Why Did Trump Take Those Documents Home In The First Place?

Does anyone know or would wager to guess?

What good reason would he have, to have classified documents in his unsecured living quarters?
You still don't get it. The president has the singular authority to declassify any document he wants. He can just declare a set of documents are his personal papers. No one else can do this, no one else has this authority, just presidents can do this.
You still don't get it. The president has the singular authority to declassify any document he wants. He can just declare a set of documents are his personal papers. No one else can do this, no one else has this authority, just presidents can do this.
If only it were that easy.
Know anyone else who can say why he had any particular documents there, asshole?
The point is...no one can come up with a reason for what he did that isn't insane or nefarious. Not even you
Trump boxed up none of that stuff, another agency packs all that stuff and ships it to his home.
No one is going to box up Top Secret/SCI national intel docs with out direction.
"The president has the singular authority to declassify any document he wants. He can just declare a set of documents are his personal papers."

I don't believe the above is true.
Nor do I believe the poster Wapasha can offer a persuasive argument as to why America would want that.

From a simple policy perspective, from a prudent national security perspective.....America does not want that.

America's secrets are secret for a reason.
And America does not....must not....be vulnerable to any single man who may suffer from pique, insecurity, psychosis, instability, personal crisis...compromising our secrets.
Thus.....thus.....America has safeguards, has protocols and procedures to ensure that our secrets remain secret.

America will not have some top official simply wake up one morning and say...."I'm declassifying some important merde' today".
And then.....and then.....tell nobody he did so.

Think about that poster Wapasha. If no one is told about a de-classification there is no practical 'de-classification'.

If the protocols have been adhered to. The procedures followed. The right people in the right agencies notified. And the right documents changed........well then, you may have a classification. Our secrets are thus better protected. Which is a goal for America.

But merely to have whoever the POTUS du jour is..to simply think that he will de-classify and then do nothing else..........well, he ain't really 'de-classifying'.

I am mildly positive your understand the rationale for protecting America's secrets from some single inconsistent impulsive individual.
The President of the United States of America has tremendous powers. He CAN de-classify some of our secrets. But he cannot do it without sharing his decision.*

*From Captain Obvious' TED Talk on: "Really? Think about it"
The point is...no one can come up with a reason for what he did that isn't insane or nefarious.
You had it right that no one but Trump knows the reason anything was in HIS HOME BUT HIM, buttwipe. Still waiting for you to prove anything I said was inaccurate.

No one is going to box up Top Secret/SCI national intel docs with out direction.
So in other words, there couldn't have been anything illegal there. Presidents are in charge of declassifying stuff. But thanks for indicting the GAO for being idiots and traitors who will box up anything without question if told to. Could be a real dangerous thing with the Gray Bedpan around.
You had it right that no one but Trump knows the reason anything was in HIS HOME BUT HIM, buttwipe. Still waiting for you to prove anything I said was inaccurate.

So in other words, there couldn't have been anything illegal there. Presidents are in charge of declassifying stuff. But thanks for indicting the GAO for being idiots and traitors who will box up anything without question if told to. Could be a real dangerous thing with the Gray Bedpan around.
SO no one can come up with a reason for stealing those top secret docs that isn't insane or nefarious. Glad you get that

You're talking in circles. That's the sign of FAILED argument
I don't believe the above is true.
Nor do I believe the poster Wapasha can offer a persuasive argument as to why America would want that.

Simple answer. Our system of government would not be able to function if presidents did not have the final authority in the executive branch. We would not be able to function if everything the president did was sent thru some committee full of his subordinates, to be voted on, debated, and sent thru the bureaucracy to decide what to do, before our president could act.
SO no one can come up with a reason
Trump can. Have you asked him?

for stealing
Something was stolen? Who says?

those top secret docs
How do you know any untoward secret documents were in Trump's hands, have you seen them? Were Melania's panties top secret too?

You're talking in circles. That's the sign of FAILED argument
Funny, only one talking in circles round and round over and over is YOU, buttwipe.
You had it right that no one but Trump knows the reason anything was in HIS HOME BUT HIM, buttwipe. Still waiting for you to prove anything I said was inaccurate.

So in other words, there couldn't have been anything illegal there. Presidents are in charge of declassifying stuff. But thanks for indicting the GAO for being idiots and traitors who will box up anything without question if told to. Could be a real dangerous thing with the Gray Bedpan around.
When he GSO or GAO or whoever, packs the boxes up the president's boxes as he leaves office, they don't go thru them to identify and track all the documents according to their classifications markings.
When he GSO or GAO or whoever, packs the boxes up the president's boxes as he leaves office, they don't go thru them to identify and track all the documents according to their classifications markings.

So basically, our most sensitive secret documents are totally unsupervised, unprotected, and can walk right out the door in Wash. DC and the fed may never even notice they are missing?

Maybe they WERE safer with Trump after all!
"Our system of government would not be able to function if presidents did not have the final authority in the executive branch."

Our system of government would not be able to function if presidents did not communicate the decisions their final authority requires.
If Don Trump did not communicate to proper channels that he de-classified secret X, or secret Y......then they are not de-classified.
Just thinkin' it.....ain't doin' it.
So basically, our most sensitive secret documents are totally unsupervised, unprotected, and can walk right out the door in Wash. DC and the fed may never even notice they are missing?

Maybe they WERE safer with Trump after all!
Change the laws then. Fat chance that any sitting president will sign a new law to reign in his authority
Not a single Trumper has even tried to answer the question posed in the OP.

Why did Trump steal those docs and refuse to surrender them?
No one agrees with your premise Lush - namely, that President Trump stole any documents.

How fucking stupid are you that THAT needs to be explained to you? Maybe crayons would help next time?

BTW, when did you stop jacking off in the Walmart parking lot?
No one agrees with your premise Lush - namely, that President Trump stole any documents.

How fucking stupid are you that THAT needs to be explained to you? Maybe crayons would help next time?

BTW, when did you stop jacking off in the Walmart parking lot?
Still dodging the question?

Why was he resisting their return??
When he GSO or GAO or whoever, packs the boxes up the president's boxes as he leaves office, they don't go thru them to identify and track all the documents according to their classifications markings.
So they just take whatever top secret docs Trump has left lying around?
How fucking stupid are you that THAT needs to be explained to you?
BTW, when did you stop jacking off in the Walmart parking lot?

And up jumps the devil in a brand new suit.
Good poster '2iron', the preferred spokesman for MAGALand
Back with another of his star-turns showcasing his Trump University bona fides.

Thanx 2iron, you are a fav.
You personify so much of what is oft-considered a disrespectful slur against Trumpette-istan.
You ably and clearly show that it ain't no mere slur. That it really is real. :thup: 👌
Does anyone know or would wager to guess?

What good reason would he have, to have classified documents in his unsecured living quarters?
Revenge against the new administration.
To even the score with his enemies using intel.
Sell for profit to our adversaries.
He hates this Country & he's a traitor.

Trump is capable of anything & Jan. 6 is proof of that. There ARE no good reasons except in his deranged head.
So, to summarize, when election theft is eliminated through hangings and shooting the perpetrators in the face, President Trump will be re-elected by 34 points and he should then begin to ransack and loot the homes of his political enemies.... and God knows he's got a ton of them. :laughing0301:

That about sum it up?

I approve of the plan.

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