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Why did Trump lose?

This is the level of stupid you dumb asses operate on all the time. I know what you think, I'm a mind reader! Let's talk about how you feel kaz, how do you feel, how to you feel!!!!!!!
Trump's cult really went icky-balooky after over 81,000,000 Americans had been complicit in their poorly-concealed conspiracy to dump the trump, and his goons failed in their attempt to prevent the certification of the will of the People in Congress by lynching the Vice President.

A pro-Trump mob chanted "Hang Mike Pence"
as they stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

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You're just a typical Brownshirt Democrat fascist, bitch. It takes minions like you who would turn in your own family for Nazis to make it work. But hey, there's free government cheese in it for you. Totally worth it ...

Get a job, lazy ass
You're just a typical Brownshirt Democrat fascist, bitch. It takes minions like you who would turn in your own family for Nazis to make it work. But hey, there's free government cheese in it for you. Totally worth it ...

Get a job, lazy ass
You appear to be raving incoherently.

I expressed unqualified support for America's democratic process, vehemently disapproved of the Trump goons' stated intent to hang the VP, and do not hesitate in recognizing the nazis' relentless affinity for their "God Emperor":

"Trump did not lose. The election was stolen."
Ah, the sequel,
And over and over;
Again and again.
Like Whack-A-Mole. No?

So, poster "BigWazoo".........you say it was stolen.
OK, we hear you.

Still, legitimate questions do arise:

  1. Who did it?
  2. How did they do it?
  3. Was it the same tactics in all 50 states? The same offenders?
  4. And why didn't whoever did it...why didn't they do it down ballot?
  5. And not unimportantly, how do you know?
  6. What details can you provide the forum that are more compelling than what Guiliani & Powell presented to all of those courts?

We are interested in your allegation, poster; however, before the forum reacts we kinda sorta need some assurance that you know what you are talking about. And that you've got the evidence to move this issue forward.

So, "BigWazoo" whatcha got?
You're just a typical Brownshirt Democrat fascist, bitch. It takes minions like you who would turn in your own family for Nazis to make it work. But hey, there's free government cheese in it for you. Totally worth it ...

Get a job, lazy ass
You appear to be raving incoherently.

I expressed unqualified support for America's democratic process, vehemently disapproved of the Trump goons' stated intent to hang the VP, and do not hesitate in recognizing the nazis' relentless affinity for their "God Emperor":

You're an angry little fascist, aren't you Adolph the Nazi Democrat?
You're an angry little fascist, aren't you Adolph the Nazi Democrat?
If you are upset because neo-nazis worship the Cry Baby Loser as their "God Emperor!", your pretense otherwise may assuage your chagrin, but is without substance. Your need to project is noted.

Several factors, but his pathetic behavior over the virus sealed his fate.
He could have tried to be an effective leader in a crisis, but chose instead to act like a talk radio host.
Had Trump acted differently on Coronavirus and spooked investors, the Stock Market would have crashed.
Several factors, but his pathetic behavior over the virus sealed his fate.
He could have tried to be an effective leader in a crisis, but chose instead to act like a talk radio host.
Had Trump acted differently on Coronavirus and spooked investors, the Stock Market would have crashed.
The market dropped 34% and the Fed stepped in, right on cue. The market knew there was a backstop and wasn't believing Trump's lies.

This is my profession. That bullshit won't fly.
No, all of those facts you simply choose to ignore as a delusional Trump supporter. The lies were the things that came out of Trump's fat mouth till he was officially out of office. Trump admitted he lied to the american ppl when he gave his recorded interview to Woodward. He said how deadly the virus was, but continued to spread damaging disinformation till he was elected out of office. You're a great example of how detached from reality his cult followers are.

I'm not a leftist. I don't say shit I can't back up.


You're a mind reader! Of course you are. Fuck you, you don't have a clue what I think.

I guess you realized how shitty your arguments are since you're now, I can read your mind!

I'll give you a test so you can prove that you can read minds. I'm thinking of a number between one and a million. What is it?

You're so pissy because you can't handle the truth, and can't give up your fairy tale.

Seven million more Americans voted for the President than voted for the former guy, entirely consistent with the former guy's relentless unpopularity in four years of independent public surveys.

The safe and secure election was certified by Republicans and Democrats alike.

The Cry Baby Loser's goons who swallowed his Big Lie and attacked the U.S. Congress are being brought to justice:

The grand jury indictment, handed up last week and unsealed Friday by a federal judge in Washington, alleges that Ethan Nordean of Seattle, Zach Rehl of Philadelphia, Charles Donahoe of North Carolina and Joseph Biggs of Florida orchestrated a strategy to overwhelm Capitol Police officers and target weakly guarded entrances to the building.
All four are considered regional leaders of the Proud Boys organization, with close ties to the group’s national leader Enrique Tarrio.
The charges are arguably the most significant leveled in the 10 weeks since a mob of Trump supporters — seeded with cells of organized extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers — stormed the Capitol, sent lawmakers and then-Vice President Mike Pence fleeing for safety and injured more than 100 police officers...

Thanks for your concern over how I feel, faggot, but no thanks. So you read minds and all you care about is how I feel. When you want to discuss what happened, let me know, queer. Just FYI, I don't give a flying fuck how you feel so don't bother telling me that either

holy crap - can you be anymore triggered???? it's fantastic!

Calm down, shit. It's just a message board discussion. What is wrong with you? Maybe you need to go play with your dolls a while and try to calm down. Jumping shit. You really lost it there.

This is the level of stupid you dumb asses operate on all the time. I know what you think, I'm a mind reader! Let's talk about how you feel kaz, how do you feel, how to you feel!!!!!!!

who you kiddin'? you live to unravel ... it's what you do. i just like to oblige & the potty mouth you inevitably go to as a salve just gives a clue as to how triggered you can get.

carry on.
the NK piglet played donny like a fiddle. are you kidding me? ALL he wanted was for the big bad USofA to recognize & give NK some attention, like his father had & now him. he got america to do exactly that. wrote donny love letters 'cause he knew how to powder his butt & donny caves every time.

un is ramping up his nuclear capability & never had any intentions to stop.

Seems to me Trump got the better of the deal for the US. Our sanctions continued and Jong stopped firing his missiles.

the piglet wanted to get world wide attention via the mighty USA.

he had no intentions of stopping anything - he only paused to get what he wanted. ooooOoooo .... sanctions .... big deal. that didn't stop NK b4, it really didn't *stop* NK during their 'love' affair, & it's not stopping them now.

Kim Jong Un’s Nuclear Weapons Got More Dangerous Under Trump
By Jon Herskovitz
December 28, 2020, 4:00 PM EST

There’s no indication Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign caused Kim to rethink his weapons program, even if it helped push North Korea toward what’s expected to be its biggest economic contraction in more than two decades. “Sanctions appear to have had little, if any, effect in slowing down the DPRK’s drive for fissile materials and nuclear weapon production,” said Siegfried Hecker, a professor emeritus at Stanford University and one of the few American scientists who has participated in in-person inspections of North Korea’s main nuclear facilities.
Kim Jong Un’s Nuclear Weapons Got More Dangerous Under Trump

donny got punked. period. i'll bet the piglet whispered sweet nothings in donny's ear - along the lines of him getting the nobel peace prize after all is said & done. it was a carrot dangling in front of trump's mango hued nose.

I never said he changed his mind on nukes. I said he quit firing test missiles.

so he dun kept it on the down low, until he got what he wanted. i also said he took a pause so he could play donny like a fiddle.

wowey ...
Several factors, but his pathetic behavior over the virus sealed his fate.
He could have tried to be an effective leader in a crisis, but chose instead to act like a talk radio host.
Had Trump acted differently on Coronavirus and spooked investors, the Stock Market would have crashed.

so you're saying that donny put more importance on $$$

over the american people he was sworn to protect.

FINALLY - a deplorable said it out loud.
We're merely pointing out there was voter fraud.
Trump padded his Antrim County victory with 11 more votes, while Joe Biden lost one.
The Republican county in the northern Lower Peninsula has been under intense scrutiny
since the Nov. 3 election when initial results showed a local victory for Biden.
It was attributed to human error, not any problems with voting machines, and corrected.
Biden gains 87 votes in Trump's $3M Wisconsin recount
There is probably some voter fraud as well as a small degree of honest error in every election, but there is no credible evidence to support the self-serving nonsense that there was enough, one way or the other, to alter the results of the 2020 presidential election, certainly not as an excuse for goons to attack our Congress and threaten to lynch the Vice President rather than accept the certified results.

Attorney General William Barr declared the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could
change the outcome of the 2020 election.
That the loser had won "in a landslide!" after Americans had disapproved of his performance relentlessly and consistently in independent poll after independent poll throughout is four years is delusional.

He failed to intimidate Republican officeholders of integrity to fake the vote in his favor and, after frivolous challenge after frivolous challenge were thrown out of court, even by judges he appointed, reality must be acknowledged.

Even if some still can't handle the truth, the truth has prevailed.

There have been far close elections in the past without a pissy loser lying and inciting a deadly insurrection, crapping upon America's previous proud tradition of peaceful transference of power.

Screen Shot 2020-12-24 at 7.13.01 AM.png
You're an angry little fascist, aren't you Adolph the Nazi Democrat?
If you are upset because neo-nazis worship the Cry Baby Loser as their "God Emperor!", your pretense otherwise may assuage your chagrin, but is without substance. Your need to project is noted.

LOL, and now you're a mind reader again.

Sure you are. So that number between one and a million?
Had Trump acted differently on Coronavirus and spooked investors, the Stock Market would have crashed.
so you're saying that donny put more importance on $$$
over the american people he was sworn to protect.
FINALLY - a deplorable said it out loud.
Without a successful market, America would be nothing. I wouldn't expect you libs to understand.
so he dun kept it on the down low, until he got what he wanted. i also said he took a pause so he could play donny like a fiddle.

wowey ...

He didn't get anything. Firing missiles spooks the South Koreans and even China is not crazy about it. He stopped.
No, all of those facts you simply choose to ignore as a delusional Trump supporter. The lies were the things that came out of Trump's fat mouth till he was officially out of office. Trump admitted he lied to the american ppl when he gave his recorded interview to Woodward. He said how deadly the virus was, but continued to spread damaging disinformation till he was elected out of office. You're a great example of how detached from reality his cult followers are.

I'm not a leftist. I don't say shit I can't back up.


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Yeah, Fox news and a video of Fauci saying the article was FOS.
LOL, and now you're a mind reader again.

Sure you are. So that number between one and a million?
It does not require clairvoyance to grasp that the American People dumped the former guy whom they had disapproved of relentlessly for four year at their first opportunity to do so, and are much happier with their new guy.

That is a matter of empirical data.
I have noted that opinions differ and solicit your speculations.

Which of the following, if any, approximate what you suspect is the major reason:
  1. The election merely reflected his having lost the popular vote in 2016 and the public sentiment remaining consistent, as he was relentlessly unpopular in survey after survey throughout his tenure.
  2. He repeatedly scoffed at and minimized the threat posed by a pandemic that resulted in over 20 million infections, over 350,000 deaths, and the strain on dedicated healthcare providers to the breaking point.
  3. He was the victim of a vast, very mysterious conspiracy in which Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, Republican county clerks, and Republican judges throughout the land were decisively complicit.
  4. He was beaten by a sleepy, senile, corrupt Chinese sock puppet whom the American electorate deemed to be decidedly superior.
I hope all who entertain theories will share their analyses while refraining from vituperation, revilement, and diversionary ploys.

Civil, dispassionate discussion and sprightly discourse concerning causative factors, one might hope, ensue.
When Joe was calling him a racist and pelosi was saying 'come on down to China Town' Trump was closing down the country. It was Trump who gave us these vaccines not Joe who has taken the credit. It was 5 democrat governors sticking the infected into rest homes that killed 40 thousand. What could have Trump done that would have made a difference? Have us panic? Tell ya what why don't we blame the ones that allowed the infected travel to every corner of the world, China.
LOL, and now you're a mind reader again.

Sure you are. So that number between one and a million?
It does not require clairvoyance to grasp that the American People dumped the former guy whom they had disapproved of relentlessly for four year at their first opportunity to do so, and are much happier with their new guy.

That is a matter of empirical data.

It's a matter of math that in six coin flip elections that Joe won all six. Then it's a matter of the record that they were all flipped by corrupt Democrat cities and that Democrats removed all accountability to map votes to voters, denied Republicans from observing and endless votes mysteriously appeared in the dark of night.

Sure, sport. Democrats set up everything to allow them to cheat, then didn't. And a miracle happened and they won every coin flip toss up race. Sure they did

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