Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Actually, by law the police officer is allowed, if not encouraged, to escalte use of force in this way in these situations. From everyhting ive read, it appears this police officer will face no charges at all. In fact the police officers guild said they were relieved that someone actually had a video of it, because it proves the police officer did nothing wrong.

What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.

In my opinion, that girl's behavior forfeited her right to protection under the don't-punch-women-in-the-face rule. Hopefully for her sake she'll know better in the future.

I agree that the woman was in the wrong, however, I was raised, in other words it was ingrained in my soul, that "thou shalt not hit a woman, especially not in the face or the stomach." Whether she deserved to be hit, maced, pepper sprayed or what have you, hitting a woman in that manner was not something that I would have done. She deserved to be arrested, for interfering with a police officer. But, his punching her in the face was unprofessional.

Another issue here is what he did when he hit her. He released control of the other suspect and made himself vulnerable to her. She was in range to grab his gun and then this could have been very ugly.

Within his rights or not, I would not have punched her like that.


Im the person who said the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity. If I'm wrong how come the Negro is locked up in prisons at a rate far greater than the white-man? Negros come from Africa where civilization is only starting to really take hold.

Let's look at Wash DC. The crime rate drop in that district is directly and statistically proportional to the Negro women having abortions.

It's a socio economic problem, not one of color you dolt. You don't think that if someone took all your shit and threw you into the middle of Compton that your lily white ass wouldn't be committing crimes within 10 minutes? You don't think poor white people commit crimes? What about affluent blacks? Heard any reports of Oprah or Bill Cosby jacking cars?

Environment also plays a role, you grow up in thug life you're likely to be a thug yourself, regardless of money, or skin color.

I still say if we dropped all the coddling to blacks and made them actually you know equal, they would bring themselves up to whites in terms of criminality and such. I seriously doubt that blacks or whites in power are actually interested in having that happen.

I wonder whether the masses of Irish who were thrown into the ghettos ever left the ghettos and changed their culture...

Blacks don't want equality. They've been begging to be treated as inferior ever since MLKJ demanded special treatment for blacks instead of equality. The Kings, Jacksons, and Sharptons of thew world teach young black children that they're inferior to the White man and can't succeed without handouts. They then teach them to blame an evil White racist system for all their failures and their decision top use crack.

The problem is with whom they choose to listen to and follow.

I don't disagree with you, I just don't think it's an issue of "them dumb african ******* can't do no better" like some. It's a matter of they CHOOSE not to do better.

Im the person who said the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity. If I'm wrong how come the Negro is locked up in prisons at a rate far greater than the white-man? Negros come from Africa where civilization is only starting to really take hold.

Let's look at Wash DC. The crime rate drop in that district is directly and statistically proportional to the Negro women having abortions.

It's a socio economic problem, not one of color you dolt. You don't think that if someone took all your shit and threw you into the middle of Compton that your lily white ass wouldn't be committing crimes within 10 minutes? You don't think poor white people commit crimes? What about affluent blacks? Heard any reports of Oprah or Bill Cosby jacking cars?

Environment also plays a role, you grow up in thug life you're likely to be a thug yourself, regardless of money, or skin color.

I still say if we dropped all the coddling to blacks and made them actually you know equal, they would bring themselves up to whites in terms of criminality and such. I seriously doubt that blacks or whites in power are actually interested in having that happen.

I wonder whether the masses of Irish who were thrown into the ghettos ever left the ghettos and changed their culture...

Blacks don't want equality. They've been begging to be treated as inferior ever since MLKJ demanded special treatment for blacks instead of equality. The Kings, Jacksons, and Sharptons of thew world teach young black children that they're inferior to the White man and can't succeed without handouts. They then teach them to blame an evil White racist system for all their failures and their decision top use crack.

The problem is with whom they choose to listen to and follow.

MLK didn't want special treatment, he wanted equality. He wanted his children to be judged on the content of the character, not the color of their skin. I do judge them on the content of their character, and I find them wanting. They have used his image and his famous speech to make fortunes for themselves. They care nothing for the actual words of the speech and won't even allow it to be aired on MLK day unless they are paid a lot of money. MLK was not perfect, his children are much worse.
What happened before the video probably has an awful lot to do with the incident, but right or wrong, justified or not, a man punching a woman in the face... just plain seems wrong to me.

I don't know what caused this and I must say that it appears to me that the officer was justified in defending himself and both of those ladies need to be arrested, but I still have a problem with him punching her in the face.

Probably just the way I was raised.

In my opinion, that girl's behavior forfeited her right to protection under the don't-punch-women-in-the-face rule. Hopefully for her sake she'll know better in the future.

I agree that the woman was in the wrong, however, I was raised, in other words it was ingrained in my soul, that "thou shalt not hit a woman, especially not in the face or the stomach." Whether she deserved to be hit, maced, pepper sprayed or what have you, hitting a woman in that manner was not something that I would have done. She deserved to be arrested, for interfering with a police officer. But, his punching her in the face was unprofessional.

Another issue here is what he did when he hit her. He released control of the other suspect and made himself vulnerable to her. She was in range to grab his gun and then this could have been very ugly.

Within his rights or not, I would not have punched her like that.


If you watch the video closely, the girl in pink, the one he punched, he had hold of her other hand and it was within inches of his gun. What exactly was he suppose to do?
In my opinion, that girl's behavior forfeited her right to protection under the don't-punch-women-in-the-face rule. Hopefully for her sake she'll know better in the future.

I agree that the woman was in the wrong, however, I was raised, in other words it was ingrained in my soul, that "thou shalt not hit a woman, especially not in the face or the stomach." Whether she deserved to be hit, maced, pepper sprayed or what have you, hitting a woman in that manner was not something that I would have done. She deserved to be arrested, for interfering with a police officer. But, his punching her in the face was unprofessional.

Another issue here is what he did when he hit her. He released control of the other suspect and made himself vulnerable to her. She was in range to grab his gun and then this could have been very ugly.

Within his rights or not, I would not have punched her like that.


If you watch the video closely, the girl in pink, the one he punched, he had hold of her other hand and it was within inches of his gun. What exactly was he suppose to do?

I watched it very closely, several times, and disagree with you completely.

She pushed him and then backed off after which he lunged at her. She was no where near his gun at the time.

She was in the wrong, there is no doubt about it, but his actions were unprofessional and unsafe.

I just don't think it's an issue of "them dumb african ******* can't do no better" like some. It's a matter of they CHOOSE not to do better.
Either way they are still a burdon to a civil socity.
Look...excuses can be made for the cop all day. The facts are these...he failed to properly carry out his duties. He didn't call for and wait for his back up to arrive and he punched the woman in the face.

She will get a nice check from the State over this.
Look...excuses can be made for the cop all day. The facts are these...he failed to properly carry out his duties. He didn't call for and wait for his back up to arrive and he punched the woman in the face.

She will get a nice check from the State over this.

If I were on the jury, she'd get zip. But then again, they wouldn't put me on the jury.
Look...excuses can be made for the cop all day. The facts are these...he failed to properly carry out his duties. He didn't call for and wait for his back up to arrive and he punched the woman in the face.

She will get a nice check from the State over this.

If I were on the jury, she'd get zip. But then again, they wouldn't put me on the jury.

It'll never go to court...it will settle outside the courtroom.
Look...excuses can be made for the cop all day. The facts are these...he failed to properly carry out his duties. He didn't call for and wait for his back up to arrive and he punched the woman in the face.

She will get a nice check from the State over this.

If I were the cop I would be totally embarrassed about the whole thing. Dude looked like a total bitch.

That chic was still moronic for trying to get between him and the other girl.
It's a socio economic problem, not one of color you dolt. You don't think that if someone took all your shit and threw you into the middle of Compton that your lily white ass wouldn't be committing crimes within 10 minutes? You don't think poor white people commit crimes? What about affluent blacks? Heard any reports of Oprah or Bill Cosby jacking cars?

Environment also plays a role, you grow up in thug life you're likely to be a thug yourself, regardless of money, or skin color.

I still say if we dropped all the coddling to blacks and made them actually you know equal, they would bring themselves up to whites in terms of criminality and such. I seriously doubt that blacks or whites in power are actually interested in having that happen.

I wonder whether the masses of Irish who were thrown into the ghettos ever left the ghettos and changed their culture...

Blacks don't want equality. They've been begging to be treated as inferior ever since MLKJ demanded special treatment for blacks instead of equality. The Kings, Jacksons, and Sharptons of thew world teach young black children that they're inferior to the White man and can't succeed without handouts. They then teach them to blame an evil White racist system for all their failures and their decision top use crack.

The problem is with whom they choose to listen to and follow.

MLK didn't want special treatment, he wanted equality. He wanted his children to be judged on the content of the character, not the color of their skin. I do judge them on the content of their character, and I find them wanting. They have used his image and his famous speech to make fortunes for themselves. They care nothing for the actual words of the speech and won't even allow it to be aired on MLK day unless they are paid a lot of money. MLK was not perfect, his children are much worse.
If you don't judge them on the color of their skin then why are you lumping them in to a a group called "their" "them" and "they"?

At least the OP is honest about his own racism.
Look...excuses can be made for the cop all day. The facts are these...he failed to properly carry out his duties. He didn't call for and wait for his back up to arrive and he punched the woman in the face.

She will get a nice check from the State over this.


I agree with your analysis completely. This negress most likely planeed the entire event with money being her motivation. What I have stated in earlier posts, and continue to believe, is that the Negro (male and female) has a gene that predisposes them to crimainal activity. It is this gene mixed with their laziness gene that creates so much work for white-men in Prisions as Correctional Officers.

I'm quite certain that as we continue to progress with the genome projects in the advanced countries that soon science will be able to repair these defectrive genes thereby reducing crime, unemployment, illegal immigration, deficit reduction, and much more.
Bull Shit. I know blacks, whites, and Puerto Ricans who live in the "HOOD". and there isn't an pounce of difference in most of them. For the most part they dream about the big score. Most of them will remain on government assistance their entire lives. A few will get off their ass and get out. Even though, I do know a few who grew up there, still live there, and are doing better financially than I ever cared about. Of course they don't flaunt that. Of course they are the exception.
I wonder whether the masses of Irish who were thrown into the ghettos ever left the ghettos and changed their culture...

Blacks don't want equality. They've been begging to be treated as inferior ever since MLKJ demanded special treatment for blacks instead of equality. The Kings, Jacksons, and Sharptons of thew world teach young black children that they're inferior to the White man and can't succeed without handouts. They then teach them to blame an evil White racist system for all their failures and their decision top use crack.

The problem is with whom they choose to listen to and follow.

MLK didn't want special treatment, he wanted equality. He wanted his children to be judged on the content of the character, not the color of their skin. I do judge them on the content of their character, and I find them wanting. They have used his image and his famous speech to make fortunes for themselves. They care nothing for the actual words of the speech and won't even allow it to be aired on MLK day unless they are paid a lot of money. MLK was not perfect, his children are much worse.
If you don't judge them on the color of their skin then why are you lumping them in to a a group called "their" "them" and "they"?

At least the OP is honest about his own racism.

What do you want me to call his children? I thought them, their and they were perfectly acceptable pronouns. I'm talking about MLK's children, not black people in general.

You think I'm racist because I don't like a family that won't let a town build a statue to their father without paying them $200,000? Because I don't like them because they won't let any network air his famous speech on HIS day?

That's not racism, that judging his children on the content of their character, actually, their lack thereof.
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[ MLK didn't want special treatment, he wanted equality.
Revisionist bullshit.
See: Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged

See:Why we can't wait

King was 'not struggling for some abstract, vague rights'

He supported racial quotas: 'If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company'

And AA 'No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. '

Here. Read, learn, and come back when you have a clue Myths of Martin Luther King by Marcus Epstein [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Questions-About-American-History-Supposed/dp/0307346684"]Amazon.com: 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask (9780307346681):…[/ame]

He wanted his children to be judged on the content of the character, not the color of their skin. I do judge them on the content of their character, and I find them wanting
No, he didn't He said that one time in one speech meant for White people to hear. His books reveal something very different. Again, go. Read. Come back when you have a clue.

. They have used his image and his famous speech to make fortunes for themselves. They care nothing for the actual words of the speech
No, they care about what he wrote in the books, not some speech meant for Whitey's ears
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Look...excuses can be made for the cop all day. The facts are these...he failed to properly carry out his duties. He didn't call for and wait for his back up to arrive and he punched the woman in the face.

She will get a nice check from the State over this.

If I were the cop I would be totally embarrassed about the whole thing. Dude looked like a total bitch.

That chic was still moronic for trying to get between him and the other girl.

Precisely...there's no law against stupidity....however much it's warranted.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

You're kidding right? First, if you're not man enough to take a shot to the face, you probably best not man up to a LEO. Second, we are talking about a split second decision to a potentially dangerous situation. What if she had grabbed his pistol and shot him?

Easy to judge a LEO when you've never dealt with the public in the manner they do.

Nope. She could never be man enough. We can do what ifs all day. What if a man high on high on drugs does the same thing and he punches him in the face?

It's easy to judge people when you know nothing about them.
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You want to tell me why you think that was a lie, and why you felt like neg repping me for telling the truth?

Just a note, amongst the posters here I think you'll find I'm the most honest. I may be wrong on occasion but I don't LIE!!!!

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