Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Why do white people blindly defend cops?

This started because this girl was jaywalking. That's right, she was crossing the street the wrong way, and he slams her into a car hood because she doesn't sign the stupid ticket. this cop should have more self control that to physically assault tow girls who don't want to listen to him.


If the people of the world stood up to the cops, and authority in general, and told them to "Fuck of and stop busting our balls over every little thing" the world would soon be a much nicer place.
Since the proportion of Black enprisoned in the USA is so far out of proportion to any other race's population, then its pretty easy for me to imagine that their instance of resisting arrest is also wacked out of proportion.

I suppose I could research it, and drag forth some linky so it could be attacked for its validity, but I'm gonna just go with common sense here.

There is hardly any black people who live here. ;)

We still have a terrible crime rate for the size we are, and most of the crime is done by white meth heads or white oxy cotin freaks.. Last year we had the worst problem per capita for pharmacies being robbed of oxy cotin, and it the by far the majority of the robberies was done by white people.
And as for black people population in jails, you might want to look into the fact until a few months ago possesion of crack got you a longer jail sentence than coke, along with how many black people are in jail are in for non violent drug crimes.
I can't remember the dealer name, but one black guy in LA got something like 15 years in prison for selling coke. He was selling coke brought in by the CIA during the Iran Contra incident. How many of those men went to prison?

Well, I assumed that the Thread addressed a NATIONAL phenomena, not one within a 20 mile radius of where you live.

But, you make a good point: crack, the cheaper form of cocain, is a drug of choice among the poor and black, and whites have made it illegal, and whites have made longer sentences for possession of even the smallest volumes, and whites enforce this law.

Anyone beginning to see why blacks might be paranoid?

I can understand why some people might want stricter sentences for crack posession. Crackheads go crazy and commit robberies and murder for that drug. Im not sure if thats a good reason for giving longer sentences for possession of one drug over another, i havent given it much thought really, but if they do that for crack, then they should probably be doing the same for meth. Those motherfuckers lose their minds too.
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Why did it take him forever to get that girl in cuffs? He had every, EVERY right in the world to punch that other girl in the face. She cannot put her hands on him like that, but whats up with him not being able to get her in cuffs? Mace, or at least get her down to the ground.

When a cop is in the process of putting cuffs on a person (even though it took him FOREVER), you do not put hyour hands on him. Period! This could ended way way way worse than this.

I hate bad cops, but this is not the case here.
Guess you can't do anything in America you want to any more unless you're an illegal alien.
Why did it take him forever to get that girl in cuffs? He had every, EVERY right in the world to punch that other girl in the face. She cannot put her hands on him like that, but whats up with him not being able to get her in cuffs? Mace, or at least get her down to the ground.

When a cop is in the process of putting cuffs on a person (even though it took him FOREVER), you do not put hyour hands on him. Period! This could ended way way way worse than this.

I hate bad cops, but this is not the case here.

Thats kind of a bad neighborhood there, right off of Martin Luther King blvd, right next to several busy bus stations that attract mobs of young thugs. You might say that of the few bad spots you can find in Seattle, this is one of the worst.

The police officer was probably concerned about being mobbed while hes prone on the ground, which might explain why he wouldnt want to just take her to the ground to get the cuffs on her more easilly, but still, he took WAY too fucking long to get her in cuffs either way.
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Resisting cops is my right as an American citizen, whether they believe it or not.

I think you only have the right to resist an unlawful arrest. But you are correct in your observations. The cop is a straight gaywad or a gay fuckwad for punching the teenage girl in the face.

I am not talking about resisting arrest, I am talking about resisting the cop attitude that thinks he can "lecture" someone.
Resisting cops is my right as an American citizen, whether they believe it or not.

I think you only have the right to resist an unlawful arrest. But you are correct in your observations. The cop is a straight gaywad or a gay fuckwad for punching the teenage girl in the face.

I am not talking about resisting arrest, I am talking about resisting the cop attitude that thinks he can "lecture" someone.

When you break the law, youre damn right he can lecture you, and more, so you better listen to what he says and answer with alot of "yes sir"s.
I think you only have the right to resist an unlawful arrest. But you are correct in your observations. The cop is a straight gaywad or a gay fuckwad for punching the teenage girl in the face.

I am not talking about resisting arrest, I am talking about resisting the cop attitude that thinks he can "lecture" someone.

When you break the law, youre damn right he can lecture you, and more, so you better listen to what he says and answer with alot of "yes sir"s.

Wrong. Ask a lawyer, I don't have to listen to a cop just because he is talking, and I never have to say yes sir to anything he says.
I am not talking about resisting arrest, I am talking about resisting the cop attitude that thinks he can "lecture" someone.

When you break the law, youre damn right he can lecture you, and more, so you better listen to what he says and answer with alot of "yes sir"s.

Wrong. Ask a lawyer, I don't have to listen to a cop just because he is talking, and I never have to say yes sir to anything he says.

Do you have some sort of power that allows you to go deaf upon command? If he is citing you for whatever, if he wants to lecture you before he writes up the ticket, you DO have to sit there and listen. If you dont believe me, see what happens the next time you get pulled over and you try to drive away before hes done writing the ticket.
Negro people are genetically predisposed to criminal activity. Most of them have no idea why they break the law, they just do it. It's almost like breathing to Negros. Obama has done well becuase he is half-white.
Do you have some sort of power that allows you to go deaf upon command? If he is citing you for whatever, if he wants to lecture you before he writes up the ticket, you DO have to sit there and listen. If you dont believe me, see what happens the next time you get pulled over and you try to drive away before hes done writing the ticket.

Ever hear of iPods? Cell Phones? Gameboys? Even just sticking my your fingers in your ears and humming? If he wants to detain me and write a ticket, fine, but that does not give him a right to lecture me. I will not listen to a lecture from someone just because he has a badge.
Never understood the mentality it takes to actually get into a pissing contest with a guy who caries a gun.

I never understood the mentality that thinks just because someone carries a gun, or wears a badge, they are better than I am.
Do you have some sort of power that allows you to go deaf upon command? If he is citing you for whatever, if he wants to lecture you before he writes up the ticket, you DO have to sit there and listen. If you dont believe me, see what happens the next time you get pulled over and you try to drive away before hes done writing the ticket.

Ever hear of iPods? Cell Phones? Gameboys? Even just sticking my your fingers in your ears and humming? If he wants to detain me and write a ticket, fine, but that does not give him a right to lecture me. I will not listen to a lecture from someone just because he has a badge.

You sound a whiny bitch that instead of admitting he did something wrong, hes throws a tantrum and acts like a child. If i was the police officer, im certain i could find a legal way to cite you for disrupting the peace and then id arrest you and you would sit in a jail cell without your gameboys and ipods.
Do you have some sort of power that allows you to go deaf upon command? If he is citing you for whatever, if he wants to lecture you before he writes up the ticket, you DO have to sit there and listen. If you dont believe me, see what happens the next time you get pulled over and you try to drive away before hes done writing the ticket.

Ever hear of iPods? Cell Phones? Gameboys? Even just sticking my your fingers in your ears and humming? If he wants to detain me and write a ticket, fine, but that does not give him a right to lecture me. I will not listen to a lecture from someone just because he has a badge.

You sound a whiny bitch that instead of admitting he did something wrong, hes throws a tantrum and acts like a child. If i was the police officer, im certain i could find a legal way to cite you for disrupting the peace and then id arrest you and you would sit in a jail cell without your gameboys and ipods.

You have illustrated my point excellently, thank you. Police need to be accountable to the public, not the other way around.

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