Why did Trumpo touch Muderer Kim Jong UN so much,

JGalt, post: 20115340
So you'd rather he kicked Lil' Kin in the nads?

No I’d rather Trumpo didn’t give Kim Jung UN a photo op without a signed deal.

Let subordinates and professionals make a deal.

More like Obama would do. No photo ops like Trump just did.

I’ll bet you think this is real;

View attachment 197893

Nope, that was when obongo bowed to louie ferrycon….

His Racist Mentor...……..
Papageorgio, post: 20115390
My oh my! What the hell is wrong with the left wing nuts? They are coming off the rails! My, this is some funny stuff.

Thanks for more laughs over your butt hurt.

I’m glad you are amused at Trumpo making the worst civil rights abusing pariah dictator on earth an equal to the President of the United States of America.

Being a Trumporoid I can understand you have no shame.

Historic day. Trump for Nobel.
President Trump is known for his vigorous handshakes. He went relatively easy on the guy.

He and Macron tried to dislocate each other's shoulders last year.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

It would be irresponsible for President Trump NOT to seek peace with North Korea, the alternative of nuclear holocaust is just unacceptable- at least to conservatives.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

Admit it...you're scared to death that Trump is going to succeed in getting North Korea to give up it's nukes! Now THAT is appalling!
The flags next to each other like that was a bad idea. When first sitting down and Trump saying something dismissive about the free press in front of Kim was also pretty disgusting. As far as the constant touching and Trump looking like he just wanted to please Kim makes me nervous.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

It would be irresponsible for President Trump NOT to seek peace with North Korea, the alternative of nuclear holocaust is just unacceptable- at least to conservatives.

Nuclear holocaust provided by union workers.
Because he can. A sign of dominance! Woof Woof!
No, it looked more like "fawning".

Use fawning to describe someone who's over the top in the flattery department. Like a fawning admirer who just won't stop complimenting your looks, showering you with gifts and otherwise kissing the ground you walk on.

Fawning people are often trying to win favor with the person being flattered, and it sometimes comes off as sucking up. So do everyone a favor and don't try to boost your poor grades by fawning over your professor’s every word.


For one man to be touching another in such a manner. Grabbing his hand again and again. Touching his arm, his back, leaning in. Trump came across as desperate. Desperate and nervous. Like a little dog begging for a treat.

And L'l Kim knew it and was enjoying it.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.
So he should have obied and bowed?
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. .... :thup:

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you really DO like all that male touching.....ok.

I thought you liberals were all about queers....

Courteous rational queers aren't a problem. Of course, you've already found how it goes for ass hole queers.

You said Courteous rational queers aren't a problem,

You may be right, I don't know....

But you are right about ass hole queers like yourself.....
You guys really need to find someone or something new upon which you can fixate and hate... You all sound like the right wingnuts during Obama...
If this were obongo instead of Trump you would be peeing your pants with glee....

Can you ever defend your orange idiot without bringing racist variations of the honorable man’s name that preceded him in the office?
When my dog begs for a treat, she rubs my leg. She dances around. She acts really happy.

It's calling "fawning".


Use fawning to describe someone who's over the top in the flattery department. Like a fawning admirer who just won't stop complimenting your looks, showering you with gifts and otherwise kissing the ground you walk on.

From the Old English fægnian, meaning “rejoice, exult, be glad,” fawning can be both an adjective and a noun form of the verb fawn. Fawning people are often trying to win favor with the person being flattered, and it sometimes comes off as sucking up. So do everyone a favor and don't try to boost your poor grades by fawning over your professor’s every word.

Trump touching L'l Kim's arms, grabbing his hand, touching his side and his back again and again.
It showed how Trump is desperate for a diplomatic win. It made him look pathetic, sucking up to a worse murderer than Putin.

Kim will never give up his nuclear weapons.

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