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Why did Trump lose?

Well I admit you guys did a heck of a job courting voters to get them to the polls.
The Loser's excuse for losing the popular vote in 2016 was that 5-7 invisible illegitimate voters all cast bogus ballots against him. None could be found. No evidence could be presented.

After the 2020 election produced the results expected by Americans consistently disapproving of him throughout his four years, he whined that he had won "In a landslide!"

He failed to intimidate Republican officeholders into conjuring up the votes he needed to win.

Republican judges across America threw out his phony challenges as being frivolous.

The excuses keep coming.

The truth is that he lost because 7 million more Americans cast their ballots for his opponent, because those four years had been quite enough for them.

Diehard devotees of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer will just have to stop sniveling and start working on his 2024 nomination if he is ever to have a chance at being impeached a third time.
Hey fat ass. If you can't tell me what you are saying in 3 sentences, you're not saying anything worth reading.

Do you crush beer cans and walnuts on your forehead?
They simply can't get their heads around the fact that a majority of the country doesn't adore Trump like they do.

It just can't be. Surely most of the country feels the same way they do! Except for the commies 'n stuff, of course.

So, they create fantasies and conspiracies that play into what they perceive to be reality, that he's really popular 'n stuff.

I'm convinced that's at the foundation of this. It's that simple.
I am convinced that it is an inexplicable cultish devotion that displaces their rational faculties, and allows irrational emotion to dictate to them.

If one reasonably asks for the normally essential details of their vast anti-Trump election conspiracy - Who? How? Where? When? Why? - they become flustered and spew their hysterical, hyper-partisan revilements.

Is this what happened?

WHO? George Soros and other evil Jews contacted a wide range of both Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, local elections officials, and judges throughout the land HOW? Via Navajo code talkers so that there would be no record of the caper anywhere. WHERE? They formed cells that plotted their dastardly conspiracy in scattered locales in the backs of a fleet of Cesar Sayoc Trumpmobiles catered by pedophile pizza parlors. WHEN? On April Fool's Day, 2020. WHY? Soros and other evil Jews had unearthed unspeakable scandals on every one of them, insuring the dedicated complicity and absolute silence of all!

If any of the necessary details that I have offered differ in the slightest respect, I cordially enjoin the true believers to amend my account to insure absolute accuracy in the essential details of WHO? HOW? WHERE? WHEN? and WHY?

In the absence of a credible account of these necessary aspects, normal people are apt to revert to logic, apply Occam's Razor, and assume that four years of relentless public surveys were reflective of reality, and that most folks simply voted against him.
They simply can't get their heads around the fact that a majority of the country doesn't adore Trump like they do.

It just can't be. Surely most of the country feels the same way they do! Except for the commies 'n stuff, of course.

So, they create fantasies and conspiracies that play into what they perceive to be reality, that he's really popular 'n stuff.

I'm convinced that's at the foundation of this. It's that simple.
I am convinced that it is an inexplicable cultish devotion that displaces their rational faculties, and allows irrational emotion to dictate to them.

If one reasonably asks for the normally essential details of their vast anti-Trump election conspiracy - Who? How? Where? When? Why? - they become flustered and spew their hysterical, hyper-partisan revilements.

Is this what happened?

WHO? George Soros and other evil Jews contacted a wide range of both Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, local elections officials, and judges throughout the land HOW? Via Navajo code talkers so that there would be no record of the caper anywhere. WHERE? They formed cells that plotted their dastardly conspiracy in scattered locales in the backs of a fleet of Cesar Sayoc Trumpmobiles catered by pedophile pizza parlors. WHEN? On April Fool's Day, 2020. WHY? Soros and other evil Jews had unearthed unspeakable scandals on every one of them, insuring the dedicated complicity and absolute silence of all!

If any of the necessary details that I have offered differ in the slightest respect, I cordially enjoin the true believers to amend my account to insure absolute accuracy in the essential details of WHO? HOW? WHERE? WHEN? and WHY?

In the absence of a credible account of these necessary aspects, normal people are apt to revert to logic, apply Occam's Razor, and assume that four years of relentless public surveys were reflective of reality, and that most folks simply voted against him.
And let's not forget the co-conspirators, all of whom have to be in on the fraud:
  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
  29. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
excuses excuses excuses... you always have one.

Yeah, except my excuses are not made up like yours. From one of your very own, Politifact:

Biden underscored the loss of American staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention office in Beijing.

"We had over 44, if I’m not mistaken, people from the CDC in China, in China to observe what was going on," Biden said May 14. "The president brought home the vast majority of them, I think left only four in place."

This is an intriguing claim. Biden is off on the exact numbers. But his point about stripped-down oversight is supported. According to the CDC, the program in China specifically charged with spotting new infectious diseases went from having four American staff in 2017 to none by 2019.

It’s impossible to say with 100% certainty that if those Americans had been there, they would have been able to alert Washington earlier to an emerging threat. But not having them there eliminated that possibility.

Biden indicated he was a bit unsure of the exact numbers, and what he offered was an inconsistent blend of American and Chinese staff figures. He said there were 44 people "from the CDC in China." The actual number was 47 in March 2019 and that included eight Americans and 39 Chinese.

When he said the number fell to four, the actual number by December 2019 was three Americans, and 11 Chinese.

And let's not forget the co-conspirators, all of whom have to be in on the fraud:
  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
  29. Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
Zounds! The cabal is a living instance of the ineluctable ICE NINE!*

* Vonnegut's ever-metastasizing Ice-Nine is a metaphor, inexorably spreading from molecule to molecule, resulting in the inevitable freeze of the entire system.
LOL, and now you're a mind reader again.

Sure you are. So that number between one and a million?
It does not require clairvoyance to grasp that the American People dumped the former guy whom they had disapproved of relentlessly for four year at their first opportunity to do so, and are much happier with their new guy.

That is a matter of empirical data.

It's a matter of math that in six coin flip elections that Joe won all six. Then it's a matter of the record that they were all flipped by corrupt Democrat cities and that Democrats removed all accountability to map votes to voters, denied Republicans from observing and endless votes mysteriously appeared in the dark of night.

Sure, sport. Democrats set up everything to allow them to cheat, then didn't. And a miracle happened and they won every coin flip toss up race. Sure they did
Your hyper-partisan fanaticism might as well just savage all 81,009,068 who voted for the Democratic candidate in the 2020 presidential election.

As we know, the Cry Baby's pathetically mewling "Whaa! Whaaa! Whaaa! Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county commissioners, Republican judges I appointed, and my own AG and my cybersecurity chief were all very, very mean to me!" has been thoroughly debunked by a conspicuous lack of evidence.

Trump's goons attempt to lynch Pence failed, and democracy triumphed. The Cry Baby Loser can't handle the truth.

I told you the specific cities, stupid fascist. Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit Milwaukee, Phoenix, Las Vegas.

All run by Democrats, Nazi Democrat.

As for the 81 million votes, only one vote per legal, living voter counts and that was substantially less.

So you sitting out by your mailbox every day now waiting for your Biden check?
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You're just a typical Brownshirt Democrat fascist, bitch. It takes minions like you who would turn in your own family for Nazis to make it work. But hey, there's free government cheese in it for you. Totally worth it ...

Get a job, lazy ass

Uh, frankly, I was glad when the Unabomber's brother turned him in before he hurt anyone else.

The kind of person who stormed the capitol on Jan 6 is going to hurt someone else, eventually.

Um ... what?
Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit Milwaukee, Phoenix, Las Vegas.

All run by Democrats
Why would any municipalities that vote overwhelmingly Democratic need to fake votes to make it look as if they were voting Democratic?

Your hyper-partisan paranoia must have disabled your rational faculties. You are not making sense.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
Several factors, but his pathetic behavior over the virus sealed his fate.

He could have tried to be an effective leader in a crisis, but chose instead to act like a talk radio host.
Can't wait till Biden's 3 month lockdown and the depression to follow.
Well, good luck with that, I guess.
I don't have to worry, I have mega savings.
But unlike you, I do care about other US citizens.
Are there any poor Jews? Or even middle class?
Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit Milwaukee, Phoenix, Las Vegas.

All run by Democrats
Why would any municipalities that vote overwhelmingly Democratic need to fake votes to make it look as if they were voting Democratic?

Your hyper-partisan paranoia must have disabled your rational faculties. You are not making sense.

OMG you're stupid.

They are statewide elections. They are all States with Republican countrysides and a big left city. They need to get ENOUGH votes to overcome the rest of the State. So they keep "counting" until everyone else is done counting and they know how many more votes they need to win the State. Then those votes appear in the middle of the night.

Seriously, you didn't know that? What's your IQ? About 50?
... my excuses are not made up ...
Whenever one reasonably asks for the normally essential details of such an alleged vast conspiracy - Who? How? Where? When? Why? - rather than provide facts, those who buy into it become flustered and spew their hysterical, hyper-partisan revilements.

Is this what happened?

WHO? George Soros and other evil Jews contacted a wide range of both Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, local elections officials, and judges throughout the land HOW? Via Navajo code talkers so that there would be no record of the caper anywhere. WHERE? They formed cells that plotted their dastardly conspiracy in scattered locales in the backs of a fleet of Cesar Sayoc Trumpmobiles catered by pedophile pizza parlors. WHEN? On April Fool's Day, 2020. WHY? Soros and other evil Jews had unearthed unspeakable scandals on every one of them, insuring the dedicated complicity and absolute silence of all!​
If any of the necessary details that I have offered differ in the slightest respect, I cordially enjoin the true believers to amend my account to insure absolute accuracy in the essential details of WHO? HOW? WHERE? WHEN? and WHY?
OMG you're stupid.

They are statewide elections. They are all States with Republican countrysides and a big left city. They need to get ENOUGH votes to overcome the rest of the State. So they keep "counting" until everyone else is done counting and they know how many more votes they need to win the State. Then those votes appear in the middle of the night.

Seriously, you didn't know that? What's your IQ? About 50?
I'm not surprised you become so flustered and need to resort to your pathetic ad hominems when simply asked to provide credible evidence of your vast conspiracy by Republican as well a Democratic officeholders and judges throughout the land that deprived your God Emperor of his "landslide!" after four years of relentlessly negative independent public polls.

Where are all the Republican poll observers to support your hyper-partisan fantasy? Where are all the court challenges based upon their testimony? Why did not Trump's own AG or Republican attorneys general in states that did not vote as you wish ever prosecute anyone instead of affirming the legitimacy of the election?

Eventually, the delusion is going to become far too complicated for you, and you'll have to accept the simple truth: The Cry Baby Loser lost because seven million more folks preferred the other guy.

Whenever one reasonably asks for the normally essential details of such an alleged vast conspiracy - Who? How? Where? When? Why? - rather than provide facts, those who buy into it become flustered and spew their hysterical, hyper-partisan revilements.

Is this what happened?

WHO? George Soros and other evil Jews contacted a wide range of both Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, local elections officials, and judges throughout the land HOW? Via Navajo code talkers so that there would be no record of the caper anywhere. WHERE? They formed cells that plotted their dastardly conspiracy in scattered locales in the backs of a fleet of Cesar Sayoc Trumpmobiles catered by pedophile pizza parlors. WHEN? On April Fool's Day, 2020. WHY? Soros and other evil Jews had unearthed unspeakable scandals on every one of them, insuring the dedicated complicity and absolute silence of all!If any of the necessary details that I have offered differ in the slightest respect, I cordially enjoin the true believers to amend my account to insure absolute accuracy in the essential details of WHO? HOW? WHERE? WHEN? and WHY?

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
Because STATES choose the president, NOT THE CITIES.
The states gave Biden 306 electoral votes (a "landslide!" according to the Loser.)

Which of the states with Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, or Republican attorneys general were involved in your vast conspiracy when they certified their state's votes? Or is it your insistence that all those Republican officeholders were secretly vehemently anti-Trump and/or criminally negligent?
OMG you're stupid.

They are statewide elections. They are all States with Republican countrysides and a big left city. They need to get ENOUGH votes to overcome the rest of the State. So they keep "counting" until everyone else is done counting and they know how many more votes they need to win the State. Then those votes appear in the middle of the night.

Seriously, you didn't know that? What's your IQ? About 50?
I'm not surprised you become so flustered and need to resort to your pathetic ad hominems when simply asked to provide credible evidence of your vast conspiracy by Republican as well a Democratic officeholders and judges throughout the land that deprived your God Emperor of his "landslide!" after four years of relentlessly negative independent public polls.

Where are all the Republican poll observers to support your hyper-partisan fantasy? Where are all the court challenges based upon their testimony? Why did not Trump's own AG or Republican attorneys general in states that did not vote as you wish ever prosecute anyone instead of affirming the legitimacy of the election?

Eventually, the delusion is going to become far too complicated for you, and you'll have to accept the simple truth: The Cry Baby Loser lost because seven million more folks preferred the other guy.

OMG, you're just too faggot for me. Let me know is you ever want to talk about anything but my feelings, gay boy
OMG, you're just too faggot for me. Let me know is you ever want to talk about anything but my feelings, gay boy
If reasonable, logical, fact-based discussion has you flustered, sputter inanely if that relieves your obvious frustration.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
Several factors, but his pathetic behavior over the virus sealed his fate.

He could have tried to be an effective leader in a crisis, but chose instead to act like a talk radio host.
Can't wait till Biden's 3 month lockdown and the depression to follow.
Well, good luck with that, I guess.
I don't have to worry, I have mega savings.
But unlike you, I do care about other US citizens.
Are there any poor Jews? Or even middle class?
I am middle class, combined income 140K, which is OK, but nothing to brag about, and there are many poor Jews who are very happy.
When I retire I will spend most of my time studying Torah.
It's hard to understand, but when you're learning Torah in Hebrew, you can spend a lifetime on any given verse.
Hebrew is incredibly terse and has less than half the words of the next largest language.
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