives. That can't happen without leadership from the top by setting the example, encouraging the public to follow the guidelines, and supporting state and local government in that effort. When the president holds superspreading events at the White House and large rallies with not a mask to be seen and little or no social distancing what kind of message do you think that sends?

What kind of message? Freedom perhaps?

Like I said, the President is not our father, he's the person leading the government. What people do has nothing to do with the leadership on the top. Trump has promoted masks, promoted social distancing, allowed Drs. Fauci and Birx more than enough time to address the public repeatedly with their repeated recommendations. I know people who never wear masks, and they are not political at all. Wearing a mask isn't political, it's personal.
Trump has endorsed mask wearing, refused to wear mask, endorsed guidelines for social distancing and avoiding large crowds and allowed violations in rallies and pollical gathering he sponsored. He has downplayed the virus comparing it to the Flu, endorsed treatments that his own FDA would not allow. In short, one of the major factors in our poor performance in slowing the spread of the virus is the president's lack of support, lack of interest, and lack of knowledge. Our battle against coronavirus has been like fighting a war with our leadership refusing to lead. He washed his hands of any responsibility leaving it to states to make all decision because he had an election to win. Telling the voters he supported governors decisions to close schools and business was not what voters wanted to hear so he constantly criticized state and local leaders decisions which made it harder for them to do their job. We would have been a hell of a lot better off had Trump taken a 9 months leave of absence last March to campaign and left it all with Pence. At least Pence would do no harm.
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Really? So what did Ears do to contain it or take appropriate measures? I don't recall the commie saying anything about the flu, but then again, listening to him was like listening to two cats sliding down a chalk board, so I often fast forwarded past the segments that had him on.

I'm sure whenever he said anything, your blood was boiling to the point you couldn't hear...

It's rare that children under the age of 12 get or spread Covid. What schools should do is cut teachers pay in half since they are not going to work, and you'd see how fast the Democrats care whether Timmy gets Covid or not.

You do realize you can spread it withotu getting it, right?

Holy Shit, dealing with the ignorance of Trumpsters is a full time job.

Well, 15 days, your cult will be over....
I'm sure whenever he said anything, your blood was boiling to the point you couldn't hear...

Exactly correct. I hate very few people in this world, but he's one them. Nobody did more financial damage to me than that clown. If he fell down a set of stairs and killed himself, I couldn't be happier.

You do realize you can spread it withotu getting it, right?

Holy Shit, dealing with the ignorance of Trumpsters is a full time job.

Well, 15 days, your cult will be over....

How do you spread something you don't have? Talk about ignorance.
Trump has endorsed mask wearing, refused to wear mask, endorsed guidelines for social distancing and avoiding large crowds and allowed violations in rallies and pollical gathering he sponsored. He has downplayed the virus comparing it to the Flu, endorsed treatments that his own FDA would not allow. In short, one of the major factors in our poor performance in slowing the spread of the virus is the president's lack of support, lack of interest, and lack of knowledge. Our battle against coronavirus has been like fighting a war with our leadership refusing to lead. He washed his hands of any responsibility leaving it to states to make all decision because he had an election to win. Telling the voters he supported governors decisions to close schools and business was not what voters wanted to hear so he constantly criticized state and local leaders decisions which made it harder for them to do their job. We would have been a hell of a lot better off had Trump taken a 9 months leave of absence last March to campaign and left it all with Pence. At least Pence would do no harm.

Trump didn't do any harm either. Trying to blame a President for the spread of a worldwide virus reminds me of when you people tried to blame Bush for hurricanes and tornadoes. You have no idea how silly that sounds. People don't do what the President says, people make their own decisions. Yes, Trump left it up to states to run their state. Why do you see a problem with that when that's the way our founders actually setup this country? What we have today is the exact opposite of that they created.
With all the fake claims of fraud shot down in every venue where credible evidence is demanded, it looks as if one last super-spreader jamboree is in order:

You don't know if there was fraud or not unless there is a thorough investigation into it. Before you respond with your repetitive reply, the deep state goes well beyond the Democrat party. Yes, the Republicans and Democrats go back and forth with arguments, but in the long run, they are all part of the same club. All Democrats and some Republicans didn't like the idea of Donald Trump. He didn't work his way up like those career people. He busted his way through the front door and stole the most cherished seat in the club.

Judges do not (or are not supposed to) take sides with anybody regardless who appoints them or what party they belong to. Judges don't like to get in the middle of pissing contests between politicians at election time. A judges job is to determine if law and constitution were properly followed. The Bush/ Gore election was an exception because it was clear the state courts violated the law. Outside of that, they would have probably never heard the case.
Investigation and prosecution of election fraud is a criminal case and is handled as such. It is about finding and prosecuting those guilty of criminal violations of election law.. It is never about changing election results.

Although a civil lawsuit can change election results it is extremely rare because there is a very heavy burden of proof on the plaintiff and the time frame is at best only a few weeks to a few months. In short, courts are far more concerned with protecting the right to vote than seeing the right candidate wins an election. So to change an election result, the plaintiff must show beyond any doubt exactly how the law was violated and also show that the violation resulted in a change of the election result. For example an election result will never be overturned by the courts because independent overserves were not allow to witness the voting or the count or an eye witness saw some double voting, or some ballots were lost or purposely destroyed or that there were attempts to corrupt the election process. There has to be proof that these acts resulted in the wrong person being declared the winner. Just showing it could happen or likely did happen is not good enough.
The 80+ rejected court challenges to election results that had been certified, sometimes after multiple recounts under the supervision of Republican office holders, are attended by the states asserting their Constitutional right to conduct elections free of federal interference or coercion.

Various partisan attempts to violate state sovereignty, as well as to deny the will of the People, are being decried by diverse sectors defending American democracy - Republican office holders, all ten living Secretaries of Defense (including Trump's own), American business leaders, other interested segments of American society, and patriots in general.

At this point, so many diverse, respected, publicly-minded folks are lining up to kick Lardass, he'll be glad that he is no longer a sitting president.

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Exactly correct. I hate very few people in this world, but he's one them. Nobody did more financial damage to me than that clown. If he fell down a set of stairs and killed himself, I couldn't be happier.

Yeah, funny how everyone else did better when he was in charge and you did worse.

How do you spread something you don't have? Talk about ignorance.

Holy shit, that didn't just come out of your mouth, did it?

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