Why do black people fight with the police so often?

Are you completely insane?

First, I do not condone a man hitting a woman, however I also do not condone a woman taking advantage of that to strike a man.

Are you completely insane?

Oh, because you said "man," the video had no bearing on that statement, right? :thup:

Second, watch the video, the officer did not appear to be interested in arresting anyone until the "young lady" attacked him. He had not placed a hand on her, he had not told her she was under arrest, how could she be resisting arrest if she wasn't being arrested? She attacked him, he defended himself and then attempted to arrest her at which point she most definitely resisted.

Really? REALLY?

Oh my bad , I miswrote. I should have said he wasn't trying to arrest the niglet in pink, you most certainly do not have the right to resist someone elses arrest.

Fuck that bitch, I wish he would have shot her dead, she's a waste of skin.

Aww, now you've been reduced to racial slurs. It's a good thing lying isn't against the law. :lol:

Also, for your reading pleasure:

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

Thanks for playing.
Also, for your reading pleasure:

One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

Thanks for playing.

oh, you forgot part of the ruling

An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

This CLEARLY was not a false arrest. Maybe you don't like the underlying law, but the cop was making a lawful arrest. That's the problem with being a captain save a ho, you don't have all the facts. I wish he tazed both those *******. Yes I use the word ******, just as I would call the exact same behavior white trash from white girls.
oh, you forgot part of the ruling

An arrest made with a defective warrant, or one issued without affidavit, or one that fails to allege a crime is within jurisdiction, and one who is being arrested, may resist arrest and break away. lf the arresting officer is killed by one who is so resisting, the killing will be no more than an involuntary manslaughter.” Housh v. People, 75 111. 491; reaffirmed and quoted in State v. Leach, 7 Conn. 452; State v. Gleason, 32 Kan. 245; Ballard v. State, 43 Ohio 349; State v Rousseau, 241 P. 2d 447; State v. Spaulding, 34 Minn. 3621.

This CLEARLY was not a false arrest. Maybe you don't like the underlying law, but the cop was making a lawful arrest. That's the problem with being a captain save a ho, you don't have all the facts. I wish he tazed both those *******. Yes I use the word ******, just as I would call the exact same behavior white trash from white girls.

So YOU'RE the judge and jury to determine that this arrest was lawful? REALLY? Your racial slurs don't bother me, slick. That just shows your ignorance...of blacks and the law. I don't know all of the facts of this situation and neither do you. You condone this behavior so is the underlying issue really about your justification of you [mistakenly] punching a girl in the face? Or did that "bitch" have it coming too?
So YOU'RE the judge and jury to determine that this arrest was lawful? REALLY? Your racial slurs don't bother me, slick. That just shows your ignorance...of blacks and the law. I don't know all of the facts of this situation and neither do you. You condone this behavior so is the underlying issue really about your justification of you [mistakenly] punching a girl in the face? Or did that "bitch" have it coming too?

So what you are saying is that any citizen ought to have the right to go interrupt any arrest and then later let the courts decide if it was a legitimate arrest or not? You don't have common sense and can tell that this arrest was valid?

Fucking idiot. and yes that bitch had it coming. I would have tazed her, but a punch to the face was ok to.
Oh my bad , I miswrote. I should have said he wasn't trying to arrest the niglet in pink, you most certainly do not have the right to resist someone elses arrest.

Fuck that bitch, I wish he would have shot her dead, she's a waste of skin.

For some odd reason, I have a strong feeling you wouldn't say that to anyone similar in person.
So what you are saying is that any citizen ought to have the right to go interrupt any arrest and then later let the courts decide if it was a legitimate arrest or not? You don't have common sense and can tell that this arrest was valid?

Fucking idiot. and yes that bitch had it coming. I would have tazed her, but a punch to the face was ok to.

An idiot makes a claim that this was a lawful arrest from an edited video. A fucking idiot punches a high school girl in the face. I'm not saying anything, but the legal precedent states that a citizen has the RIGHT to interrupt an unlawful arrest. No, not any arrest but an unlawful arrest. And every arrest is determined to be lawful or unlawful after the arrest, idiot. If every arrest was determined to be lawful/unlawful BEFORE the arrest then there would be no need for the precedent in the first place, idiot.
Oh my bad , I miswrote. I should have said he wasn't trying to arrest the niglet in pink, you most certainly do not have the right to resist someone elses arrest.

Fuck that bitch, I wish he would have shot her dead, she's a waste of skin.

For some odd reason, I have a strong feeling you wouldn't say that to anyone similar in person.

Your feeling is wrong boy.
An idiot makes a claim that this was a lawful arrest from an edited video. A fucking idiot punches a high school girl in the face. I'm not saying anything, but the legal precedent states that a citizen has the RIGHT to interrupt an unlawful arrest. No, not any arrest but an unlawful arrest. And every arrest is determined to be lawful or unlawful after the arrest, idiot. If every arrest was determined to be lawful/unlawful BEFORE the arrest then there would be no need for the precedent in the first place, idiot.

So you're saying exactly what I just said you said and you called me an idiot for asking if that's what you meant?

You do indeed feel that any citizen should be able to aid in the resistance of any arrest just in case its unlawful and then later on let the courts decide if it was legal or not.

Who's the idiot?????????????
Your feeling is wrong boy.

Okay, go to a community that is for the most part African American. Go up to ten people and call them the N word to their face. Record it as well, we'll see what happens. :thup:
Your feeling is wrong boy.

Okay, go to a community that is for the most part African American. Go up to ten people and call them the N word to their face. Record it as well, we'll see what happens. :thup:

Dont be stupid. I wouldn't go into a predominantly black community with anything less than a platoon of fire power. Look at how they disrespect LEO even.

On the real though, that's a stupid standard, I wouldn't walk into your dorm full of college kids and say that whatever college you attend sucks either. doesn't mean that I wouldn't tell you it face to face, just for example.
So you're saying exactly what I just said you said and you called me an idiot for asking if that's what you meant?

You do indeed feel that any citizen should be able to aid in the resistance of any arrest just in case its unlawful and then later on let the courts decide if it was legal or not.

Who's the idiot?????????????

Dude, I meant what I said. There are no feelings in the law, champ. You saw it. I never said what my feelings were on it, sport. Cops attempt to enforce the law. Cops do not interpret the law. The cop could have been asking the chick for some head before the video started. Neither one of us knows what happened. However, I do know that every US citizen has the RIGHT to resist an unlawful arrest by force and every citizen has the RIGHT to aid in an unlawful arrest. You can take that however you want to take it, but the precedent has been set.

Do yourself a favor and read up a little on those precedents and a few cases involving each. Then check out your local law enforcement office and find out where most of the insurance claims are paid. No, not the most money, but the number of claims. A small technicality can make a lawful arrest unlawful. It may seem like common sense to you, but the law is more complex than your common sense will allow you to understand.
Plus I disagree with you. If 30% of the population is black, I see nothing wrong with them having 30% of the jobs, provided they are qualified to do those jobs. I do not think employment or any other decisions should be made on race, but on the content of the person's character and experience.

I agree with that statement. unfortunately blacks do not have the same average qualifications, therefor they don't actually merit having population proportional job rates in skilled labour jobs.

I believe that is changing....Not necessarily because the blacks are doing better, but because whites are doing worse. There was a time when the illegitimacy rate among blacks was 30% and it was projected to be disastrous for the race. Now, nationwide our illegitimacy rate is more than 30% and it's just as disastrous for our entire population.
Dude, I meant what I said. There are no feelings in the law, champ. You saw it. I never said what my feelings were on it, sport. Cops attempt to enforce the law. Cops do not interpret the law. The cop could have been asking the chick for some head before the video started. Neither one of us knows what happened. However, I do know that every US citizen has the RIGHT to resist an unlawful arrest by force and every citizen has the RIGHT to aid in an unlawful arrest. You can take that however you want to take it, but the precedent has been set.

Do yourself a favor and read up a little on those precedents and a few cases involving each. Then check out your local law enforcement office and find out where most of the insurance claims are paid. No, not the most money, but the number of claims. A small technicality can make a lawful arrest unlawful. It may seem like common sense to you, but the law is more complex than your common sense will allow you to understand.

Oh, I understand the law. I also understand that we live in a civilized society where if you feel like you were unlawfully detained you hire an attorney and you sue, you don't have your friend attack the cop from behind and then ask why she got punched.

Isn't it odd that most of these cases are blacks??? I don't perscribed to the "blacks are less civil than other races " argument. But I DO believe that they act out more often because people allow them to use racism as a crutch and defend their actions because of their past. That has to stop. No sane person attacks a cop who is making an arrest.

And don't be stupid, you know the chances that that cop asked that girl for head or so infinitesimal as to border on nonexistent. He was giving her a ticket and she didn't like it, end of story...
Black females on average have higher testosterone levels then all other groups of females.
source and relevance?

Blacks in general have higher testosterone levels. Read "Race, Evolution and Behavior" by J. Phillipe Rushton.

Relevant for obvious reasons: they're more likely to pick fights quickly, as our black girls here did.

It matters, all of it. It matters because in a society in which it's hard law that we're all "equals", we actually aren't.

Silly me to expect to to link to a study by respected scientists supporting your assertion:rolleyes:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gCCjFbFXn8]YouTube - Chris Rock - How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police[/ame]
Oh my bad , I miswrote. I should have said he wasn't trying to arrest the niglet in pink, you most certainly do not have the right to resist someone elses arrest.

Fuck that bitch, I wish he would have shot her dead, she's a waste of skin.

And you claim to be a 21 year vet of the US military?

If you are you are a fucking embarrassment.

Hurry up and drop those "retirement" papers, scumbag, whatever branch in the US military you imagine yourself to be a part of doesn't need you.
Your feeling is wrong boy.

Okay, go to a community that is for the most part African American. Go up to ten people and call them the N word to their face. Record it as well, we'll see what happens. :thup:

8 Mile Two: The Story of ConHog

ConHog in Harlem....

For people who think we can all get along...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZAzdZIjViM]YouTube - The Lesson of Haiti - Dr. William Pierce[/ame]

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