Why did Wuhan cell towers shut down in October?

Liberals, the virus is from a factory in Wuhan China that Obama funded.

Blame China,you crazy fuckers,

Additionally a major false narrative that has been propagated, is the Wuhanvirus is a 'natural' virus.
If it is so 'natural', then why does it still mystify the best scientific minds?
If it is so 'natural', why does Kawasaki disease afflicting children piggyback off of it?
I'll tell you why.
Because it was lab created! Therefore, biowarfare first, than by any other name!!

It was PURPOSELY released. China did it knowingly and willingly and killed the Whistleblowers.

The liberal assholes who defend China should kill themselves.
Liberals, the virus is from a factory in Wuhan China that Obama funded.

Blame China,you crazy fuckers,

Additionally a major false narrative that has been propagated, is the Wuhanvirus is a 'natural' virus.
If it is so 'natural', then why does it still mystify the best scientific minds?
If it is so 'natural', why does Kawasaki disease afflicting children piggyback off of it?
I'll tell you why.
Because it was lab created! Therefore, biowarfare first, than by any other name!!

It was PURPOSELY released. China did it knowingly and willingly and killed the Whistleblowers.

The liberal assholes who defend China should kill themselves.

The shameless only kill others.
This nation will fail because of liberals leftists, my family escaped Stalin. We will go that way.
Fixed it for you.




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