Why did Yahoo REALLY suspend comments?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2020
Many people who post here are probably also at least somewhat familiar with Yahoo, liberal/left biased Yahoo News...and the infamous equally biased comment system which goes with it. For those who are unaware, Yahoo suspended commenting over the summer just as the election campaigns were gaining traction.

Yahoo claimed that by doing that, they were trying to keep things clean and civil. Is it more likely they were just trying to shut people up, and prevent conservatives from having a voice during a critical time? Yahoo's posture on commenting seems to have been blatantly anti-conservative for awhile, and the amount of liberal trolling there was overwhelming. Someone even suggested to me that Yahoo's comments were trolled by the CIA and conservative opinions were disrupted, deleted, censored and attacked...very much in the fashion the CIA would do to influence enemy governments through indigenous media, unions, entertainment, social movements, etc..

What's your opinion on what Yahoo is up to there? Are we about to see them magically open up the comment pages again very soon....just like Coronavirus is seemingly magically going away with an aledged democrat victory in the election? Personally, I think the comment pages were shut down so people couldn't tell it like it is...which could easily influence the way people vote. It may also have been to silence people who pointed out all the inconsistencies in reporting about Coronavirus, or the conflicting experiences of different people which indicate SOMEONE is definitely lying. That is actually something which directly affected the election. Obviously someone would love to control it.

Why did Yahoo really shut their comments down? Personally, I opened my USmessageboard account as a direct result of that. I will probably not go back to using Yahoo EVER. There is too much bias and dishonesty there to bother.
Many people who post here are probably also at least somewhat familiar with Yahoo, liberal/left biased Yahoo News...and the infamous equally biased comment system which goes with it. For those who are unaware, Yahoo suspended commenting over the summer just as the election campaigns were gaining traction.

Yahoo claimed that by doing that, they were trying to keep things clean and civil. Is it more likely they were just trying to shut people up, and prevent conservatives from having a voice during a critical time? Yahoo's posture on commenting seems to have been blatantly anti-conservative for awhile, and the amount of liberal trolling there was overwhelming. Someone even suggested to me that Yahoo's comments were trolled by the CIA and conservative opinions were disrupted, deleted, censored and attacked...very much in the fashion the CIA would do to influence enemy governments through indigenous media, unions, entertainment, social movements, etc..

What's your opinion on what Yahoo is up to there? Are we about to see them magically open up the comment pages again very soon....just like Coronavirus is seemingly magically going away with an aledged democrat victory in the election? Personally, I think the comment pages were shut down so people couldn't tell it like it is...which could easily influence the way people vote. It may also have been to silence people who pointed out all the inconsistencies in reporting about Coronavirus, or the conflicting experiences of different people which indicate SOMEONE is definitely lying. That is actually something which directly affected the election. Obviously someone would love to control it.

Why did Yahoo really shut their comments down? Personally, I opened my USmessageboard account as a direct result of that. I will probably not go back to using Yahoo EVER. There is too much bias and dishonesty there to bother.
Yahoo was trying to keep things "clean and civil"?! FFS!
Many people who post here are probably also at least somewhat familiar with Yahoo, liberal/left biased Yahoo News...and the infamous equally biased comment system which goes with it. For those who are unaware, Yahoo suspended commenting over the summer just as the election campaigns were gaining traction.

Yahoo claimed that by doing that, they were trying to keep things clean and civil. Is it more likely they were just trying to shut people up, and prevent conservatives from having a voice during a critical time? Yahoo's posture on commenting seems to have been blatantly anti-conservative for awhile, and the amount of liberal trolling there was overwhelming. Someone even suggested to me that Yahoo's comments were trolled by the CIA and conservative opinions were disrupted, deleted, censored and attacked...very much in the fashion the CIA would do to influence enemy governments through indigenous media, unions, entertainment, social movements, etc..

What's your opinion on what Yahoo is up to there? Are we about to see them magically open up the comment pages again very soon....just like Coronavirus is seemingly magically going away with an aledged democrat victory in the election? Personally, I think the comment pages were shut down so people couldn't tell it like it is...which could easily influence the way people vote. It may also have been to silence people who pointed out all the inconsistencies in reporting about Coronavirus, or the conflicting experiences of different people which indicate SOMEONE is definitely lying. That is actually something which directly affected the election. Obviously someone would love to control it.

Why did Yahoo really shut their comments down? Personally, I opened my USmessageboard account as a direct result of that. I will probably not go back to using Yahoo EVER. There is too much bias and dishonesty there to bother.

When they turn off the comments its usually when the establishment and leftards are getting thier asses handed to em left and right

Autist Haaaavee the POWER

Many people who post here are probably also at least somewhat familiar with Yahoo, liberal/left biased Yahoo News...and the infamous equally biased comment system which goes with it. For those who are unaware, Yahoo suspended commenting over the summer just as the election campaigns were gaining traction.

Yahoo claimed that by doing that, they were trying to keep things clean and civil. Is it more likely they were just trying to shut people up, and prevent conservatives from having a voice during a critical time? Yahoo's posture on commenting seems to have been blatantly anti-conservative for awhile, and the amount of liberal trolling there was overwhelming. Someone even suggested to me that Yahoo's comments were trolled by the CIA and conservative opinions were disrupted, deleted, censored and attacked...very much in the fashion the CIA would do to influence enemy governments through indigenous media, unions, entertainment, social movements, etc..

What's your opinion on what Yahoo is up to there? Are we about to see them magically open up the comment pages again very soon....just like Coronavirus is seemingly magically going away with an aledged democrat victory in the election? Personally, I think the comment pages were shut down so people couldn't tell it like it is...which could easily influence the way people vote. It may also have been to silence people who pointed out all the inconsistencies in reporting about Coronavirus, or the conflicting experiences of different people which indicate SOMEONE is definitely lying. That is actually something which directly affected the election. Obviously someone would love to control it.

Why did Yahoo really shut their comments down? Personally, I opened my USmessageboard account as a direct result of that. I will probably not go back to using Yahoo EVER. There is too much bias and dishonesty there to bother.
LOL..no bias and dishonesty here, right?
Many people who post here are probably also at least somewhat familiar with Yahoo, liberal/left biased Yahoo News...and the infamous equally biased comment system which goes with it. For those who are unaware, Yahoo suspended commenting over the summer just as the election campaigns were gaining traction.

Yahoo claimed that by doing that, they were trying to keep things clean and civil. Is it more likely they were just trying to shut people up, and prevent conservatives from having a voice during a critical time? Yahoo's posture on commenting seems to have been blatantly anti-conservative for awhile, and the amount of liberal trolling there was overwhelming. Someone even suggested to me that Yahoo's comments were trolled by the CIA and conservative opinions were disrupted, deleted, censored and attacked...very much in the fashion the CIA would do to influence enemy governments through indigenous media, unions, entertainment, social movements, etc..

What's your opinion on what Yahoo is up to there? Are we about to see them magically open up the comment pages again very soon....just like Coronavirus is seemingly magically going away with an aledged democrat victory in the election? Personally, I think the comment pages were shut down so people couldn't tell it like it is...which could easily influence the way people vote. It may also have been to silence people who pointed out all the inconsistencies in reporting about Coronavirus, or the conflicting experiences of different people which indicate SOMEONE is definitely lying. That is actually something which directly affected the election. Obviously someone would love to control it.

Why did Yahoo really shut their comments down? Personally, I opened my USmessageboard account as a direct result of that. I will probably not go back to using Yahoo EVER. There is too much bias and dishonesty there to bother.

Yahoo for the 2016 election would ban posters like myself for nothing more than choosing a name like HilliaryinanOrangeJumpsuit----yahoo was so bias then that even to put something as mudane as this would result in banning the posters for life----I've probably have had over 6 dozens alias on yahoo over the years------many banned for nothing more than what you see above. I posted up till they banned all of us this year--with no warning. At the end of their posting--they were being openingly called out for being propagandists in most all articles and for their many many lies that they would post. Their articles became and are continuing to be so predictably manipulative---always either lying flat out or by posting articles that left so much of the facts out that it was obvious even before researching that the articles headline would not match the real story. Posters including myself would quickly research other sites looking for the missing information so we could post what had actually happened and pointing out the obvious attempt at manipulating the public. I really wasn't surprised when they banned us all to silence any dissent during the election----nor am I surprised with the election still going that we are still banned----despite yahoo claiming that their ban of everyone was only temporary. They would have certainly lost much of their viewership over this but look they would rather affect the election than get viewers.

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