Why do black people fight with the police so often?

The cop appeared to be completely justified in everything that he did, with the exception of punching the woman square in the face.

Everything that the girls did was wrong.
Given the circumstances, I don't see how striking her, in his attempts to subdue her while surrounded by other potential attackers, was really all that wrong. It's not like he beat her down with a billy club and kept hitting her after she was unable to pose a threat.
It is not OK, ever, under any circumstances, for a cop to use force for a jaywalking offense.

He didn't He used force when two people was physically resisting arrest and assaulting an officer.
Until SPD gets that message I will always believe they are wrong in any altercation with a jaywalker that results in force being used, and disregard anything the police have to say on the matter.

Right, so when the jaywalker tries to stab the cop, you'll go after the cop...

fuck off
it is entertaining watching you paint yourself into a corner

If you're really interested, then I suggest:



We, as whites, really cannot imagine what its like to be black, and I'm certainly not saying that every opinion given in this book is valid: I'm saying that it gives you a glipse into the POV of ONE black that may explain why blacks may resist arrest more than whites.

Frankly, I think the incarceration rate (60% of the prison population is black) speaks for itself. For one reason or another, they are more likely to be jailed, even though they only comprise about 15% of the population. Regardless of all attempts to integrate society, most cops are white, most lawyers are white, most legislatures are white, and most judges are white.

Imagine if you could, living in a nation where cops, lawyers, legislatures, and judges are black.

Prisons, are filled with whites.

It could make you a tad paranoid.
it should motivate them to change

Ever consider that the above is all related to the fact that the average Black high school graduate performs worse in standardized tests that a White 8th grader or an the average Asian 7th grader?
Since the proportion of Black enprisoned in the USA is so far out of proportion to any other race's population, then its pretty easy for me to imagine that their instance of resisting arrest is also wacked out of proportion.

I suppose I could research it, and drag forth some linky so it could be attacked for its validity, but I'm gonna just go with common sense here.

There is hardly any black people who live here. ;)

We still have a terrible crime rate for the size we are, and most of the crime is done by white meth heads or white oxy cotin freaks.. Last year we had the worst problem per capita for pharmacies being robbed of oxy cotin, and it the by far the majority of the robberies was done by white people.
And as for black people population in jails, you might want to look into the fact until a few months ago possesion of crack got you a longer jail sentence than coke, along with how many black people are in jail are in for non violent drug crimes.
I can't remember the dealer name, but one black guy in LA got something like 15 years in prison for selling coke. He was selling coke brought in by the CIA during the Iran Contra incident. How many of those men went to prison?

Well, I assumed that the Thread addressed a NATIONAL phenomena, not one within a 20 mile radius of where you live.

But, you make a good point: crack, the cheaper form of cocain, is a drug of choice among the poor and black, and whites have made it illegal, and whites have made longer sentences for possession of even the smallest volumes, and whites enforce this law.

Anyone beginning to see why blacks might be paranoid?
I'm beginning to see why they shouldn't smoke crack :eusa_eh:
Why did it take him forever to get that girl in cuffs? He had every, EVERY right in the world to punch that other girl in the face. She cannot put her hands on him like that, but whats up with him not being able to get her in cuffs? Mace, or at least get her down to the ground.

He was probably too busy worrying about the rest of them jumping in and killing him in the fucking street
OMG the sky is falling. I actually agree with Zona.

Even though this will turn into a race thing..(starting off with the title to this thread), and I am against bad cops....this man was 100% in his rights to protect himself.

I think mace would have worked beautifully here, but whatever. This could have been much worse.

He should be somewhat ashamed of himself for taking so long to get her in cuffs though.

If I were his supervisor i would already have him in some type of remedial training focusing on how to cuff a woman.
And how the fuck to use his radio to call for backup. There's a reason t's on his damned shoulder.
Amazing, isn't it? I see the bad side of cops a lot more often than than the good one. They have an us against them mentality, and the only us is the people who wear the badge.

As someone who's been arrested and been to prison, that's not been my experience.

I can think of 3 times I met a total douchebag cop on a powertrip and I can't count the coops I've met who came across as pretty decent folk.

I mean, I've been stopped at night, while drinking, while dressed all in black with several weapons visible and been allowed to keep my drink after they confirmed that I (A) wasn't who they were worried about; (B)didn't get an attitude. Several times.

Are some cops pricks? Yeah, but you'll find pricks anywhere ya go. Most of the cops I've met had better things to do than fuck with honest folk.
What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.

as a sexist? :eusa_angel:
Actually, by law the police officer is allowed, if not encouraged, to escalte use of force in this way in these situations. From everyhting ive read, it appears this police officer will face no charges at all. In fact the police officers guild said they were relieved that someone actually had a video of it, because it proves the police officer did nothing wrong.

What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.


Sometimes it sucks being a gentleman, but there has to be some way a fully grown man who is trained in self defense can deal with a 17 yo girl without punching her in the face.
they're called escort locks, and cops are supposed to know them
The officer had no choice. I've seen cops taking down out of control teen girls. They don't stop.

Many teenagers today take minor situations to the nth degree. I've mentioned here before how many students refuse to give their cell phone to the teacher and security has to be called. Then the situation just escalates. When there is no respect for rules and laws and no respect for authority, kids can end up getting hurt.

I imagine in many urban school districts, teachers are afraid to correct or confront the students. It's no surprise that they would expect the police to let them do anything they wish as well. Disrespect can be a learned behavior.

When stories like this get portrayed as brutality and frivilous lawsuits are filed against the cops, many stop enforcing the law. It becomes a cycle that only gets worse.
But, you make a good point: crack, the cheaper form of cocain, is a drug of choice among the poor and black, and whites have made it illegal, and whites have made longer sentences for possession of even the smallest volumes, and whites enforce this law.

Anyone beginning to see why blacks might be paranoid?

back in the 80's, when crack was racing through inner cities like a forest fire, black leaders DEMANDED something be done about it. those leaders were happy about the stiff sentences then. and they get to pretend it was some white racist conspiracy to oppress black men now because no one remembers what it was like back then. go read some Time or Newsweek article from that era and find out what was really going on.
Never understood the mentality it takes to actually get into a pissing contest with a guy who caries a gun.

I never understood the mentality that thinks just because someone carries a gun, or wears a badge, they are better than I am.

No one said they were better than you. However, since they are out there risking their life everyday keeping or attempting to keep people safe; they do deserve some measure of respect.

Something that too many people these days just do not seem to understand.
Perhaps if they stop punching girls in the face and slamming them on cars for JAYWALKING they would get more respect.

Respect must be earned.

Actions like this make the police lose respect.
I never understood the mentality that thinks just because someone carries a gun, or wears a badge, they are better than I am.

No one said they were better than you. However, since they are out there risking their life everyday keeping or attempting to keep people safe; they do deserve some measure of respect.

Something that too many people these days just do not seem to understand.
Perhaps if they stop punching girls in the face and slamming them on cars for JAYWALKING they would get more respect.

Respect must be earned.

Actions like this make the police lose respect.

You'd have a point if he'd slammed someone for jaywalking instead of for resisting arresting and assaulting an officer :eusa_hand:
The offense was jaywalking. Everything after was stupidity on the cop's part.

If he can't deal with teenage girls he really needs a different job.
The offense was jaywalking. Everything after was stupidity on the cop's part.

If he can't deal with teenage girls he really needs a different job.
right... it was him who, along with himself, resisted arrest and assaulted himself :rolleyes:
We come into this event long after its started.

Knowing who is over reacting at that point is therefore impossible.
The offense was jaywalking. Everything after was stupidity on the cop's part.

If he can't deal with teenage girls he really needs a different job.

the encounter initiated with a jaywalking offence. but that's not what she was arrested for.

why does black culture so often come to the defence of scofflaws? everyone breaks a small law occasionally but a good citizen acknowledges their small infraction has, at best, inconvenienced society. this teenager seems to lack any recognition that her actions affect those around her.
The offense was jaywalking. Everything after was stupidity on the cop's part.

If he can't deal with teenage girls he really needs a different job.
right... it was him who, along with himself, resisted arrest and assaulted himself :rolleyes:
The one that got punched wasn't resisting arrest. She shoved the cop. She shouldn't have done that but punching her in the face was over the line.

The irony here is that jaywalking laws exist to protect us from ourselves. So two people get manhandled for being stupid.

Common sense would lead to painting the crosswalk where people actually tend to cross the street.


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