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Why did Trump lose?

Abolishing means they know how the EC works and don’t like it. So you lied again with your initial post that most Americans were surprised. Understood. At least you’re consistent.

They were surprised, they all went out and voted for Mrs. Clinton and found they got the Game Show Host who proceeded to kill granny with TRUMP PLAGUE>
“All” you said she only won by 3 mil. So 66 mil were surprised? Link please. Don’t try to deviate via your usual trolling. Just admit you misspoke.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
Rump was beaten because he was a ignorant, arrogant autocrat whose dictatorial style was ultimately rejected by much of the country not willing to overlook it.

Rump was beaten because he was half-delusional, because he was largely an empty suit and in way-over-his-head in many aspects of both governance and leadership.

Rump was beaten because he perpetually spoke and tweeted without thinking - oftentimes irrationalities and outright lies - he was his own worst enemy.

Rump was beaten because he had a ego the size of Texas and a heart the size of a chick-pea... it was all about him... never about the People of the United States.

Rump was beaten because he spoon-fed pipe-dreams to the Make America White Again crowd and then blamed everybody BUT him whenever his plans failed.

Rump was beaten because he was soooooooooooo un-Presidential that he proved to be a painful four-year-long embarrassment to the United States.

Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.


Kind of difficult when the evidence has been destroyed.
So, can we presume ...given the lack of sourcing.....that poster 'Indeependent' is asserting that 81 million votes for Joe Biden have been destroyed?
Or is he suggesting that just those 11,780 very specific votes in Georgia that Raffensberger was charged with finding......well, it was only them that got destroyed?

Batter up, poster Indeependent, tell us what it is that you think you know, ..... and how you know it.
This is the Adult Swim hour.
"got nuthin' - but will CONtinue to stay poorly educated & lazy; & will not search out the facts ..."

Well, for the record: MY avatar is not quite ready to sign on to the argument that the poste Skye is poorly educated and lazy and unwilling to research the facts she thinks she is offering.
However, to be fair to all, my avatar can see how some could think that.

you're still a newbie.

the more you interact with her - it will become painfully obvious.
Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.

Well, let us not spend too much time parsing poster Kondor's menu of 'Trump-lost-because' reasons.
That ground is well plowed now.
About 81 million Americans agree, at least in part, with poster Kondor.
Which is a pretty damn good testimonial for a poster on a mere internet forum.
So kudos to Kondor.

But a criticism my avatar would make is that Kondor invested a lot to inform us on the 'particulars'. Nothing wrong with that; however, my own preference is to work with wider generalities ....if for no other reasons than time and efficiency.

Which brings us directly to Don Trump's very own hired man and trusted pollster, Tony Fabrizio.

Who succinctly told Don Trump and Don Trump's enablers that he (and they) lost because more Americans believed he was untrustworthy and incompetent........than there were Americans who thought otherwise. That's it in a nutshell.

So, if Don Trump's own man researched, discovered, and confirmed that.
And Don Trump was informed of that.
Well, I personally, am gonna go with that.

After all, who here.....who here that can fog a mirror.....wants to argue that Don Trump was/is ummmm,

Anyway, a hat-tip to poster Kondor for working to keep all of us informed and enlightened.
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Rump was beaten because he was a ignorant, arrogant autocrat whose dictatorial style was ultimately rejected by much of the country not willing to overlook it.

Rump was beaten because he was half-delusional, because he was largely an empty suit and in way-over-his-head in many aspects of both governance and leadership.

Rump was beaten because he perpetually spoke and tweeted without thinking - oftentimes irrationalities and outright lies - he was his own worst enemy.

Rump was beaten because he had a ego the size of Texas and a heart the size of a chick-pea... it was all about him... never about the People of the United States.

Rump was beaten because he spoon-fed pipe-dreams to the Make America White Again crowd and then blamed everybody BUT him whenever his plans failed.

Rump was beaten because he was soooooooooooo un-Presidential that he proved to be a painful four-year-long embarrassment to the United States.

Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.

Lots of useless typing just to say Trump lost because of mail-in voting that got all the stupid to vote.
Rump was beaten because he was a ignorant, arrogant autocrat whose dictatorial style was ultimately rejected by much of the country not willing to overlook it.

Rump was beaten because he was half-delusional, because he was largely an empty suit and in way-over-his-head in many aspects of both governance and leadership.

Rump was beaten because he perpetually spoke and tweeted without thinking - oftentimes irrationalities and outright lies - he was his own worst enemy.

Rump was beaten because he had a ego the size of Texas and a heart the size of a chick-pea... it was all about him... never about the People of the United States.

Rump was beaten because he spoon-fed pipe-dreams to the Make America White Again crowd and then blamed everybody BUT him whenever his plans failed.

Rump was beaten because he was soooooooooooo un-Presidential that he proved to be a painful four-year-long embarrassment to the United States.

Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.

Lots of useless typing just to say Trump lost because of mail-in voting that got all the stupid to vote.
Which they have every right to do.
I'm sure if Obama had told you to wear a mask, you'd be running through the COVID ward maskless screaming, "You ain't the Boss of me, Kenyan Lawn Jockey!!!"

I have said all along I wear a mask anytime out in public. I sanitize my hands before I leave the car and as soon as I get back into my car. Outside of family gatherings, I don't go anywhere I don't have to go: Grocery store when I need supplies, gas station, the bank when I have to make cash deposits, drug store when I can't use the drive-thru to pickup my prescriptions, and that's it. As soon as I return home, I immediately wash my hands first thing. In fact I needed soap I couldn't find at the start of this thing, so I bought a gallon of Dial antibacterial soap from Amazon; cost me $80.00.

Now why would such a staunch Trump supporter do all this? Because like all Republican Americans, I don't allow a President to make these decisions for me. It's the left that marches in lockstep. Like I said before, I can identify Democrats when I go outside. They are the ones wearing masks walking down the street with nobody around, or driving in their car all alone with the windows rolled up. I rely on my healthcare providers for advice, not a President.
Speaking of Rudy Giuliani, where the fuck is he? He was on Bannon talking about Michelle Wie last month, and he fucking disappeared. Like totally and completely.

I assume the PGA and everyone who yelled at him for his sexism finally spooked him back into the underworld?
He may be hiding from Dominion Voting Systems since they will soon own his bald, dye streaming, self....:abgg2q.jpg:
Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.

Well, let us not spend too much time parsing poster Kondor's menu of 'Trump-lost-because' reasons.
That ground is well plowed now.
About 81 million Americans agree, at least in part, with poster Kondor.
Which is a pretty damn good testimonial for a poster on a mere internet forum.
So kudos to Kondor.

But a criticism my avatar would make is that Kondor invested a lot to inform us on the 'particulars'. Nothing wrong with that; however, my own preference is to work with wider generalities ....if for no other reasons than time and efficiency.

Which brings us directly to Don Trump's very own hired man and trusted pollster, Tony Fabrizio.

Who succinctly told Don Trump and Don Trump's enablers that he (and they) lost because more Americans believed he was untrustworthy and incompetent........than there were Americans who thought otherwise. That's it in a nutshell.

So, if Don Trump's own man researched, discovered, and confirmed that.
And Don Trump was informed of that.
Well, I personally, am gonna go with that.

After all, who here.....who here that can fog a mirror.....wants to argue that Don Trump was/is ummmm,

Anyway, a hat-tip to poster Kondor for working to keep all of us informed and enlightened.
Other than being a serial liar and a total incompetent....the Fat Man sealed his fate when he lied about the worst health crisis in this country in over 100 years. Most Americans were willing to overlook his continual lying and daily visceral display of incompetence and ignorance...but when he willfully told the American people that COVID was no more dangerous than the seasonal flu...he broke any trust he had left with the public and he illustrated, particularly to the independent voter that he can no longer be trusted.

His faithful, and unfortunately gullible, cult members will continue to bow to him...
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
Rump was beaten because he was a ignorant, arrogant autocrat whose dictatorial style was ultimately rejected by much of the country not willing to overlook it.

Rump was beaten because he was half-delusional, because he was largely an empty suit and in way-over-his-head in many aspects of both governance and leadership.

Rump was beaten because he perpetually spoke and tweeted without thinking - oftentimes irrationalities and outright lies - he was his own worst enemy.

Rump was beaten because he had a ego the size of Texas and a heart the size of a chick-pea... it was all about him... never about the People of the United States.

Rump was beaten because he spoon-fed pipe-dreams to the Make America White Again crowd and then blamed everybody BUT him whenever his plans failed.

Rump was beaten because he was soooooooooooo un-Presidential that he proved to be a painful four-year-long embarrassment to the United States.

Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.
The former guy must also be given credit for his signal achievements, the first POTUS to lose his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate in a single term since Herbert Hoover in 1932. That almost rivals his unique historical distinction of "twice impeached" and being the first to incite a violent insurrection by his goons against the Congress of the United States when he lost and couldn't handle it.

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As George Santayana once astutely observed, "Zippy Stone won't be writing the history books."
"Trump lost because of mail-in voting that got all the stupid to vote."

Well, there are those on this forum who seem to imply that if you mailed in your vote during this year of Covid.....well then, you are stupid.

I struggle with that concept. It seems not only pejorative, but simplistic, partisan, and unwise.

Rather, there are some self evident benefits by this year's practice of mail-in voting.

To wit:
1. A larger proportion of voters mailing in their ballots helped to mitigate to some degree the Covid transmission risk.

2. The assurance that one CAN vote and avoid a higher risk of disease transmission, and, in some neighborhoods, the potential harassments by unwelcoming actors is a benefit to those voters who wish to avoid both. That is a good thing. It encourages participation.

3. The relative ease and user-friendliness of mail-in may have encouraged more Americans to participate in our most defining democratic characteristic.......the free vote.

4. The wider use of mail-ins may very well transition America towards more states to expand....if not go to ALL mail-in (like 5 states do already) ......due to it's efficiency, cost-saving, labor-saving benefits.

In short, the higher participation of American citizens in this year's election ---via mail-ins ---- possibly could be a transitional moment where our voting participation and protocols become more uniform, wider in scope, and more actively engaged in by more American citizens.

All good merde'.

"his goons"

Of course!! "Goons"
A good word. Don't know why I hadn't thought of that earlier myself. Goons!

That is exactly the appropriate classification for what those Proud Boys, 3Percenters, Bugaloo Boys, Oathkeepers, and MAGACultists function as.
As informal violence-prone militias working to advance the agenda of the recent Administration.

Like the Janjaweed in Darfur, or the Basij in Iran, or the Interahamine in Uganda......they are non-state armed militias who serve as 'back channel' enforcers.

And that is exactly what we saw --in the flesh --- on January 6th at the Capitol. An American Goon Insurrection.

Thanx, poster 'schmidlap'...... you have added to our vocabulary for these discussions about the events and the actors in that January 6th drama.
Of course!! "Goons"
A good word...

a bully or thug, especially one hired* to terrorize or do away with opposition

The depravity of the former guy's goons appears to have been of the gratuitous variety, emotionally, not rationally-driven.

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Goons (on left) pleasuring themselves in their goon stuff.
Why do PriogTards hate Trump...
Trump talks like a ProgTard...Rude and in your face.
Translation...ProgTards hate themselves without knowing it.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
Rump was beaten because he was a ignorant, arrogant autocrat whose dictatorial style was ultimately rejected by much of the country not willing to overlook it.

Rump was beaten because he was half-delusional, because he was largely an empty suit and in way-over-his-head in many aspects of both governance and leadership.

Rump was beaten because he perpetually spoke and tweeted without thinking - oftentimes irrationalities and outright lies - he was his own worst enemy.

Rump was beaten because he had a ego the size of Texas and a heart the size of a chick-pea... it was all about him... never about the People of the United States.

Rump was beaten because he spoon-fed pipe-dreams to the Make America White Again crowd and then blamed everybody BUT him whenever his plans failed.

Rump was beaten because he was soooooooooooo un-Presidential that he proved to be a painful four-year-long embarrassment to the United States.

Rump was beaten because character counts, and he failed that test spectacularly.
The former guy must also be given credit for his signal achievements, the first POTUS to lose his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate in a single term since Herbert Hoover in 1932. That almost rivals his unique historical distinction of "twice impeached" and being the first to incite a violent insurrection by his goons against the Congress of the United States when he lost and couldn't handle it.

As George Santayana once astutely observed, "Zippy Stone won't be writing the history books."
And how, pray tell, does this human being expect to have a chance of winning a second term in 2024? Or an even bigger question, why does the GOPQ still bow and grovel to a man that has proven himself a loser...over and over. I mean...do they have a death wish or something?
And how, pray tell, does this human being expect to have a chance of winning a second term in 2024? Or an even bigger question, why does the GOPQ still bow and grovel to a man that has proven himself a loser...over and over. I mean...do they have a death wish or something?

Before Biden's buddies in Wuhan sent us their virus, we had the best economy in 50 years. We had a million more jobs than Americans that could possibly do them which I never seen in my entire life. We hit a new median household income high. We hit a new unemployment low for women and every minority group since records were kept. We had the border under control with a 90% reduction of crossings between May of 2019 and the end of that year. The stock market strong, fuel reasonably priced given the economic activity, economists predicting a continued trend along those lines.

Dementia got in and now gasoline is 70 cents higher than when he took office. In less than two months, our border went from quiet to a disaster; the worst in 20 years. Recently border patrol captured middle-east terrorist entering through that now weak border. People are invading our country with Covid and a very small percentage being tested, but the ones that have, many of them tested positive as we strive to destroy this virus. They had to pull our border patrol off the border to run daycare centers at the way over crowded holding facilities, and now it's only a matter of time until terrorists are successful getting in our country, and causing another 911 or worse.

And you ask who has the death wish?
And how, pray tell, does this human being expect to have a chance of winning a second term in 2024? Or an even bigger question, why does the GOPQ still bow and grovel to a man that has proven himself a loser...over and over. I mean...do they have a death wish or something?
It is essential that concerned Americans do all they can to keep the former guy in control of the GOP and insure his nomination in 2024. We can do it!

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