Why Didn't NY's "Red Flag Law" not apply to Payton S. Gendron (Buffalo Shooter) in 2021?

That's always been the case for those deranged that pose no danger to themselves or the public. They are treated in their communities but were damn sure not allowed to live on the street.

Those that pose a danger, or even a menace to our society (like those nut-jobs shitting in the street) should be locked-away from the public till they get straightened-out. Redirect money and build the facilities/hire the staff necessary.

I'll tell you something else.....If the facilities are available you will soon find out that there are fewer crazies acting out....I've seen folks that acted a bit "off-kilter" suddenly "fly right" when faced with being institutionalized......The mere threat of being sent to our Western State Mental Institution would do that.
We will never have the money or man power to lock up all the looneys....your options are ignore them---or kill them off.
We will never have the money or man power to lock up all the looneys....your options are ignore them---or kill them off.
It’s funny, for two hundred years we managed to do just that. We don’t lack the capability, we lack the will.
You're calling a racist a lib. We all know racists are far right wing nuts. None of them are lids. It's your f****** problem.
This guy was an admitted nazi and an admitted communist who became a socialist. Despite the libs spinning shit, racist jew hating Hitler and the nazi were and have remained LEFTISTS.

It's crazy to call them right wing---despite the libs spinning. Nazis then and now were/are eco nuts and racist libs looking for a free socialist ride.
It’s funny, for two hundred years we managed to do just that. We don’t lack the capability, we lack the will.
You really want to lock up the looneys like we did for 200 years? Do you know what the insane asylums were like during those years? It would be much kinder to just kill them off outright.
How will taxing the gun manufacturers do anything?
Its the same principle as with fags. Their products generate social and health problems that fall on the general public. They should contribute to that expense.
Whether that is mental health checks, extra police , whatever.
Think of it as a driver.You pay taxes to build roads to dive your car on. Guns should not be exempt.
Guns protect the law abidding--this mentally disturbed lib's problems weren't guns but that he was violent socialist almost certainly abusing drugs.
Except the evidence in the rest of the world is that lack of guns make you safer. All of westen europe is safer than the US. Whine all you like but that is a fact.

Your political analysis is pretty much gibberish.
Not only should fags be taxed, they should be put on a desert island and kept there.
fags are taxed.The money goes into cancdr research and hospitals.
I dont smoke so let Philip Morris and BAT pay for the damage their products cause.
Except the evidence in the rest of the world is that lack of guns make you safer. All of westen europe is safer than the US. Whine all you like but that is a fact.

Your political analysis is pretty much gibberish.
Come get our guns!
Its the same principle as with fags. Their products generate social and health problems that fall on the general public. They should contribute to that expense.
Whether that is mental health checks, extra police , whatever.
Think of it as a driver.You pay taxes to build roads to dive your car on. Guns should not be exempt.
Driving isn't a right. Guns are only dangerous if they're abused. Fags kill you slowly because by it's very nature, tobacco is unhealthy.

If you want to pay for medical bills, take that up with the criminals doing the shooting.
Driving isn't a right. Guns are only dangerous if they're abused. Fags kill you slowly because by it's very nature, tobacco is unhealthy.

If you want to pay for medical bills, take that up with the criminals doing the shooting.
Guns are abused every fucking day. Someone should pay for it.
You really want to lock up the looneys like we did for 200 years? Do you know what the insane asylums were like during those years? It would be much kinder to just kill them off outright.
Perhaps on an objective level. But there is most definitely no will to do that.
Go after the abusers. Leave those who haven't caused one bit of harm, alone.

In our country, the government can't punish people who haven't broken the law.
Your laws are framed for a different time. You dont burn wittches any more so maybe the country should look to the future not the past.
Your laws are framed for a different time. You dont burn wittches any more so maybe the country should look to the future not the past.
Not punishing people who haven't committed a crime will never be out of date.

Will ch burning comes from YOUR country...lol
Exactly what did either the gun maker or the gun store do that was illegal? Unless the GOVERNMENT puts people on the banned list, it's legal to sell them weapons. As usual your idea makes as much as allowing people to sue car dealers and builders for the results of someone driving drunk and killing someone, or a truck rental company for renting a truck to a terrorist who then uses it to kill eighty six people and main hundreds more.

You miss the point of civil liability. YOu can be found civilly liable even if you didn't do anything criminal.

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are. This man bought an AR-15 SPECIFICALLY because he knew it was easy to modify and would do maximum damage.

No? I don't see conservatives suing to keep the mentally ill out of confinement. I don't see conservatives letting murderous career criminals out of prison due to covid or overcrowding. Shall I go on?

No, what the conservatives do is slash funding to mental health programs to give tax cuts to billionaires.

Why Didn't NY's "Red Flag Law" not apply to Payton S. Gendron (Buffalo Shooter) in 2021?​

You know why.
Because they are orchestrating them and sacrificing children in order to achieve their end game of a helpless population.
Then lying out their asses that it's something else.

Just think, if they are willing to sacrifice children in order to revoke the 2nd amendment, then tell bold face lies about it and deflect from reality, then what do you think they are capable of AFTER they have disarmed the American population completely?

McCauley Caulkin faces are only going to go so far. At some point it takes more.
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