Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

Bullshit. Total complete 100% Bullshit.

No, it's not. Any man that condones punching a woman in the face is more likely to punch a woman in the face.

1st off, I have never, in my life struck a woman (a girl once in HS, but I didn't know it was a girl)(long story).

2nd, we are not talking about a man striking a woman but a police officer defending himself in a dangerous situation. I can only thank God he didn't go for his gun. All hell would have broke loose.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

Bullshit. Total complete 100% Bullshit.

No, it's not. Any man that condones punching a woman in the face is more likely to punch a woman in the face.

Some woman do deserve to be punched in the face, the girl in the pink was certainly one of them. Tell me, would you feel the same way if it was a female cop that punched her?
I agree that the woman was in the wrong, however, I was raised, in other words it was ingrained in my soul, that "thou shalt not hit a woman, especially not in the face or the stomach." Whether she deserved to be hit, maced, pepper sprayed or what have you, hitting a woman in that manner was not something that I would have done. She deserved to be arrested, for interfering with a police officer. But, his punching her in the face was unprofessional.

Another issue here is what he did when he hit her. He released control of the other suspect and made himself vulnerable to her. She was in range to grab his gun and then this could have been very ugly.

Within his rights or not, I would not have punched her like that.


If you watch the video closely, the girl in pink, the one he punched, he had hold of her other hand and it was within inches of his gun. What exactly was he suppose to do?

I watched it very closely, several times, and disagree with you completely.

She pushed him and then backed off after which he lunged at her. She was no where near his gun at the time.

She was in the wrong, there is no doubt about it, but his actions were unprofessional and unsafe.


Watch it again, this time note where both her hands are.
Any woman dating/married to a man that feels it was okay for the cop to punch the lady in the face should leave that fucker now.

Bullshit. Total complete 100% Bullshit.

No, it's not. Any man that condones punching a woman in the face is more likely to punch a woman in the face.

So in your mind

A) Female criminals should be treated differently than male criminals


B) No woman could ever do ANYTHING to deserve being hit under ANY circumstances?

Im sorry my son but what you say is based on PCism not fact. Affluent Megro people have only us whites to thank because they'd all still be 'swinging-from-trees' if it werent for us.
Or if anyone prefers a different approach...



Black behavior is just consistently different from that of white behavior. These fucking she-beasts in Seattle look, sound and behave interchangeably with she-beasts in Brooklyn, Ohio, Miami, Kansas City or anywhere else you find them. This incident could have been filmed anywhere. Blacks behavior is violent, hair-trigger, uncontrolled. It just is.

For pointing that fact out, I realize, you're called a "racist."

Let's concede that ugly incidents like the one in Seattle are to be avoided. It's a waste of fucking time, energy and resources for whites to be babysitting the untamed baboons of the human family when they could be living peaceful, productive lives. Separate the fucking races. Yesterday. Let blacks stew under flies in Africa the way God stationed them to begin with. Without whites, they wouldn't have streets to jaywalk to begin with.
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You want to tell me why you think that was a lie, and why you felt like neg repping me for telling the truth?

Just a note, amongst the posters here I think you'll find I'm the most honest. I may be wrong on occasion but I don't LIE!!!!


you lied and I negged you for lying

then proved you a liar

[ MLK didn't want special treatment, he wanted equality.
Revisionist bullshit.
See: Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged

See:Why we can't wait

King was 'not struggling for some abstract, vague rights'

He supported racial quotas: 'If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company'

And AA 'No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. '

Here. Read, learn, and come back when you have a clue Myths of Martin Luther King by Marcus Epstein [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Questions-About-American-History-Supposed/dp/0307346684"]Amazon.com: 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask (9780307346681):…[/ame]

He wanted his children to be judged on the content of the character, not the color of their skin. I do judge them on the content of their character, and I find them wanting
No, he didn't He said that one time in one speech meant for White people to hear. His books reveal something very different. Again, go. Read. Come back when you have a clue.

Now you're lying about it and crying about being negged.

No grow up and stop both your crying and your lying, you sack of shit.
Everyone needs to stop blaming blacks, by God their great great grandfathers were slaves and they earned the right for their progeny to act like wild animals in perpetuity. At least that seems to be what some blacks believe.
Bullshit. Total complete 100% Bullshit.

No, it's not. Any man that condones punching a woman in the face is more likely to punch a woman in the face.

1st off, I have never, in my life struck a woman (a girl once in HS, but I didn't know it was a girl)(long story).

2nd, we are not talking about a man striking a woman but a police officer defending himself in a dangerous situation. I can only thank God he didn't go for his gun. All hell would have broke loose.

I didn't say that you would punch a woman in the face (even though you did), I said a man would be more likely.
Bullshit. Total complete 100% Bullshit.

No, it's not. Any man that condones punching a woman in the face is more likely to punch a woman in the face.

So in your mind

A) Female criminals should be treated differently than male criminals


B) No woman could ever do ANYTHING to deserve being hit under ANY circumstances?

I didn't say anything about being treated differently. A man should not punch a woman in the face. That is my stance. I understand that you think differently and I respect that.
No, it's not. Any man that condones punching a woman in the face is more likely to punch a woman in the face.

So in your mind

A) Female criminals should be treated differently than male criminals


B) No woman could ever do ANYTHING to deserve being hit under ANY circumstances?

I didn't say anything about being treated differently. A man should not punch a woman in the face. That is my stance. I understand that you think differently and I respect that.

Sorry, I can't respect that you feel a male police officer shouldn't be able to hit a female who attacks him.

Let me ask you. Should a female cop be able to punch a male attacker?
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Hi, you have received -67 reputation points from JBeukema.
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You want to tell me why you think that was a lie, and why you felt like neg repping me for telling the truth?

Just a note, amongst the posters here I think you'll find I'm the most honest. I may be wrong on occasion but I don't LIE!!!!


you lied and I negged you for lying

then proved you a liar

Revisionist bullshit.
See: Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged

See:Why we can't wait

King was 'not struggling for some abstract, vague rights'

He supported racial quotas: 'If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company'

And AA 'No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. '

Here. Read, learn, and come back when you have a clue Myths of Martin Luther King by Marcus Epstein Amazon.com: 33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask (9780307346681):…

He wanted his children to be judged on the content of the character, not the color of their skin. I do judge them on the content of their character, and I find them wanting
No, he didn't He said that one time in one speech meant for White people to hear. His books reveal something very different. Again, go. Read. Come back when you have a clue.

Now you're lying about it and crying about being negged.

No grow up and stop both your crying and your lying, you sack of shit.

I pointed out the truth about MLKs great speech and his children. I had not read his books. That doesn't make me a liar.

Plus I disagree with you. If 30% of the population is black, I see nothing wrong with them having 30% of the jobs, provided they are qualified to do those jobs. I do not think employment or any other decisions should be made on race, but on the content of the person's character and experience.

This does not make me a liar just because I disagree with you. The fact that you neg repped me shows the kind of person you are, the fact that you resorted to personal insults shows that you've already lost the debate, if you ever knew how to debate in the first place.

And the fact that you call my showing you neg repped me "crying" shows you are in fact, ashamed of your own actions and know you've lost the debate.
Plus I disagree with you. If 30% of the population is black, I see nothing wrong with them having 30% of the jobs, provided they are qualified to do those jobs.

Nice strawman. I opposed racial quotas, and you pretend anyone advocated denying jobs to blacks. :rolleyes:

That, in fact, does make you a liar.

That you declare victory while continuing to lie about someone elses' position and you are toally unable to address the facts about the matter, including his own words, which I have quoted and sourced- proves what sort of a sack of shit you really are.

I do not think employment or any other decisions should be made on race, but on the content of the person's character and experience.

King disagreed. King didn't want equality any more than Sharpton does today. Both want special treatment- that is, to inverse, rather than to end, the system of inequality and exploitation of the past.

This does not make me a liar just because I disagree with you.

You're a liar because you keep misrepresenting what people have said.

I've 'lost the debate'? :lol:

You said he believed one thing and I've proven otherwise. Of course, noone ever accused you of having a clue.
Here is the REAL answer to the OP's question

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0po3WSUlvE0]YouTube - Reed Dollaz - Gotta get Paid[/ame]
Everyone needs to stop blaming blacks, by God their great great grandfathers were slaves and they earned the right for their progeny to act like wild animals in perpetuity. At least that seems to be what some blacks believe.

........and to think that I've always believed they acted like wild, uncivilized beasts because of some genetic mistake? Thank goodness I read your explanation Hog...it's because the white man took them out of trees, put clothes on them, brought them to the USA, put a roof over their heads and fed them three-squares a day. Heck, we even introduced them to the habit of smoking that "funny weed".

Because the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity is really the fault of my lilly-white, honky ancestors?
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Everyone needs to stop blaming blacks, by God their great great grandfathers were slaves and they earned the right for their progeny to act like wild animals in perpetuity. At least that seems to be what some blacks believe.

........and to think that I've always believed they acted like wild, uncivilized beasts because of some genetic mistake? Thank goodness I read your explanation Hog...it's because the white man took them out of trees, put clothes on them, brought them to the USA, put a roof over their heads and fed them three-squares a day. Heck, we even introduced them to the habit of smoking that "funny weed".

Because the Negro is predisposed to criminal activity is really the fault of my lilly-white, honky ancestors?

Blacks simply EVOLVED DIFFERENTLY than whites... to have lower time horizons, quicker reactions to things, higher birthrates, more violence... all of their attributes fit them fine in Africa.

Just as our attributes fit us fine with winters.

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