Why Did We Invade Iraq?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.
Saddam broke the cess fire agreement and was shooting at our planes.

Sad reality is Saddam was the best thing for Iraq. :(
If you are talking about the second gulf war. Saddam convinced the world that he had WMDs and would use them, he defied the UN resolutions multiple times. He was stupid, it caused his death.

The bad intell gathered by every intel organization in the world caused us to do something very stupid. it cost us thousands of american lives and billions of dollars for nothing.

If you are talking about the first gulf war, we were protecting Kuwait from being taken over by Saddam, whether that was right or wrong can be debated but thats why we were there.
Gawd troll thread if there ever was one. Maddow is carrying water for the administration by deflecting from their clusterfuck up in the Ukraine after their clusterfuckup with Obamacare.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

too bad it will be done with a left wing slant and will avoid the truth like poison. An unbiased report would be interesting, but this won't be unbiased.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

too bad it will be done with a left wing slant and will avoid the truth like poison. An unbiased report would be interesting, but this won't be unbiased.
Ya think?
Saddam broke the cess fire agreement and was shooting at our planes.
The obvious question is why would that remain an obscure item of information?

Sad reality is Saddam was the best thing for Iraq.
Could be. I don't know. What I do know is we Americans tend to presume our values and ideals should prevail all over the world.
Saddam broke the cess fire agreement and was shooting at our planes.
The obvious question is why would that remain an obscure item of information?

Sad reality is Saddam was the best thing for Iraq.
Could be. I don't know. What I do know is we Americans tend to presume our values and ideals should prevail all over the world.

including our views on homosexuality and gay marriage as I pointed out in a previous thread.
Saddam broke the cess fire agreement and was shooting at our planes.
The obvious question is why would that remain an obscure item of information?

Sad reality is Saddam was the best thing for Iraq.
Could be. I don't know. What I do know is we Americans tend to presume our values and ideals should prevail all over the world.

And yet you expect the same thing with your demands on countries the world over from the middle east to Africa to accept homosexuals behavior and girls getting a education.

So you think our values are bad? Values that have made us a great nation that leads the world in science, infrastructure and r&d. Values of human rights and advancement...

There isn't much better then what America stands for.
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Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.
Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.

You're forgetting it was so Cheney could make millions from handing contracts to Halliburton. And also Israel and its amen corner.
Don't skip any of the paranoid leftist fantasies here. Oh yeah, be sure to include that Kerry was against the war. As was Hillary.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

too bad it will be done with a left wing slant and will avoid the truth like poison. An unbiased report would be interesting, but this won't be unbiased.
That mindset will certainly cancel your ability to make an objective assessment.

So why not keep an open mind, accept what makes sense to you and reject what doesn't? Let the conclusion depend on your ability to analyze rather than on what you are preconditioned by political bias to accept.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

too bad it will be done with a left wing slant and will avoid the truth like poison. An unbiased report would be interesting, but this won't be unbiased.
That mindset will certainly cancel your ability to make an objective assessment.

So why not keep an open mind, accept what makes sense to you and reject what doesn't? Let the conclusion depend on your ability to analyze rather than on what you are preconditioned by political bias to accept.
Iraq might not be better off, but at least the rest of the world is without Saddam supporting terrorists.
Iraq might not be better off, but at least the rest of the world is without Saddam supporting terrorists.

Saddam gassed his own people. He murdered people practically indiscriminately. He looted the country. He helped his favorites out of Tikrit at the expense of other tribes in the country.
Can anyone honestly say Iraqis are not better off?
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.
Too bad she is a nutcase with no credibility. But then that is exactly what libtards like.

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