Why Didn't Gov Scott Walker Finish College?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A story the Lame Street Media won't report.

Because he left Marquette “in good standing” to take a full-time job at the American Red Cross!

But left-wing pundits don't care about the truth. As they always do, the moment a GOP candidate for any office appears to have public appeal, out come the knives, determined to cut that support out from under.

I personally don't think it's going to work this time. I think Walker will be a leading contender if not the final choice of the GOP for president in 2016.

Read more of the truth @ The Real Reason Scott Walker Didn t Graduate from College The Weekly Standard
The assault on Walker is going to intensify, even though he is running sixth in Iowa. Dems have no answer for him. He totally withstood their full assault in Wisconsin and has been successful in uniting level headed thinkers on the left and right.
The Left Wing is pissed at Scott Walker for reigning in gloat and greed within public service unions. They went balls to the walls in trying to get him recalled. That did not work. So, the best they can get is calling out his lack of college degree? Conservatives raised issue with Clinton's lack of Military Service and Obama's lack of Executive experience. The American People did not give a shit in either case.

Why then would the American People give two shits about a candidate's lack of college degree when he already has a track record as an executive that they can evaluate?

College Degree? Come on Lefties......is that the best you got?
Walker can take the heat. That's one thing that has been proven.
"Why Didn't Gov Scott Walker Finish College?"

Again, it's conservative who keep making Walker's failure to complete college an issue.

Walker isn't fit to be president because he is in fact wrong on the issues – having nothing to do with whether he finished college or not.
"Why Didn't Gov Scott Walker Finish College?"

Again, it's conservative who keep making Walker's failure to complete college an issue.

Walker isn't fit to be president because he is in fact wrong on the issues – having nothing to do with whether he finished college or not.

Stating Opinion as Fact does not make it a Fact.
People this is nothing new from the left, its part of their decades old strategy of painting the GOP presidential candidates and presidents as dumb, stupid, illiterate, even if they have ivy league credentials. The left are lying low life scum!!
"Why Didn't Gov Scott Walker Finish College?"

Again, it's conservative who keep making Walker's failure to complete college an issue.

Walker isn't fit to be president because he is in fact wrong on the issues – having nothing to do with whether he finished college or not.

That is your opinion, which counts for one vote against from the far left wackos! Moderates in Wisconsin seem to like him.
"Why Didn't Gov Scott Walker Finish College?"

Again, it's conservative who keep making Walker's failure to complete college an issue.

Walker isn't fit to be president because he is in fact wrong on the issues – having nothing to do with whether he finished college or not.
The usual "We didn't say it, YOU did!" defense. Used on elementary school playgrounds across the country, particularly at 3rd grade level and lower.

It's frequently found in debates where the Left can't refute what's been said about them. They retreat hastily and start throwing up nonsense and diversions.
Walker can take the heat. That's one thing that has been proven.
And he can reduce taxes, balance government budgets, and laugh at liberals who are losing their power over the taxpayers as a result.

He's done all three, year after year, in Wisconsin.

No wonder the leftist fanatics hate him.
The assault on Walker is going to intensify, even though he is running sixth in Iowa. Dems have no answer for him. He totally withstood their full assault in Wisconsin and has been successful in uniting level headed thinkers on the left and right.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
"Why Didn't Gov Scott Walker Finish College?"

Again, it's conservative who keep making Walker's failure to complete college an issue.

Walker isn't fit to be president because he is in fact wrong on the issues – having nothing to do with whether he finished college or not.

LOL, and your party being kicked of Congress in only SIX years under that dear loved leader of yours screams. we are doing a bang up job and all the people felt we WERE ON THE RIGHT side of the issues. they just kicked us out so they could give the other party a chance.

anything that will help you feel better and put down all the people in the country who voted your nasty party out of power...I hope you all have to choke on saying: President Walker the same way many did and still do saying: President Oshambam
The Democratic party really has become pathetic. They can't run on their record, they can't run on their policies, they have no solutions save never ending tax increases and government regulations. They can't defeat their opponents in a fair straight up contest so...they lie and try to paint the GOP as the boogeyman. Fortunately this no longer works they cried wolf too many times. I wonder how many times the left will get bitch slapped by voters before they pull their heads out of their ass.
A story the Lame Street Media won't report.

Because he left Marquette “in good standing” to take a full-time job at the American Red Cross!

But left-wing pundits don't care about the truth. As they always do, the moment a GOP candidate for any office appears to have public appeal, out come the knives, determined to cut that support out from under.

I personally don't think it's going to work this time. I think Walker will be a leading contender if not the final choice of the GOP for president in 2016.

Read more of the truth @ The Real Reason Scott Walker Didn t Graduate from College The Weekly Standard

Who cares?

I have seen multiple threads started by Conservatives here defending Walker's lack of a college degree.

I have yet to see any threads attacking his lack of degree- and few if anyone who cares about his lack of a college degree.

I don't care.
Wlakers college background is brought up more by the Right than is the left, then they bitch about the left bashing Walker ...

The assault on Walker is going to intensify, even though he is running sixth in Iowa. Dems have no answer for him. He totally withstood their full assault in Wisconsin and has been successful in uniting level headed thinkers on the left and right.

Are they afraid of him because he could get the nomination...
Or are they just going into attack mode against any Republican that gets some national attention.
They seem to be following the DNC playbook..... to find any reason to destroy the opposition.
Walker can take the heat. That's one thing that has been proven.
And he can reduce taxes, balance government budgets, and laugh at liberals who are losing their power over the taxpayers as a result.

He's done all three, year after year, in Wisconsin.

No wonder the leftist fanatics hate him.

Well Howard Dean for one feels he should not be allowed to run for office because he didn't finish college....
So there you go....
Walker is out...
Having failed to meet the basic requirement to be President....

And the fact he was never a community organizer sealed his fate.

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