Why did Trumpo touch Muderer Kim Jong UN so much,


You said Courteous rational queers aren't a problem,

You may be right, I don't know....

But you are right about ass hole queers like yourself.....

Haven't you got a cross to be burning somewhere nimrod?
Reading your posts, you seem to have an 'unnatural' attachment to the Laughing Stock of the World - the Orange Buffoon...
Oh wow, that was hilarious.
Tipsycatlover, post: 20115364
Shitstain obama would be on his knees groveling like he did with every other leader. He would bow so low his forehead would bump Un's shoes.

Obama was never on his knees or sitting beside a murderous dictator as an equal, as Trumpo just did. Trumpo is white. Obama is not. Is that what causes you to make up crap about Obama and not see the Shame Trumpo is actually bringing to the Presidency right now.
It only took until post 5 for these white wingers to go nutz on Obama.

And you know why? Because of all the Trump touching. They know what's coming. How embarrassing it's going to be.

And the G7 won't let it go. They are already laughing and laughing. Trump doesn't know it yet, but he will. Oh, and will he be pissed. He will tear up paper by the binder.
It really doesn’t matter, Trump is driving you progressives crazy… That is worth it alone.

You said Courteous rational queers aren't a problem,

You may be right, I don't know....

But you are right about ass hole queers like yourself.....

Haven't you got a cross to be burning somewhere nimrod?
Reading your posts, you seem to have an 'unnatural' attachment to the Laughing Stock of the World - the Orange Buffoon...

Hey Dip Shit....

I love the Man that is Stomping the living Shit out of your liberal asses...…

Later Dip Shit....

You said Courteous rational queers aren't a problem,

You may be right, I don't know....

But you are right about ass hole queers like yourself.....

Haven't you got a cross to be burning somewhere nimrod?
Reading your posts, you seem to have an 'unnatural' attachment to the Laughing Stock of the World - the Orange Buffoon...
Trump gets under progressives skin every day... it’s great to watch
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.

The Art of the Deal. Democrats can't understand such things.
Trumpo likes to touch and pat the murderous dictator on the arm and back in front of American Flags hanging symbolically equal to North Korean Flags.

The disgrace on America is appalling.

Shame on you Trumpo.
Aww, are you worried that Trump is going to accomplish what Obama never could? You should be worried. :laugh:
Oh wow. What is it you think Trump is going to accomplish? Give us your opinion. Let us know. I want to put it in my signature.
What is it that you think Trump ISNT going to accomplish? Let me know and ill put it in my signature.
Papageorgio, post: 20115390
My oh my! What the hell is wrong with the left wing nuts? They are coming off the rails! My, this is some funny stuff.

Thanks for more laughs over your butt hurt.

I’m glad you are amused at Trumpo making the worst civil rights abusing pariah dictator on earth an equal to the President of the United States of America.

Being a Trumporoid I can understand you have no shame.

Play all the games you want. For the last 60 plus years North Korea has not honored any treaty and has suckered how many Presidents out of food and other resources, so it is okay to give our food to North Korea who violates human rights but we aren’t allowed to touch him?

Give me a break! You are pissed because there could be peace and better conditions for North Koreans and Trump would be responsible and it you can’t stand it.

I don’t like Trump, I didn’t and wouldn’t vote for him however if he can get N. Korea to change its ways, them I’ll take it, and you will cry.
Hey Dip Shit....

I love the Man that is Stomping the living Shit out of your liberal asses...…

Later Dip Shit....

He's doing no such thing. People are laughing their arses off at the thick as pigshit loser.

Haven't you got a beach to (snicker) go and metal detect somewhere (RATFLMAO!!!). I mean, who really does that shit....a nimrod. That's who...
hmmm actually this may have been a bad way to go for Trump (if he wants a deal.) Touching on the arm or back is considered a bit disrespectful if they're not your friends in Korea. I guess we'll see how the power play pans out.
Haven't you got a beach to (snicker) go and metal detect somewhere (RATFLMAO!!!). I mean, who really does that shit....a nimrod. That's who...

I tried that once. I only found a bunch of fish hooks and a Canadian nickel, though. Was pretty much a bust.
JGalt, post: 20115340
So you'd rather he kicked Lil' Kin in the nads?

No I’d rather Trumpo didn’t give Kim Jung UN a photo op without a signed deal.

Let subordinates and professionals make a deal.

More like Obama would do. No photo ops like Trump just did.

I’ll bet you think this is real;

View attachment 197893

Of course it isn't real. But I will say this: I bet you think the $1.8 billion in cash stacked up on pallets on the tarmac for shipment to Iran didn't happen.
Cash that belonged to Iran.

However, Trump is a thief. We aren't.

Now, about that 9 billion that Bush sent to Iraq that "disappeared". What about that? Huh? Well?
Thought so.

Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

Tipsycatlover, post: 20115364
Shitstain obama would be on his knees groveling like he did with every other leader. He would bow so low his forehead would bump Un's shoes.

Obama was never on his knees or sitting beside a murderous dictator as an equal, as Trumpo just did. Trumpo is white. Obama is not. Is that what causes you to make up crap about Obama and not see the Shame Trumpo is actually bringing to the Presidency right now.

Obama, don't make me laugh. He's a worthless piece of shit. Thank god we survived. He's not even a real negro. #fake
Isn't it funny how all these neocon whacko nut jobs thought Kim was the antichrist. Now Trump is blowing him, suddenly he's the second coming...

Nobody trusts Kim, you idiot, we would like peace, maybe he should have sent Jimmy Carter to give them all sorts of crap for empty promises. You would have loved that.
Cry like a bitch why don’t you...

Please explain why Trumpo is so eager to touch a murderer and making a murderer his equal with no deal?
The way Trump couldn't keep his hands off L'l Kim, he didn't make L'l Kim his equal, he made L'l Kim his master.

Is that how you boyfriend is treating you?
The things you white wingers imagine. I live in a house. Clearly, you live in a closet.

That was not the question, faggot.

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