Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Not really, I believe in personal responsibility, even as a drunk, but the term "I blame whitey" is fun, you have to admit that.
As a lawyer who files police brutality cases (valid ones) probably 4 or 5 times a year, from what I saw in the video, the officer was within his discretion and was responding to the second individual who came up and interfered.

You DONT interject yourself into an encounter between an officer and someone else. You just don't. And that's what the second girl did. Restraining someone for simply not signing a ticket is overkill, however, if the girl seemed to pose a threat...which is possible given the video....then if she doesn't respond to the verbal commands...he can restrain her. That's the law.

Has anyone in this thread noticed that the guy with the high-quality video camera seemed to be lying-in-wait? It's like they planned this to make the video and "get" the cop.

I'm white...but I fight for the rights of non-whites every day and this video pisses me off.
An emotional teen helping her friend...stupid, yes but still not deserving a punch in the face.

Over jaywalking. GMAFB.
Why do white people blindly defend cops?

This started because this girl was jaywalking. That's right, she was crossing the street the wrong way, and he slams her into a car hood because she doesn't sign the stupid ticket. This cop should have more self control that to physically assault two girls who don't want to listen to him.

It's the right's blind 'Statism'... when the state, and the agents of the state (police) arrest, incarcerate, kill (soldiers) and execute human beings, the 'State' is just doing God's work. The state only becomes evil when it helps people.
Has anyone in this thread noticed that the guy with the high-quality video camera seemed to be lying-in-wait? It's like they planned this to make the video and "get" the cop.

Interesting thought.......

Another slant, what if the Cop had just let the girls Jaywalk and one of them was run over? Then he would have been at fault for witnessing a criminal violation, doing nothing and letting someone get run over.

One of those no win situations?

1. That cop was a huge pussy.

2. If a cop EVER tried to cite me for jaywalking AND lecture me about it there is no doubt in my mind that I would have an attitude with him the entire time.

3. Once a cop has decided that he is going to arrest me I'm not going to resist.

4. If a cop is trying to handcuff my friend there is no way in fucking hell that I am going to try to stop him from doing it.

5. The cop had every right to hit that chic in her face.

6. The cop was a huge pussy.
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What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.

as a sexist? :eusa_angel:

You're probably right... I suppose I should change and just start punching women that get obnoxious in the face. Damn, I have a feeling my knuckles are going to get very, very sore. :lol:

I never understood the mentality that thinks just because someone carries a gun, or wears a badge, they are better than I am.

No one said they were better than you. However, since they are out there risking their life everyday keeping or attempting to keep people safe; they do deserve some measure of respect.

Something that too many people these days just do not seem to understand.
Perhaps if they stop punching girls in the face and slamming them on cars for JAYWALKING they would get more respect.

Respect must be earned.

Actions like this make the police lose respect.

Problem is that we didn't see the entire incident. Conveniently, the video starts after the incident is well under way. What, if anything, was edited out?

An emotional teen helping her friend...stupid, yes but still not deserving a punch in the face.

Over jaywalking. GMAFB.

"helping her friend" by putting hands on a cop.

give ME a fucking break. You don't interfere with cops. Lesson #1.
Why do white people blindly defend cops?

This started because this girl was jaywalking. That's right, she was crossing the street the wrong way, and he slams her into a car hood because she doesn't sign the stupid ticket. This cop should have more self control that to physically assault two girls who don't want to listen to him.

I believe the two girls involved here were NOT the one being ticketed for jaywalkiing.
An emotional teen helping her friend...stupid, yes but still not deserving a punch in the face.

Over jaywalking. GMAFB.

Actually, the issue was the whole resisting arrest and assaulting an officer deal, but don't let facts get in the way- you never have before, after all.
The one that got punched wasn't resisting arrest.

However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Actually, the issue was the whole resisting arrest and assaulting an officer deal, but don't let facts get in the way- you never have before, after all.
The one that got punched wasn't resisting arrest.

However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.
The one that got punched wasn't resisting arrest.

However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.

I'm way ahead of you on that one... see my first post in this thread. ;)

What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.

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The one that got punched wasn't resisting arrest.

However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.
Yes, well, he forgot about the taser and didn't feel like having to fill out a report explaining why he shot the bitch.

Now what's with your love of criminals and your hatred of the law?
However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.
Yes, well, he forgot about the taser and didn't feel like having to fill out a report explaining why he shot the bitch.

Now what's with your love of criminals and your hatred of the law?
I don't like police states. Maybe you should change your tag line to Fascist Piglet.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.
Yes, well, he forgot about the taser and didn't feel like having to fill out a report explaining why he shot the bitch.

Now what's with your love of criminals and your hatred of the law?
I don't like police states. Maybe you should change your tag line to Fascist Piglet.


So, in your small mind not allowing people to attack LEO without suffering consequences = police state?

I suggest you go read some things about what your buddy Obama intends to do stateside with Predator drones and then get back to us about police state...........

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