Why didn’t the Trump lawyer team’s court filing today include the claim that Trump declassified the documents?

Security is not created by legislation, but by executive order regulations.
And the regulations for the State Department is that you are supposed to use gov servers for all email.
That is 2 fold, to ensure security, and to satisfy FOIA.
Hillary deliberately violated the required procedures, but there was no proof of criminal intent.
And I bet this will come up if there ever is an indictment.
I think Garland has been used and opened a political can of worms.
The Deep State has her back.
The deep state includes Bill Barr, Moscow Mitch and all of Trumps appointees in the justice department.
Your deep state shit is hilariously devoid of grey matter.
Go peddle your deep state shit elsewhere.
You were part of a security tree beneath the president, established by presidential executive order.
Presidents are above that whole tree, and essentially have nothing to do with it.
To presidents, there is no such thing as "classified documents".
Presidents are not subject to any classified document regulation, so can do what they want with whatever they want.
Whether you want to consider that "declassifying" the docs or you want to consider it conferring infinite security clearance wholesale, does not matter.
The result is the same.
Presidents can and do always ignore any document classification.

You're half right. Yes, a sitting president has access to everything that the government has and is doing. They can look at anything they want to without having to ask permission as they are at the top of the government and responsible for everything under them. However, if they say that something is declassified, they need to let others who also hold that information that it has been declassified (hence, the memos sent out by their staff), so that they can take appropriate action to handle the documents properly. Those documents didn't exist only on his desk, there were copies of them elsewhere, and those places need to know what level they are supposed to hold them at.
This puts a different perspective on the tRUMP coalition.

The DOJ is having such a hard time finding document digitization vendors willing to work with Trump that it requested more time for the special master review​

According to new court documents filed Tuesday, the DOJ is asking special master Raymond Dearie for an additional day to turn over non-classified documents in the investigation. Federal prosecutors said they needed until September 28 because none of the five vendors they suggested to digitize the cache of documents "were willing to be engaged by Plaintiff."
Seems they understand tRUMP has a past history of NOT paying his bills.

Legal experts are tearing the filing part. It’s basically just one big joke. Long on hyperbole and short on legal merit.

However, what’s notable is that his lawyers didn’t include the claim Trump declassified those documents before taking them. Trump himself has said as recently as today he did.

Well he basically know why. He didn’t actually do it lol

You’re confused per usual. It is illegal for Trump to have any documents from his admin. Classified or otherwise. The classified docs are a whole other criminal matter.
That is totally up to debate and will be settled in court, if it ever goes that far.
That would do it, he was elected President. It's one of the perks that goes with the job. You're a racist and and a MASSIVE hypocrite. Your eyes would roll all the way around your head if Republicans were going after


for taking documents. And you don't even know what they are, none of us do. This is just your latest Get Trump campaign, Wile-E

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If you read the inventory of recovered docs there was top secret and SCI national Defense docs… and much more
They can lie all they want. They are held to the same restrictions on lying as a layman…..under oath when in court and in submissions to the court. Nearly 1/3 of congress are lawyers. They can’t lie ?
If they lie in court they lose their law license

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