Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

I'm a woman and I think he was justified in punching her in the face. If you look closely at the picture, he has ahold of her other hand only inches from his gun.

If he'd shot her would you say the same thing?

Dumb ass. There is a big difference between nonlethal and lethal force and when they are justified in being used!
I think the problem here is the disrespect for authority that leads to abuse of the police, they get it day after day, and especially if it's a Black person, ready to call the NAACP and Al Sharpton and company, the police are supposed to turn the other cheek at all times.

It's only natural for some to reach the boiling point. Add to the mix the fact that anyone and everyone can edit a YouTube video in 20 minutes, call a lawyer, call the press, and then go on Oprah claiming victimhood, and here we are,the thugs are heros and the hardworking police are the bad guys. Power to the people, man!
to the idiot who said that blacks are predisposed to crime. Don't be stupid.


Im the person who said the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity. If I'm wrong how come the Negro is locked up in prisons at a rate far greater than the white-man? Negros come from Africa where civilization is only starting to really take hold.

Let's look at Wash DC. The crime rate drop in that district is directly and statistically proportional to the Negro women having abortions.
to the idiot who said that blacks are predisposed to crime. Don't be stupid.


Im the person who said the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity. If I'm wrong how come the Negro is locked up in prisons at a rate far greater than the white-man? Negros come from Africa where civilization is only starting to really take hold.

Let's look at Wash DC. The crime rate drop in that district is directly and statistically proportional to the Negro women having abortions.

Lovely sentiment... :rolleyes:
to the idiot who said that blacks are predisposed to crime. Don't be stupid.


Im the person who said the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity. If I'm wrong how come the Negro is locked up in prisons at a rate far greater than the white-man? Negros come from Africa where civilization is only starting to really take hold.

Let's look at Wash DC. The crime rate drop in that district is directly and statistically proportional to the Negro women having abortions.

It's a socio economic problem, not one of color you dolt. You don't think that if someone took all your shit and threw you into the middle of Compton that your lily white ass wouldn't be committing crimes within 10 minutes? You don't think poor white people commit crimes? What about affluent blacks? Heard any reports of Oprah or Bill Cosby jacking cars?

Environment also plays a role, you grow up in thug life you're likely to be a thug yourself, regardless of money, or skin color.

I still say if we dropped all the coddling to blacks and made them actually you know equal, they would bring themselves up to whites in terms of criminality and such. I seriously doubt that blacks or whites in power are actually interested in having that happen.
You don't think that if someone took all your shit and threw you into the middle of Compton that your lily white ass wouldn't be committing crimes within 10 minutes?
I'd call the cops to help me.
I am not talking about resisting arrest, I am talking about resisting the cop attitude that thinks he can "lecture" someone.
How does one go about resisting a police officer who is issuing a warning (lecturing) without escalating to an arrest situation?

In the example of jay-walking, which is an offense; an officer can arrest you for it, or he can issue a summons for it, or he can tell you (warn you) on why it is dangerous. If you resist the warning, and you refuse to accept the summons, he can arrest you. And if you resist arrest he can use as much force as is necessary to subdue you.

I agree that it is a relatively petty circumstance but it is nonetheless a matter of law, so it comes down to whether one is stupid enough to actively escalate what could be a simple warning to the level of a forcible arrest, which seems to be the situation in the topic incident.
Aint no white cop coming to save your ass in Compton, that I can promise you.
I would just want the cops help no matter what the color. But hey, has that ever happened where someone took all of someone shit and then threw them in the middle of Compton?

Or did you make that up?
Aint no white cop coming to save your ass in Compton, that I can promise you.
I would just want the cops help no matter what the color. But hey, has that ever happened where someone took all of someone shit and then threw them in the middle of Compton?

Or did you make that up?

You ever see Training Day that ****** left that honky in Compton. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVKT0DeeEi4]YouTube - Training Day scene - card game[/ame]
The cop appeared to be completely justified in everything that he did, with the exception of punching the woman square in the face.

Everything that the girls did was wrong.

Actually, by law the police officer is allowed, if not encouraged, to escalte use of force in this way in these situations. From everyhting ive read, it appears this police officer will face no charges at all. In fact the police officers guild said they were relieved that someone actually had a video of it, because it proves the police officer did nothing wrong.

What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.

In my opinion, that girl's behavior forfeited her right to protection under the don't-punch-women-in-the-face rule. Hopefully for her sake she'll know better in the future.
Negro people are genetically predisposed to criminal activity. Most of them have no idea why they break the law, they just do it. It's almost like breathing to Negros. Obama has done well becuase he is half-white.

SFC, see what I mean about this turning into a racial thing...

Yukon, I am genetically predisposed to criminal activity? Really? I have never been arrested, did 20 years in the Navy, have a daughter in college and married to the mother of my child.

Explain to me how genetically predisposed I am again? Or are you just trolling?


Perhaps there is some "white" blood in your past I dont know. I do know though that the vast proportional majority of people in American prisons are Negro. Thais is a statistical fact which proves my point - Nergo people are predisposed to crime due to a genetic fault.

A non-sequitur from an uneducated non-thinker.

What a surprise.

I wonder what the ratio is for defrocked priests and sex offenders.
to the idiot who said that blacks are predisposed to crime. Don't be stupid.


Im the person who said the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity. If I'm wrong how come the Negro is locked up in prisons at a rate far greater than the white-man? Negros come from Africa where civilization is only starting to really take hold.

Let's look at Wash DC. The crime rate drop in that district is directly and statistically proportional to the Negro women having abortions.

It's a socio economic problem, not one of color you dolt. You don't think that if someone took all your shit and threw you into the middle of Compton that your lily white ass wouldn't be committing crimes within 10 minutes? You don't think poor white people commit crimes? What about affluent blacks? Heard any reports of Oprah or Bill Cosby jacking cars?

Environment also plays a role, you grow up in thug life you're likely to be a thug yourself, regardless of money, or skin color.

I still say if we dropped all the coddling to blacks and made them actually you know equal, they would bring themselves up to whites in terms of criminality and such. I seriously doubt that blacks or whites in power are actually interested in having that happen.

I wonder whether the masses of Irish who were thrown into the ghettos ever left the ghettos and changed their culture...

Blacks don't want equality. They've been begging to be treated as inferior ever since MLKJ demanded special treatment for blacks instead of equality. The Kings, Jacksons, and Sharptons of thew world teach young black children that they're inferior to the White man and can't succeed without handouts. They then teach them to blame an evil White racist system for all their failures and their decision top use crack.

The problem is with whom they choose to listen to and follow.
Resisting cops is my right as an American citizen, whether they believe it or not.

You're right...no one can stop you from breaking the law and giving yourself a few days in jail...it's your right to make a complete ass out of yourself in public even...but when there are statutes against such behavior be prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions....that being said...the cop was wrong for punching her in the face...the first thing he should have noticed or been aware of was the advent of cell phone video camera technology. Second thing was with a gathering crowd of agitated citizens it's always best to call for back up so he has a witness in his corner. More than likely if there was another cop there he never would have thrown that punch. Looks like the young woman will get a nice fat check from the county.
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