Why do americans hate government spending?

Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

Funniest thing I read all day!!

Were you in a coma next to Rip Van Winkle this past decade? Japan, China the EU and the USA ran up $4 in debt for every dollar in GDP. It was the biggest spending orgy in history.
They didn't spend enough. Do you know how brutal the recent downturn was? We're all trapped now, and a fear of deficits is going to destroy global growth. Hell, it already is.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

Funniest thing I read all day!!

Were you in a coma next to Rip Van Winkle this past decade? Japan, China the EU and the USA ran up $4 in debt for every dollar in GDP. It was the biggest spending orgy in history.
How much of that spending ended up in the hands of americans?

Wait. You were asking without knowing the answer? Are you Paul Krugman?

The GDP in 09 was about $14T and today you let's call it $18T, thats a $4T increase.

We added $9T in US debt PLUS the Fed added $4T to there balance sheet so we took out 13T in debt to fund 4T in GDP.

Is that your version of a good deal
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

Funniest thing I read all day!!

Were you in a coma next to Rip Van Winkle this past decade? Japan, China the EU and the USA ran up $4 in debt for every dollar in GDP. It was the biggest spending orgy in history.
How much of that spending ended up in the hands of americans?

Wait. You were asking without knowing the answer? Are you Paul Krugman?

The GDP in 09 was about $14T and today you let's call it $18T, thats a $4T increase.

We added $9T in US debt PLUS the Fed added $4T to there balance sheet so we took out 13T in debt to fund 4T in GDP.

Is that your version of a good deal
Yes. The debt is no real burden.
Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

Funniest thing I read all day!!

Were you in a coma next to Rip Van Winkle this past decade? Japan, China the EU and the USA ran up $4 in debt for every dollar in GDP. It was the biggest spending orgy in history.
How much of that spending ended up in the hands of americans?

Wait. You were asking without knowing the answer? Are you Paul Krugman?

The GDP in 09 was about $14T and today you let's call it $18T, thats a $4T increase.

We added $9T in US debt PLUS the Fed added $4T to there balance sheet so we took out 13T in debt to fund 4T in GDP.

Is that your version of a good deal
Yes. The debt is no real burden.

Clearly, you're on the receiving end of the government cheese
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?
It's not spending that we have issue with, it's the debt.

we have over $19 Trillion in debt. That devalues the dollar and makes it harder for people to advance themselves.

add in who we borrow from and we can't really push certain countries to stop being bad actors.

and a lot of the spending is just bribes for votes or complete waste.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.

the government ends up picking certain companies, the ones that donate to their re-election fund, to win out over more honest people
Because we are paying through the nose for it. At least, some of us are.
You think federal taxes are needed to fund spending?
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?

Why do you hate thieves spending the money they stole from you?
Uh.. a government spending past tax receipts represents new financial assets for the private sector.
that's moronic

my god, I'm trying to think of a way to explain this to you, but it keeps hitting; "If he thinks like this, he wouldn't understand any explanation."
Some do, most don't. The problem is the retards think government should be a business instead of a service.
the problem is that some think the government is there to supply you with all your needs.
Spending for those things that the government is supposed to spend on is one thing. but taking money from one persons pocket and putting into another is a completely different thing.
So yes, people do not like to hear about new government social programs that are designed for no other purpose than a redistribution of wealth.
Those are all illusory benefits. And you think they compensate for a great big gaping hole in my wallet?
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.

Funniest thing I read all day!!

Were you in a coma next to Rip Van Winkle this past decade? Japan, China the EU and the USA ran up $4 in debt for every dollar in GDP. It was the biggest spending orgy in history.
How much of that spending ended up in the hands of americans?

Wait. You were asking without knowing the answer? Are you Paul Krugman?

The GDP in 09 was about $14T and today you let's call it $18T, thats a $4T increase.

We added $9T in US debt PLUS the Fed added $4T to there balance sheet so we took out 13T in debt to fund 4T in GDP.

Is that your version of a good deal
Yes. The debt is no real burden.
Then why are we paying billions of dollars in interest on "no real burden?"
Why do Americans hate government spending?

They do not.

They are merely reluctant for their government to spend any more money than is necessary.


Because they have to pay for it.

Next question, please.
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?
You don't understand anything about how or why government spends money. Much of it is waste, fraud, abuse of power by deal making, spending against people's interests, funding social wet dreams over infrastructure, military and police (which are the primary reasons government exists) and on and on.

It's a bizarre question, how can one live long enough to learn how to type on a computer, register on a forum and ask a question so out of touch with reality?
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.
It hurts the private sector in many ways. The larger and more powerful the public sector gets the smaller and weaker the private sector gets. Examples abound all over the world including here. Government standing on the throats of business doesn't make them prosper, you full of garbage. The only businesses that do well are those large enough to help craft the environment that enables them to further prosper.
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.
That isn't how economies thrive. That's what kills economies. Wealth doesn't grow on trees, business create it, governments take it so spending what they've taken doesn't create additional wealth. You learned a bunch of bullshit on some whackjob website (surprised you haven't posted it yet) so now you are an economist? Nope.
I seriously want to understand this. Any ideas?
It's not spending that we have issue with, it's the debt.

we have over $19 Trillion in debt. That devalues the dollar and makes it harder for people to advance themselves.

add in who we borrow from and we can't really push certain countries to stop being bad actors.

and a lot of the spending is just bribes for votes or complete waste.
Devalues the dollar?
DollarIndexSpot Exchange rate
I favor lower taxes. When the economy is experiencing depressed demand, the government needs to spend to help the private sector deleverage/have more dollars to spend.
That isn't how economies thrive. That's what kills economies. Wealth doesn't grow on trees, business create it, governments take it so spending what they've taken doesn't create additional wealth. You learned a bunch of bullshit on some whackjob website (surprised you haven't posted it yet) so now you are an economist? Nope.
The economy would slip into a recession if the government slashed the deficit.
Wealth doesn't grow on trees, I agree, but for all practical purposes, money does come from thin air. Bank loans, which create deposits, or government spending past tax receipts. I try to keep it simple. You have no actual argument, considering you've demonstrated in your posts that you don't understand what a DEFICIT is.
Why would anyone love government spending is a better question?
Helps the private sector acquire net financial assets, reduce the reliance on bank credit, increases aggregate demand.
It hurts the private sector in many ways. The larger and more powerful the public sector gets the smaller and weaker the private sector gets. Examples abound all over the world including here. Government standing on the throats of business doesn't make them prosper, you full of garbage. The only businesses that do well are those large enough to help craft the environment that enables them to further prosper.
Bullshit. The private sector goes further and further into debt when the government shrinks the deficit/runs a surplus in relation to the balance of trade/net savings of the private sector. You have to understand money creation before you quit posting this garbage. Notice how you immediately started rambling about businesses and the "private sector getting weaker." Look, the private sector collapsed during the recent recession, deleveraging, sales down, laying people off, businesses scrambling... The government stepped in to save banks, get people to work, help the now unemployed..

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