Why didn't House Democrats follow normal protocol to call impeachment witnesses?

We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.

So I'm hearing you say this isn't about anything real, it's just about smearing Trump for election purposes.

It's smearing the entire Trumpublican establishment with the fact that Trumpybear strong armed the Ukraine for help in the next election and the Trumpublicans in the Senate covered for him. Hammer that fact all year along with any other relevant facts about his scheme and the election will be very anti-Trumpublican indeed.
Link to this "strongarming"? Looks like I drove you off your "demand" lie, so you are playing a semantics game.

The President of Ukraine says he felt no pressure to do anything.

The Ukraine didn't even know the funds were delayed.

No announcement was made by the Ukranian govt.

The funds were released before the legal deadline.

Face it, you lose again.

A demand can be made without using the word demand. The demand was a public announcement of investigations by the President of The Ukraine to put him in a box. Did Trumpybear say I demand X before I give Y? Maybe, let's hear from our federal employees who he discussed it with, like that Ghouliguy, let's put him under oath and see what he has to say. We have plenty of time before Nov..........

Republicans in the Senate said the House Managers proved their case. He did what they accused him of. They're just willing to accept that level of corruption in the Trumpybear. We all should. He see's nothing wrong with his scheme (except that he got caught).

"We have plenty of time before Nov...." Thanks for admitting this has zero to do anything else but politics, Boo! This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him...this has ALWAYS been about you on the left trying to figure out some way to beat Trump at the polls!

Speaking of polls...have you seen the latest ones? Trump has the highest approval ratings he's ever had! Ouch...that's gotta sting!
It's smearing the entire Trumpublican establishment with the fact that Trumpybear strong armed the Ukraine for help in the next election and the Trumpublicans in the Senate covered for him. Hammer that fact all year along with any other relevant facts about his scheme and the election will be very anti-Trumpublican indeed.
Link to this "strongarming"? Looks like I drove you off your "demand" lie, so you are playing a semantics game.

The President of Ukraine says he felt no pressure to do anything.

The Ukraine didn't even know the funds were delayed.

No announcement was made by the Ukranian govt.

The funds were released before the legal deadline.

Face it, you lose again.

A demand can be made without using the word demand. The demand was a public announcement of investigations by the President of The Ukraine to put him in a box. Did Trumpybear say I demand X before I give Y? Maybe, let's hear from our federal employees who he discussed it with, like that Ghouliguy, let's put him under oath and see what he has to say. We have plenty of time before Nov..........

Republicans in the Senate said the House Managers proved their case. He did what they accused him of. They're just willing to accept that level of corruption in the Trumpybear. We all should. He see's nothing wrong with his scheme (except that he got caught).
Getting caught in a lie sure gets you twisting yourself into pretzels feebly trying to save face.:21:

Pretending you caught something just makes you look stupid.
You claimed Trump "demanded" an announcement of an investigation. That is a lie.

I called it out.

You have failed to make your case, miserably failed. There was no demand.

Your latest pathetic attempt to save face is to say a demand doesn't need to be a demand.:21:

You have proven you don't understand words when strung together to form a concept. Like for instance:

"A demand can be made without using the word demand."

What's next Einstein "He never said Quid Pro Quo" "How could it be a Quid Pro Quo if he never said it?"
it was stupid for him to let his kid cash in like that

Was it against the law in either country?

Never claimed it was against the law, Boo...try and keep up! I simply pointed out it's corrupt and isn't going to sit well with the American public.

So Trumpybear wanted an announcement of an investigation into someone who didn't actually break any laws? Is that what you're saying?

How do you think an investigation into a non-crime will end up.
Link to this "strongarming"? Looks like I drove you off your "demand" lie, so you are playing a semantics game.

The President of Ukraine says he felt no pressure to do anything.

The Ukraine didn't even know the funds were delayed.

No announcement was made by the Ukranian govt.

The funds were released before the legal deadline.

Face it, you lose again.

A demand can be made without using the word demand. The demand was a public announcement of investigations by the President of The Ukraine to put him in a box. Did Trumpybear say I demand X before I give Y? Maybe, let's hear from our federal employees who he discussed it with, like that Ghouliguy, let's put him under oath and see what he has to say. We have plenty of time before Nov..........

Republicans in the Senate said the House Managers proved their case. He did what they accused him of. They're just willing to accept that level of corruption in the Trumpybear. We all should. He see's nothing wrong with his scheme (except that he got caught).
Getting caught in a lie sure gets you twisting yourself into pretzels feebly trying to save face.:21:

Pretending you caught something just makes you look stupid.
You claimed Trump "demanded" an announcement of an investigation. That is a lie.

I called it out.

You have failed to make your case, miserably failed. There was no demand.

Your latest pathetic attempt to save face is to say a demand doesn't need to be a demand.:21:

You have proven you don't understand words when strung together to form a concept. Like for instance:

"A demand can be made without using the word demand."

What's next Einstein "He never said Quid Pro Quo" "How could it be a Quid Pro Quo if he never said it?"
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.
You finally got something correct........."Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent".

....Including President Trump.

Must be one of those "blind squirrel" things.............
it was stupid for him to let his kid cash in like that

Was it against the law in either country?

Never claimed it was against the law, Boo...try and keep up! I simply pointed out it's corrupt and isn't going to sit well with the American public.

So Trumpybear wanted an announcement of an investigation into someone who didn't actually break any laws? Is that what you're saying?

How do you think an investigation into a non-crime will end up.

I think it has effectively sunk Joe Biden's campaign bid, Boo! It doesn't matter if it was "legal"...it's obvious that it smelled to high heavens! That's the reason why if Trump hadn't gotten the word out about it...I'm pretty sure one of Uncle Joe's fellow Democrats WOULD have!
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.

Has a domestic political candidate and an offspring ever done what the Biden's did in the Ukraine? Even the Clinton's didn't try to set up Chelsea with that kind of a sweetheart deal and we all know how money hungry THEY are!
You get tricky putting that proviso in about "a domestic political opponent", Boo but President's have held up foreign aid for many reasons in the past. Your whole thesis rests on Joe Biden being a threat to Trump and quite frankly...I don't think Biden has been a threat to anyone running for President since Nixon was in office!
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.

Has a domestic political candidate and an offspring ever done what the Biden's did in the Ukraine? Even the Clinton's didn't try to set up Chelsea with that kind of a sweetheart deal and we all know how money hungry THEY are!

There you go again accusing the Bidens of a crime. If Joe contacted Burisma and demanded a job for his son that would be a crime.
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.

Has a domestic political candidate and an offspring ever done what the Biden's did in the Ukraine? Even the Clinton's didn't try to set up Chelsea with that kind of a sweetheart deal and we all know how money hungry THEY are!

There you go again accusing the Bidens of a crime. If Joe contacted Burisma and demanded a job for his son that would be a crime.

Come on, Boo! We both know I haven't accused the Biden's of a crime...I'm simply pointing out that what Joe Biden has been doing with his idiot son Hunter for decades now is sleazy. Can't argue that...so you keep trying to make this about "crime"? You're floundering in this string...just saying!
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.

Has a domestic political candidate and an offspring ever done what the Biden's did in the Ukraine? Even the Clinton's didn't try to set up Chelsea with that kind of a sweetheart deal and we all know how money hungry THEY are!

There you go again accusing the Bidens of a crime. If Joe contacted Burisma and demanded a job for his son that would be a crime.
Exactly why there needs to be an investigation.

Companies don't pay crackheads with no experience $83,000 per month for no reason.
They had no case, wanted endless amounts of time for one to fall on them or someone else to create one for them
This isn't about Trump doing anything other Presidents haven't done before him.

Of course it is, he got impeached for it. Not one President has held foreign aid hostage for a favor against a domestic political opponent.

Has a domestic political candidate and an offspring ever done what the Biden's did in the Ukraine? Even the Clinton's didn't try to set up Chelsea with that kind of a sweetheart deal and we all know how money hungry THEY are!

There you go again accusing the Bidens of a crime. If Joe contacted Burisma and demanded a job for his son that would be a crime.

Come on, Boo! We both know I haven't accused the Biden's of a crime...I'm simply pointing out that what Joe Biden has been doing with his idiot son Hunter for decades now is sleazy. Can't argue that...so you keep trying to make this about "crime"? You're floundering in this string...just saying!

What Kind of sweetheart deal are you claiming that Joe made for his son? Now you want to slander him more by claiming he's been arranging these type of sweetheart deals for his son for decades? I don't even think old Trumpybear has gone that far yet!
It made no sense. There was no itelligible point. Try again
so you ignored the fact that 13 witnesses were called. interesting, and then say it was intelligible. Check your spelling on that word BTW.

I ignored nothing. I'm asking what your point is and why is it relevant to what I posted.
I guess if you don't know your point, nor do we.
It's clear, dope. It was about the investigation that happened prior to the vote.
You then mentioned 13 witnesses that came after the vote. IOW irrelevant.
correct within that investigation. what is it you think they did with those 13 testimonies?

What is your point, dope?

Are you saying that evidence gathered in an investigation outside of an official impeachment proceeding cannot be used as evidence in an impeachment?
The Obama admin released thousands of documents related to F&F right away. Others were held under privilege. It went to court and 2 years later some sixty thousand documents were released.

Trump has outright refused to release anything and has not invoked executive privilege even once.

No comparison.

Then, why House didn't go to court?

Without even mentioning any crimes, there was dead body of US Customs agent as result of the Fast & Furious. No comparison, right?

They did go to court.
Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal

The better question is why is the Trump admin is not cooperating with subpoenas?
Howell is a far-left hack appointed by Obama and she worked for Patrick Leahy for 10 years.

Part of that ruling has already been reversed, the rest is still on appeal.

You lose again.

Oh, ok.
You mean the obstruction is ongoing.

Funny how Dimwingers think if something is in our court system awaiting a final ruling it is "obstruction".

It demonstrates just how fucking clueless you are.

When the intent is to obstruct, it is.
I said it's common to have people who could be influential to their goals on the board.
Again. You have no idea of what H Biden's role was. Or what if any actions he nade on behalf of the board.

Corruption is an action.
He made no "actions". It was strictly a "ceremonial" position.

It was a no-show job, idiot.

Well, if he made no actions, then where are the corrupt acts? Simply taking a well paying, dick job is not corruption, dope.
Your story keeps changing.
Nope. Yours does, dope.
Again. Where are the corrupt acts?
What corrupt services did he provide for the money?
You wouldn't admit Biden is corrupt if he announced it on TV himself. That's how much of a brainwashed hack you are.

There is no evidence of corruption.
He was "bragging on television" about an official act as VP.

Again. Point out the corrupt acts.
So the best defense that Hutch can come up with for what was an obviously corrupt arrangement between Burisma and the Biden family is that technically it's OK because it's not illegal? Why do you even bother, Hutch? You can attempt to polish this turd all day long but at the end of the day...it's still gonna smell to high heavens!

What I find amusing is that it's a pretty safe bet that if Trump hadn't exposed what took place...then one of Joe's Democratic competitors for the nomination would have been more than happy to do so! You think Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other clowns in the clown car that makes up the Democratic slate of candidates are losing any sleep over Joe Biden being exposed like this?

It's only a corrupt arrangement if you can show corrupt acts.

Can you?

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