Why didn't Obama and the Democrats Just Go for Single Payor

From what I saw on a PBS Frontline show a great amount of this law was written by two top staffers. Both who came directly from the Health care industry. And the health care industry was not going to allow single payer to happen.

The health care companies have written a law that is heads they win, tails we lose.

Yep. Google Liz Fowler. ACA is the insurance industry circling the wagons against single payer.

Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.
Yep. Google Liz Fowler. ACA is the insurance industry circling the wagons against single payer.

Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Without government..Capitalism is not possible.
Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Without government..Capitalism is not possible.

Yep. Google Liz Fowler. ACA is the insurance industry circling the wagons against single payer.

Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.
Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.

Government provides currency, security, regulation and infrastructure.

Without those things, Capitalism isn't possible.

You can have trade..but it wouldn't be the same thing.
exactly. And that answers the op's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only bernie sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (aca) shoved down their throat just like repubs did. The only thing is the dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought repubs were all for capitalism?

that's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.

Yep. Google Liz Fowler. ACA is the insurance industry circling the wagons against single payer.

Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Ahha. In the world inhabited by those that are blind to the truth, you might be correct.

But the sad fact is that major corporations and government have a revolving door program where they just change personnel and continue with business as usual. Which is, I give you a nice donation, you give me a nice piece of legislation. Then, when the Congresscritter gets tired of not making any real money, they retire from Congress and take a job with a big corporation or lobbying group for major money.

Don't you read much about corporations/Wall street and our congress?

It's a "plutocracy" thing. Taking care of their own.
that's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.


You're in an agreeable mood.

I mean this is what they desire! This is what Obaminationcare's end game is. Obaminationcare was designed to fail and fail miserably tearing the enter system down with in, while at the same time upping the number of people in medicaid.

Eventually they will float the only solution is single payor!

However, in the meantime Obaminationcare will decimate the economy and gripple the job market.

I am not arguing whether or not single payor is the solution, but if that is what they so strongly desire, then why didn't they just push that plan when they had the house and senate? I mean not a single republican voted for Obamacare anyways, so why didn't they just go for what they wanted?

There just wasn't much support for that. Their only option was to screw things up even more because desperate people are easier to manipulate. Soon it will be touted as the only solution to fix the problems that government created. Just wait, it's coming.......
That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.

Government provides currency, security, regulation and infrastructure.

Without those things, Capitalism isn't possible.

You can have trade..but it wouldn't be the same thing.

OK again. And, again, the implied 'so the fuck what'? I'm not advocating anarchy. I'm saying government shouldn't be interfering in our personal economic decisions. When you give government that power, those with the most to gain from controlling it (in this case, the insurance companies) will find a way to bend it to their ends. Blaming that on capitalism is perverse. It's like blaming freedom for tyranny.
I mean this is what they desire! This is what Obaminationcare's end game is. Obaminationcare was designed to fail and fail miserably tearing the enter system down with in, while at the same time upping the number of people in medicaid.

Eventually they will float the only solution is single payor!

However, in the meantime Obaminationcare will decimate the economy and gripple the job market.

I am not arguing whether or not single payor is the solution, but if that is what they so strongly desire, then why didn't they just push that plan when they had the house and senate? I mean not a single republican voted for Obamacare anyways, so why didn't they just go for what they wanted?

There just wasn't much support for that. Their only option was to screw things up even more because desperate people are easier to manipulate. Soon it will be touted as the only solution to fix the problems that government created. Just wait, it's coming.......

There wasn't much support for obamacare either, but they rammed it through despite the will of the people.
Exactly. And that answers the OP's question. The law was written in committee with a great deal of input from the insurance industry and only Bernie Sanders would come out and say what a mess this law was and how we needed single payer.

What's to argue. Dems outside of the leadership and the committee had it (ACA) shoved down their throat just like Repubs did. The only thing is the Dems didn't gag.

This is just big corporations imposing their will on our Congress. It represents what capitalism looks like today.

I thought Repubs were all for capitalism?

That's not capitalism, it's the opposite. Capitalism requires that government stay out of our economic decisions.

Ahha. In the world inhabited by those that are blind to the truth, you might be correct.

But the sad fact is that major corporations and government have a revolving door program where they just change personnel and continue with business as usual. Which is, I give you a nice donation, you give me a nice piece of legislation. Then, when the Congresscritter gets tired of not making any real money, they retire from Congress and take a job with a big corporation or lobbying group for major money.

Don't you read much about corporations/Wall street and our congress?

It's a "plutocracy" thing. Taking care of their own.

Oh I get. It's just not capitalism. It's sort of like slamming communism because Stalin was a brutal dictator.
I mean this is what they desire! This is what Obaminationcare's end game is. Obaminationcare was designed to fail and fail miserably tearing the enter system down with in, while at the same time upping the number of people in medicaid.

Eventually they will float the only solution is single payor!

However, in the meantime Obaminationcare will decimate the economy and gripple the job market.

I am not arguing whether or not single payor is the solution, but if that is what they so strongly desire, then why didn't they just push that plan when they had the house and senate? I mean not a single republican voted for Obamacare anyways, so why didn't they just go for what they wanted?

The American people would not swallow single payer in one go.

But that is exactly where we are headed. You will hear more and more Democrats begin to speak openly about it in the coming years.

We will have single payer within our lifetime.
Theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.

Government provides currency, security, regulation and infrastructure.

Without those things, Capitalism isn't possible.

You can have trade..but it wouldn't be the same thing.

OK again. And, again, the implied 'so the fuck what'? I'm not advocating anarchy. I'm saying government shouldn't be interfering in our personal economic decisions. When you give government that power, those with the most to gain from controlling it (in this case, the insurance companies) will find a way to bend it to their ends. Blaming that on capitalism is perverse. It's like blaming freedom for tyranny.

Personal decisions in terms of what?

The government not only provides the things I listed but it also provides patents and copyrights.

Which is another way of "interfering" with "personal" decisions.

I never see any of you "free market" libertarians complaining about stuff like that.

And it really does create a HUGE disadvantage to people who want to start up a business.
I mean this is what they desire! This is what Obaminationcare's end game is. Obaminationcare was designed to fail and fail miserably tearing the enter system down with in, while at the same time upping the number of people in medicaid.

Eventually they will float the only solution is single payor!

However, in the meantime Obaminationcare will decimate the economy and gripple the job market.

I am not arguing whether or not single payor is the solution, but if that is what they so strongly desire, then why didn't they just push that plan when they had the house and senate? I mean not a single republican voted for Obamacare anyways, so why didn't they just go for what they wanted?

Of course you arent. If you did you would have to stick by it. Its easier to shit on everyone else when you dont have a position

I have stated my opinion many times. I like John Kerry's $20K deductible with people buying private insurance as a buy-down on the $20K deductible. Meaning the government covers catastrophic. The $20K also only covers citizens not illegals. I also stated, medicare for 0-18 and 70+ with incentives to start later at 75.

Happy now blow it out your ass!
Theories about capitalism are actually based on the power of perfect (or near perfect) markets. The foundation of laissez faire economics is market theory. Not all markets are perfect and government can certainly screw things ups but that doesn't mean all markets would be perfect without government.

Government provides currency, security, regulation and infrastructure.

Without those things, Capitalism isn't possible.

You can have trade..but it wouldn't be the same thing.

OK again. And, again, the implied 'so the fuck what'? I'm not advocating anarchy. I'm saying government shouldn't be interfering in our personal economic decisions. When you give government that power, those with the most to gain from controlling it (in this case, the insurance companies) will find a way to bend it to their ends. Blaming that on capitalism is perverse. It's like blaming freedom for tyranny.

In the US we try and have our capitalism and meet our moral obligations. The end result often times leads to the US government screwing things up royally.

The solution isn't always laissez faire economics. Sometimes it is just better government. Government plays a big part in every industrialized nation and have a really dumb one doesn't help the US at all.

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