Why did Trump side with Saudi Arabia?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism? or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?

As custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, and as leader of the 41-nation Islamic coalition established to combat terror, Saudi Arabia is on the front line of the global fight against radical jihadi terrorism. It is also the ultimate target of terrorist organizations that dream of controlling the center of the Islamic world and the nation’s vast oil wealth. President Trump, in making Riyadh his first overseas stop, is demonstrating this weekend that the U.S.-Saudi strategic relationship is a vital one, and that the kingdom is an essential partner in countering and crushing violent jihadi extremism.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.

In truth, the Saudi government understands that it has a problem, and it is working to temper the intolerance and rigid thinking of its clerics, a process that will be durable only if done gradually. Part of reforming its reactionary, conservative religious establishment involves utilizing it as a force that, while still not liberal by Western standards, can leverage its considerable stature, prestige and influence in the Muslim world to outlaw all forms of terrorism and ostracize those who promote them.

ISIS's real target: Saudi Arabia
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seems to me that Islamic terrorism is an ongoing continual thing because each group/tribe thinks they are the true followers of Muhammad and everyone else should submit to them....

Saudi Arabia is just another tribal supremacist wannabe....
also seems whenever we pick one to work with it backfires on whichever admin gave it a shot.
Why did Trump side with Saudi Arabia?

Because Trump is purely transactional and he knew damn well we weren't about to sell anything like our "latest and greatest" military equipment to the Iranians. Why the hell would we do that? So we can get our guys shot with it in Syria? So the Russians or worse can capture it in Syria? As much as I think selling it to the Saudis was an ill advised decision, I'm sure selling it to Iranians would not by any degree be a good thing to do.

The Saudis will surely use it in their proxy war in Yemen, so we'll find out how well it works in actual battlefield situations, which are always different somehow from testing situations, no matter how well the simulate actual battle.
also seems whenever we pick one to work with it backfires on whichever admin gave it a shot.

at least Trump is throwing terrorism back in their faces as a bad thing and branding terrorists as 'losers'.....

however will it change any of their minds about jihadism.....? i doubt it.....they are emulating their holy leader Muhammad.....
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism? or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?

As custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, and as leader of the 41-nation Islamic coalition established to combat terror, Saudi Arabia is on the front line of the global fight against radical jihadi terrorism. It is also the ultimate target of terrorist organizations that dream of controlling the center of the Islamic world and the nation’s vast oil wealth. President Trump, in making Riyadh his first overseas stop, is demonstrating this weekend that the U.S.-Saudi strategic relationship is a vital one, and that the kingdom is an essential partner in countering and crushing violent jihadi extremism.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.

In truth, the Saudi government understands that it has a problem, and it is working to temper the intolerance and rigid thinking of its clerics, a process that will be durable only if done gradually. Part of reforming its reactionary, conservative religious establishment involves utilizing it as a force that, while still not liberal by Western standards, can leverage its considerable stature, prestige and influence in the Muslim world to outlaw all forms of terrorism and ostracize those who promote them.

ISIS's real target: Saudi Arabia

I will answer your question with a question, and then answer it---------->

Which Arab country(s) hates/dislikes/distrusts Iran enough to move closer to Israel?

ANSWER--------> Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. Those 4 countries are going to be the controllers of the Middle East, and nobody can stand against them.

Saudi Arabia probably(more than likely) does not like the Jewish state at all, but they are pragmatists if nothing else...........Israel could have taken over their country any time they wanted to, and didn't in the last 20 years. On the other hand, Iran will try and take over their country as soon as they think they are strong enough to, and can keep the USA at bay, probably with Russia or North Korea as a distraction. If the moderate Arab states agree to mutual assistance pacts with Israel, the Middle East will calm down considerably, after Iran realizes it is now incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial!
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism? or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?

As custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, and as leader of the 41-nation Islamic coalition established to combat terror, Saudi Arabia is on the front line of the global fight against radical jihadi terrorism. It is also the ultimate target of terrorist organizations that dream of controlling the center of the Islamic world and the nation’s vast oil wealth. President Trump, in making Riyadh his first overseas stop, is demonstrating this weekend that the U.S.-Saudi strategic relationship is a vital one, and that the kingdom is an essential partner in countering and crushing violent jihadi extremism.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.

In truth, the Saudi government understands that it has a problem, and it is working to temper the intolerance and rigid thinking of its clerics, a process that will be durable only if done gradually. Part of reforming its reactionary, conservative religious establishment involves utilizing it as a force that, while still not liberal by Western standards, can leverage its considerable stature, prestige and influence in the Muslim world to outlaw all forms of terrorism and ostracize those who promote them.

ISIS's real target: Saudi Arabia
Whatever. Create jobs kill terrorists. It's a win-win any way you look at it.
Why did Trump side with Saudi Arabia?

Because Trump is purely transactional and he knew damn well we weren't about to sell anything like our "latest and greatest" military equipment to the Iranians. Why the hell would we do that? So we can get our guys shot with it in Syria? So the Russians or worse can capture it in Syria? As much as I think selling it to the Saudis was an ill advised decision, I'm sure selling it to Iranians would not by any degree be a good thing to do.

The Saudis will surely use it in their proxy war in Yemen, so we'll find out how well it works in actual battlefield situations, which are always different somehow from testing situations, no matter how well the simulate actual battle.

so what do we have now.......our own proxy wars.......the Republicans supporting the Sunni and the Democrats rooting for the Shia.......? :rolleyes-41:
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism? or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?

As custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, and as leader of the 41-nation Islamic coalition established to combat terror, Saudi Arabia is on the front line of the global fight against radical jihadi terrorism. It is also the ultimate target of terrorist organizations that dream of controlling the center of the Islamic world and the nation’s vast oil wealth. President Trump, in making Riyadh his first overseas stop, is demonstrating this weekend that the U.S.-Saudi strategic relationship is a vital one, and that the kingdom is an essential partner in countering and crushing violent jihadi extremism.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.

In truth, the Saudi government understands that it has a problem, and it is working to temper the intolerance and rigid thinking of its clerics, a process that will be durable only if done gradually. Part of reforming its reactionary, conservative religious establishment involves utilizing it as a force that, while still not liberal by Western standards, can leverage its considerable stature, prestige and influence in the Muslim world to outlaw all forms of terrorism and ostracize those who promote them.

ISIS's real target: Saudi Arabia

I will answer your question with a question, and then answer it---------->

Which Arab country(s) hates/dislikes/distrusts Iran enough to move closer to Israel?

ANSWER--------> Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. Those 4 countries are going to be the controllers of the Middle East, and nobody can stand against them.

Saudi Arabia probably(more than likely) does not like the Jewish state at all, but they are pragmatists if nothing else...........Israel could have taken over their country any time they wanted to, and didn't in the last 20 years. On the other hand, Iran will try and take over their country as soon as they think they are strong enough to, and can keep the USA at bay, probably with Russia or North Korea as a distraction. If the moderate Arab states agree to mutual assistance pacts with Israel, the Middle East will calm down considerably, after Iran realizes it is now incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial!

the Saudi royal family is practical enough to protect itself but there is no way the Wahhabbists of SA are ever going to be pals with Israel....and as long as the Iranian leadership has the funds and wherewithall they will not let the Middle East calm down anytime soon....
Why did Trump side with Saudi Arabia?

Because Trump is purely transactional and he knew damn well we weren't about to sell anything like our "latest and greatest" military equipment to the Iranians. Why the hell would we do that? So we can get our guys shot with it in Syria? So the Russians or worse can capture it in Syria? As much as I think selling it to the Saudis was an ill advised decision, I'm sure selling it to Iranians would not by any degree be a good thing to do.

The Saudis will surely use it in their proxy war in Yemen, so we'll find out how well it works in actual battlefield situations, which are always different somehow from testing situations, no matter how well the simulate actual battle.

so what do we have now.......our own proxy wars.......the Republicans supporting the Sunni and the Democrats rooting for the Shia.......? :rolleyes-41:
Neanderthal V. Cro-Magnon: The Final Chapter

We need to provoke a mutually assured destruction within Islam by planting paranoia between the Shiites and the Sunnis. Islam is the religion of the losers in evolution. This whole unfit Third World was freed and eventually empowered by the constant wars between infidel states. We could have made this pagan human-sacrifice religion obsolete any time after September 11, 1683, but petty squabbles got in the way of doing our duty to wipe out the dumb-savage enemies of the fittest.
The House of Saad has finally learned it's lesson. We kept Saddam from taking their oil fields and got 9/11 out of it. ISIS would have made quick work of them if we hadn't gone back into Iraq. And they know Iran would obliterate them if we looked away. The wahabi doctrine they taught in their madrasses has backfired on them. And thanks to fracking, they can no longer crush our domestic oil-producers. Trump may even make them recognize Israel before the summer ends.
I see it as trying to keep what little stability there is in the region. The recent plans for U.S. to arm the Kurds ticked off Turkey and so there is growing need to foster what friendships we have in the region.
that was a joke....sorta....

as you say Trump may be 'purely transactional' but Iran is now accusing him of spreading 'Iranophobia'......
and selling arms to 'dangerous terrorists'....

pot calling kettle.....these guys will never change.....
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism?
No. Trump is continuing long standing policies. No different than the scum that preceded him.

or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?
Yes, of course. The new president is not changing a thing.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.
And the critics are not wrong. Wahhabism is the State religion. The legal system is based on Sharia law. The State still beheads people as a form of punishment.
that was a joke....sorta....

as you say Trump may be 'purely transactional' but Iran is now accusing him of spreading 'Iranophobia'......
and selling arms to 'dangerous terrorists'....

pot calling kettle.....these guys will never change.....
The Iranians are right! Trump is pond scum.
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism? or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?

As custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, and as leader of the 41-nation Islamic coalition established to combat terror, Saudi Arabia is on the front line of the global fight against radical jihadi terrorism. It is also the ultimate target of terrorist organizations that dream of controlling the center of the Islamic world and the nation’s vast oil wealth. President Trump, in making Riyadh his first overseas stop, is demonstrating this weekend that the U.S.-Saudi strategic relationship is a vital one, and that the kingdom is an essential partner in countering and crushing violent jihadi extremism.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.

In truth, the Saudi government understands that it has a problem, and it is working to temper the intolerance and rigid thinking of its clerics, a process that will be durable only if done gradually. Part of reforming its reactionary, conservative religious establishment involves utilizing it as a force that, while still not liberal by Western standards, can leverage its considerable stature, prestige and influence in the Muslim world to outlaw all forms of terrorism and ostracize those who promote them.

ISIS's real target: Saudi Arabia
Whatever. Create jobs kill terrorists. It's a win-win any way you look at it.
I hear that Raytheon is moving Tomahawk production to Mexico.
Will this renewed alliance really defeat Islamic terrorism? or was it really just for oil, arms deals, and Iran?

As custodian of Islam’s holiest sites, Mecca and Medina, and as leader of the 41-nation Islamic coalition established to combat terror, Saudi Arabia is on the front line of the global fight against radical jihadi terrorism. It is also the ultimate target of terrorist organizations that dream of controlling the center of the Islamic world and the nation’s vast oil wealth. President Trump, in making Riyadh his first overseas stop, is demonstrating this weekend that the U.S.-Saudi strategic relationship is a vital one, and that the kingdom is an essential partner in countering and crushing violent jihadi extremism.

And yet, some critics in the West continue to ridicule any Saudi role in fighting terrorism. They accuse the kingdom of promoting “Wahhabism,” the conservative Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia, arguing that its teachings are a precursor to terrorism. This, despite the fact that the kingdom is itself in the crosshairs of ISIS, al-Qaeda and a revolutionary and belligerent Iran and has seen multiple terror attacks since 1995.

In truth, the Saudi government understands that it has a problem, and it is working to temper the intolerance and rigid thinking of its clerics, a process that will be durable only if done gradually. Part of reforming its reactionary, conservative religious establishment involves utilizing it as a force that, while still not liberal by Western standards, can leverage its considerable stature, prestige and influence in the Muslim world to outlaw all forms of terrorism and ostracize those who promote them.

ISIS's real target: Saudi Arabia

Bullshit. The Saudis still don't permit women to drive, vote, or go out without a male escort from the family.

As long as women are treated at chattels, the Saudis are still extremist right wing Muslims.

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