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Why did Trump lose?

Instead, we got TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RIOTS, TRUMP RECESSION and all the other craziness that made up the last four years.

Yes, Trump plague that came from Joe's buddies out of Wuhan. Trump riots that took place in Democrat cities because of their ire of police in other Democrat cities. Trump recession that was caused by the other commies from another country.

The funny thing is, when you people write, you think your lies are fooling the more intelligent among us. :auiqs.jpg:
And Ray says....."Please bring back the Autocrat that attempted a coup to overthrow a fairly elected government. I want a man in office that demeans, bullies, and lies like a hall rug."

Ray, you are very delusional and gullible.

An autocrat? What did Trump ever do that resembled an autocrat?

The commies conducted two fake impeachments. They never had an impeachable offense such as crime or bribery. The second fake impeachment, they did so based on their opinion and no facts. In fact they didn't even allow the facts to be presented. That's the way Nazis do things. No investigation, no allowable defense, no allowable defense representation, no impeachable offense.

Now if some Republicans have any balls, they will do the same once we regain the House in 22. The problem is, the Nazis are trying to fix our entire election system so they could never be voted out again. Talk about autocracies. They know they stand no chance at winning in a traditional fair election. Bus in millions of illegals to make them citizens, force all states to allow criminals to vote, force states to have automatic voter registration, prohibit all states from requiring any form of identification to vote, just make it so they can cheat any and all elections.

This will cost us taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in taking these commie issues to court. But what do the Democrats care? All they really want is a single-party government forever to bring us to a communist state.
E.g., replacing 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific" that covers "everybody" at "less cost", building a "big, beautiful wall!" and making Mexico pay for it, reviving manufacturing, resurrecting coal mining, restoring the steel industry, rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure, driving the unemployment rate from 4.7% to 6.7%, getting the pandemic so "under control" that he led the U.S. to #1 national status in Covid cases and deaths ("We have very few people with it… But the people are getting better. They're all getting better!" ), while bloating the national debt to an astronomical level, and then winning the trifecta - delivering the House, Executive, and Senate to the Democratic party in his single term!

Even after the American People gave the double impeachee the boot at their first opportunity, he incited a goon attack on Congress that ended America's proud tradition of peaceful transfer of power that has prevailed since the nation's inception.

The Cry Baby Loser was a "doer", indeed!

You leftist with your lies. First of all, we never had the most Covid deaths per capita. The US ranks 13th in that category. The only reason we made it that low is because many of our Covid deaths are not Covid deaths at all. Besides the dozens of articles written on that, it happened in my very own family. So you can't tell me it's bullshit.

As I told so many of you commies, you are never going to win a debate with lies. The unemployment was not caused by Trump, it was caused by Joe's buddies in China. However, thanks to Trump, Republican cities and states, we had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries. The commie cities and states allowed their business to be closed down for good, their children denied education, more teen suicides, alcoholism, and drug addiction and for what? To make things as bad as possible for Trump to win again.

The commies are so scared of Trump they conducted a second fake impeachment to stop him from coming back to kick their ass in 2024. Their commie attempt to change our entire election system included a President having to show his tax returns for the last ten years, hoping that would also stop Trump. They fear Trump more than God, and they have every reason to knowing how bad this country is going to be Fd up by then with their policies.
We would be in far worse shape and be facing a far bleaker future if WE sold our souls on the altar of prosperity and gave-up political power to a mad wolf.

So instead, you gave that power to a clown with dementia, that's in such bad mental shape, his own party is trying to strip him of sole power to launch nuclear arms? Great choice by you people.

Disagree. Sleepy Old Uncle Joe will serve well enough as a placeholder as the Dems commit suicide and the country swings right again.

Maybe, if the court rules against all the election changes the commies are trying for right now. But if they do, the commies will simply add more commie judges to the court to stop it. Like I said, we are witnessing the end of the Great Experiment thanks to you guys. Soon, even the people of Venezuela will be pitying us.

Frankly, I blame Rumpian boot-lickers and enablers and delusional sycophants that forced the hand of so many Independents and Centrists.

Why don't you put blame where it rightfully belongs: On yourself.
Instead, we got TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RIOTS, TRUMP RECESSION and all the other craziness that made up the last four years.

Yes, Trump plague that came from Joe's buddies out of Wuhan. Trump riots that took place in Democrat cities because of their ire of police in other Democrat cities. Trump recession that was caused by the other commies from another country.

The funny thing is, when you people write, you think your lies are fooling the more intelligent among us. :auiqs.jpg:
He agrees with you. He uses those specific words to garner a reaction. Very sophomoric.
...Don’t care...
And therein lies the problem.

...We all have flaws...
Indeed. Some of us have more than others. The Orange Baboon-God being a case-in-point.

...I want strength and willingness to make tough decisions.
As do we all.

It's just that SOME of us insist upon those traits AND grace, wisdom and good character, as vital to the mix.
...Don’t care...
And therein lies the problem.

...We all have flaws...
Indeed. Some of us have more than others. The Orange Baboon-God being a case-in-point.

...I want strength and willingness to make tough decisions.
As do we all.

It's just that SOME of us insist upon those traits AND grace, wisdom and good character, as vital to the mix.
That person doesn’t exist. Maybe Dan Crenshaw. Who do you think has ALL those qualities? Honest question.
More deflections. You a really pathetic. You said most Americans didn’t know that the EC was what elected the President not the popular vote. Either link that or admit your mistake. How about your Trump Derangement Syndrome? LOL

Most Americans really don't understand how that works, they just figure their votes will count. And then a disaster like 2000 or 2016 happens and they remember, "oh, yeah, voting is a thing."

Is it healthy to have a person in control that's more confused than a baby at a topless bar?

Really? Frankly, I see a guy who actually has made government boring again... He got through a relief bill that had been needed for 8 months...

Who in your opinion controls the Democratic Party?

Not the batshit crazies that run the GOP now... The GOP is run by the Gun Crazies, the Religious Crazies and the Libertarian Crazies.
Yes, Trump plague that came from Joe's buddies out of Wuhan. Trump riots that took place in Democrat cities because of their ire of police in other Democrat cities. Trump recession that was caused by the other commies from another country.

The funny thing is, when you people write, you think your lies are fooling the more intelligent among us.

Here's the thing, when Covid broke out in China, they locked down the region it broke out in. When Covid broke out in the US, Trump lied about it and told people to drink bleach.

Yes, Trump riots happened in Democratic cities AFTER four years of racist rhetoric and defense of racist cops. Trump recession was caused by stupid trade policies that kicked in the whole door after TRUMP PLAGUE broke out.
Now if some Republicans have any balls, they will do the same once we regain the House in 22. The problem is, the Nazis are trying to fix our entire election system so they could never be voted out again. Talk about autocracies. They know they stand no chance at winning in a traditional fair election. Bus in millions of illegals to make them citizens, force all states to allow criminals to vote, force states to have automatic voter registration, prohibit all states from requiring any form of identification to vote, just make it so they can cheat any and all elections.

If you guys spent half the time finding ways to appeal to poor people of color that you do coming up with schemes to keep them from voting, you might even legitimately win elections.

The GOP hasn't won a majority vote nationally since 2004, and before that, 1988. There's a reason for that.
...Don’t care...
And therein lies the problem.

...We all have flaws...
Indeed. Some of us have more than others. The Orange Baboon-God being a case-in-point.

...I want strength and willingness to make tough decisions.
As do we all.

It's just that SOME of us insist upon those traits AND grace, wisdom and good character, as vital to the mix.
Yep. The degree to which they dropped their standards for that person may be the single most disturbing element of this whole ugly period.

In fact, they didn't drop their standards, they eliminated them. For a President.
List the names of MDs who want the same schooling with a much lower salary.
Your desperate attempt at diversion from the former guy's achievements fails:

Replacing 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific" that covers "everybody" at "less cost", building a "big, beautiful wall!" and making Mexico pay for it, reviving manufacturing, resurrecting coal mining, restoring the steel industry, rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure, driving the unemployment rate from 4.7% to 6.7%, getting the pandemic so "under control" that he led the U.S. to #1 national status in Covid cases and deaths ("We have very few people with it… But the people are getting better. They're all getting better!" ), while bloating the national debt to an astronomical level, and then winning the trifecta - delivering the House, Executive, and Senate to the Democratic party in his single term. Inciting a goon attack on Congress that ended America's proud tradition of peaceful transfer of power that has prevailed since the nation's inception.

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"Oh, yeah!
Well, the verdict is out until them investigators reports back from
Hawaii with all them unbelievable things they's finding!"
It is essential that concerned Americans do all they can to keep the former guy in control of the GOP and insure his nomination in 2024. We can do it!

No, actually, it isn't. The best thing Democrats could do is to support a sane Republican for the nomination in 2024. Look, we are going to have two parties regardless... it's actually healthy, but it's less healthy if one of them is controlled by a crazy person.
A reckoning in the GOP is inevitable, and any influence the Democratic Party has over the GOP relies upon GOP paranoia. A Republican relapse and submission to the RINOs of Trumpery is best prevented by feeding the pathological distrust that drives them.

The former guy will have the enduring adoration of q-anon, proud boys, boogaloo, neo-nazis, three percenters, oath keepers, and other white supremacists, and festive BLM rallies for Trump would make their heads hurt.
More deflections. You a really pathetic. You said most Americans didn’t know that the EC was what elected the President not the popular vote. Either link that or admit your mistake. How about your Trump Derangement Syndrome? LOL

Most Americans really don't understand how that works, they just figure their votes will count. And then a disaster like 2000 or 2016 happens and they remember, "oh, yeah, voting is a thing."

Is it healthy to have a person in control that's more confused than a baby at a topless bar?

Really? Frankly, I see a guy who actually has made government boring again... He got through a relief bill that had been needed for 8 months...

Who in your opinion controls the Democratic Party?

Not the batshit crazies that run the GOP now... The GOP is run by the Gun Crazies, the Religious Crazies and the Libertarian Crazies.
Link it....link that most Americans “don’t understand”. I have Asked you for this like five times now. I did Not ask who doesn’t run the Democratic Party, I asked who does. You really are a very poor debater. The mods are right about you.
...Don’t care...
And therein lies the problem.

...We all have flaws...
Indeed. Some of us have more than others. The Orange Baboon-God being a case-in-point.

...I want strength and willingness to make tough decisions.
As do we all.

It's just that SOME of us insist upon those traits AND grace, wisdom and good character, as vital to the mix.
Yep. The degree to which they dropped their standards for that person may be the single most disturbing element of this whole ugly period.

In fact, they didn't drop their standards, they eliminated them. For a President.
Link that there were “standards” please. Thank you.
You leftist with your lies. First of all, we never had the most Covid deaths per capita.
If you are claiming that I ever said the U.S. has had the most Covid deaths per capita, you are not telling the truth.

many of our Covid deaths are not Covid deaths at all.
There is the National Center for Health Statistics where the data is compiled by public health professionals, and there are ideologically-motivated deniers with no qualifications. Needless to say, I trust to the objectivity and expertise of the former.

As I told so many of you commies, you are never going to win a debate with lies. The unemployment was not caused by Trump, it was caused by Joe's buddies in China.
Your cult's lies fizzle. Your insistence that that the former guy was bested by Xi does not refute the data: the former guy inherited a 4.7% unemployment rate and absconded with one of 6.7%. Are multiple factors always involved in changing unemployment rates? Of course.

The commies are so scared of Trump they conducted a second fake impeachment to stop him from coming back to kick their ass in 2024. Their commie attempt to change our entire election system included a President having to show his tax returns for the last ten years, hoping that would also stop Trump. They fear Trump more than God, and they have every reason to knowing how bad this country is going to be Fd up by then with their policies.
Trump's repeated lie that he would come clean with his tax returns is now irrelevant.

Those "commies" that fester in your noggin boast quite a cast of characters. Here are just a few:

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"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible
for provoking the events of the day. The people who stormed this building believed
they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president, and having that belief
was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories
and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting
into the largest megaphone on planet Earth."

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"We just had a violent mob assault the US capitol ...
No question the President formed the mob, the President incited the mob,
the President addressed the mob. He lit the flame."

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We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have
effected a different outcome in the election.”


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