Why didn't Obama and the Democrats Just Go for Single Payor

Government provides currency, security, regulation and infrastructure.

Without those things, Capitalism isn't possible.

You can have trade..but it wouldn't be the same thing.

What an astonishingly ignorant statement.

People didn't barter before official government currency? How about bitcoins? People didn't build homes or shops or lay out roads before government? People didn't self regulate trade and codes of conduct before government?

Money existed long before the government nationalized the business. Also, private firms have been providing their own security for centuries. The only thing regulations do is make it harder for the small guy to compete. Most regulations are written by the already entrenched corporations. Private business can also build its own infrastructure. It's been doing that for hundreds of years as well.
Why didn't Obama and the Democrats Just Go for Single Payor

BHO and gang went the way it did, so that when the far right reactionaries nearly pulled down the country over it, the Dems would get what they want eventually: single payer. I don't think there is any way to stop that from happening.
Why didn't Obama and the democrats just go for single payer?

Because that would be like straight to the triple dog dare, it just isn't done... It's a breach of etiquette...

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Most dems won't even say publicly that they are for a single payer system. They know Americans reject the idea.

No. They know that a well funded minority of Americans reject the idea. Huge difference.

It is a common sense policy. It saves money and improves outcomes.

The lobby against it is strong......but to claim that Americans reject it is bullshit.

Lmao, it's the American people that don't want a single payer system. Heck they don't want a public option, nonetheless a single payer system. Every time your ideas are unpopular, you liberals always have some excuse. People just don't trust the government enough to have them run healthcare, and rightfully so,
They wanted to make sure the insurance companies profited from it. Couldn't do that with single payer.
OP- BECAUSE THEY WANTED SOMETHING THAT WOULD pass LOL, AND ACTUALLY WANTED A UNITED CONGRESS IN THOSE HARD TIMES- THEY EXPECTED pUBS TO VOTE FOR THE Pub plan- never figured on the mindless obstruction Pubs had decided on, the incredible scumbags...
Most dems won't even say publicly that they are for a single payer system. They know Americans reject the idea.

No. They know that a well funded minority of Americans reject the idea. Huge difference.

It is a common sense policy. It saves money and improves outcomes.

The lobby against it is strong......but to claim that Americans reject it is bullshit.

Lmao, it's the American people that don't want a single payer system. Heck they don't want a public option, nonetheless a single payer system. Every time your ideas are unpopular, you liberals always have some excuse. People just don't trust the government enough to have them run healthcare, and rightfully so,

Sure, they didnt want social security either, another socialist scheme that had the founders turning in their graves. Freaking liberal ideas.
Why didn't Obama and the Democrats Just Go for Single Payor

BHO and gang went the way it did, so that when the far right reactionaries nearly pulled down the country over it, the Dems would get what they want eventually: single payer. I don't think there is any way to stop that from happening.

Probably. But not before Liz Fowler and her friends have drained us dry. Fifteen or twenty years is my guess.
Why didn't Obama and the Democrats Just Go for Single Payor

BHO and gang went the way it did, so that when the far right reactionaries nearly pulled down the country over it, the Dems would get what they want eventually: single payer. I don't think there is any way to stop that from happening.
It's worked in most countries ... so has Medicare ... just make it available to everyone.
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The insurance companies give large contributions to congress in order to avoid single payer.
That and the stories about waiting lists in countries that do have single payer convince many, who don't do research themselves, that those tales are true.

competing insurance companies are capitalism in action....they are currently fighting for their lives in a system that leaves them with very narrow profits....especially if you compare them with the profits of providers like the drug companies or medical products....but they're the ones who take all the heat when prices go up...

a single payer system sets prices.....this is the big attraction of single payer but also its downfall....

setting arbitrary rates can keep prices down but this causes many insurers and health providers to go out of business or go elsewhere and you are left with no innovation and a rationed healthcare system......

this is why single payer Canadians come down to the U.S. for surgeries and other specialized healthcare....and why Sweden which has long been touted by the liberals as such a great single payer system has moved to private insurers....

many Dems are aware that single payer is not a good solution....but the Far Left has taken over their party and power is their real motivation....in whatever form they can manage to legislate...or as we've seen lately....dictate...

Poor health insurance companies are fighting for their lives. So this is the reason the CEO's are applying for food stamps and section 8 housing. Thanks for keeping us in tears.
The insurance companies give large contributions to congress in order to avoid single payer.
That and the stories about waiting lists in countries that do have single payer convince many, who don't do research themselves, that those tales are true.

competing insurance companies are capitalism in action....they are currently fighting for their lives in a system that leaves them with very narrow profits....especially if you compare them with the profits of providers like the drug companies or medical products....but they're the ones who take all the heat when prices go up...

a single payer system sets prices.....this is the big attraction of single payer but also its downfall....

setting arbitrary rates can keep prices down but this causes many insurers and health providers to go out of business or go elsewhere and you are left with no innovation and a rationed healthcare system......

this is why single payer Canadians come down to the U.S. for surgeries and other specialized healthcare....and why Sweden which has long been touted by the liberals as such a great single payer system has moved to private insurers....

many Dems are aware that single payer is not a good solution....but the Far Left has taken over their party and power is their real motivation....in whatever form they can manage to legislate...or as we've seen lately....dictate...

Poor health insurance companies are fighting for their lives.....

They are. And they're kicking ass! (ours)
Medicare Is More Efficient Than Private Insurance ? Health Affairs Blog

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, administrative costs in Medicare are only about 2 percent of operating expenditures. Defenders of the insurance industry estimate administrative costs as 17 percent of revenue.
Insurance industry-funded studies exclude private plans’ marketing costs and profits from their calculation of administrative costs. Even so, Medicare’s overhead is dramatically lower.
Medicare administrative cost figures include the collection of Medicare taxes, fraud and abuse controls, and building costs.
We seriously would of been better off.

The goddamn losertrians would of bitched either way.
Why didn't Obama and the Democrats Just Go for Single Payor
This is clearly rhetorical, yes?

But for those on the right who are rather dense:

A single payer plan was not proposed because you and others on the right would have gone into full-blown nuclear meltdown mode; just look at the hissy-fit conservatives threw over the ACA, and that was originally their plan.
I mean this is what they desire! This is what Obaminationcare's end game is. Obaminationcare was designed to fail and fail miserably tearing the enter system down with in, while at the same time upping the number of people in medicaid.

Eventually they will float the only solution is single payor!

However, in the meantime Obaminationcare will decimate the economy and gripple the job market.

I am not arguing whether or not single payor is the solution, but if that is what they so strongly desire, then why didn't they just push that plan when they had the house and senate? I mean not a single republican voted for Obamacare anyways, so why didn't they just go for what they wanted?

President Obama didn't go for single-payer because he didn't have the votes to do it.

So he went into his initial negotiation with Republicans and said right up front that he wouldn't go for single-payer, so they shouldn't worry about having to fight him on that one. He told him he wanted to keep healthcare in private hands and then asked if Republicans would also compromise and give up something.

Republicans gave up nothing. They had decided already that they were going to oppose no matter what Obama wanted to do.

The people who drafted Obamacare used Romneycare as a model. They even said so themselves. Romneycare works just fine. And all states working with the feds are making Obamacare work pretty well, while all states that hate Obama can't seem to get anything done for their people because they refuse to accept that it's the law.

Obama passed a center-right law with Obamacare. A true progressive vision would have been single-payer all the way. Just expand Medicare over a few years to include everyone and be done with it already. It gets seniors affordable care and cheaper drugs. One huge insurance pool is NOT what private industry wants though, because everyone in the same pool would give us all stronger purchasing power and lower premiums.

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