Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.
Yes, well, he forgot about the taser and didn't feel like having to fill out a report explaining why he shot the bitch.

Now what's with your love of criminals and your hatred of the law?
I don't like police states. Maybe you should change your tag line to Fascist Piglet.


right...because the definition of 'police state' is a nation in which cops don't lie down and let a gang beta them to death or slet someone go just because they don't want to be arrested :rolleyes:
Yes, well, he forgot about the taser and didn't feel like having to fill out a report explaining why he shot the bitch.

Now what's with your love of criminals and your hatred of the law?
I don't like police states. Maybe you should change your tag line to Fascist Piglet.


So, in your small mind not allowing people to attack LEO without suffering consequences = police state?

I suggest you go read some things about what your buddy Obama intends to do stateside with Predator drones and then get back to us about police state...........
I suggest you work on your reading comprehension.
I don't like police states. Maybe you should change your tag line to Fascist Piglet.


So, in your small mind not allowing people to attack LEO without suffering consequences = police state?

I suggest you go read some things about what your buddy Obama intends to do stateside with Predator drones and then get back to us about police state...........
I suggest you work on your reading comprehension.

MY reading comprehension skills are just fine, like last night where you pointedly said you don't care if 20000 oil workers lost their jobs.

You clearly care nothing about facts Ravi, now go ride some more Obama cock.
The one that got punched wasn't resisting arrest.

However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.

Nope. You're wrong.

1. Perhaps he didnt have a taser
2. Tasers can actually lead to more damage than a punch and even death.
3. With that many people around and no idea as to who was going to jump in next...he did what he had to do.

It's hilarious that you think someone should get away with messing with the police. Actually, no it's not. It's misguided.
However she both assaulted an officer and interfered with him while he was performing his duties. I believe both of those are crimes. I know the first one is.

Yes, she did. But punching her in the face was wrong.
Yes, well, he forgot about the taser and didn't feel like having to fill out a report explaining why he shot the bitch.

Now what's with your love of criminals and your hatred of the law?

Jaywalking: the next Islamofascism...:eek:
When you break the law, youre damn right he can lecture you, and more, so you better listen to what he says and answer with alot of "yes sir"s.

Wrong. Ask a lawyer, I don't have to listen to a cop just because he is talking, and I never have to say yes sir to anything he says.

You are right QW ... no one HAS to do anything.....free will and all, however, we do have to live with the results/consequences of our decisions. You don't have to listen to the cop lecture you........however, what's the alternative?

I, for one, will listen to a lecture while thinking to myself .....when this is over I'm going to buy myself something to make me feel better ...... and let the cop go on his way, rather than escalating a situation.

If I feel the cop is wrong I'll sign the ticket and fight it in court, where the fight should be conducted, not on the street .... and take that lawyer that says I don't have to listen....

just my take on the situation

May I point out that thinking about something else while a person is talking is not listening? I know that because everyone who has ever lectured me feels compelled to point out that my dreamy state is not listening. :lol:

I do agree about the consequences though, and I do fully understand them, which is why I often get away with things that should get me in trouble.
He didn't He used force when two people was physically resisting arrest and assaulting an officer.

How can they be arrested for resisting arrest when they are not being arrested?

Right, so when the jaywalker tries to stab the cop, you'll go after the cop...

fuck off

If someone pulls a knife it is no longer jaywalking. Did either of those girls pull a knife? Or even assault that cop before he grabbed them?
I heard about this on Medved. What they didn't tell you is that he was writing a j-walking ticket. This was an area where many pedrestrians had gotten hit by cars. Yes I would have been angry to get a j-walking ticket, but that doesn't give these women that right to attack a police, which is what the camera didn't show. Then the officer stated you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer. Then the cameras rolled!
Of course it's edited..and of course it's a set up. This is the shit that pisses me off when people screw things up for the people who actually ARE abused!
I didn't say she should have gotten away with it. I said punching her in the face was wrong.

Do you have lots of experience with dealing with one suspect while another one attacks you from behind in the midst of a hostile crowd? If not, once again, your opinion doesn't mean SHIT.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

You're kidding right? First, if you're not man enough to take a shot to the face, you probably best not man up to a LEO. Second, we are talking about a split second decision to a potentially dangerous situation. What if she had grabbed his pistol and shot him?

Easy to judge a LEO when you've never dealt with the public in the manner they do.
Negro people are genetically predisposed to criminal activity. Most of them have no idea why they break the law, they just do it. It's almost like breathing to Negros. Obama has done well becuase he is half-white.

SFC, see what I mean about this turning into a racial thing...

Yukon, I am genetically predisposed to criminal activity? Really? I have never been arrested, did 20 years in the Navy, have a daughter in college and married to the mother of my child.

Explain to me how genetically predisposed I am again? Or are you just trolling?


Perhaps there is some "white" blood in your past I dont know. I do know though that the vast proportional majority of people in American prisons are Negro. Thais is a statistical fact which proves my point - Nergo people are predisposed to crime due to a genetic fault.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

I'm a woman and I think he was justified in punching her in the face. If you look closely at the picture, he has ahold of her other hand only inches from his gun.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

I'm a woman and I think he was justified in punching her in the face. If you look closely at the picture, he has ahold of her other hand only inches from his gun.

If he'd shot her would you say the same thing?
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

I'm a woman and I think he was justified in punching her in the face. If you look closely at the picture, he has ahold of her other hand only inches from his gun.

If he'd shot her would you say the same thing?

Depends on the circumstances. Do you think he should have instead let her grab his gun? Then he'd be the one dead....good idea, that, don't ya think?
I'm a woman and I think he was justified in punching her in the face. If you look closely at the picture, he has ahold of her other hand only inches from his gun.

If he'd shot her would you say the same thing?

Depends on the circumstances. Do you think he should have instead let her grab his gun? Then he'd be the one dead....good idea, that, don't ya think?

I honestly think some of these morons would have preferred that outcome

to the idiot who said that blacks are predisposed to crime. Don't be stupid.

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